Things from Another World

Chapter 1141: Winnet! Do n’t step on it!

For the Gries, the extraordinary coldness of this winter not only refers to physical, but also psychological.

Since the beginning of winter, the ups and downs of what happened on Gris' territory have been overwhelming.

Her Majesty Stanley is about to get married again.

The expedition looting team was killed.

Enemies attacked south of Wuthering Highlands

Her Majesty Stanley is about to go.

The Illus Empire came over.

His Majesty Stanley has conscripted.

The army was destroyed.

Her Majesty Stanley is dead.

Tang En has entered Blood Rock City.

The dramas are dazzling one after another, but what is unexpected is that what happens next is the real annual drama.

The city leaders of the fourteen cities successively came to Blood Rock City to accept Tang En's personal call, and then Tang En revealed the secrets in the Blood Rock City Castle, and the whole country was uproared.

The corpses of the queens were found in Her Majesty's castle, and the magic circle that summoned the demons was also found!

To be unconscionable, I found that the bodies of the queens were not a big deal. Anyway, since Stanley liked a 10- to 15-year-old girl, he knew that he was a metamorphosis. It would be reasonable to kill the queen. However, the magic circle that summoned the demon was found, which made people intolerable!

Yes, in these people's eyes, the magic circle that summons the devil is more terrible than killing the queen.

The image of the devil in the eyes of Prendall is definitely not good. For many years, the devil has never brought any good things to Prendall, and the summoning of the demon is often accompanied by terrible tragedies.

Therefore, as soon as Stanley's call to the demon was exposed, the Grace people who had been brainwashed by his strong personal charm suddenly seemed to be intoxicated and woke up.

It turned out that they have always been following such a king!

He actually summoned and traded demons!

Oh my god! If the devil really descends on the ground of Grace, it is not their ordinary people who suffer! ?

In just a few days, under the deliberate control of Tang En, this matter spread throughout the South and North of the Prandall. Due to the convenience of the teleportation array and the magic cell phone, it went as far as the Rennes and Ronente Kingdom. You already know what happened to Grace.

The whole nation was discussing this matter for a while, and people generally began to scream the dead Stanley. The huge casualties caused by Down's initiative to start the war were silenced in silence.

Even Aurelia couldn't help but sigh. Originally, she was still worried that because Tang En took the initiative to launch a war, the people of Prendal would have a view on him and affect the stability of his rule. As a result, Tang En only used it a little. When you look at the "legacy" left by Stanley, people's attention is instantly turned away. This trick is really high!

What's even more amazing is that in this intangible storm, the role of the magic phone has also been valued. People suddenly discovered that the magic phone could not only be obtained from their own designated channels. Get the source of your information and unintentionally get important news from others.

The transmission of messages is so fast that the connection between people has never been closer.

Thanks to this shareholder's style, Fiona immediately put the recently produced magic cell phone on the market. As a result, hundreds of thousands of high, middle and low-end magic cell phones were just put on the market. In the Illus Empire market, Ellington's production capacity is still seriously inadequate, not to mention exporting to Ronentante and Rennes.

As a result, the popularity of the citizenship crystal card developed and developed by Ellington has further increased. If you want to use the magic mobile phone, you must apply for registration of the citizenship crystal card. This is a threshold that cannot be bypassed.

Fiona even felt that, with just a small magic cell phone, within a few years, residents of the Ronentante and the Rennes would all hold a citizen of the Illus Empire. Identity card ...

Having grasped the identity information and citizen code, what is the difference between them and the real citizens of the Illus Empire?

"Is this what you planned?"

Fiona looked at Tang En suspiciously. If this was what he had planned for a long time, then she would have to re-examine her evaluation of Tang En.

This guy is definitely more cunning than he looks. Maybe this guy is actually a guy with a bad stomach? ... wait, he seems to have a bad stomach ...

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm very simple ... Ah don't pee on me!"

Before Tang En finished speaking, Vinnet riding around his neck stopped spraying his face.

"Hum, even Winnett can't stand it. Are you really telling the truth?"

Fiona's mouth slipped. Sure enough, what this guy said required careful analysis and careful consideration of credibility.

"So I said, is it time to care about this?"

