Things from Another World

Chapter 1116: I was hurt! ?

Seeing the tragic situation on the battlefield in front of him, Angus whispered: "Old man, this is why you are determined to extract extraordinary power from the mortal war ..."

Jennifer was silent.

Because he was right.

Compared with ordinary people, the power of the Apocalypse is really too strong, especially the magician. If a gold-level magician does not restrict his shots, his lethality alone is comparable to a million people. The army is too powerful if used for killing.

However, Jean does not think that the power of magic can only be used for killing. He does not want the creatures of Prandall to continue to internally kill and kill each other. The injuries caused by two chaotic invasion wars to Prandall are too serious. The world needs recuperation. So he built the city of silver to restrain the power of the magician.

Angus has been studying the derivative field of magic, which is the power of alchemy, hoping to find another way to use magic.

But none of them is as good as Tang En.

It was also because of the hope that Tang En brought, that Jean now relaxed his restrictions on the Silver City, and began to let the magicians of the Silver City enter Ellington one after another and accept Elling. His ideological guidance began to shift towards research workers.

Seeing this scene in front, Jean was even more sure that his original approach was correct.

If he did not restrain the magicians, the mortal emperors would wantonly use the power of spells to achieve their ambitions. I am afraid that Prandall's civilization has long disappeared in the flames of war. Once a human being is impulsive, it will be destroyed. I'm going to pull the enemy to bury with me!

The punch of that sleepless man not only killed thousands of crazy Grace warriors, but also penetrated the frozen stone city in the distance and divided the huge city into two and a half. The residents who had already fallen into the madness in the city died. Simply.

This is just the power of a sleepless person, but at this moment, there are still fifteen as many sleepless people moving forward below!

They are scattered with each other hundreds of meters away, but their goal is the same, that is, to destroy all living creatures in front of them!

The next moment, the sleepless launched an attack!

The violent power soared into the sky, and the thick **** breath was just like the essence. They did not have any extra actions. Their entire body was covered with indestructible blood armor and magic armor, and then they broke into the crazy army.

The apocalypse of the warrior department wields his weapon to open and close, and the sword is split into thousands of meters of gully, killing people is as easy as chopping melon and cutting vegetables.

The apocalypse of the casting system clenched the staff, and by instinct to release the spell, a wide range of arcane blasts, lava blasts, and purgatory impact spells have emerged one after another. The number of dead and wounded in a spell is hundreds or thousands. What is more frightening is that they don't have to fear super The pain caused by the cast of the load, like the cold and ruthless robot, is continuously releasing spells.

However, the most frightening thing is that those mad soldiers did not pay attention to their attacks at all, but instead sought nearby targets to kill each other, and let the violent sword energy and spells fall on themselves ...

Their killing efficiency is really too fast, and an army of tens of thousands of people is decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye! At the current speed, I am afraid that in less than ten minutes, the entire army of Gris gathered outside the frozen stone city will completely disappear from this world!

"The people here are not saved, old guy, help me."

Gene took a deep breath, holding his staff, his eyes gradually became cold, and the strength of the magic around his body began to increase rapidly.

"Old bastard, you're planning--well, I know."

Angus immediately understood his intentions, nodded, and flew forward to support the spell shield.

"You guys, I need a little time to help me cover!"

After Jean said, he held up his staff and sang a long spell, and with his rapid chanting, the magic around him gradually surging, and the clouds changed within a moment, and the dense clouds were torn into After the debris, a bright clear sky emerged, followed closely, and small vortexes began to appear on the sky. Long spells communicated with Jean and the outside world. Those small vortexes began to expand and expand, gradually revealing the The Dark World ...

Astral world.

"this is……"

Isari slowly opened her mouth wide and looked at Jean: "Are you really here ..."

Tang En froze: "What spell is this? The cast intro looks so good!"

"You do not know?"

Aigwin was very surprised: "This is the strongest spell that Jean has become famous for."

The strongest spell that Jean is famous for?

Lord of Augustine Starmoon ...

Tang En's face changed, and he looked at the sky obscured by the portal in shock. Could it be said that this spell is-Legendary Spell · Star Fall! ?

The strong magical fluctuations in the sky caught the attention of the sleepless people. They immediately stopped the slaughter of those soldiers and looked at the sky. The next moment, fifteen violent powers rushed into the sky. All blasted at Jean!

