Things from Another World

Chapter 1102: Life is endless, more than death

The sleepless, the genius lunatic Horus Hohenheim created in the desperate situation of Prandall, for this legion, the inner feelings of all the insiders are very complicated.

This invincible legion, after the end of the Second Chaos Invasion War, has become the confidant of all creatures in Prandall and has to be sealed by the Dragons.


Because, the sleepless people are tireless, will not die, and are not afraid of the corruption of chaos, but at the same time, they are also a group of crazy soldiers who have completely lost their minds. When they are thrown on the battlefield to wake up, there is only one in their mind The idea is destruction.

——It is not the destruction of a specific goal, but the destruction of everything that can be moved.

This characteristic of the sleepless person blocked the expansion of the chaotic creatures and won the chance for the Prandall Alliance to win, but at the same time, the Prandall Alliance also suffered great damage because of this desperate bet. Using the Army of the Sleepless can be said to be injured The enemy has no choice but to damage 800.

At the end of the war, the friendly units that died in the hands of the sleepless began to gradually surpass the number of anti-chaos creatures killed. It was then that they suddenly realized that they had created a crazy one for themselves. enemy.

The only good thing is that although the insomniacs are abnormally crazy, they do not have the characteristics of chaotic creatures. They can be dealt with without any consideration at all and can be shot with all their strength.

In the end, after repelling the chaotic creatures, the Prandall allied forces took a terrible price to completely seal the Army of the Sleepless under the Ambris Mountains.

The Dragons erased people's memories, tampered with that history, and let this secret disappear into the long river of history. Only a few people knew this unknown secret.

Of these few, Horus Hohenheim is certainly one of them.

After the Second Chaos Invasion War ended, as if to clean up the evil barrier created by himself, Horus disappeared from the sight of everyone, and lived a seclusion life, never again.

However, when he lived in seclusion, he accepted a disciple.

Aldridge Harris.

Aldridge didn't know who his teacher was at first, only that he was a powerful magician and an alchemist.

He followed Aldridge with all his heart to learn his knowledge, awakening the talent from a mortal step by step, then learning the first spell spell, and gradually became stronger ...

Aldridge has always felt that one day he will fully inherit everything from his teacher, become a great mage no less than him, let everyone look to the alchemy master, and let everyone worship him.

However, Aldridge found that although the teacher taught him everything, there was a manuscript that recorded alchemy, but he had never seen it.

Perhaps it is the mysterious knowledge that the teacher has kept and has not taught him?

Aldridge suddenly had a strange anger in my heart. I obviously have worked so hard and so strong, but why do I have reservations about myself?

Yes, the teacher must be afraid of surpassing him!

From that day, Aldridge began to pay attention to the manuscript, observing the teacher's actions in secret, looking for opportunities.

Until one day, while Horus was out searching for alchemy materials, Aldridge finally found an opportunity. He couldn't wait to go to the place where the teacher stored the manuscript and opened the manuscript ...

Then he discovered an incredible secret, one that was enough to shock the entire Prandall.


A powerful and invincible legion created by the teacher!

He fell asleep under the Ambris Mountains! ?

waste! It's too wasteful!

The teacher turned out to be a retreat on this ice sheet because of this legion, and didn't let himself go out?

According to Aldridge, the teacher's behavior was simply stupid! It's so stupid!

How can those idiots who do not know what power is understand the power of alchemy!

Why should we make room for them?

Why is he as powerful as himself, destined to make a name for himself as a genius in the world, but can only crouch in this ice field to accompany him as an old man? Instead of wearing a crown, sitting on a mountain of wealth, enjoying the service of beautiful women?

It's not fair, it's really unfair!

Perhaps the teacher is old after all. He no longer has that kind of ambition, but he is still young!

Looking at the manuscript, Aldridge's heart was fiery. Maybe he could make this legion famous again?

Uncontrollable Legion? Huh, that's all a joke! What you create, but you can't control, isn't this a joke?

Aldridge was scornful. It turned out that the omnipotent teacher could not do anything!

