Things from Another World

Chapter 1119: Big wish

After a careful search, Tang En finally determined a point. The fifteen sleepless men fell from the star that Gene shot with all his strength. He had completely died, and there was no **** left.

After confirming this, Tang En was relieved.

At present, though sleepless, they are only horrific, but their defensive power is not theoretically impeccable.

if it is like this……

Tang En groaned for a while, and then met the insomniac again, so that several other people could help themselves to share the pressure, and then rely on the open spell-casting ability to directly bombard them with the finger of death.

"What's the plan?"

After Down had spoken his plans, Jean Angus and their eyes widened: "You say you can release the legendary magic death finger in succession?"

Don Ent said innocently, "Yes, did I not say that before? My magic pool is much larger than you, and it recovers very fast. It will not be a problem to get a 20-point burst of death."

"Yeah, awful!"

Jean pursed his lips and pointed at Tang En. "You have to say early, can I still commit the spell of directly pulling out the bottom of the box !?"

A star fall drained his magic pool directly, and now Gene felt uneasy to cry.

"I don't know what you mean by going all out ..."

Tang En is also very speechless, who knows that this guy will start a big move without a word.

"Okay, no matter what, the next tactic is so determined."

Angus played a round game, but his heart was a little relieved. No matter what, with the like guy Tang En, those who have no sleep can at least not make any waves.


Jean suddenly said, "If you want to get the most effect, it is best to use the big split, because the sleepless people have high resistance to spells, and they are legendary targets. If it is a finger of death, the consumption will be doubled. Multiplied. "

Angus was convinced: "But the big split is different. As an upgraded version of the dismantling, the big split has a very good magic effect, which will directly destroy the defense layer of the sleepless person ... I suddenly remembered a very important Question, will you be a great lysator? "

They also looked at Tang En curiously. In theory, since Tang En was an ambassador sent by the gods, theoretically there would be no spell in the world that he could not.


Tang En pointed a finger, a beam of scarlet ray radiated, hit the bottom of the basin directly, and penetrated a hole in the ground.

Casting legendary spells is so easy and freehanded, chic and natural.

Angus looked straight ...

Sure enough, this guy's treatment is jealous!

"I'm afraid it's very difficult to restore this basin."

Tang En looked at the basin full of lava and molten iron under his feet, and sighed. After high-scale battles broke out in the past, he would try to restore the damaged environment to its original state, but this basin was a little tricky.

It's not impossible, but using a spell to repair the earth's crust will have to move. Sudden changes in the earth's crust will cause more damage than repairing the benefits here.

Not to mention, considering that this place was originally a harsh plateau, a sudden addition of a basin environment may also effectively improve the living environment in the Grace area. After the battle is over, you can invite the Maserati to make a trip and change this place. Into a livable basin oasis, turning bad things into good things.

"Let's go."

Jean sighed and said, "Now we have killed sixteen sleepless people, but we don't know how many there are. I'm afraid our task will be arduous."

The relaxed atmosphere that had just occurred disappeared, and everyone looked silent, and began to move northward.

Not long after they set off, a violent wave of magic wave came from the east, a beam like a rainbow of light broke through the sky, very clear in the dim view!

"Big prayer!"

Angus frowned. "It seems that they have also encountered enemies, just don't know how many."

Jean sighed: "There is Her Majesty the Dragon King Sasaglot, and Horus who can still force him to use the Great Prayer, I am afraid that there are only a lot more sleepless people than us."

Isari asked, "Will we support them, or keep looking for goals?"

Aigwin said lightly: "They didn't ask for help, and the situation should be under control. Let's find our target as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more serious the damage they will cause."


The crowd accelerated again, following the damage caused by the sleepless man all the way!

At this time, on the eastern front, Sasha Glott and his party are fighting fiercely with the Sleepless, and the battle has entered a feverish stage!

"Give me-die!"

Abbotton is full of extremely strong and vigorous energy, similar to the blood armor, but faintly like the dragon's body spell. This kind of mutated power is the power he has gained after the blessing of the dragon king. , A force between humans and dragons.

The crimson sword screamed and fell, but the sleepless man in front of him did not even have a weapon, and only took a pair of iron fists to directly take Aberton's slash. Not only that, its power was even above Abelton. After the two fists blocked the attack, the second fist was waved again when they could not send it. The two forces were superimposed on each other within a few milliseconds, bursting out instantly, and listening to only one blast, the space in front of Abbotton was twisted for a while. He flew out like a shell!

