Things from Another World

Chapter 1139: I didn't talk about love, suddenly being a mother or something ...

In the Castle of Blood Rock, Tang En took back the magic that escaped from his hand, and then a small and delicate gem necklace fell into his hand.


Tang En held the jewel, then coaxed Weinett in her arms and wore her necklace. Then she gently touched the necklace with her fingers, and saw a sudden change of light and shadow. The devil's horns, wings and All the tails disappeared.

Covering the devil's characteristics of Vinnet through the necklace of constant deformation, this is the only way that Tang En can think of, otherwise if the people know that His Majesty Tang En has a daughter of Devil, I ’m afraid There will be a coup in minutes.

"Looking at this, Winnett is still quite cute."

Aurelia looked at Winnet in Don's arms, and after covering up the devil's characteristics, she has completely turned into a cute little human girl. Although her purple hair and pupils are a little conspicuous, it is not in humans. Don't worry too much about hair color and pupil color.

"Then you take it back and raise it?"

"Just, don't need it!"

Alleria blushed, turned her back, and hummed, "I didn't even talk about love, and suddenly made me a mother or something, it was too much!"


Suddenly this is what you are playing with!

"The matter of Winnet will be discussed later, let's talk about the business first, have the owners of the remaining cities in Gris already heard the news?"

"Yes," Aurelia turned back, glanced at Winnet, arching her eyes, and a flash of heart fluttered in her eyes. "Grace has 28 large cities in total, except that you were destroyed a while ago. Thirteen cities were dropped, and there were 15 large cities. These 15 cities and surrounding villages were concentrated in the lower and central areas of Grace, and 70% of Grace was included. s population."

"The announcement of allegiance by the owners of these fifteen cities means that Grace is completely under your control."

Tang En muttered, "They surrendered quite easily."

"This is normal ..."

Fiona whispered: "Now that Grace has angered you with Stanley, you have used legendary spells to destroy most of the rumors of Grace. In the face of a person who can use legendary spells No matter how arrogant they are, they cannot be disobedient, right? "

"What? I can't carry this pot!"

Obviously it was a good thing Horus did. How did it become me?

"I'm afraid you still have to carry this pot."

Alleria looked at Tang En very sympathetically: "As an emperor, only kindness is not enough. You need to show your strength to make the people obey your rule. In the past, you were too used to using Huairou policy. I am afraid that some people may It's not how obedient you are, this time it's just right, they can wipe out the restless signs in their hearts. "

Winnet dangled in front of Tang En, and Tang En pressed her head down: "Of course I know this kind of thing ..."

Alleria also said: "What's more, even if we do n’t use legendary spells, our military strength is enough to crush them without pressure, and only 50,000 people are killed by the army of 500,000 Grace. This news alone has scared those guys enough, how could they still have the courage to resist your rule. "

"Oli is right."

Fiona strongly agrees: "Your personal strength does not need to be manifested, but it can also be a solid backing for a stable country. What really makes us strong is the powerful weapons and equipment developed by you. The power of weapons and equipment is too powerful, and this is the real weapon for our unification of Prandall. "

"Now, with the exception of the Roninante and the Rennes, the entire Prandall can be said to be completely in your hands."

Alleria glanced at Dunn and asked, "Willn't your goal be Ronitan?"

"Don't worry about it for the time being, just rebuilding Grace will be enough for us for a few years."

Tang En sighed. Why didn't he know what Aurelia's thoughts were? King Oscar of Ronitante, after all, was Olyna's brother, that is, Aurelia's puppet. Although the royal family has no affection, as long as it is not trouble Too stiff, it still feels a bit affectionate. If Tang En is going to attack Ronent, the biggest difficulty may be Olina.

"If you have a plan, don't worry about me and my mother, after all, we are very aware of your important mission."

"Not to worry about you, in fact, Prandall is now theoretically completely under my control."

