Things from Another World

Chapter 1098: Villain de chi

King Stanley is getting married again!

The residents of Blood Rock City were busy in the blizzard. It is no longer known that Her Majesty Stanley was married for the first time, but the residents of Blood Rock City were not surprised at all. They did not even care that the former little queen Harriet had gone. Where they only knew that they would soon have a new little queen.

On a certain street in Blood Rock City, in a tavern called "Whooting Thunder", it's bustling at the moment. In this cold season, even if it is as strong as a Gris, it also hates going out. In this weather, Sitting in a pub with a fireplace, ordering a glass of ale and a fragrant, oily steak, sitting there and friends boasting is the best choice.

With a squeak, the tavern's wooden door was pushed open, and the bitter cold wind wrapped in dense snowflakes blew into the tavern. The brave men sitting near the door knocked subconsciously. After seeing the visitor clearly, he said dissatisfied. : "Rowell, your moves are too big, you've run away all the heat in the pub!"

The visitor was Lowell, who had previously plundered in the Principality of Shiraz and took the little girl he had taken back in advance.

After seeing the man, Lowell raised his head subconsciously and proudly said, "Captain Mullen, please don't call me Rowell, but call me Baron Rowell Irving, understand?"

"Oh! Gosh **** guy!"

Mullen, the captain of the regional security team, used to teach Rowell a lot, but now ... Mullen also has to bow his head and call "Baron Irving" honestly.

The reason is precisely because the little girl Lowell captured back was really fancy by Stanley, and the new queen Stanley was about to marry in the past few days was offered by Rowell, and he was rewarded with the baronial title as he wished. He got the surname "Owen" rewarded by Her Majesty Stanley. Yes, he is also a baron with a surname.

A young man who had a good relationship with Rowell laughed hehehe said, "Since Rowell has already joined the ranks, don't you all ask for a drink?"

Rowell looked at the man a little unpleasantly, and then said arrogantly: "No problem, I treat you today, let's drink as much as you like! But I don't care about finding the money for the chick!"

There was a burst of laughter and cheers in the tavern. A snowstorm closed the city, and Grace was short of supplies. This was a lot of supplies recently returned from the Principality of Shiraz. This gave them a chance to eat and drink. The price is naturally surprisingly high. Rowell was willing to treat guests and immediately won a lot of applause for him.

Lowell was so proud of himself that there was a way to be rich and not return to his hometown, such as a night walk in Jinyi. Now he is full of ambition, and when he intends to do something, of course, he must pull a bunch of his henchmen, and this one he grew up from a young age The street is his best choice. He is more familiar with the people here, and it is easier to recruit some people.

The war is coming ...

Lowell was sitting on a chair with a glass of Thunder beer, and he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant. He remembered the process of being interviewed by His Majesty Stanley and felt a little dreamy.

His Majesty Stanley accepted the little girl he presented, but his mood was unsatisfactory and his face was gloomy and terrible. On several occasions, Rowell felt that he was almost out of the throne. Fortunately, in the end, he was fortunate to become A baron.

"If you want more glory, go and get some people, let us Grace conquer the war in the world, and it will come soon."

The thought of Her Majesty Stanley's words, Lowell forgot about his fear, only felt a surge of anger in his heart, anxious to be born and die for Her Majesty Stanley immediately, to obtain that supreme glory.

"Hey! Rowell!"

Mullen walked over and patted Rowell's shoulder: "I heard that this time the whole army of the raiders is gone. How did you come back alive? Can you tell us something?"

Rowell looked at Mullen with dissatisfaction: "Call me Baron Irving!"

"Okay, okay, His Excellency Baron Owen."

Malun looked at the guy who had run away with **** with envy, and after working hard for so many years, he couldn't become a noble, but this guy was somehow one step ahead of himself, really annoying.

"To be honest, I don't know what exactly happened, and this is not the news you should inquire?"

Mullen Haha laughed and said, "Don't be so ruthless, this is the news that only you know, we are all curious."

"Okay, okay, I'll just reassure you of your curiosity."

Rowell looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "After I found the little queen in Lakeside Town-oh, after the little girl her Majesty Stanley was about to marry, he returned in advance with the delivery team. I heard that since the blizzard disaster this year was more severe than in previous years, the main forces decided to continue to go deep into the Principality of Shiraz and increase the scope of the plunder. When I returned to the Grace border, people who came back told me that they had already Surrounded the city of Shiraz. "

"Already surrounded Shiraz?"

