Things from Another World

Chapter 1124: Stanley's Backwaters

Blood Plain, Blood Rock City.

"Asshole! That Tang En dare to do such a thing! Why hasn't the Holy See sanctioned him?"

As soon as he returned to Blood Rock City, Stanley discovered that he was extremely angry. When he went out to support Windsong City, his hometown was almost stolen!

Although Illuth's army did not launch an attack, it merely surrounded the city of Blood Rock, but Stanley felt shame.

Obviously he should have attacked first and surrounded Yalinks!

But this inexplicable disaster completely ruined everything!

——Even his unbelieving fellow has begun to hope that the Holy See will punish Illus, and we can see how angry and desperate he is now.

"Your Majesty, according to the information we have received, the Holy See is now fully on Tang En's side, and they cannot impose sanctions on Tang En."

The Duke Felton said carefully: "I am afraid that this time, they also won the permission of the Holy See ..."

"Fart! How dare that Jesolini **** do that! Theocratic power has always been independent of royal power, and it is their task to maintain the balance of the world! He is openly favoring Tang En!"

But we do n’t believe in the Holy See ...

Felton muttered silently, looking at the furious Stanley, but he didn't dare to say this.

"No, there is still a chance, there must be a chance ..."

After slamming a thing and venting his anger, Stanley muttered to himself: "Why haven't they attacked the city yet? What are they waiting for? If it's waiting for me, I'm back now, if I'm waiting In good weather, the snowstorm has now stopped, if ... "

Suddenly Stanley flashed a flash of lightning in his head: "I see! They are waiting for Donn!"

"Wait Down?"

"Yes! Absolutely so!"

Stanley said more and more excitedly: "Everything that happened in Windsong City must be inseparable from Tang En. It must be that he created chaos in the rear and created opportunities for his army. At this time, he had not yet returned. He There were no strong men in the army, and they were unable to capture Blood Rock City, so they did not move, because they had to wait for Tang En to arrive! "

"Your Majesty, you mean ..."

"Organize all the young and old people in Blood Rock City immediately, inform them that the opportunity to fight for me is here, let everyone be fully armed, and immediately prepare to attack with me!"

Stanley said decisively: "We must defeat his army before he returns!"

With Stanley's strength, as long as no strong person stops him, as long as one day, he can destroy this army of 10,000 people!

This is the terrible aspect of Prendall's high-end combat power, one person can dominate a war!


The Duke Felton took his order immediately.

Stanley wandered among the throne for a few moments and said to his close guards, "Go ahead and prepare to fight with me later! We will make these guys from the Illus Empire regret coming to Georgia. Reese! "


The guards are full of fanatical and blind worship, they have already been brainwashed by Stanley, even if Stanley let them die, they will not hesitate to execute, let alone fight alongside him? This is a supreme honor!

Soon, Stanley's will spread in Blood Rock City. Almost all Gries were mobilized by him, walking out of the house one by one, carrying weapons and running on the street. Fanatic militant.

The characteristics of Grace as a soldier are perfectly reflected at this moment. Even a female Grace is honed in a cruel environment and has a good ability. He picks up weapons and carries a shield. A warrior comparable to the Bronze Apocalypse.

In just half a day, the huge Blood Rock City turned out to have Stanley organize an army of more than 500,000 people!

Among them there are 200,000 adult men, 150,000 adult women, and 130,000 Gris young adults. This means that almost all of the army's personnel are composed of residents of Blood Rock City and can live in Blood Rock City. The Gries are almost blind admirers of Stanley. It is their honor to fight for Stanley.

The remaining 20,000 people are the city guards that were originally used by Blood Rock City to maintain (clean), protect (wash), treat (different) security (Party), and they are Stanley's real capable men and their main core combat capabilities.

——Let ’s not say what Stanley is like. From the point of brainwashing alone, he deserves to be an extremely good politician.

It's a pity that the differences are not the same. In order to stabilize the big situation, it is absolutely impossible for Tang En to allow such a person to continue to exist.

Outside Blood Rock City.

"General Depp!"

Danny rushed into the combat command vehicle and shouted, "Aerial scouts have discovered a change in Blood Rock! A large number of civilians have received weapons and equipment, and are now gathering. It is suspected that Stanley began to organize personnel to resist!"