Tang En raised his hand and slowly clenched his fist, and then a small, chubby hand began to pinch his fingers. Tang En's face froze, and the serious atmosphere instantly collapsed. He had to continue playing with Vinnet, Continued: "The control of Prendall does not necessarily result in a unity in the practical sense. As long as the people and resources of Prendall can be operated according to my will, the entire social civilization will develop in accordance with my established direction. It's enough. "

"As you said, although the Rennes and Ronente have not been unified by me, you must not forget that now Testero looks like a brain powder of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the Rennes from top to bottom It has been completely opened up by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. All of their food and clothing are used by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and even their breadwinners are provided by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. The lifeblood has been completely controlled by us. Without the Datang Chamber of Commerce, they will return from the civilized society to the primitive society again, so it is impossible for them to rebel again. "

"Although Ronitante has not fallen into that position, it is because of Ronitant's policy restrictions. However, following the last negotiation, the opening of the trade port for duty-free import and export trade, our products have also It will accelerate its entry into the market of Ronetant and quickly capture millions of households, making them loyal users of the Datang Chamber of Commerce. "

"The next step is to change the thinking of the Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce in a subtle way, so that they subconsciously recognize that Illus and Ronitan are an indivisible whole. At the same time, we You can also help build schools, factories, etc. to provide 'correct' history education in a small area. "

"If the army and weapons are our weapon for conquering the world in the open, then the Datang Chamber of Commerce is the magic weapon for us to control the world secretly. You must know that in a civilized society, you have the economic lifeline of a country. . "

"So, as long as my sister-in-law doesn't bother me, and I don't bother to care about him so much, let him continue to be his easy king."

At this point, Tang En shrugged: "Then I say it again. If it is really necessary for Ronitan to return, I only need to treat the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce differently and only provide them to the domestic market. It is forbidden Exports, especially some more sensitive and important things, can attract those people to take the initiative to generate expectations of returning to the Illus Empire. I am worried that once the situation has reached this level, my big sister-in-law will not You will be mad ... "

Tang En's words Aurelia and Fiona were stunned, but after thinking about it, they found that he was very reasonable.

What is the purpose of ruling a country?

that power?

Wrong, in fact, to put it plainly, after all, it is not for wealth!

Because power makes money!

The king holds all the resources of a country and can have the power to arbitrarily allocate resources, so he can maximize the pursuit of wealth and benefits.

But if the wealth most valued by a king has been earned by another person, what's the point of being a king?

Take Ronentante as an example. The reason why Ronentante can be mixed in Prandall is because they have been promoting commerce and trade, and the economic vitality is very high. Therefore, the living standards of citizens are generally higher than High, support for the King is also very high.

But if the Illus Empire interspersed with a bar, a large number of inexpensive and advanced products were imported, and all the wealth that originally belonged to Ronitan was swept away, then Ronitan's economic level would drop significantly.

How to deal with this situation?

Unless the domestic products are more excellent and more competitive, while increasing the tariffs on imported products to protect domestic industries-the emergence of tax-free commercial ports destroys this possibility, and at the same time, the magically modified industrial products have Ronnie The characteristics that Tant can't easily replicate, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of Ronente to overtake in production.

Then it is a further situation. The Datang Chamber of Commerce and Ronitan have become an interdependent whole. The government of the Ritanit, which cannot obtain wealth from other sources, began to rely on the tax provided by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, letting the relationship between the two parties. Become more encrypted and inseparable.

And at this step, the Datang Chamber of Commerce can actually control the market of Ronitan, which means that it is impossible for Roninet to escape the shadow of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and Tang En has achieved the actual situation. Take control of Roninante's purpose.

The situation of the Rennes Empire is more similar to Ronentante, but it is more exaggerated, because the Rennes Empire is now heavily in debt, and the current construction work is all paid by overdraft in the future. Strictly speaking, the Rennes Empire has now Became a vassal of the Illus Empire.

Residents of the Rennes empire were resigned.


Their lives are getting better!

Because for the people, they don't care who the ruler is, as long as their lives are better, they are satisfied.

In this way, step by step, steadily, sooner or later, the entire Prandall will become a whole.

Now, Grace is a key turning point.

A few days later, the city leaders of Grace were taken to Blood Rock City by the messengers, and then Tang En showed them the feline in the castle in front of them.

Then, without saying a word, these city owners all kneeled on the ground and swore allegiance to Tang En.

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