Things from Another World

Chapter 1137: Raise a daughter from now on

Stanley's bedroom had been cleaned up and replaced with new futon beds. However, at this moment, a group of people gathered here and watched Tang En's arms hug him, the little devil girl, all dumbfounded.

That's right, after losing the cover of the light cocoon, Tang En only realized that there was a little girl in the light cocoon.

"Your Majesty Tang En."

Alleria looked at Tang En with a smile. "Can you tell me, when has your hand reached the devil's side? Who is the child's mother? Could it be Saratimore?"

"What nonsense!"

Tang En just wanted to excite. When he saw the little girl in her arms weeping, she immediately lowered her voice: "No matter how hungry I am. I ca n’t even let the **** cat be thirsty!"

Not to mention how could he be hungry and thirsty! In order to conceive his blood, the two juicers of Isari and Lola will come to squeeze him once every three to five. He wants to be hungry. It is difficult to get thirsty!

"Maybe then, you haven't seen Saratimore in human form, maybe it's unexpected and your taste?"

Alleria looked at him with a smile: "Maybe you want to change your taste, try its current form?"

Broken! The image of the perfect Illus pearl is completely broken!

The next time Illuli stayed for a while before she was able to understand the meaning of Aurelia's words. She suddenly took a sip, when Oly became so dirty, the racial form was so wide, how could she do that kind of thing? Well!

"Stop it."

Fiona frowned a bit, "What the **** is this little devil girl? Why does it appear in the basement of Blood Rock Castle? Why is she trapped in the magic circle? And, most importantly, why does she want to Call your dad? If you did n’t know you suddenly decided to attack Grace, I suspect you are here to save your daughter. ”

The little devil girl in Tang En's arms has been shouting "papapapa" happily. Even if she can't pronounce it clearly, she knows she's calling her father.

"It really doesn't matter to me!"

Tang En felt very wronged: "This is obviously the act of Yin Sui! Although I don't know why the devil who should be considered a higher life has the act of Yin Sui ..."

The girls were confused: "India's behavior?"

After Tang En briefly explained Yin Sui's behavior, they suddenly realized, but ...

"In the legend, the devil and the giant dragon are very similar. The offspring will inherit the strength and wisdom experience of their parents. It stands to reason that she cannot admit that she is wrong, but why did she recognize you directly?"

Alleria was very puzzled: "Will it be that your so-called 'Glamour Aura' is effective even for such a small woman? It's so frustrating!"

"I think ..."

Tang En smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe she helped me to purify me just now, so she remembered my strength."

It makes sense for a few people to hear that, before the child is born, it is normal to realize the power to protect yourself, and then remember that it is normal to approach the owner of this power directly after birth.

"But ... are you a dad now?"

Fiona was rather distressed: "Can't you send her to Saratimore to the Purgatory Abyss? Is that her home?"

"I think so, but ..."

Tang En picked up the little devil girl and tried to give it to Fiona, but before Fiona reached out her hand, the little devil girl was already crying.

Tang En took back her hand, and she immediately stopped crying.

Send it out again, change face instantly, and cry again.

This guy is just playing face-changing!

"Look ..." Tang En was distressed. "She just lay on me!"

"I don't care anymore!"

Fiona stomped: "When you return to Illuth, see how you explain!"

When Tang En and Aurelia stayed, they realized the seriousness of the matter.

As the regent of the Illus Empire, he did not have a child with Olina. After all, everyone knows that Queen Olena is just a symbolic mascot, but if King Tang suddenly has one more Devil daughter, the problem is serious ...

Tang En looked subconsciously at Yi Luli.

Illuli stuttered, "Although the teachings of the Holy See do not specifically target the devil, the image of the devil in the folk is not very good. If you really have a devil daughter, I am afraid it will have a great reputation for you. Bad effect……"

Tang En is really distressed now, so say, what is going on with this inexplicable little witch?

Fiona asked tentatively, "Well, let Saratimore come and see? Maybe what would it know?"

Tang En said immediately: "Good idea! Just do it!"

Among the people around him, the only one who is more familiar with the devil is probably this Saratimore from the abyss of purgatory.

Soon Saratimore arrived at Blood Rock Castle through the teleportation array.

"What's the matter? I'm taking a public holiday, and I'll make up for my holiday later."

