Things from Another World

Chapter 1120: Elemental monarch is coming!

The Great Wish Spell, as mentioned before, is a rare and difficult-to-learn spell even in legendary spells.

For the Prendalls, the Great Prayer is equivalent to a universal wishing machine. As long as you master this spell, there is basically nothing that you can't do, whether you want endless wealth or resurrect the dead. problem.

Before Tang En learned the characteristics of the astral world, he had already discovered the nature of the great wish. This so-called universal wishing machine is actually not so omnipotent on the surface, and its essence is to use the observer effect of the astral world. To achieve a specific effect.

Now, after Horus has performed the Great Pray, the wish made is to release another legendary spell-the elemental monarch comes!

The advent of the elemental monarch is a very powerful legendary spell. Generally speaking, it can pay a certain price to summon the projection of the elemental monarch to the main material realm, and let the elemental monarch assist the summoner to fight for a period of time.

Elemental monarch, located at the apex of elemental strength, is the ruler of an elemental realm. Regardless of which advent has been summoned by the four major elemental monarchs, although it is only a projection projection, the combat effectiveness is also terrible. It can completely crush the legendary strongman and deal with The sleepless person is definitely a great help!

——Although it is difficult to summon the advent of the elemental monarch, the more difficult is how to pay the price. The elemental monarch is different from the general elemental creatures. Even the elemental lord can hardly have something to move it (think of Dikarios) , Not to mention the elemental monarch, so generally few people use this legendary spell.

But Horus took a shortcut-he used the Great Prayer to summon the elemental monarch to come. Due to the spell mechanism, the cost required by the elemental monarch was directly paid by the Great Prayer. In other words, this time Horus Sri Lanka doesn't even need to know the cost of the elemental monarch to get its assistance.

A huge body slowly crawled through the huge portal, just showing the tip of the iceberg, the power radiated by it was extremely horrifying. Most of the sky of Prendall was full of clouds because of its appearance. The elements began to cheer, and the air flow in the Gris area suddenly became extremely violent.

A moment later, the huge wind element finally appeared in the eyes of everyone. This is a huge wind element. The body is connected to the world. The huge whirlwind reaches several kilometers and goes straight to the sky. It has just passed through the portal and the diameter of the body has already passed. More than five kilometers, and at this moment is still continuously absorbing the wind elements around, and quickly become larger! Numerous electric lights shrouded around the wind element, and the roar of lightning rang through the wilderness!

This is only a part of the projection of the monarch of the wind element. If its true body descends on Prendall, a huge storm will completely cover the planet-it is the master of the realm and is fully capable of destroying the planet in an instant. !!

"The monarch of the wind element!"

Eberron was pleasantly surprised: "Great! Its power is just enough to restrain the sleepless!"

Because no one knows which elemental monarch would be interested in appearing before the elemental monarch responds to the call, this spell is actually full of uncertainty, and Horus did not expect this time to be the elemental monarch's response. Summoned.

Horus shouted out against the wind: "Great monarch, please help us to destroy these sleepless people!"

After the call was established, the wind element monarch and Horus had reached a contract, and the wills of the two parties could communicate directly. After a brief silence, the wind element monarch understood the meaning of Horus. For a moment, he had been frantically besieging Sashag. Lot and Eldor Kamanda's more than twenty sleepless people were all locked. The next moment, more than twenty extremely dazzling lightnings were suddenly radiated from the monarch of the wind element!

Those lightnings were so dazzling that even Sasaglotte closed his eyes subconsciously, leaving only a deafening roar in his ears, and the violent power even caused the shock of space. The fragile space barrier of the world of Prendall Once again, it was strongly impacted.


However, it is scary that even when facing invincible enemies such as the elemental monarch, the sleepless men still rushed forward fiercely, the sleepless mage waved his staff, and the layers of spell armor fell on them. , The sleepless warrior has used a variety of powerful combat techniques to directly shake the lightning of the elemental monarch!

The amount of violent violence of the sleepless man collided with the lightning of the elemental monarch. For a time, the sky fell apart, the whole world lost its glory, the dazzling light occupied the entire field of vision, and the disordered magic formed a sharp whistling storm, rounding the circle Everything was torn to pieces within a hundred kilometers, the mountains were leveled, the gullies were filled, the frozen river suddenly boiled, and the burning trees suddenly froze. In this area, the laws of nature suddenly lost order and everything changed. It's strange.

