Things from Another World

Chapter 1125: Playing the music of destruction

The apocalypse is in a very special position in Plantar. They were born among the civilians, but they were free from the civilians. They were basically not bound by the kingship. They did not work or do business. They only engaged in some dangerous work. , Such as exploring prehistoric ruins, searching for treasures in the mountains and old forests, and so on.

They basically don't have much effect on the development of society, but as a special group, they can't be lacked in Prendall, yes, it's not those adventurers, but mercenaries.

There are some apocalyptic people who do not like the life of adventurers, so they have become mercenaries. Various mercenary groups have never disappeared from this world. Instead, with every war and disaster, mercenary groups follow After the rain, bamboo shoots are everywhere.

They are a typical group of war money.

And such a group is not bound by the state, and only has a certain cooperative relationship with the mercenary guild (not the subordinates), which is a very unstable factor.

Even in places like Blood Rock City, mercenary guilds still exist, and a group of mercenaries licking blood is making a living here. At this moment, Stanley saw that his throne was unstable, and he was almost sure he was absolutely Will hesitate to hire the mercenary regiments to fight for him.

The current situation is very uncertain. Although the army of the Illus Empire has surrounded the Blood Rock City, they only have more than 10,000 people.

King Stanley ’s army went out to support Windsong City before returning, but with his charisma (?), He called for half a million people to fight for him. Although most of these people were just civilians, the Grace people were born good The combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

500,000 to 10,000. At first glance, it seems that Stanley has the advantage. Considering that Enron's Tang En has always liked to create miracles, it is not surprising that what happened, so under such a large gap between the numbers on both sides, The outcome is still five or five.

Therefore, Depp's worry is not untargeted, and now some mercenary guilds can't see the situation and it is not surprising that they choose to fight for Stanley directly.

"The apocalypse mercenaries ... is a more troublesome problem."

Locke groaned for a moment, then said, "But if they choose to be our enemy, we don't need to be merciful. Since they are the enemy, then they will all be destroyed. From the first day of becoming a mercenary, we must be ready at any time. Ready to die. "

"Of course I know this. I am thinking about how we should defend if they are used by Stan to launch a surprise attack and launch a surprise attack directly against us."

Depu drew an area on the sand table: "Our main forces are distributed in this area and surround the Blood Rock City. Our personnel are quite scattered. If they launch a raid in one direction, it is difficult for us to organize an effective defense. Once they were torn a gap, it would be difficult to fill it again. "

"In this case, let the vanguard's personnel be scattered. They have magic power armor, and their combat effectiveness is very powerful. They can at least help our personnel for a while, and other personnel can also support it."

Brian dug his nose and said, "We have Danny's Air Combat Force, and their electromagnetic sniper rifle is not a joke. Even the apocalypse can be as strong as it is, and it can't carry armor-piercing shells."

"we can only do this……"

"In fact, Your Majesty is too kind."

Altman interjected, "If you change to a more ruthless king and master such a powerful weapon, while they have not yet organized resistance, throw the Dongfeng missile directly into Blood Rock City, and nothing will happen. Now. "

Kundal said: "You also know that he is unwilling to kill civilians, so this plan will not be said again."

Depp waved his hand: "It's all right, for those who choose to become militia, don't show mercy."

Depp stared at the sand table for a moment, then raised his head and shouted, "Elsa."


"You'll go here later."

Depu pointed to the south of Blood Rock City: "If they really decide to assault, you can launch an attack from this side and directly break through the gate to occupy the wall."

There is the main entrance of Blood Rock City. It is most suitable to give Elsa the invincible gun to carry out the offensive battle. If she is entangled by the enemy, the rear tank unit can completely bombard the city door with long-range artillery fire and take down Blood Rock City Not a problem.

What makes Depp embarrassed is how to minimize the killing ...

At this time, a sudden exclaim came from the intercom: "General Depp! They acted! They really acted!"

Depp froze, and the next moment, he said decisively, "Don't wait for your Majesty! Start now!"


Depp took the walkie-talkie, hurriedly climbed up to the command roof, and shouted to the walkie-talker: "Tom, order the members of the special mobile team to be dispersed immediately to prevent the enemy from launching a sharp knife attack!"


A moment later, a burst of whistling sounded suddenly in a camp nearby not far away, and members of the special mobile team led by Tom rushed into the sky wearing magic power armor, and then scattered directly everywhere.

"Danny! The air combat team's electromagnetic sniper rifle is ready to fire, and the priority target is the apocalypse!"

"Already prepared!"

"Nokia, the Mother Sky is temporarily on standby, no air support is needed, just watch the battlefield."

"Roger that."

