Things from Another World

Chapter 1115: This is the battlefield of the high magic world!

Everyone who is thousands of kilometers away can feel the skin tingling, just like the sword energy and body, the earth devil bear close at hand is even more unlucky. The skin scraped by the scattered sword gas is flesh and blood, but it is now Did not run away, a pair of fierce eyes staring at the sleepless person, ready to sneak attack it!

"I met a tricky guy from the beginning!"

Gene has a headache, and there are strengths among the sleepless ones, and the enemy in front of them is undoubtedly the top legendary powerhouse.

Angus said with a pained expression: "It's Skywrath Sword Shelly Shelley ... Aegwyn and he used to exchange swordsmanship. No wonder she just started without saying a word ..."

Sally Shelley, known as Skywrath Swordmaster, Legendary Swordsman, is the mainstay of the Second Chaos Invasion War. Unfortunately, in a counterattack against Chaos, he was seriously sieged by chaotic creatures. He was dying by Horu Steve transformed into a sleepless person.

Tang En suddenly remembered that these sleepless people were once Aegwynn's comrades!

Let her kill her comrade-in-arms, and her heart is full of pain ...

Tang En could not help but hurt Aegwynn.


Jean said muffled, "The two have been looking forward to a fight with each other, but did not expect it to happen in this case."

The two shocking swords smashed into one another. Was it a ten-stroke attempt or a coincidence?

The answer was soon revealed ... The winner, Aegwynn!

Although the strength of the two sides were evenly matched at the beginning, the emerald sword was endless, like waves of waves, constantly weakening Sali's violent sword gas, eventually defeating the opponent in one fell swoop, and then completely bombarded Sali !!

"Even though Sally's swordsmanship was terrible, but he became sleepless and lost his soul and reason, he was just a puppet ..."

Jean sighed and held out his hand slowly.

"You want to help Aegwynn? You know, Sally is looking forward to this battle with Aegwynn."

"It's Sally, after all, give him a good time."

Suddenly, several **** turned around in Jean's hands, and Tang En blinked, thinking that it was a model of the solar system. Then, a wonderful power spread out from Jean ... The power of the law, Star Gravity!

Sali, who was originally carrying a sword and intended to attack Aegwynn, suddenly became extremely heavy. At the next moment, his entire body was set in place, and it was firmly locked by the mighty power from the sky. The emerald green sword spirit drowned it in an instant!

Yu Aiwen flashed a gloom in the eyes of Jian Qi, followed by her eyes became extremely firm, she held up the Dragon Steel Sword, and all the power broke out instantly, tearing the dense dark clouds in the sky , The sun came down from the sky, just like the sacred goddess came!

"My aunt! Surely Aegwynn studied in Shushan!"

The stunned Tang En watched Aigwin's countless sword qi suddenly appear behind him, those sword qi meandering like a long river, wrapping the entire battlefield!

Emerald Hymn · Stinger of Thorns!

Then Aegwin's two swords fell, and the dense sword screamed and fell. The powerful sword qi completely swallowed the sleepless Sally, and blasted it into a place thousands of meters underground!

Oh shit!

Tang En's heart is so exciting!

——It just seems that the style of painting is different!

Obviously a beautiful forest elf, but suddenly used the Eastern style of sword art and Wan Jianjue ... It feels awkward to look at it.


The last sword fell, Rao was as strong as Aegwynn, and he took a deep breath, and sweat was already on his forehead.

But unfortunately, even though the attack was so fierce, Sali, the sleepless man, was still dead—his body was scarred, but it continued to rise as it wobbled, and his body was recovering quickly.

In the past when sealing the sleepless, to deal with those sleepless, they rely on their legendary strong one by one to make all-out shots, and then waiting for the opportunity to wait for Sasha Glot and Horus suddenly shot and killed.

Well now ...

A beam of scarlet rays suddenly hit the sleepless Sali from the sky. At the end of the crossbow, it was just a stalemate, which burst into pieces in an instant and completely died!

Legendary Spells and Great Smash!

Watching his former comrades so gone, Aegwin's mood became very heavy.

Angus slowly retracted the magical fingers and gasped, he hadn't used the strongest spell he had mastered for a long time.

Tang En suddenly felt a little grateful to Eutinia. This was just a sleepless person. He had let Aegwynn go all out. If those sleepless people escaped, the consequences would be unthinkable!

It was only a short battle, but the super-high fighting power destroyed the square for thousands of meters, and the whole land became a deep pit with rubble and broken wood everywhere.

This is because the strength of Aegwynn and Sally is a more solid melee style. If Jean or Angus, who are accustomed to using spells, shoot, the scope of destruction is not just that.

