Things from Another World

Chapter 1121: Science vs magic


Not long after returning here, Otinija suddenly raised her head, glanced to the northwest, and after a silence, she sighed silently, then raised her fingers gently, and an unexplainable wave spread quietly ... ...

"A strong magic wave!"

Dikarios suddenly looked up to the northwest, and he could clearly see the terrible fluctuations coming from there.

Dikarios murmured to himself: "This breath ... is very similar to the breath of the monarch ... is there any elemental monarch coming ..."

"This is the power of the elemental monarch?"

Saratimore, who was lying beside him, was full of surprise: "It feels similar to our devil."

"You know a fart."

Dikarios disdainfully said, "What is the demon king? The elemental monarch is the king who rules an elemental realm. He is the strongest individual in the elemental realm. The power is inestimable. It is actually a projection. After all, if the real person comes, the moment it appears, this planet and even the entire galaxy will be dominated by its power! But even a projection is definitely not what you can resist. "

So strong?

Saratimore startled in shock: "So why don't you help him?"

"Then why don't you go?"

"I just came back from the Great Rift Camp! I have been on vacation for so long!"

Dikarios pouted his lips, lowered his head again, and immersed himself in the world of comics: "That guy didn't call me for help, his fight was a fart ..."

Saratimore: "..."

"This power is too, terrible. Can our enemies be such people ..."

Selna was hiding in the corner of the room, shaking her hands and knees constantly. Although she was a legendary powerhouse, it must be said that she was probably the most feared death powerhouse.

Just being aware of the strong breath coming from there, she couldn't help but want to run away.

However, she held back.

Ellington is strong as a cloud here. If it is not even safe here, where else can it be safe?

"Ha, this is so interesting! In a short day, the legendary spells that have been rare for decades or hundreds of years have appeared continuously ... Is the sleepless one such a powerful enemy?"

Ye Ye floated over the lord's house every night, his eyes glowed. If it wasn't for Tang En to let her stay to protect Ellington, she would have been overwhelmed by the addiction.

Although she now has the strength of a pseudo-legend, the militant element in her bones has never disappeared.

It might as well be said that with Tang En as a backer, this chick is more enthusiastic about finding someone to do tricks-Selna was not harassed by her.

Fiona flew up: "Every night!"

"What is it?"

"Our troops should have entered the Gris realm now?"

Yeya scratched his head every night: "According to the time of departure and their speed of advance, it should be almost the same. The road past Grace is too complicated, and I am not sure."

"Really, I keep you in touch with Brian. What the **** are you doing ..."

Fiona sighed, and then she looked at the northwest, not knowing whether it was an illusion or not. The sky over there was extraordinarily gloomy: "Such a strong magic wave, the battle over there must be fierce, and I do n’t know if it will spread To our people ... "

"It's all right, Brian is carrying the beacon of space given to him by Tang En. After the matter is resolved, Tang En can transmit it at any time. Even if there is an emergency, it can be resolved quickly, not to mention, they have just entered Grace. The fighting started from the side of the Ambris Mountains, and it is difficult to reach them. "

"It would be better ..."

Fiona covered her chest and murmured, "You must return safely ..."

At this moment, Tang En, who was stunned by Fiona, is using words to save these hard-bodied natives with modern technology.

"I said you are too lazy!"

Tang En was surrounded by a five-meter-diameter mesh metal ball. This was a Faraday cage that he temporarily pinched out of the shield after finding that the lightning was getting denser, and then protected all of them inside. The huge lightning that fell, and sometimes they were also struck by lightning, but everyone was surprised to find that the legendary legendary magic spell of doomsday thunder was completely helpless to them at this moment.

Angus and Jean stared at this simple iron cage with two eyes. Although they don't know the specific principle, they obviously found a new unknown field ...

Tang En doesn't know what the Tianjie in the self-cultivation novel looks like, but I am afraid that it is definitely better than the current situation. Thunder and lightning continue to fall like rainstorm. If not for speculation, we will use a fine gold to weave a Faraday cage Avoiding lightning, but holding up a shield to resist, I am afraid that even he will be exhausted.

The sleepless people in front of them are the lessons from the car ...

Tang En looked sympathetically at the ash clusters not far away. They were the sleepless men they had just caught up with, but Tang En just dropped one of them with a finger of death, and the doomsday thunder came, so they began to prepare. Defensive measures were taken, but the few sleepless people seemed to be locked by lightning, and most of the lightning was directed at them.

