Things from Another World

Chapter 1097: Battlefield Singer Project

It wasn't long before the cold moon entered, and the Illus Empire once again ushered in exciting and great news.

The Duchy of Shiraz and the Duchy of Ivaran have announced their return!

Although this news is not as shocking as Solant's return, it is also a testament to the growing power of the Illus Empire, making people all over the country cheer and celebrate this day together.

At this time, the happiest is the Principality of Shiraz ... Oh, it should be said that the residents of the cities of Shiraz and Ibaran have returned from a weak Principality to the powerful Illus Empire, and they will get more The strong shelter, the days of being bullied by the Kingdom of Grace will never appear again. For them, this day is truly a festival worth celebrating.

"That is to say," Aurelia put down her papers, stretched a lazy waist, and the fluttering top was inadvertently rolled up, exposing the soft and slender waist, and the round and small belly button was very cute. Suddenly, she Don, she seemed to notice Tang En's gaze. She looked at Tang En with a smile, pointing at the screen on the receiver projected by the magical energy next to her. "You're not surprised by the one named Beatrix. "Xing" interest, just simply want to recruit her to train as an idol singer? "

"What are you talking about, am I so hungry?"

Tang En looked at Aurelia very innocently, turning her subconsciously around her lower abdomen, and then said casually: "I only love to be eager, and I can't bear to let this talent be buried."

"What's the song she sings ... what is the cruel angel?"

"Cruel Angel Programme of Action."

"Oh, yes, the name is weird, and the melody is weird, but it feels ... not bad."

There is no such intense and explosive music in Prandall. Orchestral music is the main type here. Most bards create elegant and soothing country-style music, so this kind of intense and inspiring music came out at first, and immediately Set off a wave of sought after.

In the picture on the magic projection receiver, at this moment, Beatrix is ​​very devoted to singing and dancing on a stage where magic is projected. Although her expression is a bit stiff and her movements are a bit awkward, it can be seen that she is very attentive .

Although Beatrix didn't know how to become a singing and dancing singer somehow after she promised Tang En, but since it was the arrangement of her favorite idol, she still decided to work hard.

"Would you like to train her into an idol star that countless people secretly worship, and then put her in the harem, and then enjoy the envy and jealousy of others, and enjoy the pleasure of overthrowing someone else's lover? It really is a pervert. "

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!"

Having said that, how Aurelia's thoughts became more and more dirty! Is it true that you are affected by yourself?

"Isn't it? When it comes to singing and dancing, I think you make Ms. Egwin more attractive than a little princess in a city-state."

Aurelia carefully pressed her clothes and said with a puckered mouth: "Or Grantia and Sanye can do it too. It ’s better for an elf to be trained as an idol singer, isn't it better than this little girl?"

"I have to admit that you are right."

Tang En nodded and said, "But you must also admit that their abilities are more suitable for other places, and Beatrix is ​​the best person I have found so far for this role."

"Oh? Tell me? I don't see what makes her so emotional."

"So don't talk about it ..."

Tang En smiled bitterly, why did he always feel the smell of gunpowder in Aurelia's words? He pointed to Beatrix and said, "Don't you think she looks cute and has affinity?"

Alleria raised her eyebrows, but did not refute Tang En's words.

The appearance of Beatrix is ​​not so beautiful and horrible. One can't look away at a glance, but she is very cute, her round face and big watery eyes can't help but think of a cute little girl. Animals ... In short, it means that she looks very good-looking and makes people look more and more like it.

What's even more amazing is that this little girl seems to have a very strong affinity, which can be very easily mingled with the people around him. This affinity is exerted to the extreme after being spread in a wide range using the magic projection, which is tailor-made for her. This singing program is a sudden rise, and the ratings have risen in an instant. It is close to the news webcast and weather forecast. It is directly ranked third, and the focus interviews are all done.

