Things from Another World

Chapter 1110: Sleepless, wake up!

Grace Kingdom South.


Just listening to the sound of a thunder on the ground, a skyward beam of light suddenly appeared in the gray ridge excavation field. The extremely cold breath centered on the beam of light and spread quickly in all directions!

The screaming plateau, which was already extremely cold, suddenly became colder. The Warcraft around the Grey Ridge Excavation Site only noticed this breath, and was frightened and died one after another!

And those powerful Warcrafts immediately flew outwards immediately after perceiving this breath. A large number of Warcrafts were frozen by the breathlessness of the sleepless during the escape process, and they kept the escape posture and fell to the ground. If they are carefully examined, they will Found that they had lost their lives.

Further afield, even through the towering Ambles Mountains, the sensitive Warcraft in the jungle on the south side have already noticed the coming of the crisis, the flying Warcrafts have risen to the sky, and the Warcraft group covering the sky has begun. Migrate quickly.

In the Emerald Forest, the restless Warcraft rushed, trampled everything into mud, the earth trembled violently, like an earthquake, and it was useless for the elf rangers to keep calming their emotions.

The gray ridge excavation site where the beam of light appeared at this moment has completely turned into a pale crystallized area-under the strong impact of the century-old strength accumulated in the tomb of the sleepless, the seal around the core area was lifted. The earth and stone changed qualitatively almost instantaneously, and turned into a pale white spar. The tendency of this crystallization continues to spread rapidly!

"Success! Hahahaha-finally succeed!"

Aldridge's crazy laugh came out of the cave at the bottom of the pit. In front of him, the original intact enchantment was broken at this moment. Outer escape emerges, and this force is constantly increasing, and the broken caves in the enchantment are constantly collapsing, becoming bigger!

"Did you see it? Sir Sir Craig! I said, I am the most powerful! I am a genius who transcended the teacher! So I can break this enchantment!"

Aldridge's face was full of crazy and twisted smiles, and the weird dagger in his hand exuded an indescribable color: "This is the culmination of all my hard work over the years, and any magic equipment that can be moved by any magician. ——Blade of the Lawbreaker! Even the legendary one who can seal the sleepless enchantment can only be overshadowed by this dagger! "

"I am the true genius! I am the strongest! Only I am qualified to master this invincible army!"

Aldridge, with his mouth full of madness, did not pay attention to Sir Craig behind him. Sir Craig was originally only the apocalypse of the golden peak, but was just affected by the overflowing power in the tomb of the sleepless man. With his original limit, he instantly realized his own field and was promoted to the Grand Master level!

However, before he even had time for ecstasy, the amount of violent violence erupted drowned him!

How can a hundred-year-old strength be sealed in the seal of the Tomb of the Sleepless? The force overflowing from the main entrance can even affect Angus and Jean, let alone the force overflowing from the hole here!

The power of Sir Craig's original will was instantly destroyed!

His body just supported a little more time, and under the impact of strength, he became dead and completely disappeared from the world!

Even Aldridge, if he hadn't relied on a lot of magic equipment on his body, and the blade of the special spell-breaker in his hand, he wouldn't be able to bear it right now.

"This! That's enough to match the chaotic army!"

"This! That's the power of the Sleepless Legion!"

"This! That's my power!"

Aldridge opened his arms and started giggling and actively absorbing the power of the sleepless.

This is the method he has developed over the years. He believes that the sleepless man created by his teacher Horus has lost his mind, but has a combat instinct, which means that his soul still has the instinct to judge enemy and self.

But they did not obey Horus' orders, which shows that Horus is not the same in their eyes.

Then, if you say that you have absorbed the power of the sleepless, use the power of the sleepless to promote the legend, and have their breath on them, can you let them treat themselves as the same, or even the leader?

Aldridge actually has accumulated enough strength to promote the legend many years ago. He already knows what rules he touches, but in order to achieve this goal, he doesn't take that step, because he is in the sleepless person. Under the baptism of power, promote the legend!

In this way, his power can be accompanied by the breath of the sleepless!

If successful, you can master this powerful and invincible division!

