Things from Another World

Chapter 1108: Stupid non-mention

The group did not know how long they had walked, but they felt that the cold was getting more and more piercing, and the murmur in their ears became more and more unbearable, and the vision in front of them suddenly became extremely wide.

"This, this is--"

Seeing this huge underground cave in front of him, Tang En was speechless in shock.

The arched stone pillars and the chains above are so spectacular that the visual impact it brings is simply beyond description!

"Well, I haven't seen it in a hundred years. There is still no change here."

Angus sighed, and Jennifer said, "But fortunately nothing has changed here, or the world will usher in another disaster."

Yustysa looked curiously at the huge chain in the cave: "On it is ... the rune of God?"


Angus nodded: "It is an imitation made by Horus based on the printing and analysis of the runes in the six temples. It is said that the power of the runes was also used when creating the sleepless ... … I have to say that he is indeed a genius, and he is in front of me, saying that I am the first person in alchemy, and I really deserve it. "

Eutinia, who was silent next to her, looked up at the rune on the chain of the eye, and a slight smirk flickered from the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, mortals are mortals ...

Originally, Angus was just a casual sentence, but I do n’t know why, but Jean next to him somehow blew up.

"Oh, that's because Horus's identity is not suitable for publicity."

Ginpi said with a smile, "I didn't know who knew that I had to refrigerate Horus. When I changed my personal propaganda, I couldn't sleep happily."

Angus was furious: "Old man, don't you make me uncomfortable, right ?!"

"It just feels bad to hear you talking."

"It's simply that you can't look at me better than you!"

"Oh! The two of us don't know who is doing well. My wealth and connections in Silver City can kill you!"

"I hehe you look!"

"Okay, can't you two be quiet?"

Tang En reluctantly acted as a peacemaker: "Now do the business first, and then the two of you will be upset and fight again."

Jean sneered: "You don't need to know that I'm male, he's female."

Angus was furious again: "Old bastard, are you deliberately finding fault? Why don't you compare me with alchemy !?"

Aegwynn pouted: "Angus is indeed inferior to Gene in terms of combat. It's a bit unfair. Why not?"

Tang En patted his head: "Igwin, why can't you just make this fun?"

Aigwin blinked: "Isn't this interesting?"

Quite ... interesting?

Tang En froze suddenly, looking at the faint smile on Aegwin's face, and suddenly felt a touch of dissonance, and then looked closely at Angus and Jean ... Suddenly, Tang En sweated coldly: "The eyes of their two Why so red? "


Angus and Jean froze and looked into each other's eyes. They suddenly took a breath of air and yelled in unison: "Not good! Unconsciously they are affected!"

Sustainedly, a real power of order emanated from Sasaglotte. The gentle force wrapped the crowd. The anxiety of Angus and Jean was calmed down immediately, and the unpleasant viciousness of Aegwynn suddenly came to an end. Also disappeared.

Angus and Jean glared at Sasha Glot: "Your Majesty the Dragon King!"

Sasha Glotter's very innocent spreader: "I thought you all have experience, so I don't need to protect it."

Even the three legendary heroes Angus, Jean and Aegwin who have been here have been unaware of the effects of the sleepless breath, let alone ordinary people.


After calming down, Angus asked with a little surprise: "Neither His Excellency Downe nor Ms. Utissa?"


Tang En spread his hand: "Presumably because of the protection that the gods gave me."

A few people can only envy, this is really a convenient power ...

"I am even simpler. You must know that our family has been sealed for thousands of years. Without a strong soul and will, we would have destroyed ourselves long ago."

Standing next to Tang En, Yu Stisa said with a smile: "No matter how strong the sleepless person is, it's impossible to shake my will."

"Since it's okay, hurry up. The longer the time is, the more troublesome it will be."

"Why not jump straight from here?"

Tang En glanced at the outside of the stairs, only a few hundred meters high, and it was easy to jump straight down.

"Try it if you don't want to die--"

Jean closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before calming down: "... this **** sleepless man ... Huh, I mean, you can't jump here, because the seal here is so strong, it also causes a very strong In the area where the magic is deposited, the inert magic forms a stable loop with the chain under the guidance of the seal, which means that the magic here cannot be mobilized by you. "

"——At the same time, if the magical activity in your body is too strong and the power of the seal is activated, I am afraid that you will also be sealed here."

