Things from Another World

Chapter 1118: Disaster comes

"I drop a god!"

After seeing the meteorite rain falling from the sky, Thunder Bear, who was rushing on the ground, suddenly made a sudden brake, the huge body rolled a few circles of **** on the ground, and he turned his head and ran: "The wind is squealing!"

Even if it is, it does not want to be inexplicably hit by a meteorite.

Now it can be understood why Tang En don't need to help themselves, and they all plan to start a big deal directly!

After figuring this out, it didn't want to go up for fun anymore. Its body was so big that it was too easy to be affected.

In just a few minutes, more than a hundred meteorites descended and bombarded the suburbs of Frozen Stone City, which not only completely destroyed Grace's tens of thousands of troops, but also caused the frozen Frozen Stone City that had fallen into madness to completely disappear from this world. .

More than a hundred meteorites erupted in such a short period of time. The power is extremely horrible. At this moment, the entire Wuthering Plateau is filled with heavy dust. Due to the blocking effect of the Ambris Mountains, I am afraid that for the next six months, Wuthering Plateau will never see a trace of sunlight again.

Tang En looked at the scene below, a thin layer of sweat faintly appeared on his head. The power of a single arcane meteorite falling can be comparable to a small equivalent nuclear bomb. Then when more than one hundred nuclear bombs explode at the same time, the power How about it?


Tang En only knows that from now on, there will be a huge basin on Wuthering Plateau with a diameter of more than 50 kilometers and a depth of more than 3,000 meters. The earth and stones set off by meteorites will accumulate a circle of up to kilometers. The craters, and more dirt and sand were blown into the sky, mixed with the wet clouds, and blown into the distance by a violent air current, while hot lava flowed in the entire basin below.

Because Gryce's ore-rich area is near the frozen stone city, the bottom of the basin is filled with streams of molten molten iron, copper, and tin, and the air is filled with a pungent odor, and it is not known to be severe The ozone produced by friction ionization is still because of the mineral breath that is decomposed after the ore is melted ...

That's right, Gene's legendary magic star has fallen, and the terrain of Wuthering Plateau has been changed!

And it's the kind of change that is almost irreversible!

This is because he controlled the power of the stars to fall within a small range. If he had no control at all and let the stars fall spell operate by himself, I am afraid that the coverage is not in the range of more than 50 kilometers. It is likely that the entire Gris Kingdom will be completely destroyed under this one spell!

Don't think that the damage caused by the falling of the stars is only limited to this area. This is the direct impact area. The aftershock impact brought by the meteorite fall has already been transmitted. At this moment, I am afraid that cities and villages within hundreds of kilometers from the impact point. They have suffered as strong as the magnitude 8 earthquake, with countless dead and injured, and economic losses are even harder to count!

And this is just the beginning. As time passes, the dust that is lifted into the sky will gradually flow to other areas with the airflow. The days of dust covering the sky will continue for a long time, Grace Food shortages will worsen.

Not only Gris, if this dust is left untreated, it is likely to float to the Illus Empire, seriously affecting the normal climate of the Illus Empire!

The only good news is that this is a magical world after all. Climate disasters can be handled manually, and although the power of falling stars is huge, what sets off is dust, not deadly radiation dust. This is a blessing in misfortune.

At this moment, Tang En, who has seen a wide range of legendary spells, has a more intuitive and clear understanding of Prandall's spell system. If the eighth-order spell is a city-destroying class and the ninth-order spell is a map-level one, then the legendary spell Obviously it is the national level!

Tang En had this speculation a long time ago, and now seeing the stars that Gene casts fall, he couldn't help flashing a bit of luck in his heart. Fortunately, he was awakened at that time (see Chapter 110), otherwise he was dealing with the snake of darkness or Use it when you are using Chaos Religion ... It is estimated that Prandall has nothing to do with the Chaos army.

The stars have fallen like this, then it is foreseeable that there are several other legendary group spells, such as the effects of these legendary spells such as the gates of hell, the advent of heaven, and the eternal kingdom.


"Do you have to do such an exaggeration !?"

The stunned Tang En said to the panting Jean: "It's just fifteen sleepless people. Even if we are a bit tired, it is not a big problem to solve them?"

Although ten of these fifteen sleepless men are legendary powerhouses, after all, they have lost their minds, and it is impossible to use the realm or the power of the rules, which has given Jean and others a victory over them. With a great win rate, if you do n’t want to win, Tang En alone can drag five legendary sleepless people. If it is short-term resistance, his MT ridiculed with face can control all without suspense. Man-don't forget, he still has the legendary spell time stalled and not used yet.

Therefore, there is no need to use such an exaggerated spell! !! !!

You know, this Grace has long been regarded as something in his pocket, but now it's okay, Jean threw more than a hundred "nuclear bombs" directly on his territory, and it's not known how many people had Suffering ...

