Things from Another World

Chapter 1126: Mad Stanley

The blood plain, at this moment really became a blood plain, countless broken limbs covered the ground, stained with white snow, and the bitter cold wind blowing in winter all wore a thick **** breath.

This is a cruel war, and it is also a war doomed by Grace.

The Illus Empire will not show mercy, and Stanley will not sit still. The 500,000 troops will be completely buried under his madness.

They did come prepared!

Stanley's face was running full of anger, and then Down of the Illus Empire was already ready to attack Grace!

Otherwise he would not be able to prepare so many terrible weapons in such a short time!

Goblin's bombs are expensive, but they do n’t do much to the Apocalypse, so few people are willing to buy their bombs. But this time, Tang En paid the price (Tang: Meow) ?) Using Goblin Bombs on the battlefield, he must be inevitable against Grace, right?

Dense artillery shells fell from the sky, like a rain of destruction. Under the attack of these artillery militiamen, they were like fragile lambs. The shells fell, exploded, and harvested. life.

This is not war, this is massacre!

The sky-high explosions kept roaring, and the troops of the Illus Empire used their weapons to teach the soldiers of Grace a "what is real war" lesson.

However, the brutal massacre did not change Stanley's mind.

Don't worry about the death of those cannon fodder, what really can determine the victory or defeat of the battlefield is just these powerful apocalypse next to you!

Stanley stared coldly at the weirdly shaped steel urn in front of him, with a smirk on his face. In that case, let me tear your fantasy into pieces with the sharp sword in my hand!

Stanley sneered and shouted, "Come to me! Kill them all!"



There was a strange whisper suddenly beside him, Stanley didn't care, but immediately followed by a strong **** smell.

Stanley turned his head subconsciously, and a guard who was right next to him had fallen to the ground at this time. He had no idea what had been hit, and it completely exploded into pieces.


Stan roared, "What's going on !?"

"I don't know--"


There was another bang, the head of another guard in front of Stanley suddenly exploded into pieces and fell directly to the ground!

Someone attacked!

You should know that Basil and Herman are the apocalypse of the golden peak. As long as they give them a little chance, they can break through the bottleneck and advance to the Grand Master level, but at this moment, they are inexplicably fallen on the battlefield!

Must be a very powerful assassin!

Only assassins who can sneak can kill people so easily without being noticed by others!

"Who! Get out!"

Stanley screamed angrily, and the violent blood power burst out in an attempt to find the assassin who was assassin. But within a kilometer, he didn't notice the enemy's breath at all!


Another guard fell suddenly.

This time, Stanley, who was fully absorbed, finally saw what killed his guard!

It was a small metal block. The metal block rotating at high speed easily penetrated Windermons' blood armor, and then the terrible impact directly lifted his skull and blasted his entire head into fragments. !!

Stanley was shocked, but it was just a small metal projectile, so powerful! ?

This is incredible!

But ... this is true!

"They are in heaven!"

Stanley looked in the direction of the metal projectile. In the sky in the distance, a group of people floated in the air on a weird mount. They held a long metal stick in their hands, and the locked target was just them. Apocalypse!

"You look for death!"

Stanley was furious, his power erupted under his feet, and he burst into the sky like a cannonball. A sharp red burr suddenly appeared on the long sword that was raised high, and then severely cut off!

A red sword screamed and chopped over!

"Oops! He found us!"

Danny immediately put away his arms and shouted, "Scatter! Free fire!"

The air combat squads gathered together smashed away, and Stanley's sword spirit was directly lost!

"Don't run away!"

Stanley is very aware of the threat these air units pose to them, and has made up his mind to kill them first, flee? Just control your vehicle and see where you flee in the sky!

Stanley waved his hand suddenly, and a soldier who was escaping in front of him suddenly found that the comet motorcycle under him had stopped there, no matter how he increased the throttle, no matter how the engine roared, he was motionless!

go to hell!

Stanley smirked and pounced on it, the sword cut at the guy fiercely!

not good!

Stanley's speed is really too fast, Danny's strength can't stop his attack at all, there is no way to save that comrade!


The soldier stared at by Stanley gritted his teeth, turned over, and jumped straight down!

