Things from Another World

Chapter 1103: Although the car is driving slowly, it is stable!


"Here ... is Ellington?"

A mysterious man wrapped up in a black robe all over his body walked off the intercity bus as the crowd flowed, watching the huge and open city in front of him, completely stunned there.

If you remember right, it was just a run-down village? After only a few decades of work, it turned out to be such a huge city! ?

The architectural style here is really weird ...

The fast mechanical structure running on the road is a product of the dwarf race? Or alchemy?

It's really strange. It obviously looks like a dwarf engineering product, but it has magic fluctuations. Maybe they really figured it out and decided to start using the power of magic to improve their products?

There is also the continuously rolling projection ... It is really an exquisite idea. It can transform the magic projection into this style. This thinking mode is really ... genius!

Everything in front of me was too fresh. For a moment, the mysterious man stopped and stayed there.

"Brother, don't you stand in the way!"

"Oh, sorry……"

The mysterious man gave way to one side, and then looked at the flow of people behind him slowly walking forward. In front of them, rows of tables were neatly placed in front of them. The contents of the sign were drawn from the corners of the mysterious people, and they felt that they had come to the wrong place.

Datang Steelmaking Plant recruits, operators, porters, cleaners ... requires hardship. Between 18 and 40 years of age, males are preferred, including food and accommodation. Monthly salary from internship period starts from 500 yuan, monthly salary after regularization is 1,000, regular employees Enjoy the benefits of five insurances and one fund, two days off for five days of work, or two days off for two days of shift work. Applying for shift work can receive night shift benefits ...

Datang Heavy Factory recruits workers, mechanics apprentices, operators, inventory dispatchers ... requires hardship, between 18 and 40 years old, men are preferred ...

Datang Daily recruitment, intern reporter, intern editor, intern artist ... require flexible thinking, good at writing, have a certain writing ability, preferably between 18 and 70 years of age, regardless of gender ...

Datang Magic Projection Chamber of Commerce ...

The advertisements of the chambers of commerce have been opened for a long time, and they are full of various jobs, conditions and remuneration packages. After the large number of people brought by the intercity bus get out of the car, they can't wait to rush to the front of the tables. There are long queues, and there are guides beside them to help guide them, ask them what they think, and help them recommend suitable jobs ...

The bustling crowd makes this place extremely lively, and even dilutes the biting cold wind of the cold moon-wait? Speaking of biting cold winds ...

The mysterious man suddenly raised his head and glanced at it. Above is a huge curved ceiling. The ceiling is cleverly supported by a clever steel frame structure, which completely covers the entire station. The cold wind outside can't come in at all, and I don't know why. The temperature inside was very warm, and even made him feel a little awkward.

Am I ... in the wrong place?

The mysterious man who felt a little stuffy slowly lifted his hood, exposing a face of a founder middle-aged uncle. He had an inch of beard, his eyes were deep, and a randomly trimmed blond hair was slightly messy. Bai added a bit of vicissitudes to him.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's eyes are jumping. Why does this city feel different from other cities? Although along the way, other cities have become a bit strange, but here, the whole style is completely different!

"This gentleman."

A guide saw the mysterious person standing there alone, came over and looked at him, and enthusiastically asked, "What's your name?"

"Just call me Horus."

That's right, this person is simply Horus Hohenheim!

Although his achievements were earth-shattering, his name was only spread in a very small circle due to the intervention of the Dragons. People outside did not know him at all, so he could use his name with confidence.

"It was Mr. Horus."

The guide said with a smile: "I don't know what Mr. Horus is going to do in Ellington? Looking for relatives? Settling? Shopping? Traveling? Or looking for work? I can help you."

Horus looked at him strangely: "Why are you so passionate about me? Obviously we don't know each other?"

The guide grinned and said, "Most people who have just arrived in Ellington will ask this question. It's actually very simple, because my job is to help you."


