Things from Another World

Chapter 1132: Leave well

After solving the escaped insomniacs, Tang En was soaring all the way, flying for almost ten hours, and finally hurried to the vicinity of Blood Rock City.

I thought it might be a delay, but he looked at it from afar, oh guys, these guys have already started? Depp and they certainly will not take the initiative to attack, so it seems that Stanley can't sit still.

From a distance, you can see the sky-launched artillery missiles dragging a long tail flame into the enemy army, and the smashed Gris soldiers turned upside down. The enemy's slinger had no time to show its might, and it had already been bombed by shells. The debris, and occasionally several trebuchets carrying shells bombarded and reluctantly launched the rolling stones, but the huge stones had just climbed to the highest point before falling, and they were locked by the artillery company on the side of Illus.

After the rangers quickly judged the fall curve, they decisively fired the missile and exploded the boulder into fragments in the air. The remaining gravel basically did not threaten our army's armored units, and the soldiers used armored vehicles as a cover. , Hide inside and continue firing shells.

Because the number of enemy troops is too large and too large, hundreds of thousands of people are all crowded outside of Blood Rock City. They are densely packed like ants. After the artillery locks the firing angle of the battlefield, it does not even need to be aimed, and it can be launched at will. The deadly enemy forces made these gunners leisurely and comfortable.

Tang En, who was flying in the sky, saw this scene from afar, and he was both relieved and relieved.

The distressed thing is that the annihilated Grace people are tall and powerful men, they are all strong labor, and now the development of the Illus Empire is the most lacking of these labor.

It is gratifying that his open life in two years was not wasted. These magically modified weapons and equipment finally revealed its fierce fangs. As soon as they entered the battlefield, incredible power broke out. The army and air force combined to fight these indigenous people. Can't resist, this is the one-sided crushing!

Tang En's heart was filled with emotion, and he had been immersed in farming for so long, and finally realized the refreshing sensation of a squatter of violent soldiers.

From the time he started climbing the scientific and technological tree to the present, these Prandall natives have finally used the magic weaponry equipment to form a modern army with fierce firepower in the true sense.

It ’s a pity that they are a lot worse in combat quality. To put it simply, they are just children with assault rifles. The fierce firepower can kill even adults, but how can we really use the power of the weapons in our hands? They are still totally scratched.

So after actually ruling Prendall, Down's focus will change.

First, we must continue to focus on agriculture to ensure that the output of grain continues to rise and increase the upper limit of the population per unit of land. Second, we must continue to focus on the economy and use economic lubrication to ensure that this society is stable and efficient and continues to develop at a fast pace. Third, continue to promote the population growth plan to ensure that before the chaotic creatures invade, they can have enough effective fresh forces; the fourth point is to conduct national militarized management and education, and train these amateur soldiers into true elites as soon as possible. Let them adapt to this new form of war as soon as possible and cultivate close and tacit combat experience.

The last point is the fifth point, which is also very important. It is to continue to explore the technology tree of magic modification, to continuously enhance the power and reliability of various weapons and equipment through magic modification, and to explore new weapon forms at the same time. He does not have to start from The development route of weapons on the earth seeks inspiration. The power of magic is strange and strange. It is entirely possible to think freely and develop more powerful weapons.

In particular, the artificial soul quantum computer "Eve" has been born. Based on the particularity of artificial soul technology, Eve is used as the basis for deep exploration of potential. After expanding its functions, it can quickly make sample copies and use integrated instructions. Sets the mass production of artificial soul quantum computers with consistent performance.

The potential of artificial soul quantum computers is huge, and Tang En even feels that his future development must be centered on it.

Not surprisingly, the next step is to design engineering software, radar, satellites, etc. The first thing to overcome is the technical problems related to the artificial soul quantum computer, especially if it involves a variety of complex algorithms. The program apes of the Einzbelen family solved it. In this regard, he died and provided some basic formulas that he had learned in school. The more complicated he was completely powerless ...

When Tang Enyuan overlooked the battlefield, he suddenly saw a figure flew towards himself, looking at it closely, eh? This is not Stanley!

Why so embarrassed? Actually one arm is missing.

Take a closer look. Stanley actually chased this person behind him. After seeing that figure, Tang En suddenly realized that this guy was so dead that he found Elsa as his opponent? This is not looking for abuse!

But ... Elsa has become so cruel now. It seems necessary to educate the girl. It wouldn't be great if she turned into a cruel female tyrannosaurus.

