Things from Another World

Chapter 1146: Elijah is a mother! ?

"So what's going on?"

Elijah held Venetian with a dull face.

The expressions of the people around were also similar, especially the joy of shouting "mamamama" by Winnett, and the sense of contradiction was even more explosive.

After all, Elijah is now almost fourteen years old. Even if it is so good, it ’s just a little girl. Tang En is not Stanley ’s perverted loli control (?). Of course, you wo n’t be surprised by Elijah. Thing-don't laugh, I'm serious.

But because of this, the sense of contradiction is so strong ...

Especially because of Brian's big mouth, Ellington also rumored that Tang En's favorite is Ilia's ghost news ... If uninformed people saw this scene, Tang En really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't understand .

Fiona couldn't laugh or cry: "This girl's thoughts have really changed for a while ..."

Otinija looked indifferent: "It's normal. Because she is Elijah."

That's right, it's that simple.

If Aegwynn is a torch in the eyes of Winnett, the weak power of God Otinia is a beacon in Winnett's eyes, and Elijah is just a sun!

After all, Otinija is only a weak **** of the dark deities, and Elijah is one of the six main gods of the dark deities!

The attractiveness of the two sides does not need to be compared at all, so Vinette, the unruly little angel, immediately changed her mind.


"I'm a mother? Big brother or dad?"

Elijah's face was aggressive, and she was a little happy at the same time. Doesn't this mean that her relationship with her older brother has gone further?


Everyone looked at each other. If Otinija was still a little perverted, the average marriage age of Prandall was 16 years old. Anyway, it was still within the acceptance range of ordinary people ...

But if Elijah ... Now she is 13 or 14 years old, and Winette is about two or three years old, which means that in the eyes of outsiders, she would have a child at the age of eleven!

This is so sad!

Even Stanley, who likes to abuse little loli, hasn't done anything so sad that little loli has a baby!

If this is passed out, I'm afraid that I will immediately take on the status of Tang En's abnormal silver demon Lori Control, and it is not a dream to catch up with Stanley!

Thinking about the possible consequences, Tang En shuddered in a cold sweat: "Still no more ... Vinete obediently, come to this mother ..."

Down takes out a lollipop and tries to persuade Winnett to put into Otinia's arms.

However, this jealous little angel, who identified with Elijah, held her tightly, but stared at the lollipop tightly-she didn't want to yield, but she didn't want to give up ...

"This little girl ..."

Even Aurelia is speechless. See if this situation is absolutely promising in politics!

"How to do?"

Tang En, Eggwin and others got together to discuss the countermeasures.

Fiona said with a smile: "Let's accept the big deal? Anyway, Ilia knew how to take care of Aunt Clara at such a young age. Isn't it easy to take care of a daughter?"

Tang En had a headache: "Don't talk nonsense, if I was known by someone who didn't know, I would be poked at the spine, and the big crab **** is terrible!"

"That's the truth."

Olina nodded: "In order to ensure the stability of Down's rule, he must have a good reputation and let Elija take care of Winnet's words ... it is too risky."

Although the people in the know did not say anything, they joked at best, and Prandall had the supremacy of power, and had no rights, but considering Tang En's future tasks, he still had to take care of himself among the people. Reputation issues.

Tang En was also helpless: "But now that Vinet has clearly identified Elijah, she can't even pull it ..."

"So we have to think of a countermeasure now."

Fiona slowly said, "It will keep Winnett and Ilia together without causing other people to guess."

Olina shook her head. "Then ... why would Clara have another daughter?"


Clara was taken aback by the words, and she waved again and again: "Don't be kidding, everyone in Ellington knew me before, and I wasn't pregnant. How could I suddenly have another daughter out?"

Moreover, Winnett's hair and pupils were purple, how could she not have a daughter with purple hair.

"Then ... can't be said to be Elsa's child?"

Although Elsa's belly is slightly bulging now, it is not very obvious. If you are observant, you may find that she is pregnant, but most people who are familiar with her will not stare at her belly. Humanoid Tyrannosaurus hit a game.

After hesitating, Clara whispered, "Then I declared that I had adopted a daughter? That way, she and Ilia could be easily explained."

Tang En clapped his hands: "This can be!"

The idea of ​​adopting a daughter is at least more reliable than having a daughter, so the matter was decided so happily.

