Things from Another World

Chapter 1131: Stanley's killer!

A heavy steel chariot roared Mercedes on the battlefield. Each shot of the gun tube would emit a thunderous roar. A powerful and cannonball can kill dozens of people!

Even more frightening are some soldiers wearing steel armor. They are extremely fast, can not run, can jump and fly. They are not as alert as warriors wearing armor in the battlefield, but like flexible monkeys!

Stanley watched one of the armored soldiers wield a long sword, splitting a gold-level apocalypse in half, and the strength fluctuations of that armored warrior showed that he was just a silver-level apocalypse!

Is this still war?

Do not.

This is slaughter!

Stanley was ravaged. This was simply a one-sided slaughter!

If time comes again, Stanley feels he will never choose to oppose the Illus Empire again.

It ’s not that our army is not powerful, but why is the enemy army as high as it is!

There is not much difference in individual strength between the two sides. The number is very different, from 500,000 to 10,000, but the side that wins is 10,000. What is the reason?

Just because the gap between weapons and equipment is really too big!

Look at our sword armor, and then look at the roaring steel puppets and terrifying bombs of the enemy. How can this battle be fought?

They lost, and they were doomed from the start.

Seeing his soldiers fall piece by piece, Stanley unexpectedly didn't feel much sadness, not that he was numb, but that those people died too quickly, and he even had no chance of distress .

Only now has he seen what a real war should look like.

Unfortunately, time never goes back.

Stanley trembled here, and Elsa opposite was dumbfounded. She was the first time she had encountered this situation and had no idea what to do.

Does Gunther kill Stanley directly? Or let him go?

When the two of them were distracted, Gunther, who was clutching his neck, suddenly stared, and the power of blood broke through Stanley's bond and penetrated the whole body!

Field ... open!

Stanley only felt a flower in front of him, and the world in front of him turned into a white ice field, but Gunther in his hands suddenly turned into a thin piece of snow and disappeared!

Stanley was shocked, and immediately raised his alertness.

"Welcome to my field ... The shame you imposed on me, I will pay you back a thousand times!"

Gunther's voice came from all directions, and the voice was full of unstoppable killing. His voice had just fallen, and the temperature of the entire ice field had plummeted, suddenly blowing the biting cold wind, and dense snowflakes converged into a handle in the cold wind. The crystal clear ice sword was hidden in the cold wind, and then suddenly stabbed at Stanley!


Stanley screamed, turned his left fist, and smashed the ice sword with his backhand!

"What kind of hero is hiding head and tail? Get out!"

The scattered snowflakes suddenly gathered together and turned into Gunther again: "Well ... Although your strength is better than me, but now you have lost your weapon and lost another hand, Elsa has hurt you seriously. Why did you fight me? "


Stanley slammed into a blast and smashed Gunther into pieces with a single punch. As the snowflakes drifted, a hidden ice sword pierced Stanley's chest!


When the ice sword was about to pierce Stanley's chest, the necklace on Stanley's neck suddenly sparked a dazzling light, shaking the ice sword into dust.

"Equipment designed to withstand deadly damage? I want to see how many times you can stop!"

Gunther screamed angrily, and the snowstorm in the field became more violent. The flying snowflakes condensed into an ice sword suspended in the air, and thousands of ice swords appeared in the blink of an eye. To Stanley!

All the space in front of Stanley was filled with ice swords, and he was not given any room to escape!

"You forced me!"

I saw that the angry Stanley actually tore off his right arm, and the crazy gush of blood formed a shield beside him, at the same time, a long blood condensate appeared in his left hand. The sword, the violent sword air does not leak, all the ice swords coming in the future are blocked!

Hidden in the dark, Gunther was shocked. He didn't expect Stanley to be so **** himself!

"Using blood to fight ... strange talent ..."

Gunther said quietly: "Unfortunately, you are seriously injured now, how long can you persist?"

found it!

Stanley's eyes flashed, the violent murderousness instantly locked Gunther's hiding place, he carried the blizzard attack, transformed into a scarlet sword gas, pierced the inconspicuous one of thousands of ice swords!


The snow and ice shattered, and Gunther with a look of shock appeared in the field: "How did you find me !?"

"Idiot! Let's die!"

Stanley stabbed straight into the ground!


Ice and snow converged in front of Gunther, blocking the fatal blow, and Gunther was relieved, turning into snowflakes and hiding in the storm.