The young and vigorous Aldridge suddenly found that he couldn't do it, which meant that if he could solve this problem, wouldn't he prove that he had surpassed the teacher?

So Aldridge quickly transcribed a manuscript and then began research in private.

Finally, one day, Aldridge thought that his research couldn't be continued here, so he left while Horus was out again, and marched all the way to the southwest ...

However, only knowing that the sleepless person slept in the Ambris Mountains, but did not know the specific location, Aldridge found himself unable to start ...

Eventually, he came to the Kingdom of Grace. With his own strength, he saw Stanley, and he and Stanley hit it off. He trained Stanley as a magician and alchemist, and then Stanley helped him find the Tomb of the Sleepless ...

This is the cause of everything.

Until this moment, Aldridge finally found his own goal, the Tomb of the Sleepless, already close at hand!

Awaken them, control them, first conquer Grace, then level the Rennes empire, then win the Illus empire and the Kingdom of Ronentante. This Prandall is all his own!

Aldridge looked enthusiastically at the bottom of the Grey Ridge Excavation Site, and he could clearly feel the powerful power that slowly overflowed from the bottom. It was this power from the sleepless people that made them unbearable and caught in Insane.

But the apocalypse is different. The stronger the apocalypse is, the more adaptable he is to the power of the sleepless.

Aldridge laughed and jumped down. He was very confident in himself. The power of the sleepless man could not affect him at all!

Seeing his frown frown, Sir Craigy jumped along.

Numerous overseers, slaves, and dogheads have died here. The blood has gathered into a river, and the cold soil has become muddy. It is strange that in this cold weather, the blood did not freeze, but instead shed. A very evil sheen ...

"Here it is, ha ha ha ha, so many years of effort have not been wasted, and finally, I finally found it!"

Master Aldridge came to the place where the first riots broke out, and looked at the mundane stone and laughed wildly.

He could clearly feel that the icy wave of power was escaping from the gap, and he was sure that as long as the stone was broken, the seal of the faceless tomb would be exposed!

Aldridge didn't hesitate. He patted the stone with a palm, and the stone shattered in response, followed by a biting gust of wind, like the biting chill from the ice abyss covering the entire ash. Ridge Excavation Site!

When the chill struck, Sir Craig's face changed greatly, and the sword was sheathed instantly. At that moment, he seemed to see the world's most terrible enemy appearing in front of him!

But look closely, where is the enemy?


Sir Craigy held the sword tightly, and the bitter chill continued to erode his body. The extremely dangerous atmosphere always shrouded him, and he began to echo some inexplicable whispers, which made him very uncomfortable .

Appearing in front of Master Aldridge is a complex enchantment with bright lights!

That power is just a small part that escapes through the enchantment!

"Teacher, did you see that?"

Aldridge looked at the enchantment in front of his face with a frenetic face, raised his hand and slowly touched the enchantment. When he was about to touch the enchantment, he was blasted by a violent force. Shocked, he laughed wildly: "Did you see it? Teacher! I found it! Found the Legion of the Sleepless you created! Soon, they will be under my control and become my sword, conquer this for me world!"

"Teacher! You haven't done it, I have done it!"

"The legions you can't master, but I have found a way to master them!"

"Teacher, I have surpassed you! Exceeded you, you know?"

"Next, I want to prove to you how stupid you care about those mortal eyes!"

"This world should be in the hands of a few elites! Only we can lead this world to a greater future!"

Sorrow-supporting Sir Craigie looked at the ecstatic master Aldridge, hesitated again and again, and did not dare to interrupt his words, but took a few steps back quietly, far from that strange enchantment. A bit, it seems that this can reduce the pressure on the body a bit.

"So first, let me solve this enchantment first!"

Master Aldridge took out a weird dagger: "Although the dragons are very powerful, there is no perfect enchantment in this world. Any enchantment can be cracked if you find the right way ..."

Aldridge's dagger began to gather magic, and the flashing arcane energy was constantly adjusting, gradually approaching the enchantment in front ...

At the same time, Ellington welcomed a special guest ...

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