The long sword that tangled around the strength of the flesh easily split the comet motorcycle in half. Although he did not kill the soldier, Stanley did not pursue it, but sneered, waiting to see the soldier fall into meat sauce .

However, at this moment, he suddenly hesitated-he, he actually turned around in the air, but floated slowly!

However, he is an ordinary soldier, who even uses floatation! ?

Huh, so what?

At the current speed, the place where he falls will be the center of the army of Grace, and the moment he landed, he will be chopped into meat sauce by the powerful Grace soldier!

But just when Stanley thought the soldier was dead, he widened his eyes and looked at the soldier in disbelief!

The falling soldier suddenly pulled out a large number of iron **** (grenades) from his arms. When he floated over the army of Grace, he threw the iron **** down!

After the iron **** landed, a series of explosions suddenly sounded. The soldier killed hundreds of people in the blink of an eye before dying!

Damn Illuth soldier! Damn Down! Damn soldier!

I should have hacked him!

Hundreds of soldiers died because of his negligence, and Stanley felt he had been ridiculed. He was so angry that he snarled and hit a fireball, trying to burn the **** soldier to ashes!

"It's worth the fare!"

The soldier seemed to be aware of the attack in the sky, raised his head and grinned at Stanley, then calmly pulled out the return crystal, activated, and then ... disappeared into the space vortex.


Stanley growled loudly, and the King of the Kingdom of Grace, a supreme powerhouse, was even played by a black iron-level ranger! ?

It's a shame! The shame that must be washed with blood!

Stanley stared at other targets with red eyes: "Roll me over and die !!!"

As soon as Stanley raised his hand, the mage's hand had caught the soldier with a comet motorcycle!

Immediately following him, he rushed to the past, like a beast chosen by others!

Although his speed was extremely fast, how could the prepared soldiers let him kill himself, and when he found himself flying towards Stanley, the trapped soldier had already activated without hesitation. With the returning crystal, the vortex of space directly devoured him and the comet motorcycle.

When the vortex disappeared, the soldier who had escaped the danger squeezed cold sweat, and Stanley's sharp sword light almost almost hit him.

"Do not!!!"

Two consecutive attacks missed, Stanley was almost vomiting manic!

He is a supreme apocalypse, and even a few Bronze and Black Iron Rangers can't help it! ?

It's not that our army is not powerful, it's really that the enemy is too cunning!

However, if you can't hit it in the front, you will draw a cry from a distance, and if you are caught, you will use the strange teleportation to escape the battlefield! Is there an even more shameless opponent? ?


Stanley wanted to ask Tang En's neck and ask, did the soldiers under him not even have a sense of honor? Just escape from the battlefield so neatly? If there are such soldiers under your hands, how will this war be fought in the future! ?

"He seems to be mad."

Danny nodded. "I think so, so let's hide away and hurry up and run out of ammunition. He's so good that he has to let his sister deal with him."

"Roger that!"

After receiving the order, the air combat forces became more dispersed, separated by several kilometers away from each other. Even if Stanley can capture one of them, the others have the opportunity to transfer.

Stanley was very aggrieved at this moment. Even though he had a thorough ability, but facing these opponents who could not beat, he had no way at all!

He is a swordsman, majoring in swordsmanship. Even if he is going all out now, his effective attack range is only a target within a thousand meters in diameter, but now they are all far away, and they do not confront him at all. Qi basically has little room to play!

After the boundaries of the promotion to the top class began to disappear, he had the opportunity to touch the magician's realm. With this opportunity, he learned some spells from Aldridge, but the time was too short for him to learn those Powerful offensive spells, so there is no way to take these distant targets at all!

What's even worse is that because of their blind trust in their own power, the Grace people simply disdain to train Warcraft, and there is no unit that can control flying Warcraft to fight in the air.

This means that if these Illus soldiers who are disrupting the battlefield are not killed, the entire battlefield can be slaughtered for their soldiers if there is no one!

Danny in the distance saw Stanley motionless, and shot fiercely!

The special armor-piercing shell whistled and penetrated Stanley's blood armor, hitting his back!

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