Things from Another World

Chapter 1112: Divine power

"Gods are up! That's the power of the true God !?"

As Horus ran up the steps, he couldn't help turning back to see what was going on at Otinija.

At this moment, the entire cave was almost covered by her power. Although her power was unseen, she had already exuded an astonishing power, and it was difficult for them to breathe under oppression. Case.

You know, this group of people can already represent the most powerful fighting force of Prandall, but all of them together can't resist the coercion from Eutinia at this moment!

It can be seen that the gap between the true **** and the legendary power is definitely not a little bit, but a more essential difference.

Angus exclaimed: "If the second chaotic invasion war also involves the gods, perhaps the sleepless person will not be a threat!"

Although the sleepless people are powerful, they are not as tricky as the chaotic creatures. The true **** can completely let go of his hands and feet to play, and he can destroy these sleepless people with a few fingers.

It is a pity that the gods tasted the bitter fruits during the first chaos invasion war, so they decided from the beginning that they would not intervene any more, although this decision made the danger of the second chaos invasion war dangerous The degree has greatly decreased, and no out-of-specification units have appeared again in the enemy, but it has also pushed the Prandall tribes to the limit, which indirectly led to the birth of the sleepless.

Sasha Glott couldn't help but say, "Don't watch! If Aldridge really destroys the enchantment, I'm afraid it's dangerous outside! We're pressed for time!"

So everyone accelerated their pace again, leaving here a lot faster than when they came in. After a few minutes, they had already rushed up the stone pillar and returned to the long passage. The last scene they saw was Under the control of Eutinia, those runes of **** words were combined into a three-by-two square matrix in the air.

She ended up extracting only eight runes of God's Word.

But the power of these eight divine runes alone has far exceeded the power of the original thousands of imitation runes.

Horus laughed bitterly, and after seeing Otinija using the rune of God's Word himself, he knew how superficially he knew the Rune of God's Word.

This kind of thing is really not a field that mortals can be involved in!

After combining the runes of God's words, Otiniya no longer moves, but continuously gathers her dissipated power, reduces the pressure on the surrounding space, and waits quietly for them to leave here as much as possible.

When Eutinia felt that they had left far enough, she refocused on the stone gate. At this moment, due to the destruction of the enchantment, the seal had lapsed, and the force overflowing from behind the stone gate had become stronger and stronger. Even the nature of the stone door itself has begun to erode and crystallize, cold and bitter cold air is squeezed out of the door gap, and the temperature in the hall is getting lower and lower.

But there was no way to influence Otinija.

"Although the methods used are messy, did you accidentally create this monster ..."

Eutinia's eyes seemed to penetrate this heavy stone door. In the huge space behind, one by one the frozen sleepless people were quickly awakening. They have shattered the ice layer on their bodies and awakened from a hundred years of sleep. Come over and rushed to the only exit with violent killing intentions, and that exit was not the Shimen side.

"... That's the case ... a gap was torn behind the enchantment ... a lot of sleepless people have been rushed out at the moment ... leave it to them to deal with, as for those who have not yet gone out ... ... "

There was a hint of indifference in Otinija's eyes, and she waved with her hand: "-annihilate it."

The three-dimensional square array of runes of God words flickered once, and then ... the space in front of Otinija flickered, followed by an empty underground space that could not see the margins—the entire tomb of the sleepless was taken by her The whole space was cut off and then thrown into the astral world.

The unconscious existence of the sleepless person cannot trigger the observer effect. After being thrown into the astral space, it will be instantly reduced to basic particles by the power of the astral space and completely disappear from the world.

If Horus Downe were still here, they would all be shocked to be stupid there.

The sleepless, the enemies that made Prandall tremble with trembling, were so easily wiped out by Eutinia!

If you think about their nervous and horrified attitude just now, it is no wonder why Eutinia has been ridiculing them as mortals before, because the power gap between the two sides can't really be considered with common sense.

"The biggest crisis that may undermine your development has been solved for you, and I have done my due diligence ..."

Standing in front of the empty underground cave, Otinija murmured to herself: "But I don't know how much influence this exception will have on the use of power ..."