Even if they are unsuccessful, it is not a piece of cake to reseal them with their strength after being promoted to the legend and their familiarity with the spell enchantment. Even if you ca n’t seal it, is n’t it easy to escape?

"Huh ... how big ... what sheer power ... more ... I want more ..."

Aldridge greeted the impact of the Sleepless Force with an intoxicated face. His clothes were overwhelmed and the magical equipment hanging on his body began to burst one by one because of overload!

Earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets ...

With the gradual fragmentation of magic equipment, the pressure on Aldridge himself is also increasing, but he is not surprised: "Yes! That's it! That's how it feels! Come on! I've already done it Ready for the shock! "

Aldridge suddenly stabbed his body with the blade of the spellbreaker. After the blade of the spellbreaker pierced the skin, he unlocked the seal he had applied in the body, and the accumulated power erupted in an instant, but with this At the same time, the huge force outside was constantly squeezing his body. After being stimulated, the power of the insomniac began to counterattack. Began to erode his blood, and the magic pool in his body began to stagnate ...

"Give me-broken!"

The physical pain did not affect Aldridge. He laughed wildly and released the backlog of power. The world suddenly became extremely clear in his eyes. It seemed that the law behind everything was faintly visible. Among them, his The rule is exceptionally obvious, that is ... the rule that you can master the frequency of everything.

Just touch it ...

Aldridge reached out his hand, his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

Yes, as long as you touch it, you can really touch the realm of laws, you can rise to the legend under the breath of this sleepless person, and you can control them!

However, after this hand was stretched out, it never recovered.

The bitter chill continued to emerge from the hole, and the violent power changed all the material structure around it. Aldridge, proud and arrogant, did not even notice that his feet were under the impact of the first wave of power It has crystallized and is connected to the whole piece of earth.

As the power from the Tomb of the Sleepless became stronger, the crystallized area spread rapidly, and when he was about to break through the legendary level, the crystallized area had spread to his chest.

In this case, even if he is promoted to the legend, I am afraid he will not be able to regain this life, not to mention he has not had time to promote the legend, the entire soul and will have been completely destroyed in the peak of power explosion !!

Yes, even if Aldridge is in a lot of ways, this arrogant guy is overestimating himself.

He thinks that he has learned heaven and man, that everything in the world is in control, but pride has blinded his eyes. Horus's fear of the sleepless is regarded as timid, and his desire to surpass Horus becomes With an obsessive obsession, the result is that he did such a terrible thing!

The power of the sleepless, even Sasha Glott and Angus, including the creator Horus, are so secretive, how can he be in control?

Aldridge could not even know how terrible the consequences of this act would be, because his soul and Craiglian's soul had been frozen and shattered by the breathless sleeper, Aldridge had completely Disappeared from this world, no chance of rebirth.

The reason why sleepless people can fight against the chaotic army and not be affected by chaotic creatures is that under the power of the runes of the gods, their power has very special properties, which can affect and interfere with the soul, and can also be immune to chaotic creatures. Erosion-But the sleepless person is already the incarnation of the mind of the war dead. It is crazy enough. The only difference between a crazy sleepless person and a crazy chaotic creature is that the sleepless person only affects the human mind. Instead of expanding their lineup.

The power of the sleepless roared in the cave. In a pale world, only Aldridge's crystallized body still remained in a standing position, and the mad smile on his face was still condensed there. He may not until the moment of death. Know exactly what terrible things he released ...


The opening of the seal enchantment expanded once again, and in the ever-collapsed and collapsed crypt, an ice-blue figure suddenly appeared, and then a pair of iron fists waved out, listening to only a roar, the crystallized Aldridge instantly The time was blasted into dust, the violent boxing force penetrated the crypt obliquely, broke through the earth and stones, pierced the sky, and the entire crypt was expanded by the boxing force several times!


There were more shadows behind the ice-blue figure, and their faces could not be seen in the crypts filled with crystal dust. Only the pair of scarlet eyes were extremely dazzling, and the roar like a beast echoed in the cave.


Sleepless, wake up!

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