Things from Another World

Chapter 1122: Like the end

The doomsday thunder finally came to an end. A legendary spell of the elemental monarch covered nearly one-half of the Grace area. More than tens of millions of people were hit by the disaster. The number of direct deaths reached as high as 16 million and indirect deaths Together with the number of injured, it has exceeded 40 million-this is because most of the densely populated areas of the Grace area are concentrated in the blood plains east of Wuthering Plateau.

If the entire population is evenly distributed, this legendary spell alone will probably kill more than 40 million people directly.

This number is quite horrible. We must know that since the end of the Second Chaos Invasion War, when the various communities were almost extinct, the population of Prandall has only increased by more than 400 million. Now, only a legendary spell has killed nearly 20%. First, at least, if it was Tang En, it would be absolutely impossible for him to play this hand.

Because he feels bad!

Enough population is the root of the fight against chaotic invasion!

According to the current rhythm, if there are several legendary spell bombings again, I am afraid that the chaotic army will not destroy the world, the Prandall themselves will already destroy the world!

In fact, the Doomsday Thunder released by the monarch of the wind element, if it wasn't for Eutinia's secret interference, the power of the spell would continue to be fermented. Immediately after the Thunder was over, it would be huge enough to sweep the world Storm, this is the most terrible place.

Just a legendary spell, it easily destroyed the kingdom of Grace, and the country is now dead.

Flying all the way, how terrible the situation of the Wuthering Plateau below is, there is scorched earth everywhere, the land melted by the high temperature of lightning has now cooled, showing a strange volcanic landform, and even more terrible is looking from a high altitude Go, there is black smoke everywhere, there is no green in the eyes, everything disappears, and there is a cruel picture of the end of the day.

Rao was a cold sweat from Tang En.

"Think terrible?"

Jean's voice was very low: "But we have seen pictures more terrible than this. When the chaos invaded the war, the whole world was dark and the situation was much worse than it is now."

More terrible than this?

Tang En couldn't imagine what it was like. He asked, "So bad, how did you recover?"

"Of course it is the power of us and the Green Dragons."

“I sent a lot of siblings and worked hard with the Green Dragon for a full ten years to restore the world to its natural balance,” explained Isari.

Tang En suddenly realized: "So it is."

If there were no elves and dragons, I'm afraid the world would be over.

The crowd looked at the situation below while looking for the traces of sleepless people. Soon they found the traces of four sleepless people. Perhaps they were many in the beginning, but other than the legendary sleepless people, they were weaker. The sleepless can't survive the thunderous thunder at all.

Thanks to the power of the Lord of the Wind Elements, although these four sleepless people did not die, in order to fight against the doomsday thunder, they greatly weakened their own power, which has completely posed no threat to Tang En.

"give it to me."

After Tang En finished speaking, he was a little bit out of the way, and the Great Splintering burst out instantly. The four sleepless people who just realized that Tang En's breath hadn't had time to turn around, one of them was hit, the fragile armor It was instantly smashed by the power of the Great Splinter Surgery, and immediately followed by the incomparable flesh was instantly torn, and it was torn to pieces in the blink of an eye.


One of the badly wounded sleepless men snarled up into the sky, his sword like a rainbow, and stabbed it severely!

Suddenly, its long sword inspired a dazzling light, and a circle of sword light appeared immediately after it. The sword light completely locked Tang En's Qi, and even the surrounding space was solidified and locked in place. Tang En can't even use flash.

But he had no need to dodge.

Ignoring the fierce Jianguang, Tang En faced the sleepless man with a second major lysis.

A sleepless mage in the rear immediately released several layers of spell shields for the sleepless swordsman. The layers of spell shields completely covered the shadowless swordsman.

The scarlet rays burst out, and the layers of spell shields met the nemesis. They were as fragile as the paper, and the rupture of the spell shields shattered the shields of the spells, and then bombarded the swordless soldier. , Tear it to pieces.

At this time, Tang En was able to avoid those fierce sword spirits flexibly, and let the sword gas blast on the ground below.

