Things from Another World

Chapter 1099: Opinion of Eggwin

Emerald corolla.

Even though the outside lake is frozen and snowflakes are flying, but here in the emerald corolla, there are still four seasons like spring. The natural law has completely lost its effect here. Beautiful flowers are blooming here, and the air is full of vitality. The elves also As always, lead a life of leisurely contentment, the sudden snowstorm not long ago left no trace here.

Tang En and Igwen sat quietly by the lake. They both looked at the cannery in the distance, but their minds were not at the factory.

Tang En enjoyed this time with Aegwin alone. He was usually too busy, so busy that he didn't have time to cross the two with Aegwin at all-although Aegwin didn't feel that way.

Finally, I reminded them of Stiesa, perfected the basic instruction set of the artificial soul quantum computer, and began the process of integration and induction. Then he had time to come and cheek to Aegwin and want to add a little favor, but I thought What will happen next, he feels that this kind of favorability is hard to rise.

After lingering for a while, Tang En looked at Aegwin beside him, and after turning around her translucent ears, her eyes fell on her side. After hesitating for a long time, Tang Engang Ready to speak, Aigwin suddenly looked over to his side and looked at Tang En with a doubtful look: "Is there anything strange on my face?"

She touched her cheek a little embarrassedly, as if there was really some dust on it.

"How can there be, you are a legendary powerhouse."

Tang En suddenly laughed, and after a moment of pause, his eyes dropped slightly and he whispered, "Igvin, if, I mean, if, then, I have to wage war, what would you think?"


Aigwin looked at Tang En in surprise: "Why?"

Although the Illus Empire split after the Second Chaos Invasion War and there is still some friction between the countries, it must be said that Prendall is now a rare period of peace since 10,000 years of history The army of chaos has left too painful memories for the creatures of Prandall. Now all the creatures are recuperating and living. What else can war do besides bringing disaster and suffering?

"... Maybe it's for my task?"

Tang En made an excuse for himself. In order to fight against the chaotic army, he had to gather the power of the entire Prandall. The unity of the world was the easiest way, and the Kingdom of Grace was now an obstacle before him.

"So ..."

Aigwin groaned for a moment, and then asked, "Why ask my opinion?"

"Of course it's because your opinion is important to me!"

Tang En once again hinted at her importance, but unfortunately this kind of twisted words had no effect on the elves, not to mention that Aegwynn was still the very simple one among the elves.

Eggwin asked Tang En: "If I stop you, will you give up the war?"


Tang En's rare hesitation, mission? Or Aegwynn's favor? How do I choose one?

"--will not."

After a while, the silent Tang En shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "... I found that although I said in my mouth that I value your opinions, I just want you to support me."

Tang En is very clear that his task is obviously more important than that of his children. If the army of chaos cannot be solved, the world will only have one result. By that time, everything will be empty talk.

Therefore, even if it is for their future, Tang En must be hard-hearted and carry out his plan to the end.

"But you know," Aegwynn smiled, and touched Don's head with his hand, "I can't support the war."

"I found it……"

Tang En was a little stunned: "I was too self-righteous, I thought you would change the principle for me."

He thought that his importance in Aegwynn's mind might transcend her principles, but he forgot that a person without principles and faith ... including elves, how could he be promoted to legend?

What's more, Tang En's mind in Eggwin is far from being as important as it is now.

"That's impossible."

Aigwin smiled: "We are friends, good friends, if you want to describe ..."

Aigwin nodded his lower lip, and after thinking for a while, he tentatively said, "... Like me and Sally? Well, it doesn't seem right ... Then ... Like me and the forest? Although it still feels a little strange, But it seems very close. "

Aegwynn is a very simple elf. It is because of her simplicity that she can be indifferent and promote to the legendary powerhouse. It is also because of her simplicity that Tang En is so difficult to attack.

Unexpectedly, when Tang En heard her say it, her eyes lighted up and her heart suddenly rejoiced.

What is Aegwynn? The elves who make their home in the forest!

The elves depend on the forest and trust the forest!

However, she said that her relationship with her is just like the forest. Doesn't this just prove that her status in her heart is already high?

I'm afraid this kind of treatment, even Jean and Angus who fought alongside her at the beginning could not have them!

