Things from Another World

Chapter 1130: Full crash

Since coming to Ellington, Gunther has been most impressed, I'm afraid this is Elsa who looks a little shy and likes shyness.

Obviously she looks so cute. A little girl, but she has a terrible power, just like a humanoid dragon.

Even the supreme-level herself could not hold on to Elsa for so long, her power has definitely reached the legendary level!

No wonder Danny and they all called Elsa the "big sister's head". With this strength, she really deserves this title.

If Stanley picks himself as an opponent, Elsa is not necessarily going to do it, but this fool idiot went straight to Elsa ...

As soon as Gunther covered his face, he couldn't bear to look any further.

As he guessed, Stanley's heart was crumbling at the moment.

When did Prandall come out with such a perverted strong woman! ?

Irsa, with a look of excitement, no matter what Stanley thought about it, until the start of the war, Gunther had not let her do it. This time someone finally turned to her directly as an opponent. How could she let go of this opportunity?

Elsa was afraid that Stanley would ask for mercy, so the offensive was very fierce, and Stanley was not given a chance at all.

Warhammer Meteor with red flames and flames falling down, whistling and slamming into Stanley in the deep pit.

Stanley's face shrouded in shadow had changed greatly, and he slammed into the sky directly, entangled. The iron fist wrapped around the strength of the blood greeted the warhammer-he did not believe that his power would be lost to a little girl!


The violent power fell from the sky, Stanley just felt a towering mountain heading down, and the unstoppable warhammer blasted him into the earth again!

Stanley squirted blood violently, holding his chest in shock and inexplicable, but he was the supreme powerman, and he couldn't even stop the little girl's hammer! ?

This is a little girl, she is a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

Elsa stood next to him with a strange look on Stanley: "Isn't this guy terrific? Why is he so weak?"

Gunther continued to cover his face, not that he was too weak, but that you were too strong, big sister ...

Stanley even vomited blood when he heard Elsa's words. He was also a supreme powerhouse, and was even said to be weak! ?

——The person who said this just made him speechless! That warhammer is not vegetarian!

--damn it! As long as it can hurt her and get a drop of blood, only a drop of blood is enough!

Stanley growled: "You can kill me! But you can't insult me!"

Elsa blinked: "Insult? No."

Of course, Elsa's simple appearance in Stanley's eyes seemed very contrived, obviously taunting him intentionally, Stanley exhaled blood, and he snarled and rushed to Elsa: "I want to kill you! !!! "

Elsa also seemed to feel that she continued to insult each other with the Warhammer, and simply tossed the Warhammer aside, waving a small fist "Hey" to meet him.

Fight me with bare hands! Really looking for death!

A joy in Stanley's heart. Although he majored in swordsmanship, due to a special situation, his unarmed combat ability was still good. Without the huge and terrible warhammer, the little girl could only rely on her strength. Enemy yourself!

As long as she can be injured, she wins!

"go to hell!"

Stanley punched out like a thunder, and the shadow of the sky immediately surrounded Elsa, and the momentum was extremely huge!

Elsa disregarded those punches, and let those punches hit the armor, sulking his head and throwing a punch at Stanley.

I only heard one howling sound, the air was extremely compressed under Elsa's fist. When the two fists met, a strong shock wave visible to the naked eye burst out, the fist shadow of the sky suddenly disappeared, Stanley's blood protection Armor collapsed directly, and even her arms folded into a weird angle. The force of horror overturned the surrounding earth. The diameter of the impact pit nearly doubled under this impact!

Destroyed forces struck Stanley again, and at this moment, his heart collapsed.

The power of this little girl is more horrible than expected, and her defense is extremely amazing. In the face of such a terrible attack, she ignores it completely and just concentrates on her fist!

Let him do everything he can, I only broke it with one punch, this is what is called a ten-force drop!

What caused Stanley to collapse was that even if he carried his attack hard, the little girl was not hurt at all!

The rough skin is almost as thick as the dragon!

Without her blood, her most powerful weapon could not be used, how could you fight it! ?

escape! Must escape!

Just a fight, Stanley fully understood his current situation, he is not the opponent of this little girl at all, plus Gunther, who is staring at him next to him, if there is a deadlock here, he will have no choice but to die!

Stanley retreated with Elsa's strength, rushed into the sky as soon as she turned over, and fled straight into the distance!

"Where to run!"

Gunther had been guarding this guy for a long time, and Jianqi whistled to catch up with Stanley, tearing a wound severely on his back!

