Things from Another World

Chapter 1138: It's so fast people make changes ...

At a time when Tang En was distressed to be promoted to be a dad somehow, in another place in Blood Rock City, several guys hiding in the shadows were discussing how to "escape from Blood Rock City."

The embarrassed Baron Rowell Irving was hiding in the dark and moist sewer at this moment. His eyes were deeply sunken, his beard was shaggy, and his hair was cluttered on the scalp. .

Next to him was a man recruited a while ago, looking worse than Rowell.

Rowell and his team were relatively lucky. When Stanley raised his army to meet the city, he happened to be in a wind with a strong wind. After learning the news of the war, he finally rushed home and put on Weapon armor, when preparing to leave, watched Stanley's army fall into hell.

So after hesitating for a moment, he decisively hid with his men, ready to act on the opportunity.

Whatever thought, this hiding directly let him avoid the mortal ending.

When the army of Illus broke through the city, he decisively led into the sewers of Blood Rock City, and successfully escaped Il with a map of the sewers obtained from the gray mice in the Thieves Guild. Ruth's search has continued to the present.

But now he has reached the limit.

Of course, the sewage in Blood Rock City cannot be as neat and spacious as Ellington. It is very dark, narrow, and wet. Mouse cockroaches are everywhere. Occasionally, you can see rotting maggots full of maggots. The air is very bad. odor.

What's more troublesome is that the dry food they have carried has been eaten, and there is not much water left. If they don't want to live by eating rats and drinking sewage, they must find a way to leave here.

At this moment, there was a sound of wading in front, and Rowell and others immediately warned: "Who !?"

"It's me, Lord Baron."

Lowell breathed a sigh of relief, and asked anxiously, "Mullen, did you find food?"

"It's a shame."

A flash of fire flickered. After a while, Mullen fumbled over with a torch. He held the torch with one hand against a leather bag. When he saw the bag, a group of people's eyes became green. Rowell took the bag in a hurry, and then I couldn't wait to grab the bread inside and start to gobble it up. After he had eaten a half full, he took a rest and drank his saliva before allowing others to eat.

Mullen climbed onto the platform, and then shouted. The stocker sat on the ground, took off his boots, and started pouring water: "Damn it, I felt like I had eyes stuck in the boots and I stepped on them, or it might be a vampire."

"The sewer is full of possibilities. It's better not to think too much."

"Sir, you are saying."

"Mallen, what's going on outside now? Can we leave?"

Lowell is most concerned about this issue now.

After Mullen hesitated, he honestly said, "Not very optimistic. To be honest, Blood Rock City is now tight inside and outside. There are not many patrol soldiers on the surface inside the city, but I learned from my old friends. The outside of the city has now been completely sealed off, and the sewer outlets have been stared at. "

"Damn it!"

Lowell cursed, then suddenly asked: "Are you asking about Her Majesty Stanley?"

"According to the information released by Illus, Her Majesty Stanley is now dead."

"What !? It's impossible! Her Majesty Stanley is invincible!"

"But it's true ..."

Mullen hesitated, and whispered again, "Actually, we can go out without any danger now."


"The captured city defenders were not executed. It is said that they will be sent to the Illus Empire and then undergo compulsory training to work in mines and factories. After 20 years of service, they will be able to recover their freedom and perform well. It can also shorten the service time. "

Lowell was furious: "What do you mean, let me, the great Baron Owen, take the initiative to change from a noble noble to a hard worker serving in a mine !?"

With a murmur in Mullen's heart, he hurriedly said, "My lord, I don't mean that."

"But you obviously mean it."

"I thought, at least, to get out of the current environment and serve on the mine, at least better than hiding in the sewer, right?"

Mullen tempted Lowell: "What's more, with the ability of an adult, as long as it can be separated from the current situation, re-start a team at that time, and then find a way to deal with this Tang En ..."

Rowell was even more angry: "Even Her Majesty Stanley died in his hands, you still let me deal with that Down !! Do you think I have that ability !?"

Mullen smiled bitterly: "As long as you get out of the situation, you can do whatever you want."

After Rowell calmed down, he looked at the dark sewer, and said in a deep voice: "You are right, now we must first consider how to leave here safely ... After leaving here, we can go to the frozen stone city in the south, I A friend I know who works as a defensive officer in Frozen Stone City can help us introduce the city owner. If he can be told to join the army, he may have a chance to defeat. "

Malun laughed bitterly when he heard the words, Frozen Rock? Now the entire southwestern area of ​​Grace has completely become a no-man's land.

