Things from Another World

Chapter 1133: original sin

When Gunn and Elsa returned to Gunther's side, Gunther had basically recovered his physical strength and his injuries were almost recovered.

The stronger the Apocalypse's strength, the weaker the effect of the blood of the goddess, but Tang En prepared Elsa their high-concentration, so the effect is still very good.

"His Majesty."

Gunther knelt in front of Tang En on one knee, and said with shame, "Subordinates have failed to kill Stanley, so please punish him."

Tang En waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, I also met him just now. His strength is a bit strange. Please describe to me the situation you just met with him."


So Gunther recounted what happened in the field one by one with Tang En, and did not delete a word. After listening to Gunther's description, Tang En frowned: "In other words, Stanley made a deal with the demon? Gained the special power of the Komala bloodthirsty? "

"Yes, he personally exposed this, but his power was obviously incomplete, so he couldn't kill me directly, he needed to hurt me first to get my blood."

Gunther said with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect that he still had this method, and he was almost killed when he didn't notice it."

"I see, you take a break first."

Dunn asked Gunther to rest, and he stood still.

Stanley even made a deal with the devil, just to gain strength? Or is there any underlying reason behind this? Could it be that this is a temptation of the surface world by the devil? Do they want to return to the earth?

After Tang En pondered for a moment, his eyes fell on the most conspicuous castle in Blood Rock City.

It seems necessary to investigate there.

Elsa couldn't bear to see those people die so meaninglessly, and whispered, "His brother, Stanley is now dead or dead. Is this war over?"


Looking down at the battlefield, Tang En muttered to himself: "These people are too worthless to die ..."

It wasn't Tang En's ruthlessness, it was his mission that forced him to measure these lives by value. Now these Gries died here, without making a contribution to Prandall, obviously worthless death and consumption. .

Even if these people are regarded as slaves and sent to the mines to work as hard labor, or to be trained as a worker on the assembly line, or even a farmer, it makes more sense to die on this battlefield.

But now, all these strong labors that should have come in handy have all died here.

Waste, it is too wasteful.

In fact, the "war" hits now, there is no difference between stopping and stopping.

The powerful lethality from the magic weapon has completely defeated the 500,000 army gathered by Stanley. Now the number of people remaining is probably less than one, and these people have obviously collapsed with such cheap death. The fightingless soldiers are fleeing frantically. Everything sacrificed for Her Majesty Stanley and dedication to Grace's future has become trivial under the threat of life.

Under the command of Tang En, the sound of the turbulent artillery gradually subsided, and the soldiers of the Illus Empire formed a group with tanks as their core and began to slowly advance to Blood Rock City. After a short advance, they came to the battlefield filled with smoke central.

Looking at the stubble of the limbs all over the ground, the brains of the agitated Illus soldiers gradually cooled down, and one by one could not help shaking.

These are the lives that died under their control. They did not even see the faces of these people, they just moved their fingers ...

Killing and killing has never been easier.

It is for this reason that they feel incomparable fear-if this weapon falls into the hands of others, will the person who died here be themselves?

War, why should there be war?

Suddenly, soldiers, especially recruits with little combat experience, suddenly began to loathe wars like never before.

War is the source of all evil. No one wins or loses. Both sides of the war are losers.

On the battlefield, a soldier resisted the urge to vomit and muttered to himself: "This war should not have been fought ..."

A veteran said angrily: "Don't be stupid, this battle with Grace was destined to happen when Solant returned to the Illus Empire."

"But this is cruel ..."

"Cruel? When the Gryths slaughtered the Principality of Shiraz, were they cruel?"

"The people who slaughtered the Principality of Shiraz are not necessarily these people. They are innocent. Perhaps some of them are moderates who do not want war, and the cruel ones who are really cruel are the radical Gris ..."