After talking with Niscle Claire, Otinija is very clear about her responsibility now. The power of the true God is equivalent to cheating in the main material world, but the army of chaos is eager to erode the world, every time. When she uses forces beyond the specifications, she will shake the world, and this shock will accelerate the erosion process of chaotic creatures.

Therefore, even knowing that his own power can help Tang En great help, Otiniya has rarely used his own power.

"The main enemy has been settled, and the three or two kittens that have escaped will be settled by yourself ..."

Otinija slowly repaired the cut off underground space with mud, and murmured, "If such an enemy cannot be solved, it will make me very doubtful if you can really save the world ..."

Kingdom of Grace, Blood Rock City, in the study.

"If the plan goes well, I'm afraid we can have that army soon, Master Aldridge, you must not let down my expectations ..."

Stanley was still dreaming about his dreams at this moment. He didn't know that Aldridge had died under his arrogance, and even brought a messenger of destruction to his Grace kingdom.


A magic letter suddenly unfolded in a grid on the side bookshelf.

what! What do you want? There must be good news for Master Aldridge! --wrong!

In that box was put ... the magic letter used to contact Fenggecheng!

The Stanley with a happy face raised his eyebrows, and the magic letter flew into his hand. As soon as he opened the magic letter, his face changed suddenly.

"Dead, all dead, madness spreading, Windsong City is over, terrible enemies, killing demons, will destroy everything-"

The chaotic text without the foreword is presented on the magic letter. The text is extremely scribbled. It shows how panic when writing on the other side. After simple finishing, Stanley can clearly understand the wind at the other end of the magic letter The despair of the Lord of the City of Songs, how terrible an enemy appears, only to make the mighty warrior known as the immovable rock be like this? Not even the hyphenation?

Stanley sank in his heart, and shouted, "Come here!"


"Immediately go down! The Kingdom of Grace enters a state of war! The guards of the king are alert, and several generals are notified at the same time, and the soldiers are called for emergency assembly!"

The guard lingered for a moment, then exulted, Your Majesty, finally decided to start attacking the Illus Empire! ?

The guards who took the lead did not know about Stanley's troubles at this moment!

——The magic letter has not been used up, but the above text has stopped and replaced by a large piece of ink.

This only means that the owner of Fengsong City has died in the hands of the enemy.


Stanley's face was somber, and he slammed his fist on the table, gritted his teeth and cursed, "No matter who you are, since you dare to attack my kingdom of Grace, my king must kill you!"

After taking a deep breath, Stanley, like an enraged lion, dropped all his work and put on a uniform.

He has decided to see for himself who is the enemy who can suddenly destroy Fengge City!

Entrance to the Tomb of the Sleepless.

"Your Majesty!"

"Master Ablon?"

Isari, who was one step ahead, looked at the shouting Eberron and smiled bitterly: "It seems the master noticed it?"


Ebron looked solemnly: "Why do sleepless people wake up?"

"I just arrived, the watchman is gone, the entrance passage is open, but a strong enchantment prevents me from entering."

"The watchman is not there?"

Ebron frowned: "Should he come in?"

"I don't know-someone's here again!"

Isari looked at the sky, and a moment later, a burly orc laughed and fell from the sky: "Where is the enemy !?"

Ebron frowned. "Sharp teeth! Your motion is too great!"

"The insomniacs are awake, what else are you telling me?"

Sharp teeth grinned and glanced around: "What about the sleepless? I'm going to fight today!"

"We also don't know. I'm afraid the specific situation will have to wait for the watchman to show up."

Abram was in a very bad mood. The sleepless man was a very powerful enemy. Even if he wanted to defeat the most powerful group of sleepless people, he would have to pay a small price.

If the insomniacs really all awaken, I am afraid that few of these legendary powerhouses can survive to the end.

"Huh! Finally came out!"

Tang En and others rushed out of the long underground passage one after another. As soon as they saw the bright sky, they immediately saw the three Isari standing there.

"Why are you here?"

"Tang ... Her Majesty the Dragon King !? You are all there !?"

Abelon was surprised to find that not only the watcher Abbotton, but also Angus, Jean, and Aegwynn, and even the Dragon King Saschaglot and the observer Eldrek Kamanda were present.

Such a luxurious lineup made him more sure of the guess in his mind.

This time, the trouble is really big!

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