Things from Another World

Chapter 1140: The Duke of Depression

Since Tang En's entry into Blood Rock City, a large amount of materials have been transported from the Ellington's teleportation array, and then flowed into the market steadily and orderly under the control of the military. Therefore, the residents of Blood Rock City who have survived for a lifetime For the first time, I ate fresh vegetables and fruits in the cold winter.

Ellington's greenhouse planting technology has been promoted in the Illus Empire. Now there is also a large amount of vegetables and fruits produced in winter. After meeting the needs of the main market, it is harmless to transfer some to Gries. It is said that because of these delicious and fresh vegetables and fruits, the residents of Blood Rock City had a dreamy winter, and their hatred for the Illus Empire was slightly alleviated. When Stanley was in office, his slogan shouted It's quite loud, but Grace's quality of life has not changed much.

And Tang En has just entered the Blood Rock City, and the quality of life of the residents in the city will soon be visible to the naked eye. Who can bring them a better life does not need to think.

In a narrow path, several taverns are sparsely opened. Since Stanley has forcibly recruited 500,000 young and middle-aged people to participate in the battle, Blood Rock City has only some old, weak, and sick. The business is naturally not good, and the business is deserted. Monaco roque.

In one of the pubs named "Blood Roar", there were several people sitting sparsely. Roughly, most of these people lacked arms and legs, and they were obviously Grace veterans who had retreated from the battlefield.

"Dangdang" sounded softly, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and a cold wind wrapped in a figure entered the tavern.

The man walked to the bar and snapped a silver coin: "Here is the hellthest blood roar."

The boss put away the silver coins and looked at the person in surprise and said, "Captain Mullen? Aren't you fighting with Baron Owen? Why are you okay ..."

All the people who have participated in the war have been arrested and sent for labor reform, but Captain Mullen has not been sent away?

Even if he didn't enter the battlefield with Baron Owen, the city defenders were arrested as well, why was he all right?

Think carefully ...

Mullen smiled bitterly: "Don't mention it ... I just want to get drunk."

"Is that right? I'd like to recommend this wine to you. The strongest wine now is not Hellscream, but Datang Heroic Wine. It is the best spirit just delivered from Ellington. This weather is coming. A cup is the best. "

The boss saw that Mullen didn't want to talk more, so he didn't ask any more, but took out a 125ml bottle of Datang heroic liquor.

"Is that so?"

Mullen frowned: "Boss, do you pit me?"

"Just don't want it!"

The boss said angrily: "I still give you preferential prices for the sake of regular customers. For others, this vial will need at least 5 silver coins."

Such a small bottle of wine actually needs 5 silver coins! ?

Mullen glanced at the customer next to him, and the man nodded: "The boss didn't lie to you, it's the price."

But this is too expensive!

If it was the past, a silver coin is enough for him to drink three big cups of Hellscream!

Mullen frowned and unscrewed the lid and sniffed. The fresh and sweet wine in the bottle brightened his eyes, and he couldn't wait to take a sip, only the moment when he felt the entrance, a clear and soft wine slipped. Passing the tongue and flowing into the throat, before the time is left for a fine aftertaste, the liquor suddenly turns into a line of fire, and the "teng" in the belly seems to rise a fiery flame, and Marlen's forehead sweats instantly The coldness on the body was directly dissipated, only feeling warm.

"Sure enough wine!"

Mullen was pleasantly surprised and took out 10 more silver coins: "Give me two more bottles! I'm going to have a drink today!"

"Sorry, I'll sell you another bottle at most."

The boss picked up 5 silver coins and pushed the rest back to him: "Because this wine was very popular as soon as it went on the market, it is now out of stock and I don't have much here."

After a pause, the boss went on to say, "In addition, if you have extra gold and silver coins in your house, use them quickly. The city government has issued an announcement and started to recover gold, silver, and copper coins, and replaced them with Prandall. The banknotes issued by the Central Bank. "


Mullen savoured the taste of Datang's heroic wine and sighed after a while, saying, "I have heard that even Rennes now use this currency. It is said to be easy to carry, water and fire resistant, and also Anti-counterfeiting. "

"Yeah, switching to paper money is a good thing for us."

While the two were chatting, a sudden discussion came from the side, attracting their attention.

"Have you heard? Marquis Kurt Everett, Lord of Montenegro, has sworn allegiance to that man ..."

The man who talked to Marron just now shook his head and couldn't help but say, "In fact, it is not only the Lord of Montenegro, the Lord of Dead Wood, Marquis Ivan Joais, the Marquis of Bartholomew Kofer, The Marquis of Bertram Darnley in Salt Lake City, and so on, a dozen or so Marquis Lords swore allegiance. "

"Oh my God! So all of our major cities are under his actual control? Don't they plan to resist?"

