Things from Another World

Chapter 1105: you are still alive! ?

After watching Rodriguez disappear, Horus looked back and looked at Elsa in the driver's seat, still a little unbelievable: "Her Majesty Tang En is actually a legendary mage? Or an alchemy master ? "

"That's right."

Elsa stared intently at the road ahead and said, "It's because of the power of His Majesty that we can grow so fast. The whole Illus Empire changed because of him, and everyone became because of him. Even happier. "

Horus noticed that when talking about Down, Elsa's face was full of worship and happiness.

"Do you like Her Majesty Tang En?"

"Ah! Hi, what I like, really, really ..."

Elsa suddenly became very shy, bowed her head anxiously, and twitched and did not dare to admit what she thought.

"Sure enough ... Hey, he's about to hit!"

"Ah yeah!"

Elsa made an emergency brake at the moment when she was about to rear-end, and Haohang avoided an accident.

"It's dangerous! I'm going to be deducted from the fine. If the first one is deducted, everyone will laugh at me ..."

Horus's mouth trembled. He wanted to tell this little girl who was a bit stupid. According to the current situation, the point deduction may be a matter of time.

"Do you know when Mr. Rodriguez came here? He ... is his job really just a chore?"

Horus still can't believe his teacher. The great alchemist who has no ancients and no comers is only worth doing the chores here?

It's too ironic to say this!

"That's right."

Elsa restarted the car, holding the steering wheel and staring at the road in front of her, whispering, "He has been brought back from the end of the battle at Lorthemar. His Majesty's brother said he wanted to make atonement for him here. Dahl dedicates the rest of his life. "

Horus captured two keywords: "Losemar? Atonement?"

"Don't you know?"

"What should I know?"

"Losemar's battle, it's Rodriguez's responsibility to follow through."

Horus trembled, and the destruction of Lor'themar turned out to be the teacher's responsibility! ?

"Can you tell me in detail?"

"Well ... Losemar has disappeared anyway, and everyone knows the matter. It doesn't seem to violate discipline ..."

After thinking about it, Elsa nodded, and then began to narrate with Horus what happened to Losmar, from the Magic Engineering Institute to Elsa's home, but only a few minutes (for readers to read Habits, unless it is strictly a description of time in the future, the conventional time lapses will be described in a 24-hour format), the heart of Horus was twists and turns, the whole person was stupid there.

Poor Horus, he thought his courage was big enough, and the misfortunes he had committed were inexcusable, but his teacher, Rodriguez Hohenheim, was still walking by his front!

He actually tried to control chaos! ?

The chaos that baffled Prendall for more than a century was actually the teacher's hand! ?

He even imprisoned the souls of two dragons and made their bodies into necrotic dragons! ?

This is no longer a description of death, but it is simply impossible to find death!

But there is a consensus in Prendall, and it's okay to mess with anyone, don't mess with the dragon!

The dragon's race that has been hung up is notoriously bad. If it irritates them, it is better to just commit suicide. Otherwise, I am afraid that even the soul will be restless.

Teacher ... Teacher ... Are you really my teacher ...

"But even so, it would be a waste of talent for the teacher to clean the tea and water."

"I do not know."

Elsa said very innocently: "I heard your brother said that although Rodriguez is a genius, the knowledge he has mastered is already outdated and he has been eliminated, so he needs to re-learn new basic knowledge, from Apprentices start to learn step by step, and then they can keep up with the current pace. "

Has knowledge been eliminated ...

Horus was silent, even the teacher, so I am afraid that the knowledge that I am proud of is almost the same ...

However, after all, the teacher is the first person in the alchemy world for a long time. There is a foundation. It is certainly not difficult to catch up with the current level of knowledge. Maybe it won't be long before he can dominate it again.

But what about yourself?

After resolving this incident, would it be possible for him to retreat to the permafrost ice field in the extreme north?

This thought flashed in his mind, and soon, Horus confirmed his thoughts.

No, now that I have met the teacher, my future life will inevitably change.

Even teachers can make atonement here, so why not?

What's more, listening to the teacher said that the level of technology here is very advanced. If you can find a solution to the sleepless person here, and you have been carrying the heavy shackles on yourself, you can successfully unlock it?

Horus kept thinking, even when the magic car stopped.

"Oh, here is my home."

