Things from Another World

Chapter 1148: The terrible growth of artificial intelligence

With the birth of the artificial soul quantum computer "Eve", the entire research focus of the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute has changed. Now, except for the staff who originally had research projects in their hands, others have begun to follow Yusti. Alchemists of the Einzbelen family under His Majesty have studied artificial soul coding techniques.

After all, "Eve" technology is derived from artificial soul coding technology. All future functions are based on this technology. To quickly make "Eve" strong, you must have a large number of counterpart professionals to support it. Row.

Currently, Prandall does not have a university that specializes in training in this specialty, so he can only transfer these talents.

"My friend, come and see."

Klotto warmly invited Don to come to Eve, and then shouted, "Eve, here is your Majesty."

The magic energy projection lighted up immediately, and the fine light spots converged to form a fuzzy face, and the voice of Eve came from the speaker next to him: "Salute to you, Your Majesty, Eve is for you."

"Can it see me?"

Crotohaha laughed and said, "How about? Unexpected surprise? Surprise surprise?"


Tang En faced with a grimace: "Eve, what can you do for me?"

"It depends on what Your Majesty needs. Your Majesty's authority here at Eve is the highest and has all the power to decide."

After a pause, Eve slowly said, "I can arrange the most reasonable and efficient schedule for you based on the notes you randomly enter, and I can also report the weather schedule for the next month. If you If necessary, I can also give you some performance demonstrations. "

"But I do not recommend Your Majesty to accept my schedule. In the registration information, Princess Aurelia is actually in charge at present. Based on comprehensive calculations, I have concluded that Princess Aurelia's ability to govern is far superior to Your Majesty, I advise Your Majesty that you remain in your current state of life-although this result is regrettable, you must accept the reality. "

Eve's intelligence suddenly stunned Tang En. He pulled down Stiesa and whispered, "You have improved Eve's intelligence?"

Yusitsa nodded indifferently: "It was originally dare, but I asked Ms. Otinija privately about the artificial soul."

"What did she say?"

"She said the situation is no better than before, so everything is based on your will."

Yusita smiled and said, "So I assumed that the gods lifted the artificial soul technology, so I raised a little wisdom for Eve."

This improvement is not a little bit!

Tang En almost thought that it was a real human being talking to himself!

And just now it still independently judged Tang En's comprehensive governing ability, and then gave suggestions. This is more intelligent than the ordinary small secretary, right?

-Then again, what calculation does it use to conclude that it is inferior to Aurelia?

On the earth, all computer technology is based on the calculation of binary codes of 0 and 1. As long as the shape of the computer does not change, the principle will not change. Even the artificial intelligence of the bunker can only be based on the established Information yields a high probability result.

But Eve is different. All of Eve's technology is based on artificial soul. This kind of quantum-like thing exists. What technology does she use to calculate?

... Or, in fact, she is not a calculation, but a result of comprehensive judgment based on the information entered like a normal human?

If it's the second one, that's awesome!

In the second case, it can no longer be called a computer, but a living body with real intelligence! ?

Create soul with human power?

Tang En didn't dare to continue thinking deeply!

"Eve ..."

After Tang En paused for a moment, he suddenly asked, "Can you generate functional modules yourself?"

Eve blinked, and after a moment of silence, asked, "Please explain the concept of the functional module? The information is not enough to understand the meaning."

"It's an executable module with a certain function."

Tang En explained: "For example, I often need you to calculate some data, so you separate the calculation module and integrate it into a single module. If we need to calculate, directly execute that module, and then enter the data, and you will The result can be given directly by operation. "

"Another example is that I need to draw some images, but the function of drawing is not currently provided in your interactive interface. Can you generate a software that provides drawing according to my requirements?"

"Or, I need you to have a certain degree of entertainment, so you can automatically generate some entertaining games based on the functions I specify. These games are individually packaged into software and can be executed or closed at any time. These are functions. The concept of sexuality modules. "

After being quiet for a while, Eve said, "I understand what you mean, but I'm sorry, there is too little information at present to form a query database, and my intelligence is not enough to allow me to generate these functions by myself. Sex module '. "

Tang En understood, not that Eve can't do it. The artificial soul quantum computer in this form is almost omnipotent, but it is now like a child just born. The memory is still blank and completely. There is nothing to refer to, only to provide the functions that Yusita integrated them in advance, and its wisdom is not too high, and it is not possible to generate various codes to form specific functions.

But this also means that once Estesa further improves her intelligence level, and at the same time provides it with a sufficient amount of information, enriches her database, and after a lot of information available for reference, she can quickly grow to That step.

The speed with which this technology was upgraded scared Down.

And this is not the most terrible, the most terrible is that now Eve already has that ability, but it already understands everything, so it is deliberately hiding ...

Suddenly think about it!

It would be too trivial to have an artificial intelligence crisis in the medieval magical world of Plantar!

After leaving the room, Croto said with interest: "I have written down what you just said, and then we started to try to implement what you said. You reminded us that if we can use manual Soul quantum computers are more convenient for storing various kinds of information data than paper carriers. "

Tang En, who was absent-minded, said casually, "What's so surprising, your dwarf ancestors have already come to this step. Information dataization is an important step into the information age. It is inevitable in the development of civilization. "


Croto's eyes lit up: "You remind me again!"


"You say, with Eve's ability, can you decipher the mystery in that communicator?"

As soon as Tang En followed, he understood what he was referring to.

The interstellar communicator left by the prehistoric civilization ten thousand years ago (see Chapter 638)!

"This ... shouldn't work?"

Tang En is not quite sure. After all, the principles of these two devices are different. Even if Eve's ability is very strong, both parties cannot connect even if they have different data interfaces. What's more, how can they be cracked?

And the ghost knows what form of data encoding the goblin studied in that year, even if it can pass the data, I am afraid that it will be garbled when I arrive at Eve. How can this be cracked?

"I think you can try it."

Croto ignited his ambition: "The birth of Eve is beyond our imagination, what if it surprises us again?"

"Hopefully ..."

Tang En shook his head, then said, "If you really want to decipher, first solve the connection problem, and then the encoding problem. Do you know how difficult it is to decipher the data encoding of your prehistoric civilization from the beginning? You take Lolita. "

"But this is a hope after all, I must try it, otherwise I won't feel relieved! What if Eve really cracked the secret and gained a certain experience, suddenly a big step?"

Croto said and do it, sighing: "Nokia! Come and help me move my old ancestor's communicator to Eve!"

Tang En watched Croto as they rushed to work, and he meditated.

Let Eve come to crack another form of dwarf computer ...

What's more, Eve is just a newly born artificial soul quantum computer.


What exactly Eve's specific computing power comes from is not clear, it may be based on quantum state operations, and it obviously has near human wisdom, clear logical thinking ability, powerful computing ability + intelligent logical thinking, Already invincible?

But after all, Eve was just born ...

To be fair, Tang En didn't expect much of this, but it wasn't necessary to hit Croto too much, what if it really succeeded?

Really successful, Eve can absorb the successful experience of their ancestors from the various prehistoric relics excavated by the gnome, and quickly grow into a powerful new era intelligent computer. More importantly, the pygmy ancestors stayed Those fragments of civilization underneath may also be spliced ​​up again, at which time he will have a strong scientific and technological force.

To deal with chaotic creatures, the power of magic alone is not enough, and the power of technology is also indispensable.

At this moment, Tang En suddenly thought of a very important thing, his face changed slightly, and he ran to find Yu Stisa, and he pulled her into a quiet corner without a word, then he suddenly said with a burning look ...

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