Things from Another World

Chapter 1123: The endless buried sleepless

The hunt for the insomnia lasted a full week.

Down, they screened the Grace area from south to north, and from east to west. After two groups of people and horses screened each other back and forth, they finally identified those terrible enemies that made them tremble, the sleepless, really completely from this The world has disappeared.

This is exciting news. When it was determined that the sleepless person had really disappeared, everyone's heavy burden was completely put down.

After the two men and women got together again, Horus could not help but sigh: "I have to say that this time, thanks to Ms. Otinia, if she didn't help us solve the most dangerous part, we just rely on us at all It is impossible to solve these guys. "


Jean sighed, "I remember that in order to seal them, the Dragon Island Dragons came out of the nest. Even so, so many comrades were killed. Only 177 sleepless people escaped this time, which is a great luck in misfortune. "

"177, of which 35 are legendary. This proportion is really high. It turned out that there were so many legendary powerhouses in Prandall."

Tang En shook his head secretly. If there are still so many legendary powerhouses in Prandall, he wouldn't have had such a headache.

It is a pity that after the Second Chaos Invasion War, the Prandall tribes suffered great vitality, so there are only such legendary powerhouses. It can be said that Angus and Jean are famous in the world, not that they are really It is the super genius of no ancients and no comers. Actually, the reason is very simple, just because they survived to the end in that cruel war, purely because of their good fortune.

If it wasn't them who survived, but what Sally Shelley Skywrath Swordmaster, Ralph Jones Steel Rage Fist, Colt Swiftclaw, Ghost Phantom, now legendary heroes That's them.

According to their records of Sasaglot, after the Second Chaos Invasion War, there were more than 19,000 sleepless people sealed in the tomb of the sleepless, nearly 20,000, of which 15,000 Many are supreme, and the remaining five thousand are legendary powerhouses. Those legendary powerhouses have lived for hundreds of years. Some even participated in the first Chaos Invasion War. Unfortunately, they were all in the second time. He died in the war and was transformed into a sleepless person.

Think about it, just a legendary spell has caused nearly 20 million casualties. If the 5,000 legendary sleepless people all escaped, what kind of scene would it be now?

Tang Enguang felt creepy just thinking about it.

Although the insomniacs lose their reason, they also lose their talents, realms, laws and other powers, but the powers of their own cultivation are still there, and they are even more crazy mad warriors who fear the death. How terrible the enemies are, it is unimaginable. Even a sleepless man can't help them, but they can't stand them. The dragons of Long Island were besieged by them.

If it wasn't for Otinija's shot this time, Sasha Glott would have to mobilize all of Long Island.

"Anyway, the threat of sleepless people has finally disappeared."

Horus sighed longly: "The burden that has always been on my shoulders can finally be removed. I just hope that I can have a peaceful peace ..."

Angus and Jean looked at each other, both of them had very weird expressions. Angus said quietly, "I'm afraid you won't be very peaceful for a long time ..."

Horus snapped: "What's wrong?"

"Go back and talk."

Angus shook his head and said, "It is now certain that the sleepless people who have escaped from the tomb of the sleepless people have all been destroyed. The sleepless people have completely disappeared from this world?"

Sasha Glott said: "At least we haven't found any new sleepless people this week. The last one was resolved three days ago."

Gene said: "It's the same with us. In theory, the time they escaped was not enough to support them out of the Grace area."

"Our old comrades-in-arms can finally sleep completely now."

Angus nodded, then said, "Then there are two things we need to solve. First, Down's war plan."

Tang En, who was looking at everyone with a shrug, shrugged his shoulders and said, "When we searched for the Sleepless, my army had surrounded Blood Rock. Now he was facing Stanley. He contacted me a few days ago and asked me Whether to start the offensive, but I am busy with the sleepless people, and I have no time to deal with them, leaving them on standby. "

Originally, in order to fight against Grace's powerful army this time, the troops dispatched were fully armed, and various magical reform weapons were prepared. Even the experimental sky carrier was sent out, but it was found in actual combat. The problem, but the problem now is that he is not sitting on the front line, and the masters beside him are all there, and the only one who really set off with the army is a silly Elsa. If it really hits, the sly Stanley is expected to play with her Round and round.