After losing the target, Stanley calmed down instead. He clenched the blood sword, controlled the blood shield, and the blood ejected from the wound made a circle under his control and returned to the body. A complete cycle was completed, so he didn't die from excessive blood loss.

After Stanley closed his eyes and eliminated the visual interference, the other senses were enlarged to the limit, the wind and snow whistle in his ear slowly disappeared, and any abnormal noise in the entire field became extremely clear.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ...

This is the heartbeat ...

Whisper ...

This is the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels ...


Stanley closed his eyes, the blood sword suddenly pierced, and a bunch of red mangs roared through the snowstorm!


Gunther, who blocked the sword, was shocked, and he found his whereabouts again! ?

After capturing Gunther again, Stanley directly launched a stormy attack on him. Gunther was shocked to find that after each attack of the **** sword, his physical strength was taken away. After repeated confirmation, Gunther pulled back abruptly and shouted, "Using the power of blood to absorb the enemy's physical strength in the attack, this is the power of the legendary Komala bloodthirsty! As the king of Grace, you have summoned the demon to return Made a deal with a demon !? "

Gunther saw through his own secret, and Stanley, with a look of shame, accelerated the frequency of attacks: "Dead!"

Knowing his special powers, Gunther no longer played directly with Stanley, but controlled the ice sword from a distance. At the same time, he also began to secretly inspire the killer who has always been hidden in the realm.


Stanley broke through the ice sword's blockade ghostly, and the blood sword stabbed Gunther again!

The blood sword brushed his cheek, and Gunther subconsciously waved the sword, and once again determined Stanley's strange power, he could indeed take the physical strength of others!

No wonder after this self-harm, instead of being weak, he became more and more brave. He actually made a deal with the devil!

The power of the devil is very weird. Gunther didn't dare to bet on Stanley's hole cards, so he gritted his teeth and directly inspired the special power in the field!

"Frozen! My kingdom!"

With Gunther's cry, the temperature in the field suddenly dropped, and Stanley's feet were frozen to the ground in an instant, and the ice was still spreading quickly along his legs.

Gunther's realm can actually simulate the characteristics of the legendary eternal kingdom to a certain extent, and freeze everything directly!

"It's late."

Scarlet Stanley's eyes slowly spread away the **** sword, and the blood poured back into his body, and in his palm, a small blood droplet floated.

Gunther's face changed, and he touched his cheek subconsciously-a scar appeared silently.

"Komala bloodthirsty is very powerful. They are good at controlling the power of blood. They like to control the blood in the enemy ’s body to directly boil or explode the enemy ’s body. Unfortunately, I ca n’t fully exert it. I must get a certain medium to do it.”

Stanley smiled cruelly: "Do you know what it means when I get your blood?"

Gunther was frightened, and a biting cold wind suddenly rolled to Stanley's left hand!

"So, let's die."

Stanley sneered and crushed the blood beads. The force originating from Komala's bloodthirsty took effect immediately. Gunther's body trembled, blood was sprayed wildly from the eyes, ears, nose, and nose. The boiling blood directly broke through his veins and everywhere Shoot out!

Just a blink of an eye, Gunther's whole body became abnormally miserable, there were wounds everywhere, and he fell into a state of dying, and even the realm could not be maintained, and the space completely collapsed.

After the field collapsed, Stanley's rapidly spreading ice also quickly melted, and he resumed his ability to move.


When Elsa saw Gunther falling, she exclaimed and rushed to catch him!

Stanley hesitated to see Elsa's unguarded appearance, and turned and ran as soon as she gritted her teeth!

Damn it, this girl named Elsa is so perverted that she still runs away!

No way, although the power of Kemala's bloodthirsty is easy to use, after all, he is a human. Without the other's blood in hand, he can't cast the blood spell.

No matter how hard you beat Elsa, you do n’t break the defense, not to mention blood, you do n’t even lose your hair, you ca n’t beat it!

Gunther said very weakly: "Don't, don't waste time, fast, chase, don't let him run away ..."

"what are you talking about!"

Elsa put him on the ground, took out a high-purity goddess blood, opened it, put it in his mouth, and turned to catch up: "I didn't intend to waste time!"

Gunther: "..."

Come back to me soon!

"Abominable! Actually caught up!"

Stanley, who was desperately escaping, heard the whistling sound from behind, and his teeth were itchy. If he was strong, he was not bad, but Elsa, who was leaking blood, was his own natural nemesis!

escape! Can only escape!

As long as you can escape, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future! The shame these guys have left for themselves must be cleared back one by one!

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Stanley's escape ...

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