"In war, no one is innocent. When these so-called moderates enjoy the fame, wealth, and status brought to them by the radicals, they are already the same kind of people. They do not oppose the war, they just acquiesce. War is also a sinner. "

The old soldier paused, pointing to a staring corpse on the ground and said, "He may have a wife and children. As you said, he may just be a moderate who wants to live in peace, but now he is on the battlefield. , What do you think it is? "


"Although the main reason is Stanley, is there no reason of his own?"

The veteran asked the recruits: "Every Gryce knows that they are enjoying everything that Gryce soldiers have burned and looted outside, but they just accept it silently and take it for granted, no one at all Stand up and question whether the soldiers did something wrong. No one came out to reprimand this behavior, and no one spoke out for the dead innocent people. "

"When the Silas protested the atrocities of the Gris, they turned a blind eye."

"This acquiescent attitude is the biggest sin. Why do others care about their thoughts when they don't care about their lives and thoughts?"

"When Grace was surrounded by the flames of war and Stanley, whom they admired, made them stand up, they may not be willing to stand up, but in the end they had no choice but to stand up. This is the price they have to pay. ... Although the price is a little bit late, at least, the innocent souls of Shiraz and Ivaran can rest in peace. "

The recruit was silent, and now he felt terrible.

The veteran patted him on the shoulder and said intently: "Look at the point, so this is the war ... someone will die, either the enemy will die, or we will die. Only the victorious people are qualified to live."

The recruits couldn't help but question: "Why is there a war? Why can't everyone sit in peace and share the world together?"

The veteran smiled: "You haven't read a book? Humans once were a unified country. All humans are one family. The only empire is the Illus Empire."

The recruit was stunned, and he really didn't know about it.

"And the three kingdoms of Sorant, Ronitan, and Grace, as well as those principalities, were split after the Illus Empire fell into weakness after the Second Chaos Invasion War."

The veteran said sarcastically: "So strictly speaking, these countries are traitors to the Illus Empire, and now they are paying for the ambitions of their ancestors."

"Traitor ...? ..."

"Yes. What's more, isn't Her Majesty Tang En working on this goal right now? Sorant has returned. Although Ronantante has not changed, it is impossible to resist the general situation with its military strength, sooner or later. These countries will return and become a whole country. "

The veteran said sharply: "You should be fortunate that now we have Her Majesty Tang En, so we are here to regain the Kingdom of Grace, instead of waiting for Grace to come in and turn Yalinks into a dead city."

"So this is ah……"

"That's it. It is the greatest honor of your life to follow Her Majesty Tang En's battle. You must keep this in mind."

The veteran pointed to the heavy armored tank beside him: "Have you seen it? What else on the battlefield can give you a sense of security like it? But it was created by Her Majesty Tang En!"

"Her Majesty Tang En distributed the blood of the goddess and powerful weapons and equipment, and he hoped that we would become strong and invincible, but he was never a belligerent ambitionist, never!"

The veteran said decisively: "If Her Majesty Tang En wants to conquer the world by force, he can already do it, but he has not done so. He just makes our lives better, step by step. The Urrus Empire has become stronger to attract those who have taken the initiative to return to the Irrus Empire. "

"Now, even when the Ronitantes who were once wealthy in the world mentioned Illus, they were always envious. How could this have happened before? And the reason why we can be for ourselves To be proud of the Illus, isn't that what Her Majesty Down brings? Have you ever seen His Majesty, who is more kind and great than him? "


"So, believe in His Majesty Tang En, he will never attack the Kingdom of Grace for no reason. This war is a demonstration of the mistakes made in this country. It is no longer just forgiveness. It must be You have to pay the price of your life. "

After the veteran spoke, he patted the recruit's shoulder and continued to inspect the battlefield.

The recruit was silently pondering the truth of the veteran's words in his heart. The chaotic thoughts slowly became clear. The heavy thoughts finally came to pass. Looking at the corpses on the battlefield, he was finally able to face them calmly.

The sin of killing? If this killing can make the world a better place, let us bear this sin.

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