Things from Another World

Chapter 1101: Crazy Greyridge Excavation Site

The Kingdom of Grace, the Grey Ridge Excavation Site, benefited from Master Aldridge's powerful power to stop the blizzard, and the excavation task could continue.

However, to everyone's surprise, the intention of Her Majesty Stanley came from Blood Rock City: accelerate mining at all costs!

What does it mean at all costs?

To treat human life as a consumable.


The pickaxe fell weakly on the earth and stones in front of him, and a spark splattered, and the slave waving his pickaxe turned black before suddenly falling to the ground.


The whip was slammed **** the back of the slave who had collapsed to the ground, and the foreman cursed loudly: "Don't pretend to die! Quickly dig!"

"Sir, he hasn't eaten for three days. He's too weak. Please ask him to take a break and eat something--"


The whip fell again, but this time it fell on the person who was begging for the slave next to him, and the inspector stared at him fiercely, like a cruel demon wolf, exuding amazing murderousness: "Shut up! You mean Slave slaves! You pariahs are not worthy of those foods and want to eat? Yeah, alas, next to you is to give you a lot of time to feed him and continue digging after eating! "

The inspector pointed at a corpse next to the slave, which was a dead corpse of a gauntlet. Although the temperature was not rotten, the corpse still exuded an odor.

"Yeah, but that's the corpse of the Goblin ..."

"Shut up pariahs! What about corpses? They aren't eating the same? Where are you noble than them, and even digging is not as fast as corpses!"

The inspector kicked the man to the ground and trampled his head severely: "You have no condition to bargain with me. If you don't want to die, get up quickly to work! If you delay His Majesty's plan, you All have to die! "

The slaves around them were full of suppressed anger. They wished they would pounce on the flesh and blood of the Overseer, but the iron chains tied to their feet deprived them of their resistance.

"Huh? Why do you see me? What do you mean? Do you still want to rebel?"

There was a smirk on the inspector's face, and he lifted his whip and pulled out the **** short sword: "Come, let me see your courage? Who wants to rebel?"

"It's you?"

The foreman pointed at the slave who was stepping on his feet.

"still you?"

Short sword pointed at another slave who stopped working.

The weird atmosphere began to spread around, and everyone's attention was focused on this overseer. No one noticed that the stone just hit by the iron pick had quietly cracked, and a trace of cold chill was constantly spreading outward. With ...

"You dalits know nothing about gratitude!"

The inspector played with the dagger in his hand, and said with a grin: "If it was not for the kindness of Her Majesty Stanley, you would have died in the blizzard outside. Now every day you live more is a gift of His Majesty. You should be grateful to your Majesty, and you should use your low life in return for your gift, not ... "

The inspector said, the voice suddenly dropped, I don't know why, an extremely irritable emotion suddenly came out of his heart, his eyes quietly became scarlet ...

噗通, 噗通 ...

The heartbeat is getting more and more rapid. The supervisor can clearly hear his own heartbeat. The powerful heartbeat sounds like a bell and drum ringing near his ears. The whole world is quiet, and only the more urgent is left. Heartbeat.

Grunt, grunt ...

Obviously it was very cold, but the inspector found that his body was emitting amazing heat. He was getting hot and annoyingly ripped off his cotton shirt. The cold wind hit me. I just felt a little refreshed, but soon Become hot


Keep off!

It took just a blink of an eye to see that the inspector was naked all over his body, and a group of colleagues around him stared at him dumbfounded: "Are you crazy! Undressing will freeze you!"

Hot ... so hot ...

The blood-filled supervisor gasped, his naked body exuding a very cold chill from all over his body. The temperature on his body was even lower than the surrounding temperature. At this moment, the surrounding temperature was higher than that of midsummer. The heat is hard to bear.

His body seemed to be roasted in a campfire. Under the biting cold, his skin was weird with a blister of burned blisters. The severe tingling stirred his nerves, but he didn't feel it. Because at this moment he began to swell all over his body.

"It's hot ..."

"Whew, wow ..."

At this time, the others around them also became strange one after another. They scrambled to take off their clothes, the skin gradually lost their blood, and the blood seemed to have poured into the brain. The eyes were extremely congested, and the hotness appeared from the outside to the inside. , Burn their skin, let them gradually fall into madness ...

