Things from Another World

Chapter 1143: Happy and gloating

His Majesty Tang En is back.


Her Majesty Tang En brought back a little princess! !! !! !! !! !!

Oh! !! !! !! !! !!

People's reactions to these two messages are quite different.

For the recapture of Grace by Tang En, the people of the Illus Empire were obviously very happy. For human beings, the territory has been divided for too long and too long, and now Her Majesty Tang En finally brought Illus closer to one another One step, of course, they can only celebrate with cheers.


They suddenly had a little princess! ?

It was only a moment, at the end of the streets and streets of Ellington, that gossip about the little princess began, and people were talking about who the little princess' mother was.

Is it Queen Olena? No, Queen Olina hasn't married his wife Tang En two years ago, and the little princess looks like she is two or three years old, which means that she should have been born a few years ago!

This means that her mother is neither Elsa, Ms. Fiona, nor the gentle and beautiful Ms. Stissa.

People looked at Fiona and Elsa with sympathy-almost everyone in Ellington knew that they both had a crush on Her Majesty Tang En, but they never heard her alike. Concubine's news is good now, Her Majesty Tang En has her daughter ...

Who is her mother?

Everyone is waiting for Her Majesty's announcement. Unfortunately, Her Majesty's has never announced it.

Tang En covered his face and felt awkwardly: "So, no one can keep a secret of anything you know!"

Brian, hanged upside down by the activation rope, yelled, "Big brother! You can't blame me! Your little princess! Of course, this good news will be shared with everyone-in our land On the people's side, if anyone has a child, we will celebrate it a lot! "

"So it's your dwarf!"

Tang En couldn't help snarling, and his brain was blue and straight. "And humans need to conceive in October. I haven't come to this world three or four years ago. Where can I find her a mother !?"

"Oh my!"

Crouching by the side of the night, Ye Ye brightened her eyes, raised her hand and jumped up and shouted, "I don't mind being her mother!"

"Don't make a fool of yourself."

Tang En pushed her back without even seeing it: "What child do you even have!"

Ye Ye said, "It's because the puppet can't have children that I want to have a child! It's stingy!"

Fortunately, Fiona and Aurelia both witnessed the birth of Weinet at the scene, otherwise Tang En was afraid that he would not be able to wash up just by jumping into the Yellow River.

But even so ... this news has caused a great deal of trouble for Tang En ...

"Girl, daughter?"

Emerald Corolla, after Igwin heard the news that Grania brought back, the whole man ... no, the whole elves were aggressive.

Isari, who was next to her, was also holding her back. She touched her stomach subconsciously, and she was always working hard. Why was her stomach moving before someone moved? Lord Goddess, you must protect your people ...

Aigwin felt a weird sensation in his chest. It was obvious that Tang En hadn't said anything about it. Why did he suddenly come out with a daughter?

"Yeah yeah!"

Grantia was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He exaggeratedly said: "And the little princess is already two or three years old. He already has children!"

Eggwin was even more surprised: "Two or three years old !?"

"That's right! This guy is really awful! He has a daughter tomorrow morning, but he never said it! He wanted to deceive Lord Egwin ... Well, it was awful!"

Grantia nodded, but the indignation on his face couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

That bad guy has a daughter!

This is really excellent!

After hearing the news, Grantia immediately rushed to the scene to see Viennet who was sticking to Tang En, and then these days she was immersed in the ocean of happiness.

Don't get me wrong, of course, she is not happy for Tang En's daughter.

This is because ... why are you a married woman and daughter who have a daughter, and compete with me, Lord Aegwin? !! !!

That's right!

After confirming this news, Grantia's first reaction was-his confidant, his strongest rival, finally disappeared!

Wow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-

Grantia saw Aegwynn's "disappointment" expression and almost wanted to laugh out loud at once. Now how can you fight me!

Lord Egwin is mine!

No one can steal it!

"I'm going to Ellington."

Aegwynn said suddenly, and after speaking, she stood up immediately: "Yes, go now."


Grantia was startled. "Why? Isn't it, no, Lord Eggwin, why do you suddenly want to go there?"

"I want to see his daughter with my own eyes and send her a blessing from the forest."

The expression on Egvin's face was very calm, and he could not see the emotions of joy and sorrow, but Grantia knew that Lord Egvin was very disappointed with the man at this moment!

Yeah, he said clearly that he liked himself, but he didn't say a word suddenly, no one would be happy?

