Things from Another World

Chapter 1104: Master knelt, apprentice kneel

Thanks to the slow and steady car that Elsa drove, Horus instead gave a glimpse of the scenery along Ellington.

This unusual city did have a huge impact on Horus. It seemed to be full of fresh things here, especially many products with obvious alchemy shadows everywhere, and Horus could be separated by three or five. Bring some good ideas that flash.

However, unlike a hundred years ago, after years of hardship in the Arctic ice sheet, Horus's character has not been as crazy as before, but has gradually settled down, becoming more stable and more attractive.

If at this moment he appears on the large screen of the magic projection, I am afraid that he can become a charming middle-aged idol star, a pair of deep eyes, a vicissitudes of face, and can definitely attract those little girls.

Now Horus has completely lost the original edge, and has become more introverted and deeper. The seclusion life for many years has given him enough time to reflect on what he has done in the past. He knows that he has created it. What a great harm the world ’s sleepless people have brought to this world. If it ’s not for the Dragons, the sleepless people will be the culprits of destroying Prandall.

After thinking about everything in the past, Horus sealed all the dangerous alchemy he had conceived, and never tried it again. In these years, he has been thinking about only one problem, how to completely solve the sleepless person. Threat.

However, before he could solve the problem, he found that his apprentice, Aldrich Harris, suddenly disappeared.

In the beginning, Horus did not realize that he had left. He just thought he might not be able to bear the hardship and went out to relax. As a result, he did not return for several years, and finally realized that the situation was not. That's right.

After careful inspection, Horus only found that his manuscript, which recorded the sleepless man, seemed to have been turned, and Horus realized the seriousness of the problem.

In order to prevent possible accidents, Horus had to break his vow, set foot on this land again, and began to look for his apprentice.

Unfortunately, Aldridge knows him too well, and he knows how to avoid his pursuit, so Horus has not been able to find Aldridge's trace all the way down.

Fortunately, so far, no news has been heard about the insomniacs.

So Horus decided to come to Ellington, the place where the watchers live ...

The magic car stopped slowly, and then Horus came back to him: "Are we here?"

"No, this is the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute. It's a little far from my house. I'll get off the bus and do something. You just wait here."

Elsa said with a smile, opened the door of the car and ran down, rushing directly into the building in front.

"The Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute?"

As soon as Horus had his eyes lighted, although he didn't know what it was doing, he knew by just listening to the name. This is definitely a place full of mysterious knowledge!

If he wasn't worried that his sudden appearance would cause misunderstanding, Horus would plan to follow up and learn something-he noticed that guards were standing in front of the building, which is probably a very important institution.

After a while, the two figures came out from the inside, and the person walking in front was holding a large box, and his body was blocked.

Elsa next said, "So I can move this thing myself, there is no need for you to help me move ..."

A bland voice came from behind the boxes: "Master Elsa, please don't say any more, now I am the Atonement and I'm still in apprenticeship, and mixing things here is what I should have done ... these things Put it in the trunk? "


Horus stunned in the car, this sound ... seems familiar?

"Well, put it in, it's all I will use later, oh, what a nuisance is really war ..."

"Master Elsa, although this war was initiated by His Majesty Tang En, he must have a compelling reason. His Majesty Tang En is a very great and benevolent king. If anyone can save the world, I am afraid he must It's ... well, Lord Elsa, then I won't send it to you, I'll go back and clean up ... "

So familiar voice ...

Horus sat there sitting there. This voice evoked memories deep inside him. This seemed to be a very, very important person's voice for him, but he couldn't remember it for a moment ...

Elsa waved with a smile: "Okay, okay, then you go back, thank you, Rodriguez, I will help you talk about the good things and let you join the formal project team as soon as possible."

"Then I thank you so much. Seriously, I can't wait to study that knowledge with them."

Horus even heard a hint of joy from the bland voice, but immediately after that, Horus trembled as if struck by lightning. He rushed out of the compartment instantly and exclaimed, "Teacher !?"