"Ah ah ah--"

At this time, the slave who had been exhausted on the ground suddenly bounced, screaming screaming at the supervisor next to him, his eyes were even blood red. At this moment, his face was killing, and his will had been completely The desire for killing and revenge dominates.

The supervisor had not returned to God at this moment, and he was thrown to the ground by a slave. The next moment, the slave suddenly rushed up, and his dirty teeth severely broke the supervisor's throat and swelled. The blood that came out poured into his mouth, and the scarlet blood was like a luscious spring water, which nourished his mouth, but also made him crazy.

"Sigh, sigh--"

The inspector who had bitten his throat widened his eyes and seemed unable to believe that he was so dead. The next moment, his eyes were dug out by the slave and then stuffed into his mouth!

Crunch, crunch ...

The crazy slave chewed the Overseer's eyeballs, the juices splashed in his mouth, and the scarlet eyes began to search for the next prey.

At this moment, not only this slave, the entire bottom of the pit is completely messed up.

All the creatures, not only the overseers of Grace, but also the slaves who were ransacked and the dogheads who were forcibly enslaved, were all crazy!

The bottom of the excavation ground has completely turned into a chaotic battlefield. The overseers and slaves, the slaves and the dogheads, the dogheads and the overseers, the overseers and the overseers, the slaves and the slaves, the dogheads and the dogheads, the three parties have been completely chaotic. Regardless of killing each other together, everything in sight is the target of the attack!

Extreme hunger has devoured these people's reason, slaughtered, eaten, and **** corpses became the targets they devoured. In the blink of an eye, dozens of pale bones appeared on the ground ...

The physical pain spurred them to attack other people more fiercely, kill others, and eat their flesh. Only in this way would the pain in the body be lessened.

The cracks in the stones had widened a bit, and the icy air flowing out of them was more.

The madness began to spread upward from the bottom of the excavation field. Some people continued to fall into madness and began to attack the surrounding companions. This madness spread rapidly, and more and more people lost their minds ...


With a cold face, Sir Craigji cut off the head of the supervisor who was rushing at him, and looked angrily at the chaos in the excavation field ahead.

crazy! All crazy!

It is understandable if it was slave rebellion, but why did they fight themselves?

-Is there anyone even dare to attack?

Not right, the situation is very wrong!

Sir Craig stared at the excavation site for a moment, then turned and left immediately.


Sir Craigge broke into the door, completely ignored the guards there, and broke straight into Master Aldridge's alchemy laboratory.

Master Aldridge looked at the scrapped melt and said without looking back: "I should have said, even you, you must inform me before you come in ..."

His voice was abnormally cold, and Sir Craiggie took a nap. He knew he would die here today without a good reason.

"I'm very sorry, but there is something abnormal with the excavation site, Master."

"what's the situation?"

Seeing that Master Aldridge temporarily put down his intention to kill, Sir Creggie breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued: "I do n’t know why, the overseers, slaves, and dogheads suddenly went crazy. They did n’t In the camps, they all tried to kill each other in chaos, and they didn't know why. They were just ordinary people, but suddenly they became powerful and tireless. "


As soon as Master Aldridge's eyes lighted up, he had an answer in his heart. He laughed, grabbed the hat on the table, and said, "This is good news, because we finally found the goal!"

Master Aldridge came to the edge of the excavation field and looked down at the chaotic battlefield below. The smile on his face became brighter and brighter: "Sure enough, it is indeed a masterpiece of the teacher, just just a touch of breath, these stupid Mortals are completely insane ... "


"Sir Craig, don't care about these people's lives, they are just some consumables. These lowly creatures are simply not qualified to enjoy such a powerful power. Only us apocalypses are qualified!"

Sir Craigie still didn't quite understand Master Aldridge's words, but he also found that, even though the situation under the excavation field was very chaotic, there were a few inspector captains who were the apocalypse, but apparently still retained reason. They are fighting and retreating, and they gradually come together, ready to gather against the crazy supervisors and slaves.

"Don't understand? I don't understand!"

Aldridge opened his arms and laughed wildly: "Because in the Ambries, under this gray ridge excavation field, the highest masterpiece of my teacher, the great army of sleepless men! "

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