Things from Another World

Chapter 1096: Tyrannical king

The Kingdom of Grace, the Blood Plains, and the Castle of Blood Rock.

"Hahaha! Good! Good job!"

After receiving the good news from the front, King Stanley was overjoyed, and even three sounds were good. The ministers on both sides were simple, and King Stanley was in a good mood, with a smile on his face. It seemed that the snowstorm outside was not so scary .

"Originally, the food for the winter was a bit stretched, but this time General Henry and Judson came out and brought us very rich supplies!"

Seeing the supplies being sent into Blood Rock City, the smile on Stanley's face has never disappeared. The food brought by these captives has greatly eased the food tension in Blood Rock City, and then Blood Rock City can have more adequate food. I have to go to support other cities.

As long as this winter, everything will be better!

The reason for Stanley's enthusiasm is that in addition to a large amount of grain and supplies being shipped, there is good news from the Grey Ridge Excavation Site. Master Aldridge finally found the breath of the sleepless!

This means that they are very close to the Tomb of the Sleepless!

The thought of Master Aldridge's indestructible army of insomnia is about to fall into his grasp, Stanley couldn't sleep in excitement.

With such an invincible army, He Chou can't rule Prandall! ?

Although Stanley has never heard of the so-called Army of the Sleepless, the manuscripts taken by Master Aldridge will not lie!

Stanley trusts Master Aldridge very much and gives him great power. In the Kingdom of Grace, it can be said that Master Aldridge is the existence of more than 10,000 people under that person!

His spell strength is high, alchemy is superb, and his teacher, the master of the manuscript, and the legendary mage Horus Hohenheim, who is extremely powerful, is the master of alchemy who created the sleepless!

Although I don't know why Aldridge took his teacher's manuscript to take refuge in himself, this did not prevent Stanley from using him as a weapon. Thanks to the strength of Master Aldridge, the Kingdom of Grace has gained A lot of magic equipment has also cultivated a lot of wild mage, the strength can be described as leaps and bounds.

As long as you find the Tomb of the Sleepless and get an army that can defeat even the Chaos Army, the Kingdom of Grace can fear no enemies!

The only shortcoming is that the local language of the sealless sleepless in the manuscript is unknown. It seems that Horus was very reluctant to release the sleepless again. After careful analysis by Master Aldridge, only the faceless was obtained. The tomb is below the Ambris Mountains, but it's unclear exactly where.

The Ambries are so huge, they are even home to dwarves and dwarfs. If they go in and excavate digging, they will be shocked. So Stanley had to think of a clumsy way to start excavation from the north of the Ambris.

Fortunately, Master Aldridge came up with a brilliant idea to enslave the Goblin to carry out the mining work. The Goblin and the large number of miners and slaves dig together, and the efficiency is quite fast. Maybe soon, he can get an invincible Army!

In a very happy mood, Stanley looked at the little queen Harriet who was about to enter the sixteen-year-old mark next to her, and looked at her with a green face in her tenderness.

What's more, just love her before she becomes a disgusting girl.

After dispersing those ministers, Stanley did not return to the bedroom, directly overwhelming Petite Harriet over the throne, and tore her fancy dress violently, exposing her immature body.

No one will see this scene, and naturally no one can see her black bruises all over her body.

The queen Harriet's face was full of fear, and her eyes were filled with despair. After being forced to marry Stanley and live in this castle for several years, she found many thoughts in her life. Things.

Why can't she open many rooms in the castle?

Why do some rooms always have a **** smell that can't be washed off?

Why do I often hear some screams?

Why does the familiar maid suddenly disappear after a short distance?

Why hasn't a queen who married Stanley passed her sixteenth birthday safely?

All kinds of thoughtful and terrifying things are pressing on her mind like mountains, and this fear has become stronger with the approaching sixteen years old. In recent days, she can't even sleep at night So good.

The maids looked at her with pity, like ...

——It's like watching a dead man ...

--Why is that?

Harriet couldn't figure it out, but slowly, she carefully thought about the experience of these years, but suddenly understood.

With the increase of age, Stanley's tenderness and caring from the beginning became more and more violent, and she likes to torture her even more, and she even nearly killed her several times when she combined ...

Harriet occasionally heard Stanley's chilling sigh.

"Why beautiful things can never be eternal ... Why do you grow up day by day ... When I think of one day to destroy the beautiful flowers that are about to die, my king is very sad ..."

In the throne, Harriet, who was gradually suffocated by Stanley's neck, finally understood at this moment.

The beautiful flowers in Stanley's mouth refer to her, or they are the little queens who marry him ...