Saratimore lazily opened the door, followed closely and saw the little witch in Tang En's arms, and the next moment he "meowed" with an exclaimed sound, jumped straight out, and then slammed on the ground. trembling.

Tang En froze, overjoyed: "Do you know her?"

Saratimore quickly shook her head: "No, I don't know"

"Why don't you know how nervous you are? Is she the royal family of the devil? The daughter of the devil?"


Saratimore decisively denied that after hesitating for a moment, he whispered: "I, I don't know why ... Anyway, when I see her, I feel like seeing the demon king ... The body in my body allows me to directly Kneel down and worship ... "

Seeing her is the same as seeing the devil?

Tang En and Aurelia glanced at each other, which is probably another very important clue. At least, this little witch must be related to the devil, and even the demon king can't get rid of it.

It is very likely that she is the daughter of the demon king, and then taken away by the devil, because the devil cannot kill her (after all, the devil is from the same source as the devil), so she had to use the hand of Stanley to corrupt her ...

Tang En thought he might have guessed the truth.

Tang En picked up the little witch, the little witch giggled, the cute little wings kept flickering, Nora looked interesting, and flew out beside her. The little witch saw Nora, stretched out The small hand wanted to catch her, but in the eyes of others, she seemed to want to continue to approach Tang En.

Saratimore hurriedly slaps Tang En's fart: "I can see that she likes you very much, and she will definitely be filial."

"Don't worry, I won't leave her alone, so don't just slam."

Looking at the little witch's wings and tail, Tang En was terribly forced, and everything else was easy to say, but how could the characteristics of the devil be covered up? Could she conceal her every day? It's too troublesome, and in case it is forgotten, isn't it bad ...

Sure enough, I still have to find a way to get a magic equipment and a constant metamorphosis. It is better to keep it on my body ...

"You want to raise this child?"

Fiona paused: "But do you know what she eats? Is the devil the same as a human child?"

This is a good question, and several people look at Saratimore again.

"Look at me? The devil can eat what humans can eat, and the devil can eat what humans can't eat, even if it is kept as a pet, it is difficult to raise it."

Although Saratimore is vulgar, it is a fact. Under such a harsh environment in Purgatory Abyss, the devil can survive and continue to reproduce. It is not necessary to say how tenacious the vitality is. It's still very small, but it's definitely no problem feeding humans.

So Tang En looked at it again.

Hmm ... Fiona is busy with the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and has no time ...

Aurelia is busy with Illus's internal affairs and has no time ...

In other words ...

Tang En's eyes fell on Yi Luli.

"Huh? Huh !?"

Yi Luli exclaimed: "Don't, don't look at me! I'm also a sage of the Holy See, taking care of the witch ..."

No no no, I chose you on the one hand because you are busy, and on the other hand because the saints are professional nurses ...

After noticed that Tang En's gaze fell, Yi Luli blushed and said, "Although I am willing to take care of her, I have no milk!"

whispering sound! Saying that a good maiden has no setting for sacred breasts! ?

Tang En pouted his lips and thought about it, letting the maiden raise the witch, although it is very emotional, but if Jesorini knows, I'm afraid he will vomit blood ...

Speaking of which, Elsa seems to be "pregnant" for a while now, will it have started secreting **?

Tang En fumbled with his chin, anyway, now that the child has not been born, why not ... use the waste?

However, now that Elsa is still a little girl who hasn't grown up, is it too early for her to be a "mother" now ... If Aunt Clara knows, I think she has a killing heart ... ...

I'm so annoyed that raising children is really a painful thing!

Fiona said, "Leave nothing else, at least make sure of the child's name now, or else, give her a name?"

Let me name it?

Tang En picked up the little witch and looked at her purple-haired and purple-eyed pupils, blurting out and declaring, "Why better call me Du—Vinette?"

Medusanet? Several girls looked at each other. What is this ghost name?

Down looked at Nora: "Why is Winnett? 】

Nora bluntly said: "Because this is her name, I can see it. 】

Well, this is one of Nora's inexplicable abilities ...

But ... visible?

Nora reminded Tang En. After exhaling that the system with almost zero existence locked the little witch, Tang En's eyes showed her name.

Well, isn't it really Winnett ...

But race is the devil, and profession is the angel. What is it?

Do you have a classmate named Jia Baili who is a wastewood?

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