Things from Another World

Chapter 1100: Full preparation

Ellington's atmosphere has been strange recently.

Residents of Ellington found that as if all of a sudden there were fewer soldiers patrolling the streets, the old faces were gone and replaced by newcomers who had just been drafted into the army.

These new soldiers have just begun training for a short time and have no combat experience, so Tang En did not recruit them to join the battle, but assigned them to public security positions and replaced those veterans on vacation-yes you read that right The patrol in the urban area to maintain law and order is the vacation of those veterans.

At the same time, there are still some sensitive people who find that the city's material flow is abnormal, and the materials such as herbs, magic crystals, and food have risen slightly. The staff of the City of Ellington have not been in the mood these days. The state seems to be a little nervous, but they can't ask anything.

People are very surprised, only a small part of the businessmen who had been masters during the war faintly smelled the truth-war is coming.

Faintly aware of the prelude to the war, the merchants immediately began to buy goods. Their looting even caused a certain increase in prices, which made Fiona very troubled.

Originally, she wanted to resolve this matter silently and quietly. Although it was a full-scale war, in fact, not only Tang En, but even her was not concerned about the enemy of the Gris Kingdom. The two sides were not one at all. The enemies on the horizontal line are too wide.

It turned out that the smell of those guys was so sharp that they started to **** supplies. In the end, Fiona was furious, and she simply opened up the supply of materials and directly pushed down the prices. Now those unfortunate men can't sit still. Is it that their analysis is wrong?

Some people insist on stockpiling, others see the situation is not good, and immediately clear the position to stop losses ...

Later, those who insisted on the direct loss of vomiting blood from the stockpile and lost their homes were not a few-Fiona would not have pity on these guys who want to make money from the war, they have no control at all.

Of course, these are irrelevant and skipped.

According to Down, this battle is a full-scale war against the Kingdom of Grace, and it is also the first intra-ethnic war he has initiated. Therefore, this war must be efficient, fast, and stern, and it must be defeated. The enemy, so that the Grace people can no longer produce the idea of ​​resistance, directly defeated the entire Grace Kingdom.

Therefore, in this battle preparation, airships, armored tanks, comet motorcycles, power armors, etc. were all equipped, and the specifications were the highest.

This was Ellington's first full-time attack. Everyone was flexing their muscles, struggling to perform well, and let the idiots of the Kingdom of Grace know how powerful their enemies were.

Black Stone Cave, Datang Maneng Military Factory.

Brian, who was against Warhammer next to Tang En, asked roughly, "How are the weapons and ammunition prepared?"

"My people can't make it to you."

A redheaded Barrod sneered, then he ignored Brian, who had a beard and stare, and asked, "Report to Her Majesty Tang En."


The Redstone Dwarf reported loudly: "At present, all three thousand 'Dragonfang' magic pistols have been released from the warehouse, and each magic pistol is equipped with three standard magic crystals."

"Forty thousand trigger magic grenades of each department have been released ..."

The number of combatants dispatched this time was 10,000, and an average of four magic grenades per person was sufficient.

"Five thousand improved assault rifles 'Red Fire' have been produced, all sorted out, and have been shipped out of the warehouse. Each assault rifle is equipped with five hundred rounds of conventional bullets and five hundred special seeds, which can support a medium-scale Combat. "

Tang En frowned: "Five hundred bullets each? Are they a little too few?"

"Because the experimental aircraft carrier is used as a logistics supply base in this operation, ammunition support can be obtained at any time, so the ammunition provided with it is only prepared according to conventional standards."

"carry on."


The Redstone Dwarf continued to report: "One hundred electromagnetic sniper rifles have been produced and equipped with special armor-piercing warheads of 20mm caliber. They are mainly used for precision sniping of enemy apocalypse ..."

Although the electromagnetic sniper rifle is very powerful, it is not suitable for frontal combat. Only rangers can perfectly display their power, so the allocation of this hundred electromagnetic sniper rifles need not be considered.

"The 100 missile launchers applied by the artillery company are ready and equipped with 5,000 rounds of missiles of various series. With the coverage of saturated firing, the power is sufficient to completely annihilate a city or a group army ..."

As for the artillery company, let alone say that they are ready for long-range support at the rear of the battlefield. Their RPG can be quickly launched at any position, and the target is targeted. The power is very considerable.

