Things from Another World

Chapter 1114: Sleepless

Immediately after the team was assigned, the crowd rushed into the sky and headed straight for the northern side of the Ambris Mountains.

Even though the Ambries were soaring into the clouds, but in front of them, they were no different from a small hill, but for more than ten minutes, they completely crossed the Ambris.

After coming to the north side of the Ambris Mountains, the weather suddenly changed. From the sunny and unusually gloomy just now, the thick clouds were completely blocked by the mountains and piled on the Wuthering Plateau. The sky was filled with rare snowflakes. The snow was much smaller than it was a while ago, but even so, the ground of Grace was still covered with snow.

Tang En asked, facing the gust of wind, "Which direction did you notice the breath you remember before?"

Isari shook her head: "The emerald corolla is too far from here, and there is no way to judge it."

"Then we can only scatter the search!"

"It's been found."

Eggwin stared at the snow below, and suddenly said, "I don't think their wisdom is high enough to hide the trace."

With a closer look, everyone noticed that on the thick snow, there was a mess of traces. It was obvious that the violent amount of sleepless people had blown away the snow, and then left a crystallization path.

"They went north!"

"Catch up!"

The crowd whistled and chased after them. With the full promotion of flying, their top speed was about 200 kilometers per hour. Soon they saw the outbreak of fighting.

"It's Grace's Windsong City!"

After they flew over, everyone took a breath and took a breath.

Seeing the situation in Fengsong City, even Tang En couldn't help but be shocked: "What a terrible sleepless person!"

Angus gritted his teeth and said, "Windsong City is not a small city in the Kingdom of Grace. There are 500,000 people here, but now ..."

The Windsong City, originally home to 500,000 people, was silent at this moment. The huge city was smashed by a certain force from it, and a huge cone-shaped rift spread from the front to the rear of the city. It is several kilometers long, and the coverage area is even more amazing. The area covered by the tapered area has been completely razed to the ground. All the buildings have disappeared, and the ground seems to have been ripped off by people.

In addition to this most obvious battle trail, other areas of Windsong City are also messy. It is extremely difficult to find a good building in a large city. The most prominent castle in the center of the city has just been torn in half. The remaining half should have lost its support and completely collapsed.

Even more frightening is that in the city covered by snow, at this moment it has completely become blood red, blood and residual limbs are covered with snow, Tang En can even see those people dying from the corpse clearly. The former madness—they were unable to resist, they were affected by the breath of the sleepless people, and became extremely crazy. The Grace people, who were already very irritable, began to fight each other until the entire city fell into silence ...

Isari, who is extremely sensitive to the breath of life, finds that the whole Windsong City has no living life at this moment.

Isari sullenly said, "There are no survivors ... we have to do it as soon as possible."

"Continue north! Chase!"

The crowd ignored the miserable appearance of Fengsong City and continued to follow the sleepless.

Now is not the time to be sad. The power of the sleepless people is really terrible. It can be said that they don't even need to do anything. Just a round in Prendall can kill 99% of Prendall's lives.

The mad atmosphere on them is much better than the chaotic pollution!

Even Tang En didn't expect that they just delayed a little more work below, and the sleepless people who had just awakened had already destroyed a city! More than half a million people were slaughtered!

"There is movement ahead!"

Yustisa, who is extremely sensitive to magic, discovered the situation before everyone: "The magic is very chaotic. Someone is fighting!"

Tang En's eyes lit up: "Quick!"

The next moment, they increased their speed once again, and actually inspired flying to the limit, and blinked at a distance of tens of kilometers!


The horrible explosions soared into the sky, and the fumes of snow and snow mixed together, making people unable to see the situation ahead. The bitter chill radiated continuously to the surroundings. The nearby soil, stones, and vegetation completely changed under the impact of this force. With its own nature, it becomes a hard but fragile spar.


The irrational roar echoed between the heavens and the earth, followed by a huge and incomparable figure suddenly appearing, hitting a cliff on one side severely, and smashing the entire cliff.

"It turns out to be the Earth Devil Bear !? It's so big !? I'm afraid it's at least eighth-order strength!"

Angus was taken aback. The earth bear is not a rare World of Warcraft, but the strength of the earth bear is usually between 2 ~ 5. Occasionally a sixth-order one can already be the king of it, but the land in front of it The size of the devil bear is too huge, and the total length of the head and the tail is afraid that it has exceeded the size of fifty meters! The concentration of soil elements lingering on the body is also extraordinary, at least the level of eighth order!

