Things from Another World

Chapter 1107: Kneeling more often, I get used to it

The gate of the Tomb of the Sleepless was originally laid by Sasha Glott and Horus, etc. Now, the strength of Horus and Azor Kamanda is not enough to repair it, so Azor Karman Da immediately contacted Sasaglot.

After receiving the bad news, Sasha Glott rushed to Ellington without saying a word, and then pulled Down, Aegwynn, Yustissa, Angus, Jean, and Eutinia together. Rushed over.

"Your Majesty Tang En! Why are you all here?"

At the entrance, Abbotton froze.

Is he Down?

Horus's attention was instantly attracted by the only unknown male in the team.

This is the one who changed the Illus Empire, and let his teacher stay honestly to pay for his sins, clean his health with tea and water?

I can't see what is special about him at all. There is no fluctuation in the field, no breath of rules ... Is he really a legendary powerhouse?

There was a hint of doubt in Horus's mind.

Sasha Glotter sighed: "No way, the alchemy masters who had died with Horus and disappeared disappeared, and no one can be found. Fortunately, Tang En's level is not bad. It can completely replace their role, and Otinija is the true god. With her help, I am afraid that this seal will be stronger than before. "

"True, true **** !? How is this possible !?"

Horus was startled, the silent girl with silver hair turned out to be the true god! ?

"Oh, yes, you haven't known about it yet ... Yo, Horus, you haven't seen each other for so many years, you still look the same, oh, no, you seem to have become more vicissitudes. This is going to go uncle Fan Yet?"

Sasha Glott greeted Horus and immediately caught Down's attention.

Horus! ?

He was Horus Hohenheim who created the Sleepless! ?

He is still alive! ? More importantly, when did this guy come to Ellington! ?

This kind of talent came to Ellington and he didn't receive any news at all! ?

Horus smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Can you stop digging at me?"

Sasha Glott patted Horus on the shoulder and said graciously: "Although it is indeed your responsibility to sleepless, you are also a hero who has saved the world. You don't have to blame yourself too much."

Horus was speechless, brother, didn't you say that when you sealed the sleepless man before ...

Sasha Glott pointed at Yustis and said, "Come, introduce. This is Yustis, the current patriarch of the Einzberen family on the permafrost. Speaking of you, the Hohenheim family. But a lot of technology was learned from the Einzbelen family— "

Horus waved his hand and said with a bitter smile: "No need to introduce, we know, I have been to the Einzbelen family before, but my question is ... haven't your family been kept sealed? You can now get out of the seal Anymore? "

"long time no see."

With a smile, Yusita Yingying said, "Thanks to Her Majesty Tang En's forgiveness of the gods, we now have the freedom of the Einzbelen family. Everyone is living a happy life now."

Donn! It's Down!

Horus no longer knew what to do with the ordinary Don on the side.

"You actually know each other ..."

Sasha Glott smashed it and said, "Oh, it is true that the Hohenheim family has always maintained a connection with the Einzbelen family, and it is also the only channel for the Einzbelen family to get outside news. Now. "

After all, he solemnly came to Otinija and said to Horus, "But you must not know this one, and I would like to introduce this grandly, this is the daughter of the **** of death Grittens , The protector of the pure girl at night, the dark girl Ms. Otinija! "


Horus suddenly gave a stun, this **** a bit too exciting!


A living true God appeared to himself!

That's it!

But—but the true **** that appeared was the daughter of Grittens!

Your uncle--

Rao was a Horus who was as calm as a heart, almost scared to pee!

Don't forget, in order to create the Sleepless, he Horus desecrated many dead souls and corpses!

In the eyes of the **** of death, this is definitely a blasphemy of his divine power!

To say which deity Horus fears most, it is undoubtedly Gritrens, the **** of death!

Now Grittens was silent, but his daughter stood in front of him so suddenly!

Horus felt clearly that his legs were shaking ...

Yes, the dark girl in front of her, Otinia, said nothing but looked at him calmly, but Horus was afraid.

With a soft leg and a "thump", Horus knelt down to Eutinia in front of everyone ...

