Things from Another World

Chapter 1127: Artifact Awakening

Hit it!


Surprised Danny suddenly found out silently, although the bullet hit, but Stanley was not injured.

Even the armor-piercing projectile that can penetrate the blood armor is basically useless in the face of the mighty flesh and body of the Supreme Apocalypse.

Why did the warhead hit you flat?

Sure enough, the stronger the enemy's strength, the less powerful these special weapons are!

Danny finally understood why Tang En kept emphasizing that they should not slacken their exercise. These weapons are indeed very powerful and convenient, but as their strength increases, their effects will become smaller and smaller, until Finally, he was completely surpassed by his own strength.

In addition to being used to counter chaotic creatures' restraint against their traits, it is really not possible to rely too much on these outsiders.

Danny picked up the intercom and shouted, "Bryan! Alright ?!"

"It's locked!"

On the ground, Brian put down the walkie-talkie, pointed at Stanley in the sky, and spoke across the air: "Use the main gun to give that guy a hard shot! It looks so tall! I'll bomb his mother!"

Height is a pain in Brian's life. Only when facing Croto Nokia can he regain a trace of self-confidence. Unfortunately, this self-confidence completely collapses after seeing the tall Grace people, so Brian He is very keen to pour out his anger on the Grace.

Stanley turned slowly, staring at Danny with scarlet eyes, his body trembling with anger: "You guys-completely anger me!"

He growled in the sky: "Today! You all have to die--"

A scream of sharpness and urgency sounded, and a 350mm caliber shell "banged" directly on Stanley's face, and a huge flame storm that burst suddenly devoured him!

When the flames dissipated, Stanley with a black face was stupid.

He ... was hit by the flea-like flies? It's so embarrassing! ?



The anger has completely erupted, Stanley directly dropped the cunning enemies in the sky, and dived to the artillery company below the battlefield!

I have to say that Stanley made a very smart choice. He gave up those highly mobile targets and directly selected the artillery company that seemed extremely clumsy. As long as he was approached, he could destroy everything there. life!

Danny picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Brian! He's flying towards you!"

"Crap nonsense!"

Brian threw the walkie-talkie, spit into his hand, and smirked and raised the undead warhammer of the King of the Mountains, staring at Stanley falling from the sky and whispering, "Take your hand!"

Although the fighting power is not as good as the group of perverts around Tang En, Brian has not been standing still these days. Since breaking through the Grand Master level, he has often been trained by Elsala as a companion, and then he was abused every three minutes. He was injured, but thanks to the blood of the goddess and the source of magic, these injuries would not affect him at all. Rather, under the pressure of frequent fighting, Brian's strength improved rapidly.

More importantly, those good things that Tang En got back from Long Island, the golden holy fruit strengthened Brian's perception and absorption efficiency of magic power, the ambergris fruit greatly enhanced his physique and strength, and the dragon king Sashaglo The specially brewed Longdao fruit wine has further inspired his potential, and now he has successfully surpassed his son Durandon and became an extraordinary first-order powerhouse!

It is a pity that apart from accompanying Elsa to practice, he has been wandering around the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, and there is not much chance of shooting.

This time, he can finally enjoy fighting!

Grinning Brian sneered and prepared the field, waiting for Stanley to land.

With the King of the Mountains' undead warhammer in his hand, above the earth, he is invincible!

"Give me—dead !!!"

Stanley approached the artillery company, raising a sword was a blast of sword energy!

Just then, Brian's eyes lit up and he yelled, "The yoke of the earth-open!"

The invisible realm opened instantly, Stanley was swallowed directly by the realm and entered a space of gray and yellow.


Stanley looked dumbfounded. What stupid fool would dare to pull himself into the realm? Do you think you died fast enough?

"I've wanted to yell like this for a long time, and the name given by the big brother is really imposing, really good."

Brian, standing on the ground with a hammer on his shoulder, grinned and hooked at Stanley: "Come on, stupid tall man, let me see how strong you are."


Stanley's gaze fell on Brian, smirking and rushing forward: "A superb dwarf, dare to open up the field in front of me?-Go to death!"


Brian steadily blocked Stanley's slash. When the powerful power fell on him, he was directly shared by the earth under his feet, and the remaining power just numbed his arms.