"Then let's get out of here."

Mullen said: "I have checked the other party's shift time. They work three shifts a day, and there is a great time difference between them. If we grasp the time, we can completely escape from the sewer drain outside the city."

"Okay! Hurry up and eat!"

Lowell grabbed another loaf and slumped: "Mullen, you've worked so hard outside for so long, you must be tired, and you should sit down and eat something."

"no need."

Mullen wiped the oily corner of his mouth subconsciously and shook his head: "I've eaten something with my friends. I'm not hungry. Eat it as soon as possible, we don't have much time."

After eating in a hurry, everyone grabbed their noses and jumped into the sewage floating with feces, and then the waist-deep sewage began to move toward the outlet.

Along the way, Rowell continued to curse the harsh environment of the sewer. Mullen has been silent. Rowell became a noble for a few days. He did not learn much about manners, but he learned it quickly. Seeing this annoying Looks like he thought he was a spoiled aristocrat from birth, but in fact he didn't scour things in the sewer before.

Thinking about yourself, Mullen couldn't help sighing, sometimes people just need to make changes so quickly ...

Listening to Rowell's curse all the way, everyone's nerves were weakening, so when they saw the exit light, they all burst into tears.

Rowell also seemed to know that the situation was special, so he closed his mouth immediately and asked Mullen with his eyes: Is it time?

Mullen responded with his eyes, waited a moment, and then he quietly crawled towards the exit. After looking at the probe for a moment, he waved at the back: "Safe, come on."

Lowell and they were relieved, and then began to move closer to the exit. When they saw the empty sky on the river bank outside the exit, they were overjoyed and rushed out of the drain.

"His! I never found the air so sweet and refreshing!"

Rowell took a deep breath, and the cold winter wind made him feel refreshed and intoxicated.

Finally escaped from the dark sewer!

The men next to them saw the light again, and they were all crying with excitement.

"Hum! Just wait and see! I will definitely be back!"

Lowell stared at the walls of Blood Rock City, and said fiercely: "I will take the army of Frozen Rock City to drive you **** invaders to Bleeding Rock City and become the hero of Grace!"

"Sorry, I'm afraid you don't have the chance."

"Of course I do--"

Lowell suddenly woke up and shouted, "—Who is it !?"

A wave of air rushed towards us, and a squad of ten people whistled and landed in front of them on a comet motorcycle: "I declare that you have been arrested, immediately put down your arms to stop the resistance, otherwise you will be treated as a refusal to be killed.

"How come so fast!"

Lowell was shocked and furious: "Mullen! Don't you say that they have a great time lag between shifts !?"

"Sorry Rowell--oh, Baron Irving."

Mullen apologized and said, "Actually, I just came out of the sewer and they found out ... I told you just now what they asked me to do."

Lowell was furious: "How dare you betray me !?"

"No, in fact I have never received a copper salary from you, so our affiliation does not hold."

Mullen shook his head and said, "So why should I sacrifice myself for you? I might as well trade you for my freedom."

After speaking, Mullen turned and said, "My lords, I have brought them out as promised. This is Baron Rowell Irving, a companion whom Stanley trusts very much, and I have exchanged him for the absolute value of my freedom."

"No! You bullshit! I'm not Stanley's confidant!"

As soon as Lowell heard what Marron said, he didn't know what Marlen meant, and he deliberately elevated his status to exchange for his freedom to the greatest extent!

This **** bastard!

He didn't even have a little bit of loyalty and honor! ?

"Don't worry, since I have said to give you freedom, then you will certainly not be silent, you are already free, whether you want to go back to Blood Rock City or go to other places, you are free."

The captain of the patrol squad jumped out of the car, and the magic pistol in his hand pointed at Lowell: "You haven't dropped your weapons and surrendered, are you trying to force us to do it?"

Lowell hesitated again and again, finally throwing away the long sword in his hate, cursing: "Mullen! You will surely die! You will be wanted by the city owners of Grace, I promise!"

"Other city owners?"

Several Illus patrolmen laughed and looked at Lowell with a sarcastic expression: "You don't know yet, the masters of the remaining cities of Grace have already declared their surrender. "

"What !? It's impossible !!!"

But this is true.

On the third day after Tang En's announcement, after the messengers arrived in the major cities of Gries, they received the oaths of pledge of allegiance from the city's owners that day, they should have arrived in Blood Rock City one after another to meet Tang En.

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