The man slowly turned around, revealing a slightly pale face, with a touch of curiosity in his pupils, and when he saw Horus, Rodriguez flashed a loss of confusion and frowned. After thinking about it for a moment, I realized.

Isn't it?

No, no! Although the appearance has changed a little, it is clearly Mr. Rodriguez!

Horus was pleasantly surprised at this moment. He never expected that he would be here, in this remote city, to see his mysteriously disappearing teacher again!

You know, long ago, Horus thought that his teacher had lost the power of time and had died!

He is still alive! ?

"You are ... Horus."

Rodriguez finally pulled out a name from the corner of memory, and gradually matched that name with the middle-aged man in front of him: "Yes, you are Horus, my only apprentice."

"Teacher! It really is you!"

Horus's expression was very weird at this moment. He seemed to want to express shock and ecstasy, but his secluded life for many years had almost lost his rich expression ability, so the muscles on his face were distorted and looked very strange.

Elsa blinked, and whispered, "Hey, Rodrigues, are you hostile to your apprentice? What do I think of him as an enemy?"


Rodriguez was speechless: "Master Elsa joked."

After speaking, he looked at Horus and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Teacher, I, I am, I am because ... came to find an old friend."

Horus opened his mouth, but the matter was so secretive that he couldn't just talk about it casually.

What's more, the teacher did not show up during the second Chaos Invasion War, which means that he did not participate in that war, and was not one of the insomniac's insiders. Can this news be disclosed to him?

Not to mention, there are others beside.

Horus hesitated again and again, and decided to conceal it for the time being. He had found a teacher anyway, and when they had a chance, they sat down and talked together.


"Teacher, why are you in a strange state?"

Horus shifted the topic, and he found that his teacher was in a strange state. Although he seemed to be alive, he had a very contradictory death spirit entangled in him. It seems that the two forces have not yet conflicted. Too strange.

Rodriguez said with a mockery: "Strange? I'm a Lich now, strange and normal. Rather, I can still be in my current state, thanks to Her Majesty's power."

"What !? Lich !?"

Horus was taken aback: "You have transformed yourself into a Lich !?"

The news was so amazing that Horus couldn't even believe it was true.

Although he knew the teacher had studied Necromantics, he did not expect that he would eventually choose this way!

Rodriguez waved his hand: "Obviously this is true ... well, I'm glad to see you, but I still have to go back to clean up now, if you are interested, after I get off work in the afternoon, I ask you to go Sit in the pub, let's talk while drinking. "

Although Horus was looking forward to having a good time with the teacher, he noticed something more painful: "Teacher, what did you just say? Are you going to ... clean up? You, here, you have to personally Clean the laboratory !? "

The excited Horus just thought that this magic energy engineering research institute is an institution led by its own teacher! Looking at Prandall, who can create so many wonderful products besides his amazing teacher?

But ... such a great teacher actually has to clean it himself?

"Not cleaning the laboratory."

Horus breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the entire sanitary engineering research institute that needs me to clean."

Rodriguez said calmly: "Actually, my job here is to clean up, take tea and water, and do some chores."


Horus suffocated on his chest and almost spit out old blood.

What did he hear! ? His great, omniscient teacher, working in this magic energy engineering research institute turned out to be miscellaneous! ? !! ?

Who is it! ? Is he blind and doesn't know his teacher! ?

He was the Rodriguez Hohenheim who created the Legion of Gold!

"Teacher! You--"

"No need to say more Horus, I know what you want to say."

Rodriguez stopped Horus' words with faintness: "You don't know too many things ... if you have a chance, you can come here and see for yourself, and at that time you will know us and his How far is the gap ... "

Rodriguez suddenly remembered what Tang En said, and sighed: "... we have been shot dead on the shore by the wave of technological reform."

"He? The owner of this magic engineering institute?"

Horus was very ridiculous to find that he even saw a strong admiration and worship from his teacher's face! ?

who is it? Who has this qualification! ?


Rodriguez nodded: "Lord of Ellington, owner of the Great Tang Chamber of Commerce, Her Majesty Tang En, the regent of the Illus Empire."

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