Knowing that Aegwin wanted to confirm the truth of the news, Grantia was not shocked: "Let's go then."

Although Lord Eggwin suspected that her intelligence made her a little bit unhappy, compared with the current situation, Grantia was happy to syncope.

Just wait for Lord Egwin to confirm that Tang En really has a child, and there will definitely be a flaw in the heart when he is disheartened. Then he will take advantage of the situation and quietly take down her atrium. Suck ... I will make you happy ...

Grantia had fallen into her dream. She didn't seem to think about it carefully. Even if Tang En was out, how could she win Aegwynn with her skill?

With a smile on her face, Isari rose gracefully. "I'll go too."

Grantia suddenly awakened and paused: "Her Majesty, are you going?"

Isali said with a smile: "Well, suddenly a little princess was added, and of course I'm going to congratulate myself as an ally."

"Oh ... oh oh."

Grantia nodded again and again: "Let's go together."

So the three of them came to Ellington together.

When they came to the Lord's Mansion and saw Tang En's arms greeted by a beautiful purple-haired little princess, their reactions were different.

Although Aegwin had a smile on his face, the smile seemed a little reluctant and his eyes were a little strange.

Looking back at Isari and Grantia, the smiles of both of them are completely from the heart.

Grantia aside, of course, Isary did not come simply to congratulate her, she wanted to confirm the bloodline of the little princess named Winette.

This Venetian is by far the only descendant of Tang En. After all, he is a messenger of God and has an extraordinary bloodline. If Vinnett really inherits his bloodline power, it means himself and Tang En. Offspring can certainly have great power!

After seeing Winnett, she looked up, and immediately rejoiced.

This girl really is extraordinary!

Although it looks only two or three years old, the whole body is entangled. Surrounded by a very strong magic power and elements, this magic affinity is almost enough to match the magic affinity body. What's more amazing is that Isari turned out to be young The girl felt a smell similar to Tang En's body, which means that this little girl perfectly inherited the blood of God of Tang En!

This is simply great news!

Isari's laughing eyes are all finished with crescents, and Bai Jing's slender little hand subconsciously strokes. Touching the lower abdomen, it seems that she has to work harder. The elves would have difficulty conceiving. If you do n’t work hard, you will have to wait for more She has fewer opportunities.

If you have a low probability, you just have to find a way to promote Aegwynn and him as soon as possible, right? One more person and one more effort, this is also to solve the problem of the existence of the elves ...

No, one Aegwynn is not enough. More sisters have to be launched. Remember that Elli and Sanye had mentioned some night raid plans? Maybe it's time to talk to them ...

Aigwin's eyes turned around Winnett and looked at Tang En: "Congratulations, my friend."

Tang En was shocked when she noticed her calm eyes, and secretly said that something was not good!

When he saw Grantia next to him, he didn't know what other moths had come out, it must have been the Lily girl who had run away and told Aegwin to tell the news-no, You should add some jealousy, the ghost knows what she said!

As soon as Tang En thought about this, her forehead almost exploded. This young lady's skin was too busy to repair her recently, and she really made her jump!

Now that Grace is over, I am afraid that I have a long free time to dominate and it is time to adjust. Teach her and correct her sexuality ...

Tang En silently glanced at Grantia. Grandia, who was immersed in happiness, suddenly got chilled for a while, and she didn't know what happened. When she looked at Tang En with a suspicious look At that time, I found out that the guy turned out to be happy and held it to Aegwin!

That's right!

The idiot said that he likes Mr. Egwin's fool, and passed his daughter to him!

He decided to break the jar and broke it, already planning to give up! ?

Aegwynn didn't say anything, but took Winnett with a soft face. It was unexpected that, with his fingers, Winnett didn't cry, but stared with big eyes and looked curiously at the beautiful girl in front of him. big sister.

This is his child, so beautiful, she must have inherited her mother, right? Her mother must be a big beauty. "

Aigwin hugged Weinet gently, she didn't know why, but she felt that her mood was very complicated, strange, and her eyes were a little bit astringent. It seemed like ... want to cry? Unfamiliar emotions dazed Aegwin.

Tang Engang just wanted to explain, a milky "mama" suddenly made the people in the room pause.

Grantia looked at her with a stiff neck, and saw that Vinnet in Aegwin's arms was glowing, waving her little hand and shouting "Mama" to Aegwin!

Eggwin was also stupid there.

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