Things from Another World

Chapter 1149: So shameless!

In a quiet corner, Stiesa, who was nibbled by Tang En in the corner, looked at Tang En in surprise.

Eye-catching Tang En suddenly said, "Have you added a core limit to Eve?"

"Core limit?"

Yustis tilted her head and didn't quite understand: "What do you mean?"

Tang En said very seriously: "It is to prevent Eve from becoming too intelligent to create self-awareness, and then start to resist humanity."

He has n’t learned anything else on earth, but he can learn a lot from so many artificial intelligence doomsday films. If there is no core limitation similar to the three laws of robots, if Eve develops in the future, he will be completely out of human checks and balances I'm afraid it's really the end of the world.

Such things must be vigilant in advance!

"Is it necessary?"

Yustissa was very puzzled: "We are its creators, just like its parents. This is the core message, and the artificial soul cannot defy the creator."

"Just in case, it's better to add."

Tang En didn't want to try his luck, but he didn't bring Asimov's robot laws over. The set of robot laws with unknown number of patches can not completely guarantee safety. In fact, he only needs one that can fundamentally It is enough to have the right to veto Eve.

Considering the rights and benefits of artificial intelligence? Now even human beings haven't completely got rid of poverty and become rich. Considering the treatment of artificial intelligence, he is not brain pumping, why do he want so much?

As long as he takes away the execution right of artificial intelligence, he can directly veto Eve's instructions.

Then again, the development of artificial intelligence beyond the level of human intelligence is inherently a matter of death. I really have to take that step. I am afraid that the general trend of society is not what he can stop.

"However, you don't have to worry about this at all."

Yusitsa spread her hands and said with a smile, "In fact, at the beginning of the birth of all artificial souls, we have already done a good job of guaranteeing that nothing will happen, and there is no absolute thing in the world. It ’s better to worry about Eve right from the start, and let it understand the true meaning of kindness? ”

Tang En smiled bitterly: "Well, then I believe you."

"Ahhhhh, yeah."

Yusitsa said with a smile: "Suddenly, I pulled people into the corner, and suddenly stared at me like that. I thought the Lord Messenger would tell me what was 'important', which made the family nervous. "Is my heart fluttering, but it just says that?"

"Stop it."

Tang En was speechless: "Your puppet body only has a magic power furnace. Where is the heartbeat?"

"So, the power stove is jumping, it's so nervous."

Yusita looked at Tang En with a smile, and put her hand gently on his chest and stroked: "Master, how can you compensate the disappointed lady?"

"I have to take a step in advance!"

Watching the embarrassing Tang En Cangjie fled, Yusita ’s smile was even brighter, and she said to herself: “No wonder they like to tune so much. Master, the messenger, it ’s really interesting to see him ... but is it a security risk ... "

Yustysa groaned, what Down said, the Einzbelen family had already thought about it a long time ago, how can they ensure that the artificial souls they created will obey orders and never betray their masters?

Their approach is very simple, adding the limit of the magic circle to the core of the artificial soul. Only a small spell activation is needed to completely collapse the artificial soul in an instant.

Because this magic circle is portrayed on the core of the artificial soul, no artificial soul can circumvent this, and the artificial soul never knows that there is such a deadly shackle in itself.

Although this approach is very inhuman ... But Prendall is not a beacon country that has broken the heart of human peace all day. No one will think about whether there is an ethical and moral problem that threatens the life of artificial intelligence. For people, easy to use and safe is enough.

"He really thinks long-term ..."

Yustis muttered: "Did it ever happen to such a crisis in his original world? How could he be so alert ..."

In fact, strictly speaking, the members of the current Einzbelen family are very similar to robots. Except for the soul or the original human soul, their bodies have all been transformed into alchemy puppet bodies, but even so, no one Will discriminate against them, but many men in Ellington are very interested in the young and beautiful girls of the Einzbelen family-unfortunately these technical otaku girls are not interested in dealing with them at all.

"But to reassure him, let me tell him this secret ..."

Yustis muttered and returned to the laboratory.


Learning is bad!

Even Feather Stisa failed to learn!

Tang Enqi was desperate. Where did this evil wind begin to blow?

Obviously he has always taken the initiative in secret, but now the situation seems to have changed. Since the appearance of Winnett, the status of the girls around him has been a bit wrong, which makes it difficult for Tang En to control the situation.

