Things from Another World

Chapter 1111: Once woke up, the whole world was shocked!

The emerald corolla, who was originally elegantly sitting on a wicker chair and humming a small song to enjoy the winter sun, suddenly changed her face, and instantly rushed into the sky, looking at the sky in the north, her expression solemn.

"This breath ... is it ... the sleepless !?"

Isali's face was unbelievable: "How is this possible !? The sleepless person has been sealed, it is impossible to suddenly break the seal ..."

Although you can't see the situation in the distance, the strong breath from the north is indeed the iconic crazy breath of the sleepless!

Could it be said that the sleepless man is really awake! ?

Isari looks ugly.

"Her Majesty?"

Mattilda, who was half asleep and awake, noticed the movement of Isari and immediately followed, and she saw her expression, her heart sinking: "What happened?"

"Matilda ..."

Isali turned back, her expression very strange, sad and painful, and she whispered, "Get ready, we are going to fight the enemy ..."

"Combat !?"

Matilda was startled: "An enemy has invaded the Emerald Forest !?"

"No ..."

"I'm afraid we have to take the initiative and face very terrible enemies ..."


Matilda whistled away!

Isari fell on the canopy of the World Tree, stroking the branches gently, and whispered, "Grandpa, please immediately notify the principal priest of Maserati, and all members of the clan above the gold level, and gather on standby on the three-story platform square. , Ready to fight ... "

The sound of the World Tree sounded in Isary's mind: "I've noticed ... they're awake ..."

"Yes, the sleepless."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, I need to contact my friends right away," said Sally.

The World Tree went to notify the elves in the Emerald Forest. At the same time, Isari took out her mobile phone. However, neither Tang nor Jean Angus could dial them.

what happened?

Is it because the sleepless person wakes up and affects the communication ability of the magic phone?

Isari was full of anxiety, and there was a little anxiety on her calm and gentle face. She directly performed teleportation and appeared in the Lord's Mansion in Ellington.

"Queen Isari?"

Fiona was surprised to see Isari suddenly appearing: "Are you here for Donn? Unfortunately, he just went out."

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know. His Majesty Sasha Glott just took him out."

Even Sasaglotte is here! ?

This time, Isari no longer doubts, I'm afraid the seal of the sleepless person is really out of order!

Remember the direction of the Tomb of the Sleepless ...

Isari nodded to Fiona, then rushed out immediately and flew to the tomb of the sleepless.

Watching dignified and noble Isari leave, Fiona's face is full of envy, and she also wants to make herself a woman like Queen Isari.

"But ... is it rare to see her so anxious, what happened?"

Because of the distance, Fiona's strength was not strong enough, so she could not detect the magic wave in the air.


At this time, Serna ran over in panic: "Where is Tang En ?!"

"You're looking for him too? He's not there ..."

"He wasn't here at this time !? A very terrible breath erupted just now, and I always have an unknown feeling!"

As a deserter from the Second Chaos Invasion War, Selna didn't know anything about the Sleepless, but she could also detect the terrible power that erupted from the Grey Ridge Excavation Site.

That is absolutely no less powerful than the legendary powerhouse's full burst!

This is true of Isari, even so is Selena ...

Fiona frowned: "I see. I'll remind him if Tang En is back. Besides, Ms. Selna, please patrol around Ellington. If something is found, report it as soon as possible. . "


Selna clutched her chest. How she wished she was nervous, but the breath was ...

However, there are so many strong men in Ellington, even if there are really some terrible enemies, there should be nothing wrong ...

Kingdom of the Dwarves, Fort Hammer.

A "quack" sounded, the red hairy embryo on the anvil was smashed with a hammer, and the broken **** was flying all over the sky, illuminating Albert's suspicious face behind the anvil.

"Master Ablon?"

This is-the breath of the sleepless! ?

Eberron looked northward in a lightning flash. Even though it was across the thick Ambries, he could still clearly see the breath, which was the crazy breath that had made him have nightmares for more than ten years!

Nothing wrong! This is the breath of the sleepless!

But-the direction of the entrance of the Tomb of the Sleepless is obviously southeast! ?

Eberron was in chaos, threw away the forge hammer, and whistled into the throne room: "Durandon!"

Durandon on the throne was having a headache with those files, and he was overjoyed: "Master? Did something happen !?"

"Sound a full alert now!"