Mullen stared: "With the strength of our Gris army, that city hasn't arrived yet? Why was the entire army wiped out?"

"I think so too. After I came back to hear about this, I asked a friend in the military to ask for it. My friend is one of the top in the military. The information in his mouth is very reliable. I will only tell you , Don't tell others. "

Rowell looked at Mullen, and after a while, Mullen suddenly returned to God, and immediately made a look of worship of Romwell: "I didn't expect Baron Owen ... Baron Owen, you are actually in the military There are people at the top! "

Lowell enjoyed Mullen's attitude and gaze very much, saying proudly: "Of course!"

"and then?"

"Then I got a message ... just as we ransacked the lakeside town and the main force penetrated into the Principality of Shiraz, Palmer's old **** sent out a letter of help in advance."

"A letter of help? To whom?"

Mullen paused, then took a breather: "Illus Empire !?"

"is not it!"

Lowell nodded: "Illus Empire is not the same this time as before. Originally, Solant and we always had a tacit understanding. But who knows that Don, after he came to power, he did not care about the previous hidden rules. This time directly Send troops! "

"But even then, we have the advantage and cannot lose to the reinforcements of the Illus Empire!"

Mullen still couldn't figure this out.

"I was also weird until my friend told me a little ..."

Rowell's voice was lower. The mysterious look aroused Mullen's curiosity. He hurriedly gathered his ears, and Rowell whispered, "That's because the Irrus Empire sent a magician. Participate in the war! At the same time there are a lot of steel puppets! "


Mullen covered his mouth, looked around nervously, and whispered, "That's impossible! How could Silver City allow a magician to join the war!"

"Now who doesn't know that the Silver City is no longer neutral, I'm afraid they have fallen to the Illus Empire long ago."

Lowell sneered: "It seems as powerful as Master Jean, and it is inevitable that the power and wealth are tempted."

"That means ..."

Mullen took a breather: "We are going to be against the Silver City !?"

"I'm afraid not."

Lowell looked inscrutable: "Even if the city of silver has actually fallen to the Empire of Illus, on the surface, Jean must still maintain that neutral attitude. He won't break easily, and he still needs to use this posture to gain benefits. "

"That is to say, the Silver City may send a magician to help the Illus Empire, but it will not participate fully in the war."

"That's right, then we don't have to be afraid."

Lowell said proudly: "Master Aldridge has helped us secretly cultivate a large number of wild mages over the years, if not for His Majesty's plan-cough, or if they have other tasks, all of them In that case, the reinforcements of the Illus Empire were wiped out. "

"Abominable! If I have the chance, I really want to kill all those filthy Illus!"

"Relax, you will have a chance ..."

Rowell's eyes turned, Haha laughed and patted Mullen's shoulder, and asked, "How about, Captain Mullen, are you interested in following me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty promises my baron, but there is no seal, aren't you surprised?"


"Because my fiefdom requires me to attack and occupy it."

Rowell smiled and said, "The place I lay belongs to me, and I can have a hundred private soldiers and lead 500 regular soldiers, do you understand?"

Mullen's breathing suddenly increased. "... Do you want to recruit me?"

"Tell you a secret, Your Majesty has decided, and a vengeance against the Illus Empire is about to begin, but now I have just been promoted to Baron, and no one is under him, so you will have this opportunity if I have enough In time, this benefit does not pass to you. "

Lowell said lightly: "When I lay a piece of land, how can I beat my henchmen? By that time, one person will reward at least one manor, ten Illus slaves, and one hundred livestock!"

As soon as Marlen heard it, he no longer hesitated. He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head to the guy who had been bullied by him. He offered his loyalty: "Mullen is willing to fight for Baron Rowell Irving!"

"Come up, since you are my first subordinate, I will give you my last name. From now on, you will be called Marlen Owen."

Rowell was so proud of it that the first man was so easy to get started. At this speed, before the war began, maybe he could really have a hundred personal soldiers.

Hehe, at that time, he must be the first to kill Yalinks, rush into the palace, and grab the legendary beautiful Princess Aurelia!

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