"If you want to solve them in a hurry, this thunder means is necessary."

Gene took a magic potion and drank it. The depleted state of his body began to slowly recover. He looked at Tang En's eyes and said very seriously, "I told you from the beginning, did you not deal with sleeplessness?" You must do your best at the beginning, and you must not show mercy. "

"It's too exaggerated to use legendary spells directly ..."

"No, this is not an exaggeration."

Jean shook his head: "Because I've seen more exaggerated ... legendary spells were created. Do you think they were just being watched? Now, this is the time to use legendary spells, otherwise you think How did the permafrost come from? "

Tang En stunned: "What is the special origin of the ever frozen ice field?"

"Don't you think that the ever frozen ice field was like that from the beginning?"

Jean pinched his lips and said, "The northern ice fields were not so cold at first, but in order to seal the sleepless, Sasha Glott cast the legendary" Eternal Kingdom "spell there, and it has become what it is now. ——Due to this spell, the overall temperature of Prandall dropped a lot, and more than a million people were frozen to death. This is the price of sealing the sleepless person. "

Down: "..."

The camera came to Stanley.

At this moment, the turbulent clouds above the sky can be seen faintly thousands of kilometers away from the frozen stone city. The violent magic wave even caused the tidal effect of the magic in the entire Grace area. Almost all the apocalypse can perceive the freezing Change in the direction of Shicheng.

Stanley was even more frightened, rushing directly into the sky and staring southwest, his face was extremely ugly.

The intensity of this magic wave is at least a 9th-order spell-it may even be a legendary spell!

who is it?

Who released the legendary spell on Gris's territory! ?

Stanley was shocked, but at the moment he was more worried about his army.

In order to assist Windsong City, nearly half of Grace's army has gathered in Frozen Stone City at this moment, and the southwest direction is not the direction of Frozen Stone City! ?

Such a powerful magic wave shows that the spells released are also extremely powerful. Is it the enemy that destroyed Windsong City?

The enemy is a legendary powerhouse! ?

Stanley is sitting on the needle at the moment. If the enemy is a legendary power, let alone destroy a Windsong City, even if it destroys his Kingdom of Grace, he dare not say a "no"!

For no other reason, the fist is not as big as others, and this is the original sin!

Reasonably speaking, the legendary powerhouse does possess the ability of one person to destroy a country. However, those who can be promoted to the legendary powerhouse often have very firm beliefs, or some kind of obsession, such people ’s power over mortals Desire can almost be said to be absent. After all, it is powerful to a certain level, everything in the world is demanded, all power is vain, and power has everything, there is no need to use any royal power to restrain yourself.

If only the strong can really become kings, then these kings of Plantar will not be some apocalyptic in the middle reaches, the reason is simple-distracted governance of the country will seriously affect their own speed of strengthening.

But in this case, why did this legendary power shoot at his city?

Unknown, everything is unknown.

At this moment, Stanley is very anxious. If the change of Windsong City is caused by the legendary strongman, then Blood Rock City may not be safe!


If Master Aldridge can successfully open the Tomb of the Sleepless and let him master the army of the Sleepless as soon as possible, even if the legendary power comes, he will not be afraid of it!


"Master Aldridge, what are you doing now! Haven't the Tomb of the Sleepless opened yet?"

The anxious Stanley looked at the sky that seemed to be burning far away. He didn't know what to do. After hesitating for a long time, he returned to the army and called the commander: "Pass me the command, the army will stop moving forward, Camp in-place— "

Before Stanley had finished speaking, I felt a flower in front of me, and the ground began to shake violently, and then a terrible roar came. He rushed out of the carriage, and was shocked to find that the entire land was shaking violently!

The land was undulating like a wave, and the solid earth was mourning in the twists. The army of people behind it just crooked and fell down in an instant, and the sound of exclamation and panic came one after another.


"Be careful!"

"War horse! Pay attention to appease the war horse!"

There was a commotion in the dense army, and just over an instant the earthquake shattered more than half of the people. More than a thousand people were injured because of Zhenfei ’s weapons and panic warhorses. All were crushed by the earthquake!

In other words, even if Stanley did not order the entire army to camp, the entire army would not be able to make a half-step before the carriage was repaired. Without food and grass, and relying only on dry food carried by itself, the army of tens of thousands of people would only need two or three days. All starved.

Stanley's rescue plan, which has just begun, has failed.

However, the long earthquake is only a prelude, because soon, the yellow sand, snow and dust set off by the meteorite fall will be swept by the terrible cold storm, and the storm from the frozen stone city will sweep the whole In the northwest, it was weakened by the dense shadow woodlands and blood raven mountains, and finally turned into a breeze and fell into the territory of the Illus Empire ...

This is going to be a terrible disaster that will sweep more than half of Prandall.

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