Eberron, who was struggling with another sleepless man in the distance, roared, "He is the legendary combatant Ralph Jones Iron Fist! Watch out for his fist—"

Abbot just stood still, suddenly a burst of power broke out on his chest, and he caught off guard again and blew himself up!

"——He created a unique combat technique, which can put blood power into the fist and penetrate into the target body and erupt!"

Abbotton clawed over his chest and said, "You don't have to say that!"

"It will take time too-get away !!!"

Abram blasted the sleepless person in front of him into the ground, and a violent current was radiated from the thunder hammer Hammer, which was entangled with electric current, and made the sleepless person stiff and slow. Quite a few, Eberron sneered and said, "I really think I can't use spells and I can't help you anymore? I'm a thunder hammer to defeat you!"

At the end of the Second Chaos Invasion War, Eberron discovered that his Thor's Hammer worked wonders against the Sleepless, effectively slowing their movement and attack speed, and even disrupting their offensive rhythm. Therefore, later he specifically searched for some rare materials to further strengthen the lightning ability of Thor's Hammer, making his title of "Thunder Warhammer" even more worthy of the name.

Unlike Eberron, Sharp Teeth encountered a close rival this time and fell into a hard fight. His enemy was an orc warrior transformed into a sleepless man, using two dark and daggers.

Unfortunately, Sharp Teeth ’s favorite enemy is a rigid frontal type. The most annoying is this assassin-type opponent. It is as cunning as a loach, and ca n’t hit the opponent at all—even if he knew it, he would only be hit , You can end the battle too.

Although the sleepless person has lost his mind, the body's experience and instincts for combat still exist, and the original battle mode will remain, so this sleepless person is still very slippery.

After dozens of meetings between the two sides, the sharp teeth became more violent.

"Colt, Quickclaw, and Ghostly Shadow, don't run away anymore! This time, I will represent you, the Rennes Empire, and send you to sleep forever !!!"

The sharp teeth roared through the distance of 100 meters, and the **** glowing tomahawk broke through the air!

However, the Wolf Wolfless Sleepless named Colt Swiftclaw, by virtue of the strange twist of his body instinct, directly avoided the slashing of sharp teeth, and it turned into a dark shadow and appeared strangely. Behind the sharp teeth, the two daggers ruthlessly stabbed at the heart of the sharp teeth!


Two deep bloodstains appeared on the back of the sharp teeth. However, this injury was already in the plan of the sharp teeth. His back muscles tightened instantly, clamping the two daggers, and then The cut tomahawk turned obliquely to the back, and then slammed up from the bottom up!


A fiery blood rushed into the sky, and the **** tomahawk roared and split the sleepless man named Colt in half!

After the fight, I was finally seized by the sharp teeth, and it was a one-shot kill!

"Well! So I hate this kind of opponent!"

The sharp teeth spit, and the wounds began to heal quickly, and he continued without hesitation in searching for the next opponent from Sasha Glott and Azor Kamanda.

Now, Sashaglot and Azor Kamanda both bear all the pressure on the scene, and the storms of more than twenty sleepless people have all fallen on them, thanks to the thick and thick skin of the dragon And endurance, they did not spit blood, but were still tired of resistance.

The tactics they use now are the same as those of Tang En's next tactics, except that the MT here is two dragons, and the output units are Horus, Sharp Teeth, Eberon and Abbotton.

After Abbotton finally found a chance to solve the sleepless Ralph in one breath, he also has little physical strength. To deal with the sleepless, he must go all out to make a full effort. This outbreak tactic test the human's endurance combat ability.

Abbot couldn't help shouting, "How long are you Horus !? I can't bear it anymore!"

"All right!"

As soon as Abbotton's voice fell, Horus had finished casting, and his face exulted, "Pray for success!"

The light of the Great Pray disappeared, and then a huge space crack slowly opened up in the air. After a moment, a terrible coercion suddenly came down. A violent hurricane passed through the portal, and a wind element appeared. ……a part of!

Wind Elemental Monarch!

Horus was actually a curve to save the country. Through the great prayer, the legendary spell · Elemental Monarch came down! !! !!

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