When Tang En found Stanley, he also saw Tang En. Stanley burst into tears and roared, and blood spewed out of the wound again, condensing into a blood sword in his hands, and stabbed in a fierce step. To Down!

Is this guy so cruel?

Tang En froze, the Scarlet Sword Mansions had come to his eyes.

"Stop it!"

The **** sword suddenly exploded at the moment when he was about to touch Tang En, a puff of blood enveloped him, and Tang En's magic armor immediately screamed and was eroded by poison.

What a weird way!

Tang En frowned slightly, this kind of power is not like the apocalypse should have.

"You ruined everything!"

Stanley growled with a grimace: "Go to death!"

A layer of fine spikes suddenly appeared in the blood mist that enveloped Tang En. One part quickly absorbed Tang En's magic, weakening his shield, and the other part stabbed fiercely!

"Your Majesty Brother!"

Elsa shouted in the distance, "Watch out for his blood!"

Tang En swaggered, his body was instantly elementalized and turned into a fiery flame. The thick blood was burned to ashes as soon as he touched him: "I heard that you want to kill me ... uh?"

Tang En just finished speaking, but suddenly found out that after uttering mad words, Stan trapped him with blood mist, and fled directly!

nonsense! I'm not an idiot!

Stanley scolded in his heart while escaping madly. He had already overestimated Tang En's power, but he did not expect to underestimate him. This Tang En has no sense of territory and no rules to correct. The entangled fluctuation is obviously just a gold. The apocalypse at the top of the level. Peak can be elementalized instantly-this is incredible. After elementalization, he is completely immune to physical damage. He can't help Tang En, plus there is a female who does not know the depth. Tyrannosaurus, don't hurry to stay here to die?

"Well, anyway, I've seen it, go all the way."

Tang En sprayed Mars with a smile, then bent a little, a purple ray burst out, hitting Stanley in an instant, the violent force ripped Stanley's flesh, he exploded with a bang. A pile of ground meat.

"Oh !? This is dead?"

Elsa's eyes widened, and she said endlessly, "I'm not addicted yet."

Tang En raised his hand, paused, then de-elementized, and then touched Elsa with a smirk: "You, don't be so violent, you can tear everyone's arms off."

"I didn't do it!"

Elsa blinked her eyes innocently, "He pulled it off himself."

"he himself?"

"Yeah, his power is strange. He can control his blood and turn it into a weapon. Not only did he steal the weapon of Brian, even Uncle Gunther almost killed him."

Down was surprised: "Brian's weapon is blood-limited, can he **** it?"

"I'm not quite sure about the specifics, I may see a little-eh !?"

The talking Elsa suddenly exclaimed, pointing at Down's back: "--he's not dead yet !?"

Tang En turned around violently, and was surprised to find that Stanley, which had been torn into pieces that should have completely dissipated in the heavens and the earth, actually reappeared, and the scattered blood mist reunited into his shape, and the whole became a blood People, very horrible.

"You ruined everything!"

The **** Stanley cursed Dunn sternly: "Even if I die, I won't let you go!"

"Really troublesome guy."

Tang En frowned, preparing to burn him directly, but just then, a vortex suddenly appeared over Stanley's head.

Tang En originally thought that Stan had used some weird power to escape, but he could see the scared expression on his face, and I was afraid that things were not as simple as he thought.

"Don't! I've completed the task for you, so just give me a little more time! Just let me kill him--"

Stanley begged hard, but the vortex didn't give him a chance to bargain, and quickly expanded, sucking his body.

"Want to take him in front of me !? Not so easy!"

Tang En screamed and rushed over, and the huge magic force came out, quickly analyzing the structure of the vortex, trying to counter it.

What was unexpected was that his magic had just been approaching the whirlpool, and he was bounced off by an unbeatable force!

"this is--"

Tang En's face changed slightly, this was the contractual power sheltered by the gods!

Stanley is now fulfilling the contents of a contract!

"No! I don't want to go there yet! It's not the time yet! I haven't lost--"

Stanley shouted frantically and struggled, but he was still swallowed bit by bit by the vortex.

After the vortex swallowed him, it disappeared directly. Tang En could only watch it all, because the power of the contract was protected by the gods, sacred and inviolable, even if he could not interfere with the execution of the contract.

But the question is, who did Stanley sign with? What is the content? What is the mission he said?

After Tang En groaned for a moment, he turned and pulled Elsa: "Let's go and ask Gunther."

Gunther and Stanley have played in the field, maybe he will know some clues.

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