Clara announced that she had adopted a poor daughter and recognized Elias as her elder sister, but this daughter is mentally retarded (?). She will not be called an elder sister, and now she will only be called a mother. strange……

Having been busy for so long, this can be considered as the trouble caused by Winette, but in fact, the trouble she brought is only the beginning.

Winnet ’s identity has been made clear, the messenger of the **** of darkness Apophis, but what mission did she shoulder, and why was she sent to the castle of Stanley by the demon, bound and corrupted by that magical array. There must be a deeper secret.

In order to unravel this secret, I am afraid that we must wait for Vinnet to grow up, and then wake up and fall asleep to remember it.

But does Tang En really have that much time?

No one knows this.

After helping Vinnett register her citizenship information, even if this little guy joined the Clara family, suddenly a little granddaughter was added. Adrien was happy to shut up. Elsa was young. He hadn't been with him, he had never enjoyed the granddaughter ’s feeling of being coquettish, and Elsa had grown up after he knew him. It was impossible to find his grandfather again, which made him feel very frustrated. But now Clara finally helped him fulfill this dream.

Adrien, who had just returned from vacation in the Great Rift Camp, found Clara and Elijah happily, and then saw the lovely granddaughter daughter, and she couldn't wait to stretch out her hands. Grandpa hugs! "

Winnet looked at him with big eyes blinking for a while, then turned her head and stuck her face to Elijah's face, ignoring him.

Adrian was hit hard, and instantly petrified.

"Ha ha ha ha, so don't look at old things and see that you have a second spring, but you don't like children at all!"

Aubrey Haha, who came back temporarily for a break, laughed: "Come here, let me teach you how to make children happy ... Vinette, come to Grandpa, Grandpa will give you candy."

Aubrey took out the artifact lollipop obtained from Down.

Upon seeing this, Winnet stretched out her small hand, and Aubrey felt a joy and passed her a lollipop.

After Winnett took the lollipop, he turned his back and ignored him.

Aubrey froze there.

"Hahaha, old guy, lose your wife and lose your troops, right? You can't lie to even a child with this little trick!"

Adrian immediately seized the opportunity to ridicule Aubrey, and the two began to quarrel over Winnett in the blink of an eye.

At the center of the quarrel, Winnett was licking the lollipop, and then she took the initiative to pass it to Elijah, letting Elijah eat: "mamamama ... qi ..."

"Mom doesn't eat, you eat it, be obedient."

Elijah tried to coax Weinett in her arms a little bit, and holding her in her body shape was really out of harmony.

The two old guys who were arguing stopped unexpectedly.

"Old man, I heard you right, Winnet's name is Elijah?"

"Old thing, I seem to hear it too?"

"How is this going?"

"How would I know?"

"Could it be that……"

The two of them thought of a terrible possibility, and suddenly took a cold breath, and looked at Elijah's eyes.

damn it!

Could it be that Tang En's dead pervert had already been working on Elijah a few years ago! ?

I hid my child quietly! ?

Not exposed until now?

And in order to give the child a fair birth, even wronged Clara and Ilia! ?

"I'm going to kill him!"

Hot-tempered Aubrey immediately pulled out his great sword, and looked for Tang En in a desperate look: "Ilia is still a child! How can he bear to fight her!"

"Calm! Calm!"

Adrian was calmer: "Think carefully and realize that it is actually impossible."

"What do you think!"

"Let's not say that you can't beat Tang En, you take a closer look at Winnet's hair. Ilia and Tang En are not purple hair. How could they give birth to a daughter with purple hair?"

"That's when Tang En has another woman outside! He also quietly gave birth to a child-abominable! He even asked Elijah to bring him a child !?"

"This ... it's possible ..."

Adrian was speechless, after all, men, it's normal to be romantic, it's not surprising that there are one or two illegitimate children outside.

"Yeah, huh ?! So it's even better to find him!"

Aubrey looked sad and distressed: "Ilia is still a child! That's why his reputation has been ruined by Tang En's bitch!"

Adrian said quietly, "It's not just Elijah's reputation that is bad ..."

In fact, Elsa, Ilia, including Aurelia, which did not have lace rumors with Tang En in the room?

Just nothing.

However, people's enthusiasm for Tang En's gossip news actually shows that Tang En's influence in the people is unparalleled.

So they said nothing, and Lian Hu killed Tang En ...

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