Things from Another World

Chapter 1147: Demon's Trend

"So, are you guys planning to get my accounts?"

Tang En crossed Erlang's legs, Tina stood beside and pouting and chuckling, and in front of them, Aubrey and Adrien were so embarrassed and embarrassed that they had just learned from Tang.

"What do you say !?"

Aubrey did not lose, and snorted coldly: "Where's Winnett's biological mother? Why didn't she come out? Why did she want to make my lovely Elijah her mother?"

"Did not Elijah and Clara explain to you? Elsa didn't say either?"

Tang En feels strange, Ilia is not sensible and does not say (?), Especially Clara and Elsa, they should be the most worried about misunderstanding, right? Why didn't you talk to these two old guys? And Parola and Elika now know this, too, will they explain it?

But they do n’t know, that is to say ... After they came back, they did n’t even ask, they just killed them!

It really is a fool with two muscles in his head ...

Down looked at Aubrey and Adrien with pity on his face, and then briefly explained the situation of Winnett.

Aubrey and Adrien listened to Down's narration. The expressions on their faces changed for a while.

At last, the two looked at each other.

"Old guy, that is to say, we voluntarily ran over to be beaten by this kid because of a futile thing?"

"It's not because your old thing is too impulsive!"

Adrienne was very annoyed: "If you didn't take my mind a bit, I can see the truth after a little analysis of this kind of thing."

"Well! What a big word! You're not as excited to die or live!"

"Stop you idiot!"

Seeing that they were going to fight again, Tang En had to mediate: "Don't fight, talk about business."

"Being serious? Is there anything more important than this?"


Tang En said angrily: "Vinette's origin has something to do with the devil and the devil. She was obviously the messenger that Apophis sent to the devil, but why did it fall into the hands of the devil? And she was also sent to Stanley. Corrupted by magic, there must be something wrong in it! "

"You're right, but it's a matter of purgatory abyss, how could we know?"

"So we need this!"

Tang En pointed to his head, and looked like iron and steel, "Since Winnett is related to the devil, now Winnett has been rescued by me, and Stanley's soul has been taken away by the demon. They will definitely know what happened here. I disrupted the demon's plan. Is there any abnormality in the movement of the demon over the Great Rift Camp? "

"Well ..."

Aubrey patted the dust on his body, frowning and said, "Nothing special this time ..."

The recent battles in the Great Rift Camp have been quite stable. Although the demons are fierce, the resources on Ellington's side have been continuously transported to the past. They have nothing to worry about, and the perfect combat materials have made the former Aubrey and Adrien tears. All over, let alone say that the blood of the goddess and the crystal of returning home are two major life-saving artifacts on the battlefield. It is not known how many dying soldiers have been saved by these two things.

Although the difference between the individual combat effectiveness of human soldiers and demons is very large, it often takes the firepower of dozens or hundreds of soldiers to kill a demon, but thanks to these two artifacts, in the Great Rift Valley camp, the soldiers of the Irus Empire They have a terrible low war damage rate. Generally, only the unlucky eggs hit by the demon's spell will die on the spot, otherwise, even if the fatal injury is caused by a missing arm and broken leg, they can save themselves in time.

So the war lasted for so long, and there were not more than 5,000 soldiers killed in the Great Rift Camp-don't think it was too much. Compared with the war with the demons in history, this loss was scary.

You must know that in history, only a demon can easily slaughter humans in an entire city.

In addition to the two life-saving artifacts, new weapons and equipment sent by Ellington can always be used in the first place. Comet motorcycles give soldiers a flexible high-altitude reconnaissance capability, and their ability to control the terrain is far beyond Once upon a time.

The large-caliber artillery and special missiles gave the soldiers powerful weapons capable of effectively killing the demons. Once the missiles were not killed, they were used for ten rounds, regardless of the consumption, they were piled up, and they could always pile up each other.

Armored tanks with heavy armor and fierce fire let human soldiers have the ability to fight against demons to a certain extent, which not only greatly reduced the survival pressure on the battlefield, but also helped other soldiers share a certain amount of attack pressure.

Immediately after the production of the experimental magic power armor, a batch was sent to the Great Rift Camp. The selected elites simply went through the power armor and went to the battlefield after a simple training. Come to help Klotto complete this powerful one-man combat auxiliary armor.