"Relax, Harriet ..."

Breathing Stanley covered Harriet's eyes, stroking the bruises on the tiny neck, and his face was full of contradictory tenderness: "... I won't let you wither ... Oh Master Deerridge fulfilled my wish, ah, although I also want to turn you into a puppet that will not age as before, but the puppet that lost the soul is really too boring, so this time, you will be frozen Get up and become a beautiful statue, always stay at the most beautiful moment ... "

"Happy? Harriet, you are the first collection of this king. This is your exclusive honor ... Rest assured, you will only be lonely for a few years, and you will soon have new friends to accompany you. is you……"

Harriet, who had been pressed under him, had already lost his breath, how could he respond to his answer?

Harriet's soul has been detached from the body, floating in the sky silently watching Stanley violent on his body, listening to his chilling words, and the accumulated fear has turned into murderous intention, Harriet suddenly wanted to kill him!

Her hands passed directly from Stanley's head ...

Unfortunately, he can't kill him at all, and there will be more poor girls killed by him ...

It is such a perverted murderer, so many people support him so enthusiastically, including even the parents who gave themselves to him as a bride ...

Harriet suddenly felt that her death was actually a relief.

At least, there is no need to stay with this perverted king anymore.

Looking up at the sky outside the castle, the sky covered by blizzards is different from the past. A huge black vortex is slowly turning, and a fascinating attraction is slowly pulling her.

Harriet finally glanced at the king who was immersed in the perverted pleasure of killing himself, no longer attached to this place, ready to embark on the road to the kingdom of death.

And at this moment, the door between the throne suddenly slammed!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty Stanley! Emergency information! Emergency military information ahead!"

Stanley, who was raging on the throne, was startled, shivered, and ended the battle. A flash of anger flashed on his face, and his torn clothes shook into dust instantly, and he immediately dressed After getting his clothes, he put Harriet's body behind the throne, sat on the throne, and said coldly, "Come in."

Who would have thought that in this solemn hall, the body of their little queen Harriet was thrown behind the king's seat in such a naked manner?

After receiving the permission, the door opened, and a snow-covered messenger stormed into the throne breathlessly, without paying attention to the strong killing in Stanley's eyes on the throne, kneeling on the ground with one knee, panting. Meeting report: "Your Majesty! The big event is not good! All the soldiers, including General Henry, who went to the Principality of Shiraz to carry out the looting mission, except for a messenger who was put back to pass the message, were completely destroyed!"


Stanley heard the rage, and the armrest of the throne broke instantly: "What about the messenger !? I want to know the specific situation!"

"The messenger rushed back all night and traveled all the way, and just as he conveyed the important news, he was already exhausted on the bed ..."

The messenger said with grief and indignation: "According to the messenger, the reason for the entire army's collapse was because the reinforcements of the Illus Empire appeared! They hired a magician to fight! The magician attacked from the air, the biting ice and The scorching flames fell from the sky, and our army could not defend at all! They also evacuated our withdrawal route from behind, and encircled our personnel! The Illus Empire dispatched a very scary steel puppet, each roar will kill several Ten or hundreds people! Shields cannot resist that attack at all! "

The furious Stanley instantly appeared in front of the messenger, grabbing his neck and holding him up: "Where is the Apocalypse !? Where is our Apocalypse !? We have enough fifty gold-level Apocalypse to join the army. ! "

"The messenger said that our golden apocalypse was killed by the enemy magician by unknown means at the very beginning of the engagement. The attack was very weird, and they died without seeing any trace of the attack! "

"How is this possible! That's the Golden Apocalypse!"

Stanley threw the messenger out and frantically flew around. After a moment, he looked at the messenger coldly: "Now, you repeat the whole message of bringing the messenger back to you, dare you In a word, I want your life! "

The commander's heart jumped, how dare he carelessly, and immediately recounted the messenger's words, even the breathing when the messenger could not breathe was imitated.

After listening to his words, Stanley's face was extremely poor.

He didn't expect that the Illus Empire actually shot!

At this moment, Harriet floating in the sky saw that Stanley's mood turned out to be so bad, that even her death was no longer heavy, and her mood suddenly became abnormally pleasant.

She had a hunch, and maybe soon, she could reunite with this guy in the kingdom of death.

At that time, maybe he can calculate with him ...

Thinking of this, Harriet's face had a cold smile on his face, fluttering softly towards the gate of the kingdom of death.

And Stanley, after a few days, received the second bad news.

The army looted in the Principality of Ivaran, together with General Judson, was also wiped out, and there was no one left!

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