With the potential of the earth devil bear, it is not easy to be able to break through the sixth order, but this earth devil bear can reach the level of the eighth order, which is comparable to the legendary power of Prandall, which is simply too outrageous!

"Roar !!! Damn sleepless person !!! Go to death !!!"

After the earth devil bear fell from the cliff, he growled angrily, and shot with two claws on the ground, a tremendous pressure dropped from the sky!


Jean smiled bitterly: "No, it's not eighth! It's ninth! It's a ninth-order earth bear."

After the earth bear released an extremely powerful gravity field spell, countless rocky thorns stood up and instantly covered the area in front of thousands of meters. This hand alone, if it appears on the battlefield, the lethality is simply horrible!

It is a pity that at this moment the enemy it faced is even more terrible. The rock thorns harder than steel were instantly flattened by a horrible force. Following it, a slightly thin figure emerged from the snow, scarlet. His eyes were staring at the earth devil bear in front of him. The killing eyes were so shocking that even a powerful Warcraft such as the earth devil bear felt shocked, as if he was going to be swallowed and stripped.


Seeing that the spell didn't work, the Earth Devil roared, and was naturally wrapped in a layer of solid earth armor, and then it rushed straight up, a pair of heavy meat claws wrapped in a thick yellow light directed towards the sleepless man!

I saw a flash of red light in the eyes of the sleepless man, and it turned into an afterimage in the blink of an eye. Only a thin red line remained in the air, followed closely by the terrible cry of the earth demon bear— — Its claws were cut off by the sword of the Sleepless!

Tang En was shocked: "No such powerful rock armor could stop its attack !?"

Does the attack of this sleepless person also come with armor breaking function! ?

"You don't understand that sleepless people have no reason. In their eyes, all living things are their targets of attack, and they are tireless and painless. The transformed bodies can absorb magic unlimitedly, so every time they attack It is all in all. "

Angus said bitterly: "Otherwise, chaotic creatures are strong when they are strong. How do you think the sleepless people defeated chaotic creatures?"

Tang En said subconsciously: "Trauma for injury, life for life, endlessly?"

"Almost, all in all, sleepless people are completely crazy, once you start, don't be merciful."

At this point, Angus and Jean were ready to fight. Even Aegwynn and Isari were cautious. Only Tang En and Yustisah, who did not understand the sleepless, had not personally experienced it.

"You **** humans-Jean! When are you going to see !?"

The badly wounded earth devil snarled into the sky at this time: "I originally agreed with you not to harm humans, not to let you see me die!"

Tang En was surprised: "It knows you !?"

Jean smiled bitterly: "Of course, in fact, it also knows Aegwynn, and most of the entire Warland 8th and above Warcraft know us."

After the Second Chaos Invasion War ended, Jean was busy keeping the world full of peace, and Aegwynn chased the chaos in the world. The two of them had traveled too many places, so they knew the high-end Warcraft they were in. .

"That being the case, help it!"

Tang En took a deep breath and was just about to start. Aegwynn had pulled out his two swords, transformed into a emerald green sword, and stabbed at the sleepless one!

After being locked by Aegwynn, the sleepless man hit by the earth devil bear immediately changed his target. Raising his hand was a strong and perverted sword spirit splitting over!

The violent sword air tore the space as soon as it appeared, breaking through the kilometer distance directly, and appeared in front of Aigwin!

And Aegwynn's response was also very fast. Originally, the sword-dance dancer was a walking skill. Sword skill tended to be light and changeable. In addition, Aegwynn had experience fighting against sleepless people, so she had already done it. Ready, in a split second, the sword qi that was integrated with her suddenly broke out. She split into two, and a ghost image continued to control the sword qi to attack, while she herself flew to flash after avoiding the past, Appeared behind the sleepless person, followed closely-full sword!

Emerald Hymn · Bloom!

In an instant, the entire gloomy sky was covered with dense green emerald sword qi. The sky qi was like a blooming flower, extremely beautiful, but full of deadly murderous power!

After Mantian Sword Qi was unfolded, all were finally gathered together, and the target was the sleepless one!

Facing Aegwin's full blow, the sleepless man did not fear, holding up the ice-sword in his hand, roaring and waving, and then another scarlet sword pierced the sky, the violent power and Aegwin's sword Fighting is comparable!

The center of the sword entanglement is that even the space has begun to twist and crack!

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