The magic power armor also brought great surprises to the soldiers. After the increase in power armor, the gold-level apocalypse can get a huge increase. Except that there is no realm, the actual combat power can be matched with the master-level apocalypse. This terrible increase in intensity is terrible.

Now the soldiers are very much looking forward to the mass production of Armor Power armor as soon as possible for everyone.

In addition, there is an electromagnetic sniper rifle that can kill the devil in a long range ...

A sky mother ship that can assist the battlefield on the extremely high sky ...

The situation in the Great Rift Camp has long been stable, and now it has almost become the training ground of the Illus Empire. All the recruits will be sent here to fight with the demon blood after finishing the camp training. Get honed by real war on the battlefield of blood.

All who can walk out of the Great Rift Camp are elite.

Because of the effectiveness of training in the Great Rift Valley camp, Tang En allowed Aubrey and Adrien to sit there all year round, and was very concerned about the changes there.

"Wait, when it comes to abnormal things ..."

Adrien thoughtfully said, "I don't know if it's considered ..."

Tang En refreshed: "Say."

"After the last incident, the frequency of demon invasions has decreased a lot, you should remember?"

Tang En nodded and motioned him to continue.

"Since then, the pressure on our camp in the Great Rift Valley has suddenly decreased a lot, and the soldiers have been able to take turns to rest."

"But things have changed a bit recently," Adrian said slowly.

Aubrey snapped: "What's changed? Why don't I know?"

"You idiot only knows to kill all day, what do you know?"

After Adrian sneered at him, he said, "I recently got feedback from the soldiers who came back from the battlefield. Although the frequency of the recent demons is still low, the demon's offensiveness has become much stronger, temper ... I do n’t know if those monsters have a temper, but all in all, their tempers seem to be more irritable, and their desire to attack is very strong, as if they are anxious to break through our siege. ”

Devil's temper?

Tang En laughed absurdly. Demons are devil corrupted by chaos. They are unconscious or even incomplete. What temperament can they have?


What Adrian found might be the truth.

The demons are anxious to break through the defense there to find something ...

Is it Winnett?

Tang Enmo groaned under his chin, but this is unreasonable. Weinet should have been sent to Stanley by the Komala bloodthirsty. Weinet's identity is so important. The senior members of the devil should know this. .

Now that they had sent Winnett over, it must have been planned, why are they in a hurry to get her back?

Or, is the devil's goal something else?

Tang En pondered for a long time, and did not expect that there was anything other than Vinnet that would arouse the interest of demons.

In the end, he could only say, "I know, you take a break first. If there is anything I find here, I will contact you. If there is anything on your side, please inform me as soon as possible."

"Of course no problem, but there is one more thing."

Adrien asked, "When will that magic-powered armor be mass produced?"

"Oh? Are you interested in getting one?"

Tang En looked at Adrien with interest. He was also a supreme powerhouse. Would he still be interested in that kind of toy?

"Of course I'm interested ... but not what I want, but I want to equip those soldiers."

Adrienne said with a smile: "The actual combat performance of the magic power armor is really great. After wearing it, the soldiers' mobility, defense, and offensive capabilities have been enhanced by more than a little bit. A person's combat power can be compared. The last ten people, if I can mass-produce soldiers as soon as possible, I will have the confidence to crush the devil! "

"I want it too."

Tang En sighed: "However, the current magic energy armor is only a semi-finished product, and the processing is very difficult. The demand for craftsmanship is very sophisticated, and it is not yet possible to achieve mass production like assault rifles."

"It doesn't require such a high production capacity, as long as it can have 10,000 ... No, five thousand, even if it is only five thousand, I have the confidence to completely block the Great Rift Camp and completely let the demons fall into despair."

"Five thousand ... You really dare."

Tang En laughed aloud: "Even if we are fully producing now, by the middle of next year, it will be a surprise to be able to produce a thousand sets."

"It's too slow ..."

"No way, the current magic energy power armor is too much to lose in actual combat. A large part of the production capacity of the production line is producing spare parts for replacement, and there is no excess capacity at all."

Tang En explained patiently: "Wait a minute, we have a new technological breakthrough here, and then there may be a way to solve the problem of process accuracy. By then, mass production will not be a problem."

Tang En refers of course to the artificial soul quantum computer "Eve".

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