"Take it a bit."

Angus sighed and waved his hand gently, the messy earth tumbling and converging into the deep pit, and was refilled by the flying dirt. A moment later, this huge pit that was thousands of kilometers in diameter It was refilled.

Aegwynn came to the Earth Demon Bear, asked Tang to help it reconnect the two severed arms, and then asked, "Thunder Roar, how could you fight it?"

"Can you blame me !?"

The terrifying earth bear known as Thunder Roar is inexplicable: "I was resting in the mountain, and suddenly I noticed the breath of the sleepless person. Those **** almost killed me. Of course, I fled immediately. Who knows that it is just right? Overtaken by them! "

Does he know sleepless people?

Tang En was stunned, and suddenly again, this earth devil bear has nine ranks of strength, and I am afraid that he is not too young. Maybe it was also in the second chaotic invasion war.


Aegwynn noticed Thunder Roar sensitively: "You have encountered more than one sleepless person?"


Thunder snarled, staring at his broken arm and snarling, "There was one left to deal with me, but I saw at least a dozen sleepless people heading north!"

more than ten!

Tang En's face changed drastically. This is only the number found on the western front. It is not known how many sleepless people there are on the eastern front of Sasaglot!

"To the north ... it's Frozen Rock!"

Jean took a deep breath: "Frozen City is larger than Fengge City, and because of the mines surrounding Frozen City, there are many villages and towns, and the total population is not less than a million! We must be as fast as possible! "

Time was short, Tang En immediately urged the power of life to the maximum, quickly cured the injuries on Thunder Roar, and then he said neatly, "Let's go!"

Thunder growled and said, "I am with you! Those guys are too powerful, I can help you!"

It also knew the horrors of the sleepless, so it just let go of human opinions and decided to help Aegwynn.

"No, you're too slow!"

After Tang En finished speaking, Aegwin had already been pulled up into the sky, and Jean nodded to him, and then followed Tang En to the north.

"Who says I'm slow!"

Thunder Roar is unusually reconciled, but its talents are concentrated on soil-based spells, and flying is very poor, so it can only lower its limbs and start rushing north all the way.

An hour later, Tang En flew more than two hundred kilometers northward. All the villages and towns with human inhabitants and jungles with World of Warcraft activities along the way were all destroyed. There were ruins everywhere. With the amount of violent violence, all life has disappeared.

They are almost like bulldozers, wherever they go, there is no grass, no obstacles can block their progress!

Jean shouted, "Frozen Rock is near! Just ahead!"

"Oops! It's already up!"

Isari listened, her face slightly changed: "I heard a shout!"

After the crowds approached, they were shocked to find that on the outskirts of Frozen Rock, tens of thousands of Gris warriors appeared here, but at this moment they were totally in a mess, they were completely crazy!

The shouting sound rang through the sky, and the **** smell pervaded for tens of miles. The entire white land was stained with blood red. The belligerent Gris warriors completely turned into bloodthirsty beasts, holding their weapons crazy He slashed his companions next to each other, he did n’t know each other at all, he hacked him, he hacked him, he hacked him—there was no match between the enemy and me, everyone was red-eyed and enchanted, but all the targets that could move were their attacks. Object!

In the army of Grace, there are only more than 2,000 apocalypse who can still resist the erosion of the sleepless by their own willpower, but at this moment they have also been surrounded by their own people, countless The swords and halberds cut off at them, no matter how powerful people are, they will be exhausted alive, not to mention that most of them are just a few of the Bronze and Black Iron apocalypse.

The silver and gold apocalypse are in a slightly better state, but it is only a little better. They clung together and shot with all their strength, clearing a safe area beside them, covering each other while rest alternately. At this moment their faces They were all shocked and bewildered-they still didn't understand why their comrades were suddenly crazy!

But as the insomniac approached, the breath of madness became more intense, and the whispers in their ears whispered into their heads, and soon they were also captured by the murmurs in their ears, and began to become extremely anxious, and the killing intention gradually overwhelmed their reason.

One of the weakest silver-level apocalypse first went into a state of madness. He suddenly turned and "clicked" and chopped off his companion's head. Then, the other apocalypse around him also fell into madness and started each other. Killing, the brilliance of the strength of blood flew one after another, waves of violent power erupted, and the magic around the frozen stone city was completely disordered.

A violent force suddenly broke out, and a sleepless man in front of the army suddenly punched, only to hear a bang, and a blood wave burst suddenly in the army of 10,000 people-at least thousands of people were hit by this punch Blast the body!

This **** is the battlefield of the high magic world!

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