If according to the original situation, marching from Taris to the Principality of Shiraz, it will take at least four or five days to go non-stop day and night, but it is not the same now, the highway network is paved in the Empire, and Tang En also equipped them A large number of transport vehicles, although not all of them can be delivered in one go, but at least 3,000 people and supporting food and grass can be transported in the early stage, and it only takes one day to reach the destination.

After sending a batch of people, the transport vehicle can also be turned back to continue to pick up people. This way, it takes only three days to send all the people in place, saving at least half of the time!

When the soldiers of Taris started to go, the Duchy of Shiraz had already started a fierce resistance ...

Lakeside Town is located to the west of the Principality of Shiraz, where there are about 50,000 permanent residents. It is also a small town in the Principality of Shiraz.

But now, this small town with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate is drowned in the flames of war.

The blazing flame ignited the whole town, the thick black smoke covered the sky, the screams of heartbreaking sounds were heard from the streets and lanes, and the heavy hoof sounds proclaimed the approaching death. With a smile of death, the hot blood sprinkled the town and stained the lake.

The townsfolk were dominated by fear, and they desperately fled outside the town, but how could human feet run past the war horse?

"Run away hahahaha--"

A Gris cavalry caught up with the fleeing townsman. With a stab, the town's back was torn with a bone-scarce wound, and the horse's hoofs were raised high, under the man's horrified gaze. , Fell fiercely on his chest!

As if smashed by a hammer, the sternum was broken, the broken bone was inserted into the internal organs, and blood spewed out!

"Why not struggle any more? It's boring ..."

The Gris cavalry cut off the man's head and began searching for the next prey.

Suddenly, he saw a little girl in her tenth of an instant, and her eyes lighted up immediately, and she immediately whipped up and rushed to grab the little girl.

Another cavalry rushed over, "Rowell you asshole! Let her go! I discovered it first!"

Lowell scolded: "First come first! Whoever grabs first is who! If you want Her Majesty Stanley to search for prey, go find it yourself!"

After finishing Rowell, he looked closely at the little girl being carried by him, and suddenly laughed: "Nice! Really good! Maybe it's hopeful that you can join the ranks!"

It is an open secret that Her Majesty loves little girls between the ages of ten and sixteen. There was a soldier who had dedicated a lovely little girl Harriet to Her Majesty Stanley. Stanley's favor, Stanley immediately established Harriet as the new queen after killing the previous little queen, and at the same time, the soldier also received a commendation and directly won the baronial title. One hundred people squad.

The soldier's treatment stimulated others, and since then, all the people in the kingdom of Grace have begun to try to please the beautiful and lovely little girl for Stanley in order to please the king. Some parents even took the initiative to send their own little girls To Stanley, even parents, let alone these soldiers?

When her daughter was taken away, her parents panicked. The love for her daughter defeated the fear of the Gris cavalry. They rushed to the horse and hugged the cavalry's leg, begging, "Begging You! Grain! Coins! You take it all! Please let her go! She is just a child! "

"You dare dare to touch me! Let's die!"

Lowell sneered and cut off the heads of the couple, completely ignoring the blood sprayed on him. He looked at the crying little girl and laughed, "Lao Tzu wants a child."

Perhaps annoyed by the crying noise, Lowell cut it in the back of the little girl with a palm, and fainted her and placed it behind the horse.

"You guys don't understand me either!"

The other cavalry sneered: "She is a gift to Her Majesty Stanley, and may be our little queen in the future. If she blows the pillow wind at Her Majesty, maybe your head will be separated."

"We never know what is tenderness."

Lowell raised his cavalry sword, severely chopped off the head of the militia, and shouted with a chuckle: "We are noble and powerful Griss! Go and grab it when you see it, and go up when you like it What to learn about the Illus! This world belongs to the Gris! It belongs to Her Majesty Stanley! "

The Gris cavalry not far away were infected and roared loudly: "Oh! Long live Gris! Kill these pariahs! Grab them all!"

Faced with the fierce offensive of the Grace soldiers, the line of defense of the Principality of Shiraz, which only has less than 5,000 soldiers, kept backing back and back. After sending all the soldiers, it even had to start forced recruitment. It was not that Palmer Cecil, king of the Principality of Shiraz, was too ruthless, but because they had no choice.