At the center of the confrontation between the two sides, Horus and others were taken off by the shock wave when the wave of power first erupted, not only him, except that Dragon King Sashaglot could barely resist the shock wave, and was present. All the people can only hide themselves and carefully cover themselves.

"Well !!!"

Even though it is Sashaglot, at this moment, he does not dare to open his eyes. He squints, he can vaguely see those insomniacs desperately attacking the wind element monarch in the violent electric light, but the wind element monarch is around. Lightning never ceases. Those severe lightnings have caused great damage to the sleepless people. Some weak sleepless people have become coke after the first round of attacks. The remaining twelve sleepless people are legends. The transformation of the rank of the strong, can continue to persist.

But it's just just persistence.

How powerful the wind elemental monarchs are, even if they are projections, they are not at all capable of opposing them.

Seeing that lightning failed to destroy them the first time, the wind elemental monarch did not have a trace of movement, just standing on the ground, and a thought called the wind elements in the entire Grace area to gather near him, and the dense wind elements gathered together. The strong ionization effect makes the lightning here more dense. The shaded sky is dense with vortexes of clouds. Where visible to the naked eye, there are lightning dragons falling continuously, and the sound of thunder and thunder has become everyone. The only sound you can hear ...

The legendary sleepless man besieged the elemental monarch with all kinds of violent powers, and the thousands of swords and swords qi continued to fall on the elemental monarch of wind, but it could only cause very weak damage to the pure elemental body. The monarch of the wind element ignored these people's attacks directly, and after calling enough wind elements, it began the second round of attack ...

The wind is getting fiercer and fiercer. The dense wind elements are rubbing fiercely in the atmosphere, causing extremely strong ionization effects. The denser lightning is getting more and more brighter and brighter. These electric light are in the atmosphere. It was fleeting, and it kept accumulating terrible energy.

Soon, the black storm took shape, with the wind element monarch as the core, and an extremely violent hurricane was blowing around!

Abbot hid in the distance, shouting against the strong wind: "It's a storm of destruction! But for the nineth-order spell, I'm afraid I can't—"

"No! This is just the beginning!"

Eberron hugged his sharp-toothed thigh tightly. Although he was not as afraid as Brian, the dwarf's instinct still made him fear the storm. He shouted, "It's about to release the legendary spell Doomsday Thunder!"

Soon, Abram's words were fulfilled. The Lord of the Wind Elements would not converge on his strength like Jean. Its contract with Horus simply destroyed the sleepless, and did not say to protect this. The civilians of the world, therefore, this devastating storm is getting bigger and stronger, and it has gradually become a storm with a diameter of more than hundreds of kilometers, and it is still expanding, even hundreds of kilometers. Tang En and others were also affected.

If you want to describe it, there is a super typhoon over fifteen levels on the land!

And this typhoon is not a simple typhoon. Within the area covered by the devastating storm, there are countless wind blades. At such a terrible speed, the slender wind blade is no less powerful than the sharpest sword, and can be easily torn apart. Cracking the body of the super strong, even the supreme apocalypse will be killed instantly!

If you look down from space, you will find that at this moment, one third of the Gris area is completely covered by the hurricane. The terror wind suddenly came, and there were more than ten within the coverage of the devastating storm. The city was completely devastated, the winds lifted the houses, and even the castle made of heavy boulder was destroyed. Once the civilians without strength were torn to pieces by the devastating storm, the apostles and civilians below the gold level There is no difference in the end. Some apocalypse above the Grand Master level see the situation is not good, and immediately opened the field to hide and barely escaped a disaster, but anyway, this destruction storm basically destroyed Gerry Kingdom of Sri Lanka.

The army led by Stanley was just at the edge of the area covered by the devastating storm. They had just been baptized by the earthquake and had not returned to God. They had just set up their tents. Following the devastating storm, the tent had no resistance. Ability was torn into pieces, thousands of soldiers were rolled up into the sky, and then torn into pieces by wind blades. With the expansion of the storm, the black storm absorbed the blood of millions of dead, dyed A touch of scarlet.

Rao is Stanley's annoyance. At this moment, he can only watch his army be swallowed up by the storm. However, after reluctantly insisting on it for a while, he opened the field unwillingly and took part of his henchmen to hide. Go in.

At the last moment of entering the field, what appeared in the field of vision was the mad thunder that connected the heavens and the earth!

Stanley knew that no matter who set off this terrible storm, his Kingdom of Grace would probably disappear from then on.

Not willing, he is not willing! !! !!

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