Originally, as long as the steps were steady and steady, the perfect ending could be reached. Now it seems that there are strange changes. They seem to have changed from passive acceptance at the beginning, and they like to attack aggressively.

In just a few days, Tang En has received dozens of winks and sexual suggestions. Amusing!

Even Elsa came to play around!

Damn it! This was absolutely impossible before!

Definitely what happened that he didn't know!

"Oh, Your Majesty!"

A slightly panic sound suddenly sounded, and Tang En, who was in a daze, looked up and thought for a moment, then said suddenly: "This is not Beatrix, how about it? Life in Ellington?"

"Thank Your Majesty for your anxiety, life in Ellington is very comfortable and I am very happy."

Suddenly seeing Tang En, Beatrix was obviously very excited and a little helpless. After shaking for a long time, she suddenly bowed and gave Tang En a big gift: "I was busy learning to sing and dance a while ago, so I have been I do n’t have time to thank you specifically, Her Majesty Tang En, thank you, thank you for our Principality of Shiraz ... Sorry I was wrong, it should be called Shiraz, thank you for revenge for our innocent and tragic people! "

Tang En only remembered for a while. The little princess of this city-state was arranged to be a "Battlefield Singer" by himself. He smiled and said, "Don't be so excited, this is what I should do, yes, if you If you want to go back to visit your father, you can go to Fiona and ask her to give you permission. "

"Forget it for now, it's too time-consuming to go home."

"No, no, believe me, you will get a surprise."

Beatrice pouted her mouth and said, "In fact, I won't go and it's okay. I met a lot of new friends here and learned so many things before I knew how ignorant I was. Recently, Sister Eli Lilly is taking advantage of Teach me singing in my free time. "

Tang En's weird look: "Alili? Sing? Are you sure?"

"Well, Sister Eli Li not only paints, she also sings well."

Oh, it seems that the elves have a good voice, and it is normal to sing well ...

It seems that Beatrix has accepted the reality, and she has become more and more smooth on the road of idols.

"How are you feeling on the show lately? Is there anything you are not used to?"

Beatrice's face flushed: "Basically I'm used to it, but ... just some things are very disturbing ..."

"what happened?"

"Since the show aired, it seems that more and more people have known me since I walked down the street ..."

This is not nonsense. The magic projection has just been launched, and it is now a hot new thing. Every show has a large number of viewers waiting in front of the magic projection receiver to watch. You can be regarded as the first screen idol of Prandall Isn't it well known?

"If that's the case, but ..."

Beatrice blushed and said a little shyly, "But I don't know what happened recently, and my family has started to receive a lot of letters. All of them are ... they are all embarrassing things ..."

Tang En suddenly realized, it seems that this is a fan letter from fans!

"That's a good thing."

Tang En smiled: "Explain that you are very popular."

"But there are too many such letters, and I have nowhere to put them ..."

Beatrice was distressed: "But if I throw it away casually, I'm very sorry for the person who wrote the letter ..."

What an innocent and lovely girl.

Tang En ca n’t help but, if it ’s on the earth, whether the fan ’s letter can reach the idol ’s hand, it ’s all the same, but Prandall has just given birth to the idol Ge Ji, and Beatrix does n’t have such consciousness, so fans Instead, you can directly write to her by knowing her address. It is estimated that the Ellington Post Office has been doing a lot better recently because of Beatrix.

"Shall I arrange it and change you a big house?"

"No, no need!"

Beatrice waved her hands again and again: "I'm very satisfied with the house now, only ..."

Beatrice played with her finger and gave a glance at Tang En, whispering, "I do n’t know what to do with the letters now, or, if you want to, please come to me and take a look. Some suggestions? "

Tang En just wanted to agree, but accidentally saw Beatrix's expression, and he murmured in his heart, lying down! Come again! ?

Lost in Jingzhou!

He has always been his sister-in-law. Today, he was unknowingly stunned, and was almost hooked. He was led to the house!

This isn't really Tang En narcissistic. As soon as she saw Beatrix's expression and recalled what her father said when she was in Shiraz City, Tang En was sure that this girl's mind was not pure!

If she really enters her house, with her fragile willpower, I'm afraid to wipe out the gun in a matter of minutes!

It's too much!

Tang Enyi filled with indignation, I kindly cultivated you as an idol, but you want to sleep with me, it is so shameless!

To this temptation, of course, the man must say, "Let's go."

... But Tang En, who was squeezed out of the juice and said that he was weak, do you believe that?

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