Things from Another World

Chapter 1145: Sure enough the most worried thing happened!

She is from heaven!

The simple single sentence immediately stunned Tang En.

Tang En took a breath of air, subconsciously glanced at Winnet, and whispered, "She ... is like you?"

Otinija shook her head: "No, strictly speaking, she is the same as you."

Areyoukiddingme! ?

What a hair!

Double wear is a taboo on the street!

Tang En stared at Winette with a messy look, subconsciously treating her as another traverser.

Outrigger immediately understood Tang En's misunderstanding, she explained: "I mean the identity of the messenger of God, not that she is from the same world as you."

Tang En was relieved, and then he thought of the information of Winnett.

Race devil, professional angel.

From heaven, the angel of God, is it not an angel!

Angel, not the kind of bird man with unknown wings and gender, but "the messenger from heaven", so it is not necessary to be surprised to meet angels with demon wings.


"What **** angel is she?"

Tang En has roughly made a few speculations that Vinnet must be a child of the Dark Gods, but he is still not sure who it is.

Otinija gave Tang En a strange look and uttered a few words in her mouth: "The creator of the devil, the **** of darkness, Apophis."

Sure enough, everyone at the scene was shocked!

Such a cute Winnet was the messenger of Apophis, the **** of darkness! ?


More importantly, why did Apophis send down such a young messenger! ?

What role can she play besides crying and selling cuteness! ?

Tang En is messed up, no matter how you think about this logic ...

Unless Apophis is a guy who only cares about his own interests and has no logic.

"Can you guess her mission?"

Eutinia shook her head, and Don En, looking forward, was disappointed.

If we know the mission of Winnett, we can infer the thoughts of the gods in heaven and the state of the world now.

If Winette was sent by Apophis for emergency, it means that when he came to this world, the world was already very dangerous. In other words, the actual situation of this world is now more than they estimated. worse……

If you say ... forget it, no matter how you guess, it's just guessing. The real situation may only be dug out later.

Now the real trouble is ...

"Mamamama ..."

Vinnet in Aegwynn's arms stretched out her hand and tugged Eutinia's hair!

The smooth silver hair is almost torn into noodles!

This scumbag who is in a different mood!

Both Down and Grantia were angry. Why didn't she know that Aegwynn was good! ?

Although Aegwin doesn't take care of people, he doesn't speak well, he can't express his feelings, and his chest is flat ... well, Tang En thinks he may have found the real reason why Vinnet abandoned Aegwin ...

Aegwynn is the representative of the earth goddess, and has the atmosphere of the earth goddess, so the angel Winnett will be close to her.

Otinija is a serious goddess, with a more powerful divine atmosphere, so she decisively abandoned Aegwynn.

In addition, although it's a pity, ... even if it's a girl of Otinia's body size, her chest size is a little bit stronger than Aegwynn!

Tang En has a pain in Aigwin. This is her only distraction ...

When these two advantages are superimposed, of course, Vinnet directly abandoned Aegwynn ...

Tang En even doubted that if Yilia came back from school, would Winette call her mother directly to Yilia ...

At this moment, Eggwin was very helpless. She managed to overcome the obstacles in her heart and was willing to accept this "daughter". As a result, this daughter was not good at all! Don't want her mother in a flash!

Apparently the decision was just made, and Aegwynn felt inexplicably disappointed.

She shook her slightly awkwardly, trying to make her change her mind, but unfortunately, Vinnet had determined Otinia with a slumped heart, and kept pulling her hair.

Strange to say, she didn't seem to be afraid of expressionless Eutinia, but instead giggled at her in Aegwynn's arms.

In the end, Aegwynn gave up and angrily handed Winnett to Otinija: "Give it, you must take good care of her."

Tang En himself was immersed in happiness-because the aggrieved Eggwin was so cute!

Otinija: "..."

Seeing her blankness, the jealous Egwin threw Winnett to Otinija: "Vintnet wants you to be a mother."

So didn't you make that decision very hard? Why are you so reluctant now? ?

Sure enough, Aegwin's arrogant attitude of uprightness is also great!

Otinija was holding Venet, it looked like a big sister holding her younger sister, but she still kept yelling "mamamama" in her mouth ...

