Things from Another World

Chapter 1144: Who is mother?

mom, Mom, Mom! ?

Eggwin was aggressive.

How is this going?

I obviously saw this little girl for the first time, right? Why did she call her mother! ?

After Tang En froze for a moment, his eyes lighted up, and he almost wanted to hold Winnett and kiss two couples!

Little girl, do n’t hesitate to save you, beautiful job!

Winnet calls her father, and also mother Aegwin. This does not mean that they are born a pair!

Tang En was worried that there was no way to break the relationship with Aegwin, and Vinnett sent a **** assist. This girl is really unusual and has potential!

Grantia was now completely petrified.

What a joke!

Lord Eggwin had been with him and him just three years ago! ?

There are even children! ?

A word from Winnett was not far from Grantia's doomsday. For a moment, she even felt that the whole world had lost its color, and her life was completely meaningless ...

If she could, she really wanted to travel back to three or four years ago and kill Tang En at that time!


Isari covered her mouth and smiled: "I didn't expect it ... Sister Egwin, you move very fast ..."

"No, no!"

Aigwin even blushed, holding Winnett a little helpless: "It's really not my child-uh ..."

As soon as Igwen finished speaking, she found that Vennett's big eyes in her arms were immediately wet, and her mouth narrowed, and her eyes began to cry.

Eggwin, who had never brought a child, was dumbfounded and looked at Tang En for help.

It's almost like a new mom with no experience!

With a smile, Tang En took back Winette from Aegwynn's arms.

"Papapapa ... mamamama ..."

Winnet was crying and pointing at Aegwynn, apparently trying to sue Tang En: Mom didn't want her ...

Tang En comforted Weinet, thinking a bit weird, this little girl is obviously still so small, and the words are incomplete, you already know so much?

Having said that, two- or three-year-olds should have learned to speak, wouldn't Winnett who is not fluent in speaking look like a mentally retarded child?

"It's really not my child ..."

Aigwin found that the people around her looked at her meaningfully. For the first time in her history, she felt at a loss, especially now that Winette was crying and looking at her with pitiful big eyes, just like real It was the child she had abandoned that made Aegwynn inexplicably hurt ...

and many more? its not right! Obviously not my child, why am I suddenly so guilty?

Aegwynn froze for a moment, then suddenly felt a hand pulled, and looked back, it was Grantia.

Grantia's eyes were full of hope: "Master Aegwin, Vinette is really not your child? Right?"

"of course not--"

Before Aegwin's words were finished, Winnet's wailing voice covered her voice.

Isari's expression was even more intriguing.

I was still thinking about how to match Down and Aigwin, but now it is a chance ... If you do n’t take advantage of it, I ’m so sorry for the opportunity!

Isali said with a smile: "Sister Aegwynn, does it matter if Winnet is your biological child? The important thing is that she likes you and thinks you are her mother. As a great hero who saves the world, how do you Can you disappoint a little girl who likes you? "

Aigwin froze there stupidly. Although Isari was very reasonable, why did she always feel something wrong?

"What's more, this is still a valuable experience. If you learn how to bring children, you can take a lot of detours in the future."

After finishing speaking, Isari gave Tang En a meaningful look, and Tang En knew it immediately, and the excitement in her heart immediately!

Not only did she get squeezed by her on the bed every three to five, she finally knew how to repay herself, and for the past two years, she had to bear the weight of her breasts, and finally it was time to bear fruit!

All in all, Isari, GJ!

"But, but I have no children ..."

Isari looked at her with a grin: "Nothing now doesn't mean there will be no future."

"Yeah Eggwin."

Tang En originally wanted to explain the origin of Winnett, but looking at the current rhythm, he came along and looked at Aegwin with a pitiful look: "You have the patience to let me be a five big and three thick man Child? Look at her— "

Tang En squeezed on Winette's cheeky cheek: "What a tender and cute little girl, if I bring it, it won't be long before I become a wild girl ..."

Winnet looked at Tang En angrily, it seemed very dissatisfied that Dad described her as a village aunt, but she seemed to understand that Tang En wanted to help her to call back her mother, so she did not struggle, but looked pitifully With Aegwynn.

God ...

Suddenly Aegwynn wanted to pray to the goddess. What's the matter? He just wanted to come here to confirm the news. Why did he suddenly become a mother?