Depp's earliest group followed Tang En's confidante. After Tang En continuously smashed down with various treasures to improve his strength, he has now been promoted to the gold level. In two years, he changed from a militia in a small village to a gold. The level apocalypse is already fast, but unfortunately the gold level is just a level that can be used. After all, Stanley is a supreme warrior, and there are a number of gold-level guards, and maybe even a grandmaster. Confidant, if they do, Depp is definitely not a one-on-one enemy.

So in the end, Tang En had to go out in person.

"In other words, are you going to fight here with Grace next ..."

Aegwynn glanced at the ground behind him. A week had passed, and the flames and lava had cooled down, but the desolate and miserable atmosphere became more intense, making people's hearts dull.

The Grace people are so unlucky, stop bullying them ...

This sentence turned around in Aigwin's mouth and swallowed it again.

Tang En has asked her opinions before, and Tang En's own ideas are very clear. The Kingdom of Grace must disappear, King Stanley must also disappear, and the Grace people must be integrated with other nations. It is their final result.

"The arrow is on the string and has to be fired."

Tang En said very calmly: "The destruction of the Kingdom of Grace is a foregone conclusion, and no one can change this result."

The crowd felt Tang En's determination again.

Horus groaned for a moment and asked, "What help do you need?"

Angus laughed. "He doesn't need any help. If he really wants to do it himself, he can destroy the country by himself."

Horus smiled bitterly: "So is it."

Tang En smiled and took out some returning crystals: "If you are not interested in watching the war, go back to Ellington first. If nothing unexpected happens, I will go back in two days."

After taking the home crystal, Horus paused again: "Magic crystal? What do you mean?"

"No, this is the returning crystal. It has bound Ellington's space coordinates. If you have any questions, go back and ask Angus. Igwin, Isari, I'll take a step."

After Tang En stood up and said goodbye to Aegwynn, they just flung and left.

For many days, Angus and they were very tired, saying, "That being the case, let's go back and take a rest before considering the second thing."

Abbot smiled bitterly: "You haven't said what the second thing is."

"Do you need to say that?"

Isari points to the hellish wilderness behind her: "Of course, this land is back to life."

"Queen Isari is right."

Sasha Glott strongly agrees: "After all, this is what it is because of our fighting. If it is not appropriate to just leave it like this, we will organize the staff after Tang En returns."

"Yeah, after regaining the Kingdom of Grace, if nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely lay a teleportation array, and it will be less troublesome to come here again."

Horus stunned: "Transfer, teleport array !? Isn't the technology of the teleport array lost ?!"

"So there are still many things to explain to you ... we might as well go back to Ellington first and talk slowly while drinking hot cider."

Angus said with a smile: "I think you are also interested in everything in Ellington? Believe me, after you know all this, you will also fall in love with this place, maybe, you will and Your teacher becomes a partner to study that wonderful knowledge together. "

When Horus heard this, a smile finally appeared on his face: "In fact, after seeing the teacher, I had this plan, and I only hope that you will be willing to take me as a sinner."

Sasha Glott froze and waved his hands again and again: "Compared to your teacher, you are not a sinner. In fact, if it is not the danger of the sleepless person, and it is not convenient to promote, you are the deserved savior, Plantar. Hero. "

Eberron said impatiently: "Let's go, worrying for a week, I just want to drink a few glasses of Datang heroic wine to warm my body, and then take a good sleep."

Even a combat enthusiast, such as Sharptooth, has to concentrate all the time and maintain its peak status. This week's continuous battles are tiring and I want to relax a bit.

It was n’t long before he was an adult. Altruka Manda was embarrassed with the eggplant beaten by Frost. His week had been miserable. He just beat his hatred with his face, and there was not much chance of revenge. .

After Angus and Horus briefly explained how to use the Homeward Crystal, everyone crushed the Homeward Crystal one by one and transmitted it back to Ellington.

Although the battle with the sleepless is over, for Tang En, the dinner has just been served on the table.

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