Those insomniacs attacked them like a mad dog with lightning, but when Tang En broke through the spell armor on them, it was only after dozens of rounds of lightning rain. Cleaved into coke, we can see how terrible the power of this lightning.

It seems that the Faraday cage made of fine gold is surprisingly easy to use, and even the legendary magic is helpless ...

Thanks to the enough magic metal on Tang En, if the Faraday cage is braided with ordinary copper and iron, even if it can be shielded for a while, copper and iron will melt due to high temperature due to the lightning bombardment of tens of millions of volts. Faraday cages will fail ...

Tang En scratched his head. He wasn't quite sure about this. He only knew that the Faraday cage could withstand millions of volts, but it wasn't clear what the limit was.

"Looking at this posture, I am afraid that Horus's great prayer has succeeded. He should have summoned the elemental monarch."

Jean sighed: "If it was the Doomsday Thunder released by Her Majesty the Dragon King, he would definitely limit the scope of the spell. Now ... I am afraid that the population of the Kingdom of Grace will disappear by at least one fifth."

The population of the Kingdom of Grace is almost 80 million to 100 million (chapter 1066). One fifth is 16 million to 20 million. This uncontrollable legendary spell is doomed by thunder and it will kill More than 16 million people ... In a sense, lethality is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb!

"The power of the wind monarch is so terrifying?"

Tang En subconsciously glanced at the system monarch with almost zero existence. He obtained the inheritance of the elemental master of Albert, but was able to summon the army of elements. In the description of that skill, he was able to summon the elemental monarch.

"To be precise, it is the projection of the monarch of the element."

Gene explained with a scornful face: "The power of the elemental monarch is simply not what this world can bear. Any of the four elemental realms is much larger than Prendall, and the elemental monarch rules the element to which he belongs. World, in other words, they are the gods of their respective element world, how could they obey the call of a little magician? "

In the same way, the existence of such a cricket cannot be summoned casually by a legendary mage.

"But even if it's a projection, it's pretty bad."

Tang En said with emotion: "If I knew that the elemental monarch was so rampant, I wouldn't be so troublesome, what big splitting technique would be used."

Due to the characteristics of the elemental covenant, the elemental master can learn the real name of the elemental creature, and can also get the favorability of the elemental creature, so Tang En's binding force on the elemental creature is much greater than others, not to mention, his pendant Nora It is also an out-of-specification existence. The friendship between the fairy and the elemental creature was born before the Prandall civilization. Nora was there. Let the elemental monarch slightly control his power. It should not be a problem without causing too much damage.

Both Angus and Jean are now calm: "You can still summon the elemental monarch !?"

"Well, aren't all the elemental creatures in Ellington called out by me? Is it any strange?"

"Summonable elemental creatures and elemental monarchs are totally two concepts !!!"

"Essentially summons ..."

"You're right, but--"

The jealous eyes of both of them were red. Even if they knew that this guy was an messenger sent by the gods, it would be great to give him benefits! ?

They worked hard for hundreds of years to promote the legend, but their end point is just the starting point of this guy, it is too unbalanced in their hearts! !! !!

Aegwynn pouted and chuckled, even if she could not help seeing Angus and Jean.

The two old guys were blushed with the light laughter of Aegwin, and snorted coldly: "Since you still have this ability, then the restless people will give it to you. If you guess well, wait for the end After the mad thunder is over, I am afraid that these sleepless people who have escaped are scarce, is it okay? "

"Of course, no problem."

Tang En was powerless to say something, so the original plan was to focus on him?

But will sleepless people escape this offensive?

Yusita looked up at the sky and said slowly, "Lightning is almost over ..."

Angus snapped: "So fast? It shouldn't be."

Everyone looked up, and sure enough, the frequency of thunderstorms has decreased a lot compared to the beginning, the violent hurricane has gradually slowed down and began to dissipate, and the dark world has begun to reappear.

A wild thunder once again changed the topography of the Grace area. The Gris area was originally very barren. After this wild thunder, I am afraid that more than half of the area will be uninhabited and become desert and thunder. The high temperature has melted a large number of hills and highlands, and the flowing liquid lava automatically flows to the low-lying places, and the average elevation of the entire Wuthering Plateau has decreased by several meters.

The power of legendary spells is such terror.

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