Things from Another World

Chapter 1128: Devouring the Realm

For a long time, the undead warhammers of the Kings of the Mountains were inherited from the dwarves and held by the dwarven kings. The power of this legendary warhammer, created by the goddess Nisse Claire, has been excavated. Transparent.

Yes, every dwarf knows that the undead warhammer of the King of the Mountains is a precious two-handed warhammer.

But is this really the case? The weapon that a goddess of the earth made for the people she created is really just a treasure?

Things are obviously not that simple. Don't forget that artifacts are artifacts precisely because they are created by the deities and used by the deities.

Even a strap that the goddess Etanoksi used on her own has incredible power. How could the warhammer that Niss Claire personally create was so simple?

Don't forget, the name of this warhammer is "Undead Warhammer of the King of the Mountains"!

And the dwarves are the kings of the mountains appointed by the earth goddess!

The mighty goddess' power continued to emerge from the warhammer. The emerald green light of life completely covered Brian's body, which was only 1.2 meters in length. At this moment, it was suddenly as fierce as taking hormone. A large section of the ground sprang up and turned into a burly dwarf two meters tall!

Brian found in shock-he could even look up to Stanley-ah! This is not the point! The point is that he is now full of endless power all over him! The knotted muscles on his body swelled like stones, and the copper-furnace-like skin became grayish white like earth and stones, making him look like a giant carved from rock!

——Is this still a dwarf?

——If so, I must be the tallest dwarf in history!

At this moment, Brian suddenly remembered what Barod had said (see Chapter 362). Did he say that the red-bearded Barod had long known that this warhammer was actually an artifact?

-But that **** didn't tell himself! ?

Sure enough, he should burn all his beards with a fire!

Obviously on the battlefield, he was almost dead, but Brian was so stupid that he was in a mood. When Stanley saw this, he wouldn't hesitate. Without a word, the **** sword in his hand cut to Brian's neck again!


The violent power cut in an instant, Brian was startled, and as soon as he was about to dodge, he stumbled to find that the Warhammer, which had a soft light in his hand, was involuntarily approaching the blade!

The newly awakened artifact was cheering and jumping, how could anyone allow someone to destroy such a sacred moment?

After the two weapons slammed into each other fiercely, they only heard a crisp sound of "咣", Brian almost fainted when shocked, but Stanley did not eat any good fruit, the divine majestic earth goddess Li directly smashed him to the ground, and the legendary scarlet sword in his hand showed a crack-the two sides' weapons were judged!

Although Stanley was not injured, he looked at the sword in his hand and his face became extremely ugly.

It is indeed an artifact, his love sword "the source of blood soul" is a legendary sword of superior quality, he can't even carry it!

"Hahaha are you stupid?"

After Brian stood firm, he laughed wildly: "Actually using a sword and a warhammer to harden the front? Don't you know that sharps are most afraid of blunts?"

"How dare to destroy my love sword! Dwarf bitch!"

The furious Stanley Young shot a huge fireball in his hand, but was afraid to use a sword to attack Brian.

"Lao Tzu is taller than you now! You're a fool! There is something to fight!"

A stone wall suddenly blocked the fireball. Brian mocked Stanley proudly. After finding that he had an artifact in his hand, Brian called Shutan in his heart. He could not wait for a few more peace with Stanley. , Smashed his sword into pieces!

"Slaughter you!"

Seeing a superb dwarf dared to arrogantly in front of him, Barrod burned in anger, his body disappeared from the spot instantly, and appeared next to Brian the next moment, a sword slammed, and went straight to Brian's back !!

Brian just felt a bitter chill on his back, a subconscious thought flashed, and the ground beneath him rushed forward, avoiding Stanley's fatal blow.

But how could Stanley's attack be so simple? After the Source of Blood Soul was lifted, the place where the blade edged was whistling and a crescent-shaped sword gas was blown out, hitting Brian's back directly, hitting the heavy rock armor into pieces!

"Go to death, you old turtle!"

Stanley roared and darted to rush forward again, rubbing his blade and air. Rubbing and even burning!

"You **** old turtle!"

When Brian heard this, he suddenly burst into anger and smashed the ground with his hands. The ground in the field suddenly violently vibrated, and even the space was distorted. Stanley's sword was stagnant. Brian ’s The Warhammer had screamed and smashed over!


