Things from Another World

Chapter 1142: You must be so shocked for Mao!

Tang Enliu's fourteen city lords stayed in Blood Rock City for a while. It wasn't that they were under house arrest, it was just for them to give Aurelia an overview of the city they ruled.

Even in order to facilitate later contact and direct management, Tang En required them to register a citizenship crystal card, and one person was issued a magic cell phone.

It has to be said that it is really difficult to choose a few talents who can manage the city among the Gris who are all muscle guys. These city owners are better than directly the rulers of the city. Stanley is in Georgia Reiss implements a system of urban autonomy. He only collects taxes. As for the development of the city, he doesn't care.

Most of these so-called city masters are five big and three thick muscle guys. They are afraid of muscles in their brains, and they do n’t know how to manage a city. The development of the city can be imagined.

Therefore, after discussing with Aurelia, Tang En decided to finish this winter, and after the population migration began, they would all sacrifice the city masters, even if they were to be charged as military attachés. Goofy on municipal administration.

Of course, in order to become famous, Tang En gave them a few months to learn how to govern a city, starting from the frozen month to the jubilant moon next year, a total of nearly six months.

During this time, Ellington will continue to provide a large number of supplies to the Grace area, including food, daily necessities, construction supplies, etc. With the help of these supplies, even stupid people can do it After a career, if their performance has not improved in this period of time, after the end of the migration, Tang En will not hesitate to put them down and put them in other places to care for the elderly.

He didn't want to use valuable materials and taxes to raise some idiots for vegetarian meals.

Tang En, together with Aurelia and Fiona, gave a speech to the fourteen city masters, which directly stated the talent requirements of the Illus Empire. Those who passed the qualifications stayed and those who failed failed. Called Tina, and trained them for a week. After that, they prepared a textbook that she compiled based on Tang En's words, and then Tang En sent someone to use a comet motorcycle to send them away.

For these city lords, the experience of this time can be described as dreamlike-in other words, like **** ...

Asking a group of muscle guys to remember those complicated municipal policies and the consistent administration of the Illus Empire really embarrassed them.

What I have to say is that the time spent in Blood Rock City has completely changed their original unwillingness.

Just staying there for less than two weeks, he witnessed the dramatic changes in Blood Rock City.

After the war, Blood Rock City originally had only some old, weak, sick, and pregnant. It was difficult to maintain the normal operation of the city, but when the people of the Illus Empire arrived, they quickly entered their jobs and fell into a stagnation Immediately started to work.

At the same time, a large amount of equipment and supplies were transported over, and then began a vigorous urban transformation. It was a cold and freezing month, but those people were working tirelessly.

They almost stared at Blood Rock City changing every day.

This construction efficiency is really terrible!

If their construction efficiency is just dazzling, then the various equipment brought by those Illus is amazing.

Hard and rugged frozen soil roads, no need to dig with iron picks, just push in the past, and in a blink it becomes a flat road!

Build a house and dig the foundation. A steel shovel digs a neat trench in the ground!

And the daily necessities in the castle, a small iron pot, cold water poured into it for a while, it became hot water!

Grab the hanging magic energy air conditioner can also emit warm hot air ...

There is a magic washing machine that can wash clothes by itself ...

Bathroom with hot water ...

White and soft, but just toilet paper ...

Comet motorcycles that can fly freely in the sky wouldn't want it, but Harley motorcycles that are moving around in the streets like winds and winds also look enviable.

The most jealous is the kind of magic car that can carry several people in the stomach, completely unafraid of the severe cold, blocking the cold wind from the outside, and the warm wind blowing in it is as warm as spring. I do n’t know where it is more comfortable than a carriage It's up!

It is a pity that I heard that the MoNeng sedan has been very popular now. The new car is sold out as soon as it goes on the market. You have to rank it yourself, or you can't buy it with extra money!

And even if they can buy it ... I'm afraid they won't make it to them, those Gris who just joined Illus ...

The two-week life in the castle made them suddenly feel that the originally comfortable castle was just as pitiful as the primitive society.

What is life? This is called life!

What I have to say is that Tang En's inadvertent hospitality actually stimulated these city owners and aroused their fighting spirit.