"In short, if you can walk here, just walk, don't even think about copying the way."

Tang En had no choice but to walk down the stairs all the way. After walking for half an hour, he finally reached the bottom of the hall in the middle of the cave.

After coming all the way to the gate, Horus pointed out the location of the crack.

Sasha Glott looked solemnly: "I'm afraid this crack has been around for a while ... Abbotton, when was the last time you came here?"

"In the middle of last month, come in and replace the eliminator."

Speaking of this, Abbotton suddenly frowned: "I remembered it. It seems that from the beginning of the year, the frequency of the demite stone replacement is getting faster and faster. Is it already broken at that time?"

"Very likely, but ..."

Sasha Glott frowned: "No! The entire seal magic circle has been running for hundreds of years, has been stable, and there have been no special circumstances recently. Why did you suddenly crack a gap?"

Tang En suddenly asked: "The external environment has not changed. What if the internal environment has changed?"

"That's impossible!"

Sashaglot and Horus shared the same voice. After looking at each other, Sashaglot continued: "After being sealed, the sleepless people have completely fallen asleep, and now they are overflowing only with their own forces that continuously escape outward, as long as The seals are not broken, they cannot wake up, and the internal environment cannot change. "

Tang En spread his hand: "Then I don't know, you research it yourself ... or repair it before you study it?"

"Now it is not repairing the problem that is not repaired, but to find out why the crack appeared."

Horus explained: "If the root cause of the problem is not resolved, it will definitely appear after the repair."

"Then what do you think is the reason?"

Horus was asked at once, and said a little tangled: "Is Aldridge sneaking in here quietly, trying to destroy the door, only to find that he just gave up after opening a hole?"

He also knows that this statement is nonsense, but this seems to be the only possibility.


Abbington looked displeased and patted his big sword heavily: "I have the blessing of Her Majesty the Dragon King, and I also bear the contract to guard the place. Anyone who enters here will notice that Aldridge's Will it be stronger than you? "

"No, he only has the supreme third-order strength ..."

Abbot said categorically: "Then he will never be here."

Want to break through his blockade with the supreme third-order strength? Totally impossible!

The role of the watchman and the blessing of the Dragons have given him super strength and continuous physical strength. If he is now dedicated to defending the entrance of the Tomb of the Sleepless, even if the legendary strongman comes, he will not be able to break through his defense line!

"So," Tang En repeated. "It is not a matter of a while to find the problem, but the breathlessness of the sleepless person has been escaping, even Angus and Jean will be affected. How dangerous. "

"His Excellency Tang En is right, let's fix the crack first."

Sasha Glotter said in a deep voice, "If you drag on, there will be a dangerous situation."

"it is good!"

"what should I do?"

"Tang En, I will arrange it for you later, please be patient."


Sasaglotte, Azokamanda, Horus, Angus, Jean, Aegwynn, they are all busy, leaving only Down, Abbotton, Estesa and Otinija Standing aside in a daze.

Looking up at the huge giant stone door, Tang En could feel a faint suction. The door seemed to be attracting his soul, but due to his special circumstances, this attraction was so small that it could be ignored.

After turning around the "reliefs", Tang En suddenly noticed Otiniya's playful gaze.

Tang En gathered together: "Otinija, did you find anything?"

Eutinia looked at him with a playful look: "Yeah, I find that you really have no control over you ..."

"What do you say?"

"prior to--"

Otni Arden paused, and a slight flash of unnaturalness flashed on her face: "Did I not teach you a runic rune before? You try to describe the information carried on that rune."


Tang En opened his mouth, but was distressed to find that the meaning of the divine rune was clear in his heart, but he could not describe it.

"Can't describe, right?"

Tang En nodded.

"But this Horus, a stupid non- mention, tried to speculate on the meaning of God's runes with the ridiculous wisdom of his mortal, and even tried to use these gods' runes to restrain the soul of the dead and drive him. The body of the dead, what a ridiculous sleepless person to continue to fight. "

Eutinia's face had a slight sarcasm: "Don't you say you can't help it?"

"You mean--"

An instant thunder crossed Tang En's mind: "Is there a problem with the rune of God's Word when Horus created the Sleepless !?"

Otinija said lightly: "Although I haven't seen it myself, I dare to assert that there is nothing wrong with it, I'm afraid it's totally wrong."

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