Followed by Gunther, he has already caught up with Stanley, and the sword was cut down at the moment. The sharp sword gas locked Stanley and made him cold all over!

Where did Stanley, who had been high above in the past, suffered such humiliation, roaring with red eyes, and the only left fist smashed into Gunther fiercely: "Give me-get out!"

"A futile revolt!"

Gunther's sword turned, and he slashed directly to Stanley's wrist.

With a stunned look, Stanley flickered to the left, evading Gunther's offensively, his left fist turned into claws, and he hurled towards Gunther's face fiercely, his fingertips and blood gas armor violently creaking It was only a moment that his fingertips broke through Gunther's blood armor and grabbed his face directly!

If it was normal, the gap between Gunther and Stanley would not be so huge, but Stanley is now on the verge of life and death. He is desperately trying to get all the power. Gunther was caught by Stanley for a moment Lived my head!

"go to hell!"

Stanley sneered and tightened his left hand. Gunther only felt his head tightening, the blood flow suddenly stalled, and even his mind was slow for a while. The raised sword also lost sight and did not hit Stanley at all.

"Let him go!"

The following Elsa punched Stanley's back, but the next moment, Stanley turned around sharply, holding Gunther in front!

Elsa was frightened, her fist snapped back, and a strange flush appeared on her face.

Elsa's combat experience is still too small. If she had just attacked without a word, Stanley might not be able to respond. Moreover, she was accustomed to shooting with full strength. Suddenly recovering her power would cause harm to herself. For a while, Stanley found an opportunity to confront her.

Stanley also realized that a living Gunther was more useful than a dead one, so he relaxed his strength a little, slipped his left hand, and caught Gunther's neck directly, smirking: "Let me go, otherwise you will kill he."

The key is controlled, even Gunther is afraid to act rashly now.

Elsa was furious: "Let him go! Or kill you!"

Stanley sarcastically said, "You idiot, I can't let go of him unless I let him go, so why should I let him go?"

His heart was full of bitterness and absurdity, how could he lose to such a stupid little girl? It's ridiculous that even the strongest killer 锏 can't use it!

How did she get that brute force?

Could it be that she is a human being in the form of a giant dragon?

Stanley didn't know that he had accidentally guessed the truth. He was now observing the surroundings and looking for opportunities to escape.

If he can escape, he really doesn't want to reveal his hole cards. Once exposed, the entire Prandall may really have no place for him.

But if you don't see it, it will be even more painful when you look at Stanley.

During the time he was fighting, the half a million troops he had just convened were almost destroyed.

And they failed to even rush to the front of the Illus army, and more than half of them died in the middle of the battlefield.

Protected by the army in the center, the original wild masters intended to launch a sneak attack after approaching the opponent. However, in the first round of attack, they were smashed into fragments by a sudden burst of bombs under their feet. Only a few survived relatively quickly. However, now that they have completely lost their due calm, they are desperately trying to escape, how can they continue to fight?

Howling from the army of the Illus Empire from time to time, then **** or long bombs flew out from below, crossed an arc, fell into the battlefield, and then a violent explosion broke out. If the crowd stands a little denser, that bomb will kill dozens and hundreds of people. The power is extremely terrible!

The horror of those killed, even Stanley, who was cruel and cruel, saw the cold.

What's more frightening is that his powerful apocalyptic guards have destroyed everything at this moment. The biggest result is to cut the shell of a steel goblet, even without killing one, the head is inexplicably blasted. Bloomed.

A terrible weapon in the hands of those guys in the sky!

That kind of attack completely ignores the blood armor, and it is very powerful. Even the master-level apocalypse may be killed on the spot, not to mention those gold-level apocalypse, they can not fight at all!

What is even more daunting is that the soldiers of the Illus Empire did not know whether to use magic scrolls or wands, and a large area of ​​traces of spells appeared on the battlefield.

Fireball, Frostbolt, Arcane Missiles are all good. When applied to the battlefield in a wide range of spells such as Sludge, Frost Nova, Activation Rope, and Petrification, the effect is simply terrible. A simple one. The activation of the rope spell can cause a chain reaction, letting a large block of people fall to the ground, watching the shells fall from the sky, hitting their heads ...

At this moment, the side of the Illus Empire is not satisfied with the long-range bombardment of the positional warfare. Maybe it is found that the fighting spirit of the Grace soldiers has completely collapsed. They have even started to take the initiative to start harvesting on the battlefield!

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