If someone who didn't know it saw it, I'm afraid I still don't know how to curse the lucky pervert Lolikong!

Eutinia hadn't responded yet, why did things suddenly turn into this ...

Obviously I came here only because I was curious. Although I did see something interesting, why did I suddenly have a daughter?

And the child's father is still Tang En ...

It always feels weird ...

"Thank you for being wronged."

Tang En also cried and laughed at this slippery angel: "It's a little cousin, right?"

Eutinia is the daughter of Gritrens, the **** of death. Gretrens and Apophis belong to the Dark Gods, and are considered colleagues, while Vinnet is the messenger of Apophis the Dark God. In that case, it doesn't seem to be an exaggeration to say that Vinnet is Otania's little cousin.

It ’s just that my cousin is called cousin mother or something. It really looks like a strange shame play ...

Of course, Otinija doesn't know what Tang En is thinking, otherwise she would meet Emily and put Vinnet on Don's face ...

Glancing at Vinnet, who was very sticky in her arms, Otinija nodded slowly, behaving reluctantly to accept the task.


Outrigger said very honestly, "I won't take care of little girls."

"Isn't God omnipotent and omnipotent? Ququ should take care of little girls, right?"

"Who told you?"

Otinija gave him a rare glance: "We know a lot of mystery, but that doesn't mean we can do everything, otherwise why don't we solve chaotic creatures ourselves?"

As soon as Tang En thought about it, he clapped his hands and said, "Since it won't, learn it. It just so happens that we have an experienced good wife and mother here."

After a moment, Clara looked at the people in front of her aggressively: "So you are planning to let me teach Ms. Otinija how to raise children?"

Clara also heard the news about Winnett. She had always worried about her daughter ’s return. Of course, she also complained about Tang En who suddenly got a daughter. daughter……

"Yes! You must have learned so well and well-educated Elsa and Elias, haven't you?"

Aunt Clara was speechless: "You're wrong ..."


"You don't know what my previous physical condition looks like?"

"Please don't say these misleading words ... Uncle Abbot will kill me ..."

Aunt Clara rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't deliberately misinterpret my words, be careful I tell Elsa that you are making fun of me. Seriously, strictly speaking, I am a very failed mother, Elsa and The reason why Elijah is so clever and sensible is that they are sensible and have nothing to do with me. It is better that they take care of me and raise me. "

Tang En thought about it too. Clara had been bedridden for many years since she gave birth to Elsa. I'm afraid she didn't take care of her daughter ...

"I was negligent."

Tang En held his arms and thought about it. In addition to Clara, who else is more familiar with raising children ...

Fiona gave Aurelia a glance and said meaningfully: "Don't you have the most suitable candidate? No matter from which angle, she is the most suitable."

Tang En froze, looking down at Aurelia along her line of sight: "Oli? ... Oh! I almost forgot!"


Aurelia paused, pointing to herself: "I definitely won't ..."

Fiona said angrily, "Your Highness Princess, your mother!"

A word from Fiona reminded everyone present.

Yes indeed! Queen Olina raised Princess Aurelia by hand! And she is the only legitimate wife Tang En marries, and it is most suitable for her to bring Winnett!

What's more, Olina is a noble queen, very cultivated. The little princess taught by her must be very sensible and elegant, just like Princess Aurelia (?).

Thinking of this, Tang En no longer hesitated, immediately teleported to the palace of Yalinks, and brought Olena who was resting to Ellington.

"Hmm? Let me teach Ms. Otinija how to raise this child? Bring her with her?"

Olina looked dumb: "And this kid is still Down?"

Sure enough to explain again!

Tang En sighed. As soon as he was about to explain, an accident happened again ...

"I'm back!"

Ilya cheered and rushed into the gate of the Lord's Mansion: "Big Brother Big Brother I want to hug me I want to supplement my brother's strength-"

Vinnet, who was stuck in Eutinia's arms, turned her head, her eyes flashed, her little hand happily shouted, "mamamama!"

"Huh? Huh !?"

Elijah exclaimed: "Is she calling me !?"

Down: "..."

Otinija: "..."

Eggwin: "..."

Isari: "..."

Grantia: "..."

Clara and Orina looked at Tang En with a horror look: "... what did you do !?"

Sure enough, the most worrying thing happened!

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