"Oh? It's been so long before he finally responded?"

Depp was very surprised. He didn't know that Stanley wasn't in Blood Rock City before. He hadn't seen anything since he had surrounded Blood Rock City far away. He thought that Stanley had given up resistance.

Danny waved his face fiercely, "What should we do? If they were fully mobilized, we would be in trouble. Would you like to give him a hard note first?"

"I don't see any troublesome expressions on your face."

Depp laughed aloud: "You just want to get addicted as soon as possible?"

"Of course not. I just want to contribute to Her Majesty Tang En."

Danny rubbed his hands and laughed, "I think it's time for them to taste the taste of Dongfeng Express ..."

Tang En's sentence "Dongfeng Express, the mission must be reached" now seems to have become the favorite sentence of everyone in Ellington. Since the development of the powerful Dongfeng series missiles, it has been tested against the demons in the Great Rift Camp. After shooting a few times, it has never been used in actual combat.

But the powerful power at that time has left a deep impression on everyone.

Now their missile launcher stays in the rear. Once the firing order is issued, they can immediately launch the Dongfeng missile into Blood Rock City over a distance of hundreds of kilometers. The rebels organized by Stanley also returned. Without going out of the gate, they would all die at the door.

"Dongfeng missile is just an insurance in case, and this battle did not intend to use it at the beginning."

Depp shook his head and said thoughtfully: "The key issue now is that Her Majesty Tang En has not arrived and no instructions have been conveyed. Do we need to make some coping strategies in advance of Stanley's actions ... "

"Perhaps because Her Majesty Tang En knew we would solve all these problems, so we didn't waste our words?"

Danny put forward a hypothesis: "If you have to ask Her Majesty about everything, there is no need for him to set up a battlefield commander at first, and he will wait for it."

"Well, Your Majesty's meaning is not easy for us to figure out. After all, he has never voluntarily launched a war before. It is not clear what this time means ..."

Depp smiled bitterly: "I'm guessing, will it be related to the earthquake and hurricane ..."

They had just entered the Gris realm then, and they also felt the anomalies caused by the falling stars and the doomsday thunder. According to previous experience, they thought that this matter must be related to Her Majesty Tang En.

Danny grinned: "Don't guess, don't guess, anyway, if the big sister is there, if there is any problem, let the big sister take the responsibility at that time. I think Her Majesty Tang En can't bear to scold her . "

"You, be careful to let Elsa know that you can't take care of yourself for life."

Depp shook his head with a smile, but his eyes became serious. Indeed, if everything was to be asked about Her Majesty Tang En, his commander would be meaningless, as it is said that he would not be ruled by foreigners. It is his responsibility to respond properly to the battlefield situation.

"Also, inform Tom and put his vanguard in a state of readiness. In addition, Elsa, Deputy Rock, Captain Brian, Captain Altman and Captain Kundal are here. Let's discuss this together. . "

Danny pierced his lips and said, "Why aren't our air forces ready for battle?"

Depp reluctantly said, "Because you basically do not have the ability to fight directly ..."

"Well, that guy is just lucky ... it must be ordered!"

Danny came back in dismay, and went out angrily to convey his order.

Tom's vanguard was often charged, so two hundred of the three hundred sets of magic power armor produced this time were distributed to them. Now Tom is showing off with Danny every day and can't wait to wear the magic power armor immediately. Fight against the enemy on the battlefield.

After learning this news, I'm afraid he will jump up in excitement.

Shortly after Danny left, Elsa and others gathered in Depp's command vehicle.

Locke glanced at the sand table in front of Depp, which was a sand table around Blood Rock City made from the topographic maps drawn by the aerial scouts. He asked curiously, "What are you going to discuss?"

Depp pointed to Blood Rock City on the sand table and said, "Stanley is finally moving. I do n’t know why his army did not gather back. Instead, he began to mobilize civilians in Blood Rock City. It is estimated that now in Blood Rock City, Old and young, a third of the population has responded to his mobilization order and turned into militia. "

"A third of the population !?"

Locke was taken aback: "Wasn't that close to half a million people !? Our fifty times !?"

Depp laughed: "The number of enemies is not a big problem, don't forget our weapons and equipment, as long as they are not all composed of gold-level apocalypse, they are all cannon fodder."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried ... these apocalypse in Blood Rock City."

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