He found that this year was different from previous years. The Kingdom of Grace's offensive was particularly fierce. It did not look like a grab and go, but there was a sign of a complete invasion that would directly destroy the Principality of Shiraz.

Therefore, in addition to forcing the militia to join the war, King Palmer of the Principality of Syrah also burned farts. The same letter sent an urgent letter to the Illus Empire-because it has always been inclined to surrender to Sorant, the West In the more than 100 years of the duchy, it has never established formal diplomatic relations with the Illus Empire. Naturally, it is impossible to leave an emergency contact method (magic letter).

King Palmer sent an urgent letter full of expectations, allowing one of the few Warcraft knights in the country to ride a flying Warcraft to Yalinks to deliver the letter, but these days the letter of help was on the road, The lakeside town began to spread rapidly, and towns such as Qingxi Town, Qianghua Town, and Gravel City quickly declared their collapse within three days. Ten thousand Grace soldiers stretched the front, formed a siege, and quickly approached Shiraz. The capital of the Principality, Shiraz.

When Alleria received a letter of help and arranged for Nitro to send troops to support the Principality of Shiraz, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Grace had now surrounded the city of Shiraz, and General Cecil, who led the army, was standing. Called out of the gates of Silas.

"Your Majesty! Can't hold on anymore!"

In the castle of Shiraz, the ministers were pale and obviously in poor condition.

"The residents of these cities are trembling, and some people have begun to encourage the city gates to be surrendered to surrender the Kingdom of Grace! If this continues, we will not escape!"

King Palmer cursed his teeth and said, "Those idiots! We have been robbed by Grace every year. After all these years, don't you know what the surrender of the Kingdom of Grace will be? I already sent out a letter of urgent help , Now our only way of life is to wait for the support of the Illus Empire! "

"But Your Majesty, the Empire of Illus has just recaptured Soland, and the army is now reorganizing. Even if they decide to send troops to support, it will take ten days to send troops from the nearest garrison! Ten days is enough for the Gris Cavalry to step on. Pinsila! "

King Palmer yelled, "Shut up! You idiots! Even if we are dead, we must not bow to Grace! Are you still unclear about the consequences of opening the gate?"

King Palmer's eyes were black and his face was dark. He was in a very bad mood these days. Many cities in Shiraz were declared smashed. The army of 5,000 was killed and wounded more than half in a row. The number of enemies captured was less than one thousand. It can be seen how far the combat effectiveness between the two sides is.

In this extremely bad situation, it is too difficult to ask for that vitality, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Grace will not give him that opportunity!

Now the city of Shiraz is overcrowded, and their homes are destroyed. A large number of refugees escaped from the fire in a carriage and hid in the city of Shiraz. Standing on the windowsill of the castle, you can see a crowd of refugees crowding the streets in the city. The number of people has far exceeded the load limit of the city.

Sorry, even if the soldiers of the Kingdom of Grace could not break through the city, just staying there for less than a month, the city of Shiraz did not attack itself and destroyed directly from the inside.


Where is the reinforcements! ?


Henry always felt that he was a very kind person. After he led the soldiers, he would never leave any trouble to the original master, and he would burn nothing and leave nothing.

So the location of those villages and towns on the border of the Principality of Shiraz changes every year, and those people may also understand his kindness, so the houses built are mainly wood, which is very easy to burn.

Well, it's great to think about each other like this.

He was very pleased, so although this year ’s routine activities have been radical, he ordered that soldiers be banned from treating prisoners and wounded. Although His Majesty ’s plan requires a lot of labor, these people in the Principality of Shiraz are too weak. It doesn't matter at all, it's not as good as the Goblet-so for the wounded and captives, they are hacked to death.

See, I didn't abuse them to torture them, I'm so kind, right?

Henry stroked his sabre lightly and looked at the city of Shiraz not far away with regret.

It's a pity that the opportunity given by such a benevolent general did not even know how to treasure it.

Well, they can only prove their mistakes with iron and blood.

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