"... Even if our relationship is so good, I can't violate my principles for you."

"No, it's enough to have what you said just now."

Tang En smiled, took Aegwynn's hand, and asked softly, "So I ask you this, if I really start a war, will you blame me?"

Aegwyn hesitated and whispered, "Will you hurt innocent civilians?"

After speaking, as if to remind Tang En, she hurriedly added: "I know you are not an innocent person ..."

"of course not."

Tang En smiled dumbfounded, and naturally shaved Aegwynn's nose: "Don't forget, my mission is to save the world. I need everyone's strength. It is my purpose to unite everyone. How could you kill innocent civilians? They are my future strength. "

"That being the case," Aegwynn smiled brightly. "Of course I won't blame you."

Aigwin thought very simply that Down was going to wage war-he was not a killer-he must fight bad people, so under this simple logic, of course, Aegwin would not blame Down.

A word from Aigwin made Tang En relieved. He said to Aegwin very solemnly: "I swear to you that this war will be controlled within the controllable range and will not affect the civilian population, and I will as soon as possible End this war. "

Aigwin smiled, "I believe in you."

The relieved Tang En only felt full of ambition at the moment, and the barbarians in the district of Grace sent out armoured divisions and mobile warriors, and they could easily pacify them.

As for those ruthless Griss, after killing Stanley and his henchmen, the entire Gris kingdom will be completely broken down, and the people will be scattered among the cities of the Illus Empire, using assimilation of strong cultures. At the same time, it is forbidden for the Grace people to gather together to smash the local culture of the Grace area. Within a few generations, the Grace people will be completely assimilated, and there is no need to worry about any subsequent troubles.

As for what protects foreign cultures? Multi-ethnic culture coexist? Sorry, I don't have the patience and don't want to take that kind of risk.

Since we are striding towards the era of civilization, all the backward cultural practices are rolled into the museum. It is a feasible future for civilized societies to integrate with each other for cultural unification. Forcibly retain each other ’s customs and habits when the population base rises. After that, potential contradictions will erupt.

Therefore, it is better to implement the mandatory integration policy while the reunification and deterrence are just now.

Aigwin suddenly asked, "Yes, can you tell me, which country are you attacking?"

"It's nothing to tell you, it's Grace Kingdom."

Tang En said very calmly: "I don't know if you watched the news webcast. Some time ago, the army of the Kingdom of Grace invaded the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivalan. And killed countless innocent people, and now the Principality of Shiraz and the Principality of Ivaran have merged into the Illus Empire, as part of the Illus Empire as they did hundreds of years ago. "

"The Kingdom of Grace ruled by Stanley is a highly aggressive country. The Grace people have violent genes flowing in their bones, and Stanley has used his personal worship to expand this point several times. The refusal to communicate with us has caused the current Kingdom of Grace to be an unstable factor. For the future of this world, the current Kingdom of Grace must be from this world. "

When Tang En said at the end, there was a bit of fierceness in his voice, which surprised Aegwin who was used to Tang En's usual appearance.

"Looks ... Gris Kingdom did go a little too far."

"That's it, otherwise I wouldn't be so eager to resolve them."

Tang En shook his head: "I always have a premonition. If the Kingdom of Grace is left alone, what kind of moths Stanley will set up for me sooner or later, so now I still use the pretext of the invasion of the Principalities of Shiraz and Ivana , It ’s better to launch a counterattack directly. "

"The Kingdom of Grace is now being hit by a snowstorm. The Grace people have become accustomed to the harsh climate, but the Illus can't. It is not suitable for the expedition right now?"

Tang En smiled: "Anyway, on the one hand, my Weather Master can change the weather, on the other hand ... Oh, my soldiers are not afraid of snowstorms now."

"So ..." Aigwin with a smile put his hand on Tang En's forehead. "Bless you in the name of the flowers blooming in the woods. May the green leaves stay with you all the way and be safe all the way."

"I will."

Tang En nodded, and returned to Ellington the next moment.

"Fiona, inform Jean, Angus, Brian, Elsa, Depp ..."

Tang En read a dozen names in succession, all of which were his companions along the way. Finally, he said coldly, "... Be prepared, we are going to fight."

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