"Rebel? What rebel?"

The man gulped his head with a sip of wine and said muffled, "You don't know yet, now from Salt Lake City to the south, there is nothing on the Wuthering Plateau, and no grass is born!"


"It is said to be the power of legendary spells, because Stanley angered the man, so he directly released the legendary spells, destroying everything there to deter Stanley the bastard-"

"Shh! Although Stanley is dead and it's getting better now, it's better not to bark."

"Well, what am I afraid of this old bone?"

The man didn't care, grabbed a piece of grilled oily steak, stuffed it into his mouth, swallowed it, swallowed it, and continued to say, "Although I don't know if it is true, this time I heard When you come to Blood Rock City, there are only fourteen owners, and together with Blood Rock City, I am afraid that we only have these 15 big cities.

The people next to me were creepy, and the lives of tens of millions of people in a dozen cities suddenly disappeared?

"It's not good enough to describe that person?"


The man took a drink and smiled drunkenly: "You don't know what happened in the castle yet."

"What happened in the castle?"

"Tang En ... hmm, it's time to call him, Your Majesty Tang En, it's a bit uncomfortable," the man sighed, and wanted to drink to moisten his throat, but suddenly found that there was no wine, he touched his pocket and sighed Then, he pointed in the direction of the castle, "His Majesty Tang En's may be to make the city owners soften as soon as possible, so he disclosed to them what he found in the castle, hey, what do you guys find in that castle?"

Even Mullen and the tavern owner were attracted. Mullen leaned over and asked, "What did you find?"

The man glanced at him and grinned, "You can find a healthy adult man? It's rare."

Mullen frowned, and took out a gold coin and patted him in front of him: "I'll ask you today, drink it casually, and say it quickly."

The man saw the gold coins and looked at the tavern owner.

The owner of the tavern also came to the event. After collecting the gold coins, he brought him a large plate, a few glasses of Hellscream, and a bottle of Datang Heroic Wine for sale.

"Well, Datang Heroic Wine, good or bad, but unfortunately, there is no way to drink it."

The man picked up the bottle and wiped it, carefully shoved it into his arms, then took the glass of wine and took a sip, drew Mullen's appetite, and then continued: "They found the body. "

"Cut, just the body ..."

The man said coldly, "Those corpses are our former queens."

A cold wind struck, and the temperature in the tavern seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant. These people suddenly remembered something. The new queen Stanley married often did not last long and disappeared from the sight of everyone. After two years, he will marry a new queen, but those who disappeared have never been seen again ...

"They were all killed, Stanley, whom you adore ... Your Majesty Stanley ... haha ​​..."

Thinking that he had put his daughter into the devil's arms with his own hands, the corners of the man's eyes were a little wet, and he wiped it casually, and then continued to drink.

"But," the tavern owner couldn't help asking. "Even the body of a queen cannot be a weight to persuade those city masters?"

"Of course not."

The man shook his head and continued: "But what is announced next is enough to destroy the prestige that Stanley has left in their hearts."

Mullen frowned. "Don't hang on, what's found in the castle?"

"Magic Circle."

The man said slowly: "The magic circle that summoned the demon ... our Sister Majesty summoned the demon and made a deal with the devil."


The crowd was startled, and the king they worshiped and trusted summoned the devil! ? Also made a deal with the devil! ?

"Those little queens are probably the victims of this transaction. The blood pillars you saw that day were caused by Her Majesty Tang En's destruction of the magic circle."

The man said hoarsely: "A huge pool of blood was dug out of the basement of the castle. The blood and bones in it were countless. The hearts of the queens were dug out by Stanley and used in the magic circle of demons ..."

A terrible picture appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Blood donating Lin Lin's heart was dug by Stanley from the tender little queen's chest, and then put on the magic circle to sacrifice to the demon ...

Mullen froze for a moment, then looked at the person in a terrified panic: "Who are you? This kind of news cannot be known to a downcast tramp!"


The man looked down at himself, then shook his head and smiled bitterly. He now looks like a tramp: "Well, tramp, tramp ..."

Marlen stared at the man's slightly old face, messy hair, sunken eye sockets, sunken cheeks ...

Suddenly, Mullen's body trembled, and the face of the tramp in front of him coincided with someone. He exclaimed, "Master Duke Felton !?"

"No, you recognize the wrong person. I'm a homeless man. I'll ask you for the rest. Don't waste it."

After Justin Felton drank the glass of wine, he waved his hand and turned out of the tavern.

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