"Hahaha-Supreme, but that's it!"

Brian stepped on the ground with a giggling laugh, and a dense rock of thorns burst out towards Stanley beside him!

"Sculpting worms! Break me!"

The strength of flesh burst out, and the rock thorns were all shattered into dust!

"Combat Skills Xingying Sword!"

Immediately following Stanley's violent drinking, the sword in his hand suddenly disappeared. Brian felt only a tingling in his neck, and his heart moved, and a layer of solid rock armor covered his body, followed by the earth. He slipped aside, avoiding Stanley's deadly sword, and he waved a warhammer at the same time!

"A big hit!"

The heavy warhammer fell suddenly, with a thunderous sound!

Stanley gave a scornful smile, parrying the Warhammer with his left hand, and a **** sword with his right hand coming first, stabbing directly into Brian's chest!


The King of the Mountains' Undead Warhammer has more than doubled Brian's power, and a heavy blow directly defeated Stanley's blood armor, banging his left hand against his head!

But at this moment, the Warhammer was stiffened and could not go in-because Stanley's sword had penetrated the rock armor, and if he moved forward, he would pierce his chest!

And Brian's arm was too short to hit Stanley before he was seriously injured-this is a racial defect ...


When Stanley was about to inspire the sword's breath through Brian, a huge force suddenly fell on him, and the sword sank, but Brian escaped the deadly stab.

"It turned out to be your field power."

Instead of chasing Stanley, he stood sneering: "After a short contact, you have exposed the characteristics of the field, then the next step is your death."

"Bragging you, even the big brother is helpless in my field, what do you think?"

Brian patted his chest, crushed rocks, and the cracks in the rock armor were repaired immediately.

"No, because with this sword, you will really die."

Stanley slowly raised his sword, his eyes flashed: "I'm not going to be hurt by an extraordinary dwarf!"

"What a big word, you guys of this level, the big brother comes to press you with a finger, and you can only be arrogant in front of me."

Brian spit, then picked up the Warhammer, and the earth held him to rush straight to Stanley: "Come again!"

Ignorant stupid.

Stanley sneered, and the power of flesh suddenly converged on the sword. The power of violent flesh made the blood-colored sword humming constantly, and there was a strange breath around it.

Xingying points lightsaber!


There is only one word to describe this sword!

This sword even cuts the light! !!

At the moment when Stanley's blood-colored sword stabbed, the whole world in front of Brian's eyes was dark, all the light disappeared, and only a sharp blood-colored sword gas struck him. Brian already felt cold all over his body, and his entire body seemed to be frozen. He couldn't resist and couldn't avoid it. He could only let the sword pierce his chest, and tore open the strong rock armor and thorns. Into the flesh, listening to the muscles being torn apart, blood spewing out, watching the blood stain the bright warhammer red ...

Not good!

Time seemed to be frozen, and the unprecedented crisis of life and death suddenly came. Brian suddenly found that death was so close to himself!

All-out Stanley is so powerful! It is ridiculous that he thought he could compete with him with the undead warhammer of the King of the Realm and the Mountains.

The sword stabbed into Brian's body a little, as if he could hear the **** sword hungry. He sucked his blood thirsty.

Don't want to die-I really don't want to die!

I still have a lot of time to live!

The big brother brought so much beauty. Wonderful wine and food, and so many interesting things, I want to continue to live in Ellington and live in this world!

Brian was desperately struggling, trying to get rid of Stanley's slaying sword, but all the struggles were futile, and the gap in strength was really too great.

Just as the icy Stanley was about to pierce the sword into Brian's heart, the warhammer that had been clinging to Brian's hand suddenly burst into a strong emerald green light!

As soon as the emerald green light appeared, a very soft but tenacious power suddenly burst out on the undead warhammer of the King of the Mountains. This soft power not only destroyed Stanley's sword air, but also launched the long sword. At the same time, the emerald green power quickly repaired Brian's injuries.

Stanley's face changed, and he stared at Brian's glowing warhammer in his hand, and said arbitrarily, "It turned out to be an artifact !?"

Brian looked in amazement at the renewed Warhammer in his hands, and the whole man was stupid there.

The undead warhammer of the king of the mountains ... turned out to be an artifact! ?

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