Things from Another World

Chapter 1084: Principality of Shiraz

"The weather forecast is absolutely impossible!"

Faced with the complaints from Durandon and Isary, Ellington TV director Marlene said very seriously: "We have already signed a contract with the Weather Master of Silver City and will strictly follow the arranged weather table. There will be no mistakes in weather arrangements! "

"But something went wrong."

Carl looked at the complaint report with a headache. It was only a long time since the TV station was in business and he received the complaint. The object of the complaint was still unreliable. Durandon was the king of dwarves, and Isari was the elven queen. You must be serious. Deal with it.

"Haven't Her Majesty Tangen said it before? That's because someone on Grace's side interfered with the weather, which affected our overall layout."

Carl rolled his eyes and shook the paper: "According to Her Majesty's message, Her Majesty Durandon saw a compressed cloud flying from the north of the Ambris Mountains, which led to the dwarf kingdom. Snow fell in large areas, and snowfall in the Emerald Forest was even simpler. It was Master Albert who interfered in the weather. "

Malin slaps the table angrily: "So it's all the fault of the Gris Kingdom! Yes! The Gris people's fault!"

"Even if you know it's their fault, you can't run over to find them?"

Carl said a little weakly: "I'm afraid that the snow disaster in the Kingdom of Grace this year will be more severe than in previous years ... eh?"

Having said that, Karl Hoor stood up and suddenly remembered a very important thing, he immediately picked up the phone ...


Tang En hurried to the palace after receiving the call: "What's wrong?"

"Receiving a message may be more important."

Aurelia motioned for Down to sit down, and then said, "Carl from your TV station suddenly reported to me that the Kingdom of Grace might invade Ellington."


As soon as Tang En sat down, he almost jumped up. "Where's Stanley's courage?"

"It's not a matter of courage, it's a habit."

Alleria said with a bitter smile: "Carr also inferred from the news you gave. I am afraid that Grace will be blizzard this year."

Tang En immediately understood: "So there is a shortage of food?"

Alleria nodded: "Yes, whenever there is a blizzard in the Kingdom of Grace and there is a shortage of food in the country, they will send troops to raid adjacent border cities. Those cities on the Solent border have suffered for years But even more unfortunate is the Principality of Shiraz and Ivaran, located between Gries and Sorante, who suffer almost every year. "

"And this year some people are forced to change the weather. It can be seen that the situation is more serious, so we must also prepare in advance."

Tang Enmo said with a chin, "In other words, because of the heavy snowfall, it is likely that the army of the Kingdom of Grace will attack the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan recently and plunder supplies?"


Aurelia simply said, "So I want to ask your opinion."

"What's my opinion?"

"Considering that the Kingdom of Grace is our enemy, and that the Principalities of Shiraz and Ivanaland are essentially our territory, we should send troops to protect them from any angle."

Aurelia knocked on the table sentence by sentence and said, "If you allow Grace to plunder the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan, you will be an enemy, and at the same time, you will want to return to the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan The whole country is disappointed and very bad for our rule. "

"And preventing Grace from gaining access to forages and supplies can weaken their vigor and gain the goodwill of the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan, and prepare them for receiving them in the future."

"Secondly, the sniping of the troops of the Kingdom of Grace allows us to understand their overall strength and have a clearer understanding of the future battles between the two sides."

"To be honest," Aurelia let out a hand, "Father King has always said that the people of the Kingdom of Grace are born warriors. Although the population is small, the overall combat power is very strong and it is a very terrible enemy. But for so many years, there has been no real fight, so I don't know how strong the fighters of the Kingdom of Grace are. "

"If we really have a war with the Kingdom of Grace, it will be difficult to say the result."


Tang En's face was incredible: "Don't you think that those wild people can still win us?"

"It's not that they can win, it's that if we win, it's likely we'll win."

Alleria explained very patiently: "After all, the natural conditions of the Kingdom of Grace are very harsh. Young children can be said to have been cruelly disciplined from an early age, so their will to fight is very strong, and they are not afraid of death. The percentage of apocalypse born there is very high, and the comprehensive combat capability is very strong. More importantly, we don't know about them. "

Tang En sneered at Alleria, even if the fighters of the Kingdom of Grace are no matter how powerful, they cannot be compared with the current Illus Empire, especially the tank forces and the special mobile equipped with magic power armor. team.

If their strength is really so bad, I'm afraid they've ruled Prandall long ago, how can they have been confined to the poor conditions of Grace.