Angus' face changed: "I can't carry it!"

Aegwynn exploded in a very short period of time in the previous battle. He has not recovered yet. Angus has just released a legendary spell that consumes most of the magic. Only the feathers still maintain their peak status. Tisza and Isari are off.

"let me help you!"

Leistissa stepped forward and opened up a more powerful spell shield.

Isari did not hesitate to follow closely and opened up a third layer of shield!

Because they are not facing an enemy, but the strength of a total of fifteen sleepless people!

"Don't worry about me!"

Tang En immediately stepped forward, squandering the magic in his body without fear, holding up the most powerful spell shield!

"Boom boom boom--"

Fifteen extremely powerful forces hit the shield at the same time. The terrible impact of the landslide and tsunami came to the face. Tang En felt that his chest was slammed hard, as if he was hit by the front of the train. The taste is surging!

"So strong!"

He was hurt!

Under the attack of fifteen sleepless men, Tang En, who had been in Plantand for two years, was injured for the first time!

Tang En's spell shield propped for a moment and collapsed, but thanks to his overwhelming magic, the sleepless attack was weakened by more than half!

Subsequently, the shield supported by Isari just collapsed for a moment, and the weakened part of the attack immediately followed the shield of Yustisah. This time the shield was supported for a long time. Point, and earned Jean valuable time.

When Feistissa's shield was also declared broken, the remaining power was very low. The panting of Tang En helped Angus again, and finally blocked the full strength of the Sleepless!

However, before they breathed, the fifteen sleepless men had already rushed into the sky and rushed up with their weapons!

"Don't think!"

Aegwynn snorted, and his swords blocked the first wave of attacks, but the tireless and painless sleepless men would never back off. After blocking the first wave of attacks, they immediately launched a second round of attacks. The cold sword air was permeating and almost drowned Aegwynn!

This is the power of the sleepless!

Every shot is dedicated! No mercy!

"In the name of the goddess's agent, exercise the purification mission. The great goddess Nisclere, please listen to my prayers, come, God's will!"

Aegwynn, surrounded by sword gas, suddenly chanted a prayer, and then the power of the goddess of the earth fell from the sky, directly smashing those sword energy, and fell on Aegwynn!

Replenished with the power of the Goddess of the Earth, Aegwynn returned to its peak state, the Dragon Steel Swords once again screamed and began to fight back, the jade hymn swordsmanship was continuously used, and the insomnia rushed up could not stop its sharpness!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to treat the injured Tang En flicked his hands, and the elemental sword shook hands tightly. After he locked the target, he growled and performed the sword technique-phantom combo! !! !!

Hundreds of Tang En appeared in the sky, dozens of Tang En phantoms launched an assault on the Sleepless from all directions, and the elemental swords in the hands of each phantom condensed different powers, although the power of a phantom Only one tenth of Tang En's body, but the power of hundreds of phantoms superimposed, the power is more than doubled!


The sleepless people were torn by countless wounds by Tang En's phantom, but the transformed body was extremely strong and was not fatally injured at all. Instead, they carried the attack of Phantom and continued to rush to Jean!

"Your enemy, it's me!"

Tang En's voice was erratic. After the end of the phantom combo, he appeared briefly, and in the next moment, he performed another sword technique-Killing Storm!

The speed of Tang En's elementalization of the body was almost reaching the limit. He instantly pierced the chests of several sleepless people. The thunder on the elemental sword accompanied the attack to the bodies of the sleepless people. The strong current caused their bodies The muscles on his body were tightened uncontrollably, and a sudden flaw appeared in the attack of the sleepless man!

As soon as Tang En's eyes brightened, he immediately discovered this weakness of the sleepless!

Insomniacs are very cold in their own power. In the seal, they are frozen because their power cannot be leaked and accumulated. Because of their own power, they are resistant to cold, high temperature, retardation and other negative states Very high, it's difficult for Down to slow them down with spells like Frost Nova.

However, even though their bodies have undergone Horus's transformation, their bodies are still made of muscles. As long as they are muscles, they will be affected by the electric current!

Any child who has attended junior high school biology class knows that muscles will contract tightly when stimulated by electric currents-sleepless people are no exception!

"Lightning can slow their actions!"

After discovering this, Tang En's attack became more targeted. He completely transformed into the wind element form. With the convergence of the wind element, the lightning on the elemental sword became more dense!

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