In just a few days, Beatrix Cecil's name spread to millions of households, and the fire spread throughout the entire Illus Empire. The popularity even surpassed the legendary heroes of Aegwin— After all, legendary heroes are not everyone.

Seeing to notice Aurelia's dissatisfaction, Tang En continued: "Of course, cuteness and affinity are not the most important thing. Most importantly, Beatrix has a very strong contagion, her words Can easily infect people. "

"You mean ... inflaming emotions?"

"The meaning is similar."

Tang En nodded: "When I met her, she simply re-awakened the desperate Shiraz refugees in a few words and revived them, while at the same time cheering up to fight the invaders."

Even Aurelia was surprised now: "So amazing !?"

"Let ’s not say that it ’s useless to gather those people's resistance. Just this power of gathering people's hearts is no less than the natural appeal of the Virgin to the people. Beatrix is ​​a natural little My maid. "

Tang En sighed and continued: "It's just her instinct. If we strengthen this instinct further, do you still think she is useless to us?"

Aurelia deduced according to what Tang En said, and finally she was surprised to find that this Beatrix really could be of great use! In other words, she can be regarded as an insurance!

If one day in the future, the chaotic army will strike in an all-round way, the well-prepared Tang En will certainly not be affected, but what about the civilians?

To be sure, they were instantly overthrown by despair.

At this time, someone needs to be able to stand up and give them the courage to fight back.

According to past experience, I am afraid that this role will not allow the saints of various churches to assume the role, but after all, the saints are simply sages. They have not received professional training and will not exert the ability to incite people to the extreme The Holy See is not the kind of counterfeit and shoddy products on the earth in the Middle Ages. They will not let them do it for their own glory.

But Tang En is different, he has no scruples at all!

Build Beatrix as the idol singer, and then give a certain professional training, her influence can even surpass the virgin at all necessary moments!

If paired with the kind of music that can influence people's emotions composed by the elves, maybe a song can easily cheer up the people in despair and fight against the army of chaos together.

No one can instigate a single song. If there is one, then two. If not, then three.

"You just thought of such a long-term thing just when you saw her?"

Aurelia stared at Tang En with a strange look, even if this guy is from another world, this kind of long-term vision beyond common sense is too outrageous! ?

Tang En called haha: "I said you would believe it?"

"……Do not believe."

"Well ... I just suddenly thought that the TV station still lacked an entertainment show, so I pushed her up ... and then thought that she could still use it ..."

Aurelia patted her head: "Surely you shouldn't have any expectations for you ... but you can realize her potential so quickly, and this vision is really no one."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"The father was waiting for her daughter to marry into the palace, but she finally found that her daughter became a hot idol star ... Palmer is expectant to vomit blood."

Tang En shrugged: "I never promised to marry his daughter, and now let him be the owner of the city of Shiraz, while continuing to manage his original land, he has taken care of his emotions."

"Well, I won't ask any more about your" Battlefield Singer Plan ". Whatever you want to do, what I want to know now is that Shiraz and Ibaran are back. What countermeasures will Reese take? "

Aurelia knocked at the table and said, "This problem is very serious, because it is likely that Grace will start a full-scale war because of our actions."

"Come on then."

Tang En was very polite and ruthless, saying: "Since Stanley can't wait to find death, then we can only fulfill him. To be honest, if it is not the current weather is not suitable for combat, I I want to take the initiative to kill the Grace Kingdom. "

Alleria raised her eyebrows and looked at Tang En in amazement: "This doesn't match your usual style. Don't you like to solve the problem peacefully?"

Except for dealing with cultists and chaotic creatures, Tang En has never taken the initiative to initiate a war, but this time, he does not seem to plan to have peace with the Kingdom of Grace.

"The Kingdom of Grace under Stanley has never opened a window of dialogue for us from the beginning, and they and the people of the Shiraz and Ibaran regions have already become a fire and blood. They are life and death enemies and cannot be resolved peacefully."

Tang En shook his head: "Be prepared for war ... though I don't think they are qualified to be our enemy."

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