However, Tang En decided to respect Aurelia's meaning. He said: "Then come as you want, and transfer troops nearby. If you need support, please contact me at any time. I will let Grace's soldiers taste. The power of modern war. "

"It's enough to have your approval. I don't think you will need your secret weapons yet."

Aurelia said with a smile: "Grace came out routinely to fight the autumn wind, and it is impossible to send their elite soldiers. I am afraid they are all those soldiers of average strength. We must have won."

Although the overall quality of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Grace is very high, the side of the Illus Empire is not bad at all. Although most of the soldiers are still ordinary people now, they can't hold Tang Encai's arrogance!

A bunch of legendary equipment smashed down, the soldiers can easily super God on the battlefield!

Not to mention, just an assault rifle with special seed shells can make those below the gold level apocalypse miserable.

Although the gold-level apocalypse has amazing dynamic vision and dodge ability in the combat state, it can dodge or resist certain bullets, but the problem is that the bullets are cheap, but their physical strength and blood power are constantly consumed. You hid a hundred rounds and resisted a thousand rounds, but what about ten thousand rounds? What about 100,000 hair? The soldiers of a squad fired at the same time, and thousands of bullets could be poured out in just one minute. Who can carry the ordinary soldiers on the battlefield?

How much does 100,000 rounds cost? Less than a thousand gold!

It's a bargain to trade one thousand gold for the life of a gold-level apocalypse!

So Tang En is very sure, if the two sides go to war, the Kingdom of Grace will have only one way to go!

But from the beginning, Tang En never thought about using war to solve the problem. Look at the current situation of the Rennes and Ronentante. The economic invasion is stable and efficient, and the two countries can slowly annex the two countries without blood. No internal friction, great!

So Down wanted to use the same method to deal with the Kingdom of Grace.

Think about the people in that place who ca n’t eat enough and wear warm clothes. If he comes to the west to help the poor, he brings a lot of supplies to the countryside to send warmth, so that those people can feel the kindness and glory of the great leaders and enjoy a truly comfortable life. Do n’t pay attention immediately and directly claim the title?

Wouldn't it be beautiful to regain a country in this bloodless way?

It is a pity that now, Tang En overestimates the IQ of the Grace people, and underestimates the will of the Grace people, and even underestimates Stanley's ambitions ...

While Aurelia was considering which unit to send to the border to strengthen the defense, a letter of urgent help suddenly appeared on her desk.

The Principality of Shiraz urgently asks for help-Gris's looting team appears!

At the moment, Aurelia could no longer consider it any more, and directly contacted the Duke of Tares-Nitro Illus-to inform him to send troops to the Principality of Shiraz for support!

At this moment, several armies of the Illus Empire are scattered. The First Army of the Empire, the Knights of the Kingdom Sword, is still stationed in the Yalinks Military District, and the Second Army of the Empire is stationed in Yalink. Training is carried out around Sri Lanka. The main army of the Empire's Third Army (except the Ellington Elite Forces) is located in the Great Rift Valley camp. It has been fighting against demons. The number of demons has decreased recently, but it is still flowing.

The newly formed Fourth Regiment of the Empire is undergoing personnel adjustments in the Sorrant and the former Solandic army. After the personnel adjustment is completed, the former Solande army corps and the Fourth Regiment are mixed to form the fourth empire. The Legion and the Fifth Regiment of the Empire were 50,000 and 100,000, respectively.

The Ellington Special Guard is currently split into several units for decentralized training, tank units, artillery units, infantry units, cavalry units, and the elite of the small-scale organization, equipped with magic power armor-special mobile unit, also There are air forces under planning.

After several expansions, the total number of Ellington Guards has now exceeded 100,000, which can be regarded as an army. It is a bit strange to use the title of Special Guard, so in the near future Tang En intends to replace the Special Guard Reorganize.

Of course, the point now is that these troops can't be directly transferred for the time being, and the efficiency is too slow, so Aurelia can only transfer Nitro's troops.

There are more than 10,000 soldiers in the garrison led by Taris, plus the Reserve Army. If necessary, a huge army with more than 50,000 combatants can be quickly formed. At the same time, Taris is closest to the Principality of Shiraz. Yes, so finding Nitro is the most suitable.

After receiving Aurelia's notice, Nitro was unambiguous, and immediately sent 5,000 regular troops and 5,000 reserve troops to form a reinforcement, and immediately set off along the highway to the Principality of Shiraz for rapid support.

On the side of Tang En, two-handed preparations have begun ...

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