The lady named Tina said by accident. In Illus, although officials have a heavy responsibility for their hard work, the officials enjoy much more treatment than ordinary people. What new products will Datang Chamber of Commerce have? Prioritize use, while civilians have to wait.

In particular, I heard that senior officials still have cars! That's right, it's the kind of magic car that makes people envy and hate!

But if the last chance is not good this time, you will be smashed into a civilian in the future, not to mention the magic car, even the present life will be far away from yourself!

When thinking of this possibility, these city owners immediately ignited the fighting spirit, can't wait to start a big fight immediately, so that his new master Tang En can see, knowing that he is not a idiot.

Watching the city owners leave Blood Rock City, Aurelia teased Tang En: "What they have seen here these days have never seen them before. You can stimulate them enough."

Fiona did not comment: "They were originally Stanley-appointed city lords. They had shown Tang En's benevolence without directly liquidating them all. Could it be that they still support them like Stanley?"

Tang En smiled and said, "There have been enough sins created by Grace. I don't want to kill if I can't kill people. If they are smart enough, they should try to keep themselves after going back. I ’m working hard now. "

Aurelia shrugged dismissively: "It's okay for you to lie to someone else. Forget it in front of me, I really don't think I can see your plan?"

Tang En touched Winnet's head and said with a light smile, "Do you know again?"


Alleria rolled her eyes angrily, noting Fiona's confused eyes, she explained patiently: "Don't be fooled by him, he is not so kind, you think about it, it is frozen now The middle of the month, seeing that it is about to dawn, how long is the jubilant moon? How long will it take for our goods to be delivered to their city? To get used to our rules, and do what we think To make a change, we still have to make certain achievements. Regardless of genius, how long does it take for normal people? Can those Gris peoples be considered normal people? "

Fiona's eyes widened, and she said suddenly, "Are you drawing a big cake for them?"

Tang En smiled, but didn't explain anything.

"Isn't that just drawing big cakes."

Aurelia said angrily: "It looks beautiful, but it is impossible to eat-with their ability, it is whimsical to keep their current position. By then, our lord Tang En will have The perfect reason was to keep them down, and it would not cause public outrage, but it would also make people praise him for his kindness, killing two birds with one stone. "

Fiona looked at Tang En silently. This guy, who was bitterly amused, was really bad.

But it can't be said that he is bad. After all, he has just started to control the Grace area, and he has started to increase investment and construction. During the past two weeks, others were busy, and he was not idle, and a lot of materials were transported. After coming here, he was also paying attention to the construction process throughout the process, and according to the actual situation of Grace, he gave a lot of bright suggestions, so it cannot be said that he is a useless king.

Since it is winter and the weather is still very cold, the cost of laying bituminous roads is too high, so Tang En is not asking to start the pavement now. He just simply flattened the rough roads here and waited until after the spring of next year. Step by step.

After all, the main energy of Star Diamond Bank is now on the side of the Rennes Empire. There is no extra staff to come here, and the Grace area is also the weakest place for Star Diamond Bank. It is inconvenient to do anything with insufficient staff.

After making sure that the related matters of Blood Rock City were almost resolved, Tang En was going to return to Ellington. He had been here long enough, and Elijah had repeatedly complained on the phone that he had abandoned her, let Fiona, who was watching from side to side, frequently stared at her. Looking at Tang En's eyes was clearly watching a metamorphosis.

Although Elijah is easy to say now that she is almost 14 years old and is about to leave Lori's category, but Stanley has a lesson learned from the past, and Tang En estimates that he did not have the courage to strike her.

More importantly, he must have that courage too—Ilia is the lady. I am afraid that the cost of overthrowing her is really not what ordinary people can bear ...

After handing over the matter of Blood Rock City to Tina for the time being, Tang En returned to Ellington with Fiona and Aurelia, as well as Brian, who worked hard in the war, and Grace was included in the bag. It is foreseeable that there will be another peaceful and comfortable leisure life ... Is this really the case?

"Dad, dad !?"

Brian looked with shock at Winnet with fingers in his arms: "Brother, if you don't see it for a few days, you will have a baby !? Is human being such a magical race !?"

You must be so shocked for Mao!

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