Now that he was on his knees, Horus simply broke the jar and fell his head, and said directly, "Horus Hohenheim has seen the Lord, and the Lord please tell the **** of death. Horus has no intention to desecrate his authority. , Asking him to forgive me ... "

Mortals will naturally have the impulse to worship in the presence of the true God. Originally, Odinija had gathered her divine power. Horus should not have this impulse. However, it is strange that his previous research category was just Within the authority of the **** of death.

"Get up."

Eutinia said calmly: "I guess he doesn't have the time to pay attention to you now, and I forgive you for him."

Tang En took it seriously, and if nothing unexpected, now the attention of the gods in the heavens is probably focused on the chaos invasion. As the main force against the second chaos invasion war, Horus may be in the eyes of the gods. The status is pretty good yet.


Horus wiped the cold sweat from his forehead before he got up and looked back, the cloak on his back was soaked.

Both Angus and Jean were stunned: "Horus, you have a great reaction ..."

Horus looked at them with a bitter smile, and secretly slandered, how could these two guys know their psychological pressure?


Sasha Glott also stayed for a while, before pointing at Down, saying, "This is Lord Down, the messenger of the gods, the man destined to save the world."

"Hello there."

Tang En nodded at him, and Horus nodded dullly.

No wonder he can change the entire Illus Empire!

No wonder he can make so many people excited for him!

Angels of the gods!

Man destined to save this world!

Isn't this big enough! ?

Horus found that he was hit today more than a hundred years ago ...

"Speaking, what's your apprentice's name?"

Abbotton suddenly remembered the stubble: "Perhaps you can use Her Majesty's power to search for him. As long as you catch him in advance, you don't need to worry about the situation of the sleepless tomb."

"His apprentice? What's wrong?"

A group of people stunned around.

Horus explained with a bitter smile to them about Aldridge.

"This is not good news."

Sasha Glott's face paled: "The tomb of the sleepless can never be opened. Although we are not afraid of the sleepless now, the damage caused by the fighting to the world cannot be recovered in a short time. Can't stand such a fierce battle. "

"Is Aldridge Harris?"

Tang En nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand. I will inform you when I go back, search for the person's whereabouts, and notify me as soon as I find it ... no, after I find it, I will take him directly."

Tang En thinks it would be safer.

"It's the best, but I'm worried that he fumbled here to open the Tomb of the Sleepless, so he hurried over and found Aldridge, but found a crack in the door ..."

Horus sighed again and again: "Maybe this is destiny ..."

"Well, now that everyone knows each other, let's get to work now."

Sasha Glott clapped her hands: "Is there anything you want to talk about when you're done with the business, let's go!"

"This is the Tomb of the Faceless?"

Tang En walked into the underground passage, feeling the bitter chill coming from his face, listening to the crazy whisper sounded in his ears, a little surprised in his heart, even his strength felt cold, let alone others.

Thinking of this, Tang En glanced at Aegwynn blamely. She knew the tomb of the sleepless person but never mentioned it to her. It seems that in her heart, her own importance is far from enough. ...

This is what Tang En misunderstood Aegwin. Elves are a race that pays great attention to commitment and contract. At the beginning, they were led by Sasha Glott. They swore together that they would never disclose the information of the sleepless. It's a sacred, inviolable oath, so even the most important person, she won't say it.

Taking note of Tang En's gaze, Aegwin's inquiring gaze was thrown back-her simple brain thinking in a straight line could not understand the meaning of Tang En's gaze.

Alas, whoever made himself fall in love with her at first sight.

Tang En lamented very much that things like love were so unreasonable.

"To be precise, just the entrance."

Sasha Glott led the way, with a rather solemn expression: "The Tomb of the Sleepless is hidden very deep underground, but ... now the breath of the entrance is so strong ... Ai Zhuo, what's going on? "

"Although the seal is still working normally, the door is cracked by a finger-thick slit, and the breathlessness of the sleepless person is leaking out of the crack."

"Finger thickness? Are you referring to dragon fingers or human fingers?"

Eltro Kamanda was a little speechless: "Of course it is a human finger. If it is the thickness of a dragon's finger, I am afraid that the entire grave has completely collapsed under the impact."

"So it is."

Sasagolo nodded characteristically and asked casually: "Ms. Otinija, is there any way you can completely isolate this crazy atmosphere?"

Eutinia said in shock: "Keep going, let's see below."

So the group fell silent again and kept walking down silently.

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