"Ten mobile missile launchers 'strikeers' are already in place. Each missile launcher is loaded with two 'Dongfeng' series missiles. Considering the situation of this combat mission, the launcher carries a 350mm short-range missile launcher. And 700mm medium-range missile launchers, due to the breakthrough of magic wave technology, the strike range can now cover the range from 100 kilometers to 1000 kilometers. There have been new technological breakthroughs in the institute recently. If it is installed, the actual precise and controllable distance will once again increase significantly, and we can even carry out ultra-long-range strikes on the Kingdom of Grace without leaving the house. "

Tang En nodded secretly. The technological breakthrough at the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute is probably due to the birth of the artificial soul quantum computer "Eve". With the assistance of computers, their workload is greatly reduced, and more time is available. To delve into various theories.

For example, it completely replaces the magic wave principle of electromagnetic technology.

"Furthermore, the two magic super-electromagnetic guns have been assembled. According to the instructions of Master Cloto, both of the magic super-electromagnetic guns have been assembled on the test aircraft carrier for ultra-long-range support strikes."

The magic energy super electromagnetic gun is equivalent to an enlarged version of the electromagnetic sniper rifle. The fired shells are mass bombs filled with magic crystals and triggered magic arrays. The high-strength electromagnetic force ejects the mass bombs at a speed several times the speed of sound. The nearly straight orbit makes the shooting accuracy of the super electromagnetic gun very scary, and it is very convenient to use. The only disadvantage is that the magic crystal consumed is a bit amazing.

However, now that Tang En has the supply of the astral base, the magic crystal can completely open up the supply!

"Because the second-generation armored tanks have not yet been mass-produced, the current production is still the first-generation armored tanks. From the start of preparations to the present, we have produced ten more tanks, plus the tanks that have already been listed. At present, we have more than 300 armored tanks ready for immediate use. "

Three hundred armored tanks?

Tang En secretly calculated that the fighting power demonstrated by the Kingdom of Grace in the Principality of Shiraz was absolutely sufficient. On that day, only 50 tanks had made them cry. This time, 300 tanks were thrown out. Isn't it to miserable them?

Although the proportion of residents and soldiers in the Kingdom of Grace is extremely high, one in 1,000 people is a soldier, or has been a soldier, and the population of nearly 80 million has 80,000 soldiers-this is only outside statistics. If you follow Stanley's ambitions, I'm afraid the real number is only a lot.

However, no matter whether 80,000 soldiers, or 180,000, or 800,000, cannon fodder is still as much as cannon fodder. As long as it can withstand the attack of the opponent, at most, Tang En's side has consumed more ammunition.

This is the terrible technological gap. On the one hand, there is blood and flesh, and on the other hand, only some combat materials are paid.

In the face of magic reform technology, the number of soldiers is no longer significant.

"As for the magic power armor ..."

The redstone dwarf opened his mouth, scratched his head at the end, and said a little awkwardly: "At present we have only produced 150 sets, of which 100 have been left by Master Jean, and now there are only 50 sets left. It's ... "

"I know this."

Tang En interrupted his words: "Jean formed a special mobile team of Rush sons to deal with chaotic creatures, and used a hundred magic power armor. You just have to prepare the remaining fifty sets."


Magic power armor is a good thing ...

Tang En sighed. The birth of this gadget made the weak stronger and the stronger stronger. It completely broke the situation where the apocalypse ruled the whole world and let ordinary people have the ability to compete with lower-level apocalypse. It is too difficult to produce with the current technology, so the production capacity is very insufficient.

However, considering the extensive use in the later period, the magic energy armor and its derivatives must be expanded.

Not to mention, if 10,000 sets of magic power armor were produced and each soldier was equipped, Tang En would have nothing to prepare for this war, and took them directly to the Kingdom of Grace, five people. A small team dispersed and swept across, using the magical power of the armor to maneuver and firepower, only to be able to capture the entire Grace Kingdom in less than a week.

Of course, if you really want to bully people, Tang Enda can ask Sasaglotte to shoot them. Ten dragons can put on the magic cannon armor, and you can use a magic cannon to throw the Grace car in one day. It's flat ...

Let's not say if Sasaglot will help him, this result is not what Tang En wants.

What he wants is to kill the barbaric factions headed by Stanley, take over the civilians of Grace, and integrate them into the entire world.

Looking at the assembled weapons and equipment into containers and disappearing on the teleportation array, Tang En's eyes flashed inexplicable brilliance.

Next, these super-era weapons and equipment will be really on the battlefield!

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