Things from Another World

Chapter 1106: Great thing!

There was a moment of silence in Elsa's living room.

Elsa looked left and right, and found that several people had constipated faces with a dead face, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, but ...

"Well, what's the Tomb of the Sleepless?"

"Sorry Elro, I'm not in the mood to help you answer this question now. You can ask your mother to explain it for you, Horus, let's go!"

Eltro Kamanda dragged Horus and rushed out the door, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Elsa blinked, then looked at Clara.

"This one……"

Clara's face was quite ugly. After hesitating for a moment, she patted the sofa next to her: "Elsa, sit down, I will tell you slowly ..."


On the other side, Eldor Kamanda dragged Horus out of the gate, and immediately rose into the sky, flying directly to the Ambris Mountains!

Eltro Kamanda asked aloud in a strong wind: "When did you find something unusual !?"

"It's not abnormal ... heh, forget it, let's talk later when we see the watchman."

Horus shook his head with a bitter smile.


Echo Kamanda whistled and flew to the northwest, and in the blink of an eye came to the depths of the Ambris Mountains. After passing through an invisible barrier, "Boom" fell out of the forest hut where Abbotton lived.

Aberton's eyes inside the hut jumped out and appeared directly outside: "Aidro? Why are you here?"

Atzo Kamanda asked wildly, "What's going on in the Tomb of the Sleepless !?"

"Condition? Nothing."

Abbotton was bewildered: "It's better to say that this time is rare, and even the previous shocks are gone."


Alcho Kamanda looked at Horus with a puzzled look.

"So you are so anxious."

Horus sighed, then stepped forward, saluted a wizard at Abbotton, and said, "Salute to you, Lord Watcher."

"you are?"

Horus said with a bitter smile: "Horus Hohenheim, you are the culprit of the watchmen."

"You are Horus !?"

Abbot was taken aback: "Are you alive !?"

Horus turned to look at Azor Kamanda: "Did you keep telling me I was dead?"

Eldrok Kamanda pouted: "Anyway, you live in seclusion in the ever-frozen ice field, and it's no different than dead."

Rao is a character who has been calm and restrained. Many Horus is also a black line, but fortunately, he did n’t know the dragon ’s offline style on the first day, and he simply uncovered the topic and said, I'm afraid it's really dangerous. "

"the reason?"

"My apprentice is gone."

Horus sighed: "This is also to blame me. I have always wanted to wash away the sins of my body and focus on solving the problem of the sleepless person, but neglecting to discipline him will only lead to the current result, obviously he was also A good boy ... "

Both Azor Kamanda and Abbotton changed their faces: "He knows about the sleepless? You broke the contract?"

"No, I didn't break the contract, just ... He flipped through my notes and saw some of the data about the sleepless."

Horus shook his head and said helplessly, "This is the clue I discovered after he disappeared, I'm afraid he's thinking of the sleepless person at this moment."

"Did not find him?"

Horus continued to shake his head: "No, he knows me too well, he knows my means very well, and it is easy to hide it."

"This is a lot of trouble ..."

Eldor Kamanda had a headache: "Should the world be swept by the sleepless before the third Chaos Invasion War?"

Izo Kamanda now does not worry that the sleepless person will destroy the world. Now the strength of the dragon family has gradually recovered to its peak state. There are also weapons such as magic cannon armor. There is no need to tie hands and feet against the sleepless person, plus the strength of other races. It is not so easy for the sleepless to destroy the world.

He was worried that if the scale of the battle was too large, the world would be ruined.

Against that army of chaos in that situation is really a terrible thing.

"The Third Chaos Invasion War !?"

Horus was startled: "The army of chaos is back again !?"

Atzo Kamanda and Abbott glanced at each other: "Oh, he doesn't know the news yet ..."

The two said the news brought by Tang En, and Horus' mood was even worse. The problem of the sleepless man had not been resolved. As a result, the chaotic creatures had to invade again. Is it that Prandall is destined to go extinct? ?

"However, this time with the assistance of His Excellency Tang En, the winning percentage against the Chaos Army has increased a lot, and we are very confident."

Azor Kamanda said happily: "At least, after using these technologies he brought, so far, we have dealt with those small batches of chaotic creatures and the gates of chaos. We have never lost. The situation is better than before. "

Tang En, Tang En again ...

What a prodigious wizard this person is!