"Brian! Notify the artillery company to prepare for the first round of firing! Take care to control the firing distance and firing angle, don't hit Blood Rock!"

"Leave it to me, rest assured! Big men! Did you hear it? Give them the gift we prepared!"

"Oh oh oh !!!"

Hearing the cheers from the intercom, Depp shook his head with a bitter smile, these guys had no sense of cruelty when the war came.

In front of the battlefield, a crowd of black people emerged from Blood Rock City. There are 1.5 million people living in Blood Rock City, and now nearly one-third of the population incarnates militia, fighting in Rock City. The four gates are basically Not enough, there are even many apocalypse jumping directly from the city wall, just like dumplings, how spectacular the scene!

At this moment Stanley rushed to the forefront outside the South City Gate, and he roared with red eyes: "My soldiers! These arrogant Illus dare to step into the territory of Grace and dare to surround the Blood Rock City. It's a naked insult to us! The enemy is only a few thousand people, kill them all! "

"Kill them all!"

Stanley carried the long sword and was extremely fast. He broke the kilometer distance almost in an blink of an eye, and behind him were the personally trained personal guards. These guards are all gold-level peak strengths. With one hundred, the battle experience is very rich.

His battle plan was very simple. Using himself as a sharp knife, he directly tore open the defense line of the Illus army, then enveloped the flank, slaughtered the opponent from the rear, causing confusion to the opponent, and then surrounded with his front legion, directly using the number Advantages crush each other!

However ... he now has no idea what kind of special unit he is facing.

The murderous hordes gathered by hundreds of thousands of people rushed into the sky, and the deafening roar echoed on the blood donation plain. If other military forces encountered such a horrible army, this face-to-face might be directly defeated.

Unfortunately, their enemies are the elite from Ellington.

Depp looked at the enemy who charged them, sighed in his heart, his eyes gradually became cold, he slowly raised the walkie-talkie, and then said coldly, "Go ahead."

Depp's words opened Pandora's box, and for a moment, the Illuth army that surrounded Bloodrock was like a cold and ruthless killing machine, and began to execute the combat order faithfully.

"Go ahead!"

Brian, who was standing on the roof of the mobile missile launcher, waved his hand and laughed wildly: "Let these Greese dregs taste the big thick pipe of Lao Tzu!"


The next few people were expressionless, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they were too lazy to deal with the increasingly unruly guy Brian. After observing the shooting distance and shooting angle through the ranger, they immediately adjusted the launch parameters and then decisively launched Cannon fire bombardment! !!

However, when the shells had just launched and had not yet climbed to the highest point, the center of the battlefield had suddenly exploded.

A roar came and went, and the militia tide of Stanley had just rushed through a third of the road, and the ground beneath it suddenly exploded. The sudden strong impact turned those who were blown up, and the steel **** were close at hand. The personnel were sieved, and the hot flames burned them into coke.

Is it a mine?

It's a remote mine.

Danny, who was flying high in the air, held the detonator in his hand, with a cold smile on his face. After two years of fighting in the army, he is no longer the silly boy who faced countless lives because of him. He Will no longer be kind-hearted.

He only knew that Her Majesty Tang En was the greatest and the most benevolent king. Now that he had decided to attack Grace, it showed that Grace had committed an unforgivable sin.

"Let this carnival cleanse your sins ..."

Danny muttered to himself, after adjusting the frequency of the magic wave of the detonator, pressing the detonation button again, and then a roar sounded again on the battlefield.

"Be careful! It's a goblin bomb!"

"Quickly disperse! Otherwise everyone will die!"

"——Ah !!! My leg! My leg is gone!"

"Oh my God, I can't hear anymore !!!"

Just a round of inconspicuous landmine detonations caused a huge commotion in the militia tide in Stanley. Attacks from the ground were invincible. They did not even know where it was safe. They only knew how to escape and stay with others. distance.

But half a million people! Even if it is dispersed into four waves, each wave is full of 125,000 people! What is this concept? Anyway, in the air, Danny seemed to be just like a dense crowd of bugs. He didn't have to look at it, and he could explode if he exploded.

The dense crowd cannot be dispersed at all, the people on both sides are okay, but those who are trapped in the center have fallen into mold, and it is okay to be killed if they are dead, but if they are only seriously injured but not dead, they will Crap.

The chaotic crowd could not take care of the wounded who fell to the ground. They ran wildly in the direction they chose and trampled on their companions.

After several rounds of landmines detonated, the number of dead and injured exceeded 10,000!

Among them, fewer than 2,000 people were directly killed by landmines. The remaining 8,000 were actually injured, but they finally died under the trample of their companions. It was sad.

But this is just an appetizer. Above their heads, the artillery fire of the artillery company is whistling and approaching ...

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