"Boom boom boom--"

Tang En glanced at the ground. The terrible sword power was extremely amazing. He cut dozens of long, thousands of kilometers of invisible cracks directly on the ground. He secretly said, "Although these guys are injured, they attack Still so fierce. "

Asari quickly dispelled the spells of the sleepless mage, she said casually: "After all, they were originally created to fight the chaos of the chaotic creatures."

"Catch you, little naughty."

Yu Stisa shook hands with a smile, and when she did n’t know when to extend, the mage's hand quietly entangled in the leg of a sleepless warrior. She snapped her fingers and several thunders fell from the sky instantly!


The sleepless warrior waved his battle axe, and the blood-red half-moon axe whistled into the sky, smashing the thunder of Yusita, and then Yu Wei went straight to Yusita!

"give me--"

Aegwynn appeared suddenly in front of Feistissa. The dragon and steel swords were crossed and stacked. After a short period of accumulation, the surging power burst out, and the dazzling curved sword gas directly hit the **** axe!

"——Let's go!"

The force of the fierce collision stalemate in the air, but Aigwin did not intend to continue stalemate. When she saw her figure blurred for a moment, she appeared behind the sleepless warrior, and the Longsteel sword cut directly to it. neck!


The sleepless warrior reacted extremely fast. Iron Fist smashed back onto Aegwynn's shield, and the sturdy shield was smashed by a fist, followed by the axe and howling and chopping!

Rao is Aegwin also had to avoid its edge!

The axe was severely chopped on the ground, only to hear a loud noise, the glazed earth cracked, and a huge crack quickly spread out. At a rough look, the axe actually blasted on the ground. A crack of more than ten kilometers! A mountain that survived the thunderous thunder also crashed under this axe!

Seeing that he did not hit the target, the sleepless warrior snarled and chased after him, trying to completely kill Aegwynn.

At this moment, the third major lysis operation suddenly came, hitting the sleepless warrior in the running, the fragile blood armor did not have any effect, and the large lysis operation immediately killed it.

"These guys are really brave."

Tang En glanced at the last sleepless mage who was entangled by Isari, and after taking a breather, she ended her life with the Great Splinter Spell again.

"Life has no meaning to them, and the only goal of their actions is destruction."

Jean said with a bitter smile: "I always felt that if Horus was able to add some restrictions when he created them, maybe the sleepless people would be a powerful help for us."

"That's true in theory."

Just like artificial intelligence on the earth, even if it is subject to the laws of robots, humans often worry that robots will give birth to real wisdom and rebel and destroy humans, let alone sleepless people.

Tang En remembered what Eutinia had said, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Unfortunately, with his ability, it can't be done."

The core of the sleepless man is the power of the rune of God's Word. Horus didn't understand the true meaning of the Rune of God's Word at all. It's not easy.

Unfortunately, I did n’t have time to ask Eutinia, I do n’t know if the insomniacs can make a second transformation and turn them into controlled warriors again. However, it ’s too late to say anything now. No accident, this is the last The batch of insomniacs will be hunted down by them soon.

The price is the lives of tens of millions of people in the Gries area.

"Don't feel pain and guilt."

Perhaps knowing that Tang En's mood was complicated, Aigwin actually comforted him with a rare initiative: "You don't know how terrible things sleepless people are, and in order to destroy them, these sacrifices are worth it."

"Egwin is right."

Gene nodded: "If these sleepless people escape our control, the damage and killing they can cause will far exceed this amount. Most importantly, the power of the sleepless people will also affect nearby humans. That crazy whisper is not something that ordinary people can resist at all, and people will be destroyed in cannibalism. "

"Relax, I'm not that pedantic."

Tang En shook his head with a bitter smile: "These people are dead and saying nothing is redundant. Since they chose to support Stanley, they will have to bear the price for what Stanley did, which is Stanley's madness and "Ridge's arrogance led to their death, and I'm not so much a virgin. I have to take this responsibility on myself."

Although it may be a bit shameless to say that, as he said, he didn't pay much attention to the people in the Grace area from the beginning. He came on the principle of being able to save, but not pulling down.

He is not almighty Superman, let alone the king they worship and trust, and there is no need to blame him for it.

He is the savior, but his mission is the whole of Prandall, and it is clear that he cares little about him.

After regaining their spirits, they once again set out on the hunt for the sleepless.

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