The warhammer smashed on the blade of the sword, and another fierce force collided. Brian was again blasted out by Zhen, and he held his chest and laughed wildly: "Look at your sword, how many more fights!"

Although Brian was faintly paralyzed by the shock, he had an artifact in his hand, and the wound healed at an alarming rate.

Although Stanley was not harmed, the condition of the legendary sword in his hands was even worse, and the cracks further expanded. I am afraid that once again, the power that bound the sword body would completely collapse.

Lost weapons, even if Stanley is a supreme powerhouse, the combat effectiveness will drop a lot in an instant.

"Withdraw the foreword."

"I despised you," Stanley said, "and you deserve to be serious."

"Keep talking wildly, and I don't know who already said that you should be serious. Or do you really only have a good job with your mouth, and nowhere else, so you just like to find those little girls who don't understand anything? You This pervert lo*ic*n! "

Brian still doesn't change his cheap talk, even if it's not Stanley's opponent, he won't miss the opportunity to ridicule each other.

He now only needs a chance to hit the opponent, because the most powerful secrets in his field have not been revealed. As long as he can petrify Stanley, he will definitely die!

"You don't seem to understand at all. When you open the field, your life is already in my hands."

After Stanley said coldly, a sword in his hand was inserted under his foot, and a blood-red space suddenly appeared, centering on that sword, spreading out quickly, and in a blink of an eye, swallowed Brian's realm!

"The realm is a very powerful force, but unfortunately the weak realm will be overwhelmed by the strong realm. It is also a law. Welcome to my realm ... blood prison."

Stanley's blood fluttered all over his body. Those flesh looked like weird flames and looked very strange.

"The artifact in your hand is very powerful, but a large part of its power comes from the earth. Unfortunately, in my field, there is no earth that can give you a foothold."

Brian looked down, and there were plains piled up by countless corpses. The corpses were filled with thick blood and the whole space was filled with terrible blood.

"Without the power of the earth, I see why you hit me!"

Stanley drank violently and rushed towards Brian. Dense blood flew into his hand and became a source of blood soul. The sword was cut off far away, and then Brian's foot suddenly burst out. Spill a blood column and swallow up Brian, who was caught by surprise!

The violent power constantly hits Brian's body, and the hot blood squeezes his skin!

Brian's face changed greatly, and he found that the blood in his body seemed to be affected, and he was desperately rushing out!


The strong power of the goddess of the earth defeated the pillar of blood, Brian shelled like a shell, Stanley only felt a flower in front of him, and the emerald green warhammer had been knocked down!


The blood under his feet suddenly appeared, directly covering Stanley, blocking Brian's thunder strike.


Brian turned over and fell, painfully piercing the Warhammer. At this moment, the blood vessels all over his body were bulging, the heart was beating madly, and the blood was almost spraying out of his body!

Weird! This power is really weird!

"You don't understand what kind of enemy you are facing!"

Suddenly Stanley bent his fingers and lifted up, Brian's heart trembled, and he rolled away side by side. The next moment he was standing was drowned by a dense blood stab.

"Hide? Where can you hide?"

Stanley raised his hand, and blood arrows suddenly appeared in the large blood-colored space. He smirked and held his right hand, and the blood arrows shouted and shot at Brian!

In the face of attacks from all directions, Brian avoided the inevitable, lost the shelter of the earth, his physical strength and defense power fell sharply, once hit, there is only a dead end!

Seeing that he was about to be shot as a hedgehog, he suddenly threw the warhammer in his hand!

The target is exactly the long sword that Stanley inserted into the ground!


At this time, Stanley was controlling the blood arrows to attack Brian, and there was no way to be distracted to take care of his weapons. At this time, it was too late to dissipate his power to protect the sword. He could only speed up the control of the blood arrows. Pierce Brian, while watching the thundering warhammer hit the sword!


Just listening to the deafening noise, the source of the blood soul that broke into the ground shattered, but it was even more shocking that after the source of the blood soul was broken, Stanley's open field was also broken, and they returned again. In the previous battlefield, beside the mobile artillery of the Illus Empire!

The soldiers of the artillery company were stunned when they looked at the two who suddenly appeared.

Especially Brian, who was burly and bloody, scared them silly.

"Master Brian!"

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