Tang En took Winnett down, summoned the water and washed his neck, and then he felt helpless and said, "It's already a frozen month. Now is the hardest day of the year. There are many more things to care about. "

"You know how to ask."

Fiona looked at him in amazement: "I forgot you when you were."

Tang En pressed Weinett on her lap so tightly that she wouldn't let her crawl around. "Tell me about it, I heard Aurelia roughly said it, the specifics are not clear."

"I'm afraid a detailed stack of documents is needed to report the specific situation, and I can only tell you briefly."

Fiona glanced at the position where Weinet was sitting, flashing her envy, and corrected her expression, saying, "The overall situation in China is relatively good. Due to this year's bumper harvest, coupled with the large agricultural tax rate, Reduced, so people have left enough food for the winter, the greenhouse greenhouse planting industry in various places has developed very rapidly, and the greenhouses around the cities have basically covered the level that can basically meet local demand, although the output of vegetables The prices of fruits and vegetables are high, but thanks to the sharp rise in citizens' income, ordinary people can occasionally improve their meals. "

"At the same time, the Emerald Forest also produces a large amount of canned fresh fruits, which can provide people with sufficient choices even in winter, which can well complement that dimension ..."

"Vitamins ..."

"Yes, it's the vitamin you said, although I don't know what it is ..."

Fiona shrugged and continued: "It is worth mentioning that the Grace area. Although the population has plummeted, there are still 70 million people in the Grace area. Fifteen cities and surrounding villages are still relatively low. According to the collected information, in the frozen months of previous years, the average number of frozen and starved people in Gries was between 200,000 and 500,000, depending on the winter temperature in that year. "

"Now the fifteen cities have been subdued, so in order to stabilize your rule, in sharp contrast to Stanley, so I have started to adjust the food, vegetables and fruits in the market. Over the course of this week, more than 100,000 tons of food, 500,000 tons of various meats, 50,000 tons of various vegetables, and more than 30,000 tons of canned fruits will be delivered through the conveyor array.

"This batch of supplies can't immediately solve the problem of winter famine in the Grace area, but it can at least slightly ease it. The next three weeks, the supplies will gradually increase with our construction work here, and will eventually help These people spend the winter safely. "

"But limited by our own human and material resources, I am afraid that the highest transport efficiency can only reach this level. Unless we open the transmission array and make it available to everyone, those businessmen will definitely be more positive than us."

"Forget it for now."

Tang En shook his head: "The technology of the teleportation array is not conducive to our subsequent construction and development work. With the teleportation array, who would honestly take the car or the airship to squeeze the teleportation array. This will give the transport array There will be tremendous operational pressure, and the existing business system will also be greatly impacted. "

Speaking of this, Tang En thoughtfully said: "Since the pressure to transport goods here is so great, why don't we just start the immigration plan in advance? Relocating the residents of Gris to cities in the Eastern Plains region can ease it. Transport is under pressure. "

Fiona shook her head and said, "Although the problem can be solved, you must not forget that you do not plan to open the teleportation team, so these people can only leave here through the original channels. Now, the climate is extremely bad. In the frozen month, supplies could not be obtained along the way, and all were transported by us, but the pressure was even greater. "

Tang En knocked at the table subconsciously and said: "It is also said that if the highway can be repaired as soon as possible, or the airship route can be opened as soon as possible, the pressure will be much less."

"According to the information prepared by Croto recently, the airship will probably be the jubilant moon next year at the earliest."

Fiona frowned and said, "Production testing of airships takes time, personnel training takes time, and trial operation takes time ..."

"These can be done simultaneously without interfering with each other."

After Tang En finished, he suddenly found that Weinet was learning how to knock on the table, immediately stopped the small movements on her hands, and hugged her in her arms: "And the situation along the Wuthering Plateau was too bad. The difficulty of the road is very high. I'm afraid that the airship will start operation in one step before it is repaired ... so let's build the aviation tower here in advance. "

Fiona nodded after thinking for a moment, "Then listen to you."

"The most important thing now is how to get these people of Grace to leave here willingly after the spring ... Hey! Winnet! Don't step on it!"

Tang En hugged the little witch in a hurry.

Fiona glanced at her, flushed suddenly, and sighed: "Abnormal!"

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