It was still Elsa who shouted at him, and then he returned to his senses. After getting out of the car, he looked at this beautiful villa and small house in front of him, feeling very emotional.

People who have been listening to the Dragons have said how poor the watchmen lived, but I did not expect that now, thanks to His Majesty Tang En, even the lives of the watchmen have improved.

"Mom! We have guests here!"

After opening the door and kicking off the shoes, Elsa ran straight in with bare feet. The floor heating in the room was very warm. Both Elsa and Ilia liked the feeling of running around the room without shoes, but Now Elijah went to live in the Lord's Mansion, and no one played with her.

After the Horus behind closed the door, looked at the light-ready floor, and glanced at his dirty shoes, it was really embarrassing to step on them, but taking off the shoes ... if it makes sense, his inside The straps couldn't be cleaned.

After sighing, Horus snapped his fingers, a stream of water appeared out of thin air, and then rolled up directly on his feet. After a moment, the clear water became cloudy and flew directly to the flower pond outside the door. The corpse was gone, and then Horus quickly radiated a hot heat on his legs. The wet shoes and straps became dry immediately, and he took off his boots and followed.

"you are?"

Clara, who asked, saw Horus standing in the living room and froze. She didn't know the person.

"Hello, Ms. Clara."

Horus folded his hands on his chest, bowed gently, and said, "I'm here to see the watchman."

Clara snapped: "Are you an observer of the Dragons?"

She also felt a bit strange after speaking. If you are an observer of the Dragons, you have to mention Eldrokamanda of Ellington. This guy has not been so smart in the days of Ellington. The poet, playing the harp in the tavern, took away the fascination of those little girls from other places, and then he left without any clues. He has almost become a legend in Ellington. .

The expression of Elsa next to him was confused, what was it talking about? What watcher? What observer?

"No, strictly speaking, I am the source of your couple here, introduce myself."

Horus barely squeezed a smile: "I'm Horus Hohenheim."

"Horus ... you are that horus !?"

Clara was taken aback: "Are you alive !?"

Horus grinned bitterly: "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"No, I mean, if you are still alive, why--"

Clara suddenly shut her mouth and looked at Elsa next to her. Elsa didn't even know her father's mission yet.

Horus knew, and asked with a slightly stiff smile: "If you have any questions, you can ask later. Now I want to know where is His Excellency Abbotton? There is an urgent situation ..."

"He should still be there ..."

Horus nodded, turned to leave, and suddenly turned again and asked, "Isn't the place the same?"

"Of course not, but a while ago, Her Majesty Tang En specifically strengthened the defense ... wait, if you want to go, I will help you to contact someone."

Clara pulled out the phone and dialed out. When she answered, she said, "Herus is here. Come here."

After hanging up, Clara said, "Sit down for a cup of hot tea and wait a moment."

Horus readily agreed.

At a pub in Ellington, Alcho Kamanda, surrounded by a group of girls staring at the stars, frowned after hanging up the phone.

Is Horus here?

how can that be? Hasn't he been living in seclusion on the permafrost to study how to solve the problem of sleepless people?

Why did you come here suddenly?

Could it be that--

There was a thrill in Eldrokamanda's heart, and he stood up and almost knocked the girls to the ground.

"Sorry girls, I have something urgent to leave! See you next time!"

Eltro Kamanda hurriedly left the tavern, and the moment he stepped out, he disappeared instantly.

Elsa's House.

"I'm coming!"

Azorkamand suddenly appeared in the living room. After seeing Horus holding the tea cup, he asked with a grimace: "Horus! It really is you! Have you found a solution !? "

Horus sensed the familiar atmosphere from the opponent, and he put down a hot sip of hot tea: "Observer of the Dragon Race?"

"Echo Kamanda."

"I'm afraid to live up to your expectations."

Horus sighed, his eyes fluttering slightly at Elsa.

Eldrokamanda glanced at Elsa, then said with a smile: "Relax, don't mind, she is also a member of our dragon clan."

"She is also a Dragon Race !?"

Horus stared: "But the breath on her body is clearly human!"

"Iro's situation is a bit special. I have the opportunity to talk about it later. In short, if you have anything you can say directly, it is time for her to understand Abbotton's mission."

"if it is like this……"

Horus sighed and confessed directly: "I'm afraid the tomb of the sleepless is dangerous."

Clara and Azor Kamanda change color instantly!

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