"Yes, you see, I'm too old, I can't do heavy work and tired work, and I can't help Her Majesty Tang to build here, but just staying at home to enjoy the benefits is completely hindered, everyone feels very Sorry, so I signed a joint request to do some work within my ability, so Her Majesty Tang En set up a job specifically for us old ladies and old ladies, here is to attract outsiders to help them through difficulties. "

The guide said with a smile: "Although the guide's work salary is not much, it also costs hundreds of dollars. It is also considered to subsidize households, and there are complete welfare guarantees. Even if there is something, it will not drag down the family. Everyone Of course they are all positive. "


Horus looked at him in amazement: "Is there anyone to be paid as a guide?"

"Of course, Her Majesty Tang En said that it is a matter of course to have something to gain. If you work hard, you will certainly get a return ... Of course, this was something that I couldn't even imagine two years ago."

The guide said with a great sigh: "In just two years, Her Majesty Tang En completely changed the place, and also changed all of us ..."

"Her Majesty Donn ... I remember right, should the current King of the Illus Empire be Victor?"

The guide suddenly said, "How long haven't you been out? At the beginning of the year, Her Majesty Victor was assassinated by Prince Gillard, and our Lord Lord of Ellington, Lord Tang, has already married Queen Olina and became Il Lord Reus is here! "

Horus froze, suddenly there was a sense of absurdity in the sea.

"But thanks to Her Majesty Tang En, our Illus Empire can successfully recapture Solant ... Ah, it's not that I say Her Majesty Victor is not good, His Majesty Victor is also very kind, but unfortunately He has no ideas but no ability, and Her Majesty Tang En really leads us to prosperity. "

The guide sighed, and suddenly patted his head: "Look at me, where have you been? You haven't said what you want to do in Ellington ..."

The expression on Horus's face was quite complicated: "Let's just look for someone ..."

"Oh? I ’m here to visit relatives. I do n’t know who you are looking for? If I was a former resident of Ellington, I can help you. If you have recently moved, I am afraid you can only go to the household registration bureau. Now. "

Horus smiled and asked, "That man is called Abbotton--"

"It turns out that you are a friend of Lord Abbotton!"

The guide's eyes widened, and it immediately changed its title, saying, "It's a coincidence! I really know Lord Abbot's residence! Take the bus No. 1 from the bus stop at the west exit of the station. When you come to the Greenery Community, your new home will be located in the third courtyard of Greenery Community. Alas, it ’s a bit complicated. I ’ll take you there! It's him! "

"But your job ..."

"It doesn't matter, but you are Lord Abbot's friend, I—ah, I'm afraid I don't need to take you there! Wait a minute!"

The guide suddenly stunned, hurried out after leaving a word, and ran back with a beautiful girl a moment later, it was Elsa who happened to be out of the way.

Elsa was suddenly stopped, it was strange, and then she was stumbled before an uncle: "What's the matter? I'm very busy ..."

"Master Elsa, this Mr. Horus is a friend of your father's. He is going to find your house. As soon as I see you, take him directly."

"Father's friend?"

Elsa looked at Horus in surprise, "Why have I never heard of this name?"

Is she the daughter of Abbotton?

Horus smiled lightly and said, "It's normal for you not to know me. Your father would never say my name."

Anyway, in Ellington, I'm not afraid of being a bad person. Elsa doubted that he was there, and said cheerfully: "Then come with me, I will drop you off."

Horus followed Elsa's footsteps and headed north. He asked with a little confusion: "Isn't it a bus 1 to the west exit?"

"No need, I have a car, but that ... keke ..."

Elsa's face flushed, and she said slightly, "I drive a little slower ..."

Although Tang En taught her how to drive, Elsa did not seem to have any talent in this area. Even if she got a driver's license, she still did not have the know-how. On the other hand, Brian, who was not suitable for driving, hardly needed to teach, and immediately I got started, as if I had become an old driver.

After coming to the parking lot with Elsa, Horus had the opportunity to observe the so-called "magic car" up close. Indeed, there are obvious engineering traces, but the driving force should be derived from magic, very clever. structure……

But after a while, Horus couldn't help but discover that it was no wonder that Elsa would be so embarrassed, because the speed of the vehicle she drove was really slow, the magic output was too low, and the potential of this vehicle was not fully realized. .

Even the two-wheeled vehicle that those people riding ran faster than her ...

It seemed that he noticed Horus's gaze, and Elsa's face turned redder: "Although I drive slowly, I drive steadily ..."

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