Horus sighed, he shook his head, and then said, "Don't talk nonsense, let's quickly go down to see the condition of the seal. If something goes wrong, it's best to watch out as soon as possible."

Echo Kamanda and Abbotton would certainly not refuse, so Abbotton opened the passage again, and the bitter cold air permeated. Compared with the temperature below, the cold winter moon outside is almost as warm as the spring and March. .

After stepping into the spiral staircase, Horus sighed. This is the second time he has stepped here since he sealed the sleepless one hundred years ago.

The stairs circled down, and the passage was filled with a cold and crazy breath. The three men's ears continued to whisper indescribable whispers. As long as this crazy breath leaked out, it would be enough to let the civilians of a whole city fall into a madness. Among them, even the master-level apocalypse will not be able to resist here for a long time and will completely fall into madness.

Abbton paused, and found that the chill this time was colder than the last time he came to maintain it.

The scorching scent emanating from Azor Kamanda helped Horus and Abbotton to withstand the cold erosion, and the three of them walked silently, walking down with their heads down.

Finally, they once again came to the extremely empty hall, standing on the entrance stairs as small as a few ants.

Hundreds of meters of underground caves, the stone pillars full of runes still stood there silently, on the ice-blue chains over the hall, the runes of God's Word still glittered, everything here is as before, no The slightest change.

Seeing this scene, the three were relieved, and at least it seemed that the apprentice of Horus had not had time to do anything about the tomb of the sleepless.

"Look down."

The three continued to walk down the stairs, along the spiral staircase on the stone pillar, all the way down to the bottom, and went straight to the front of the quaint gate up to 100 meters high.

With just a glance at Abbotton, he felt a tingling in his eyes, his soul began to shake, and he hurriedly looked away.

Even the watchman Abbotton, who was bearing the power of the dragon, did the same, and the Horus next to him was even worse. He didn't even dare to look directly at the door.

The door that sealed the sleepless man for hundreds of years has accumulated too much madness. Even though these sleepless people were originally created by him, the breath they have accumulated has already surpassed his creator's expectations.

"I didn't expect the breathlessness of the sleepless people to become so terrible now. This crazy breath can even overflow through the seal of this door."

There was a sudden horror in Horus's mind. According to this situation, even if Rodriguez does nothing, this seal may not support the next hundred years.

"This is still good."

Abbot said in a deep voice: "Recently, the underground world has been developing relatively well, and a lot of valuable antimony stones can be obtained, so I often come to replace the antimony stones, and the seal situation is much more stable than at the beginning.

Only then did Horus notice that there was a pile of dead magic stones on the ground nearby. This precious material from the underground world was rare and rare in the past. I didn't expect to get so much now.

Abbotton stroked the hilt, and looked at Altro Kamanda's arm: "Or else, let's do it again?"

Alcho Kamanda rolled his eyes: "Go! Even if I have better resilience, blood is precious, right?"

"It's a big deal to ask Tang En for a bottle of blood from the goddess."

"Are you a fool ..."

Eltro Kamanda said weakly, "The reason why the blood of the goddess is so strong is that most of the users are human ... For our dragon, the intensity of the treatment can only be said to be better than nothing."

Abbotton snapped: "I forgot this ... but Her Majesty Tang En still has the power of life ..."

"No, the Magic Circle is running normally now, and I don't want to be beaten again for no reason."

Horus waved his hand, his face was very pale: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's check it carefully. If there is any problem, at least we have time to make up for it."

"You mean, give it to me here, but move quickly, we won't be able to last long."

"let's start."

The three began to scatter the status of the seals.

After a moment, Horus suddenly exclaimed and yelled, "Big things are bad! Come on!"

"what happened!?"

The other two hurriedly came, seeing where Horus was pointing, and they both took a cold breath and exclaimed, "How is this possible !?"

At the corner of that quaint and solid huge stone door, I don't know when a finger-like crack appeared. At this moment, the crazy breath in the seal is pouring out from this crack!

"Damn! No wonder this time it feels more crazy!"

Abbott's face was iron-blue: "It's been a while since this crack appeared! I'm afraid it wasn't so big at the beginning! (See Chapter 444)"

"If it wasn't for Horus's reminder, I'm afraid we haven't noticed the situation here yet."

Eltro Kamanda fluke: "Perhaps we can fix it here?"

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