Alberton shouted, "Notify all dwarf villages to be on alert, and notify all dwarf warriors to assemble immediately and be ready to fight!"


Durandon took a cool breath: "Observe!-Can I know why?"

"The enemy has appeared."

Eberron gritted his teeth and said, "Fearful enemy ... I'll leave for a while! Don't be careless!"

After finishing talking, Abram rushed straight out, and the target was obviously the tomb of the sleepless!

The new Burkeso of the Rennes Empire, hiding in his home to enjoy wine and food, sharp teeth. Blood bristles suddenly smashed the large stick bone in his hand, white bone **** crackled in his mouth, silent sharp The teeth chewed those bone scum, and a smirk smiled.

"It feels like ... hehe ... hey ... it's them ... yes ... absolutely them ..."

The sharp teeth stroked the scar on the chest, and the whole body of blood boiled: "Although I don't know why you wake up ... but ... this time, I will send you to **** by myself!"

After drinking the glass of Chinese wine, sharp teeth threw away the wine glass in his hand, raised the **** tomahawk standing next to him, and walked out.


"I'm going out. You go to Ursa and tell Her Majesty Tastro and Pope Imir that the enemy appears and it's time to fight."

Meng Kahn was startled: "Enemies !? Father, what kind of enemy?"

However, Montgokahn had disappeared into the blizzard, and only his voice echoed in the wind: "Come on ..."

Montgo Kahn hesitated for a moment, then rushed into the snow.

At this moment, a group of people in the Tomb of the Sleepless were all stunned, and they were not aware of the outside situation wrapped in the magic deposition area. At this moment, their attention was focused on the door.

"What happened with the loud noise and the huge noise?"

Tang En was shocked: "Don't tell me this is a normal phenomenon of the seal."

"of course not!"

Sasha Glott's face turned blue: "In fact, this seal has now been broken!"

Obviously they all watched the cracks on the stone gate have been repaired, but why the seal was broken instead! ?

"Ms. Otinija, will it be ..."

Horus carefully said, "Because the power of this seal is incompatible with yours?"

Otinija glanced at him, too lazy to ignore him.

"It's impossible. If anyone on the scene can completely repair this enchantment, it must be Eutinia!"

Tang En said flatly: "Now it is clear that the problem is not with us! There must be something else!"

"But the entrance to the Tomb of the Sleepless is here ..."

"You know this is just the entrance."

Tang En said in a deep voice: "But your apprentice doesn't know. If he digs elsewhere and digs into the enchantment, what would he do?"

Horus' face suddenly changed. He remembered that his apprentice was best at breaking enchantments!

"not good!"

Horus exclaimed: "The enchantment was destroyed by someone else! Let's get out!"

"Then what should I do here !?"

Abbotton exclaimed: "Even if it was destroyed elsewhere, it is still the door to the tomb of the sleepless. If it is also destroyed here, the sleepless will wake up faster and be more dangerous!"


After Autinia was silent for a moment, she slowly said, "Leave it to me, you go out first."

As soon as Otinija spoke, Tang En no longer hesitated and said decisively, "Let's go!"

The group immediately withdrew their hands and rushed towards the central stone pillar without hesitation. After they left the range of the stone gate, Otinija closed her eyes and opened them again. The space was distorted, and a tiny crack appeared—her divine power had already been activated.

"It seems ... it hasn't been used for a while."

Outonia opened her palm, and a bright vortex suddenly appeared in her palm. Gently, the vortex turned into a little bit of light and disappeared.

"A little uncontrollable ..."

Although Eutinia is not a powerful deity, the power of true God is still unmatched in the physical world. The most difficult thing for her now is not how to solve this seal, but how to do as much as possible without affecting the world. Control their own power influence to a minimum.

Her power is very dangerous for Prendall now, and it is easy to cause more serious damage to the fragile space, causing the chaotic army to break through the barrier and invade this world ahead of time.

However, if she does not take action, I am afraid that before the chaos invasion, the world will be ruined by the battle with the sleepless.

"Since there is no choice, there is no need to choose."

There was a flash of light in Eutinia's eyes, and she did not see any action. The godly runes on the cave chain were suddenly reactivated, followed by those runes that were detached from the chain, and then part of them The runes of God's Word annihilated in the air, and some of them began to quickly rearrange and combine in the air ...

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