And if you look at the current situation, if you don't agree, you will be a bad person?

For a while Aegwynn. I don't know what to answer, even forgot to ask Tang En's most important question: Is this daughter really yours?

After a long thoughtful struggle, Aigwin finally couldn't resist Winnett's big watery eyes, grinning bitterly, giving up the dying struggle, and slowly extending his hands: "Well then, I will be her mother for the time being Right ... "

Good job!

Don En sent Winnet past, cheering in his heart, but the next moment, Grantia was crazy: "I would like to adopt Winnet with Lord Aegwin!"

Isari drew her to keep her from messing around: "Don't mess it up, their affairs have nothing to do with you."

"Of course! Because, because Lord Egwin is a mother and Tang En is a father, wouldn't it be him, they ..."

Grantia's eyes spit fire, how could such a thing be tolerated!

At the thought of the big pervert in the hot spring that he dared to do that, Grantia was angry.

Definitely have to find a way to destroy it, Lord Aegwin belongs to me, so that the big satyr can't be snatched away!

"Grantia, don't mess around."


As soon as Aegwynn spoke, Grantia shut up obediently.

Tang En looked at Grantia a little bit strangely. Then, is this little lady skin T or P? Seeing her aggressive attack on Aegwin's posture is like T, but listening to Aegwin's words like this is obviously a P.

Aigwin's unspeakable eyes fell on Tang En: "But, Tang En, can you tell me, who is her biological mother? Where is she now? Why doesn't she bring the child herself?"


Tang En just wanted to explain, a clear and bland voice came from behind: "What are you doing?"

Outeriya watched a group of people standing in the yard with a little doubt, and after a moment his gaze fell on Vinnet in Aegwynn's arms, and she froze slightly.

Tang En asked strangely, "Otinija, why are you interested in going out?"

"Because I heard something interesting ..."

Otinija came over and said, and unexpected things happened. When Vinnett, who was lying on her face in Aegwin ’s arms, saw Otinija, her eyes suddenly glowed, and she opened her little hand Hug, shouting loudly in the mouth: "mamamamamama ..."

Down: "..."

Eggwin: "... !!!"

Isari: "...?"

Grantia: "!!!"

It turned out she was the real mother of Winnet! ?

Can't see it! This big pervert didn't even let such a small girl!

Grantia looked at Eutinia's girly figure, and looked at Tang En in shock.

Hey little girl, your eyes are dangerous, do you know?

Having said that, you do n’t have a blind assist like Winnett! All the good rhythms just got messed up!

Moreover, Otinija is not a person who can joke casually, but they are the goddess of the eight children!


Otiniya frowned slightly, and looked at Winnet carefully. After staring at her eyes for a moment, she realized: "So ..."

Of course, Tang En's concealment method could not deceive Otinija, so he saw through the body of Winnett at a glance.

Tang En heard Otinija's voice, his eyes lit up: "Do you know what happened to her?"

Otinija declined to comment: "You first talk about how she found out."

Next to Aegwynn, Grantia was also very concerned about this, and each one raised his ears subconsciously.

So Tang En recounted the process of discovering Winnett briefly, and after listening to it, Eutinia thoughtfully.

what the hell!

It is not his biological daughter!

Grantia glared angrily at Don, wasn't this guy too weak? You must have been out of the house to get an illegitimate child!

Without one hundred and eighty illegitimate children, you don't look like a human king in silver at all, do you know?

Not only was Grantia a little disappointed, but even Isari was a little disappointed. After a long day of trouble, this little girl was not the child of the emissary, and she was really happy.

However, if this child can bring the Lord Angel and Sister Egwin together, it will be a contribution to the elves.

The only one who might be happier is Aegwynn. After listening, she realized that Winnett was not Tang En's daughter. Although she did n’t know why, she always felt a lot easier in her heart, and she did n’t know A faint smile appeared, and the focus of attention quietly changed.

Even this strange little girl did not have the heart to give up, she must be rescued, and he was really a very good guy ...

"... That's it, so what exactly is her identity?"

Tang En didn't know that he had quietly received a good man card from the goddess in his heart. He was waiting for Eutinia to answer his doubts.

From any point of view, Winnett's origins are unusual.

Otinija's answer was simple and rude, and shocked everyone directly.

"She is from heaven."

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