Things from Another World

Chapter 1150: Ellington's Mystery Store

Tang En can't cope with Isari and Lola every day, and Peltis, who is "falling in the autumn breeze" after three to five, is screaming one by one in order to continue his race. Other girls?

In exchange for someone else, now I am afraid that I have been squeezed into a cold sex. The only thing Tang En is grateful for now is that the gods may have strengthened his waist, otherwise he may have died before the woman. Belly.

So he slipped off with an excuse.

Seeing Tang En's departure, Beatrix was full of disappointment. After thinking about it, she returned home to change her clothes and went out again. Then she quietly got into a small alley. Here is a shop that looks suspicious. .

The outside of the shop is decorated in the same way as the magic material shop. The vines that we do n’t know where are blackened and woven into door frames. There are vines with pink flowers hanging on them. When you walk into the shop, you will smell a very sweet The intoxicating incense fragrance makes people feel dreamlike, and the decoration inside the store is also unique, completely independent of Ellington's current mainstream simple style, but full of retro-style fantasy style.

The name of this shop is "Source of Charisma".

A mysterious woman with a veiled body wearing a black veil opened the curtain and came to the counter, leaning on the container and looked at Beatrix with a smile: "Ah ... this is not the distinguished customer Ms. Beatrix, why? So, after using our perfume, can a dream come true recently? "

Beatrice shook her head: "Your perfume is really good, but it doesn't feel enough."

"Not enough? This is impossible."

The boss froze: "That's what we got from love flowers ... Uh, I mean, that's the essence we extracted from thousands of flowers, which can maximize the personal charm of women. A little bit of affection, after smelling this fragrance, it will magnify that affection hundreds of thousands of times, it is impossible to resist, and ... "

The boss looked at Beatrix: "In terms of the average human being, you are definitely a big beauty. Even if a man doesn't like you, he can never hate you. If you suggest it, you can't even refuse it. You're right. "

"But he did smell the scent, but he didn't mind ..."

Beatrix is ​​also very distressed. When she first discovered this perfume shop, she was also very surprised, but soon she fell in love with the perfumes sold in this shop. She sells not only this kind of magnifying affection. . For the "extreme charm", as well as custom-made perfumes that can highlight the unique temperament of women, this store manager will tailor a perfume for you based on the customer's own characteristics, which can maximize your personal charm.

As soon as Beatrix tried it, she immediately fell in love with the unique perfume prepared by the store manager for her. The smell perfectly matched her own. There was no suddenness. Although the price was expensive, she did not hesitate. Spends most of his salary here.

Because of this, she then slowly confided her distress to the manager, and only then got the manager's exclusive hidden "extreme charm" perfume.

"It's really surprising ..."

The manager tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Then come here at this time tomorrow, I will give you a more concentrated try."

Beatrix was overjoyed: "I'll be here after work tomorrow!"

"Remember to bring money."

The female boss blinked: "This thing is expensive. It costs 1 ... 2000 gold."


Beatrix exclaimed, "How expensive!"

The female boss shrugged. "So I said that."

As soon as Bitrice gritted her teeth, she turned and left: "Keep it for me!"

The female boss watched Bettys leave with a smile, and muttered to herself: "It's really like he said, no woman can refuse the temptation of perfume. Confusion ... But a higher concentration of lover flower extract Ah ... who does she have to deal with? The self-control is so strong. Forget it, it doesn't matter to me, anyway, I just help others. "

The female boss turned and pulled down the black veil on her head, revealing a charming and charming face, it was Lola.

The underground world has been peaceful recently. The dark elves and redstone dwarves are working for Tang En. All of them rely on Ellington's blood transfusion. In order to obtain more material distribution, they are scrambling for innovation and efforts to increase production capacity and increase their own. Contribution, who still cares about the battlefield, even if Lola is all right, he will sit down with Barod and drink tea and chat, and the men under him will love each other even more.

However, it is precisely because the underground world has entered a peaceful period that Lola has nothing to do. Seeing that Lorraine has always been very opinionated about regaining her queen power, she simply throws things at her back to her, and then in order to obtain The precious God made the blood run to Ellington and settled quietly.

Lola strolled to the perfume workshop without any problems, and then learned how to make perfumes. Then she used the talent of the dark elves to directly point this skill to MAX. Now she is well deserved by Ellington. Master perfumer.

Even the perfume workshop has accepted her many opinions and launched many new popular products.

And herself, she greeted Fiona, asked for a small store, and quietly opened a perfume shop here, because she was only interested and did not plan to make any money, so she did not advertise, and as a result, After a customer came to her house, her reputation as a mysterious perfume shop quietly spread among the ladies in Ellington. The money made in one month was enough to make some small business associations jealous.

Looking at the time, Luo stretched a lazy waist, closed the door, and snored, and transmitted to the Lord's Mansion immediately.

"Master, I'm here again for dinner ~"

Tang En, who had just sat down, hadn't warmed the stool yet, and looked at Lola silently: "Are you stepping on it?"

Lola sat very familiarly beside Elsa, then glanced at Elsa's slightly swollen belly, and said with a smile: "It looks like they will be born this year, or twins."

Elsa flushed, her head buried ... Alas, her chest was not large enough, so she buried it directly on the table.

She was also very upset about this recently, especially when others noticed this faintly. She often looked at her with different eyes, and even many people suggested that she take a good rest and stop training.

Even Depp secretly rebuked Tang En for being too irrational, and didn't know to take care of Elsa-they all took it for granted that Elsa's belly was bigger.

They did not know that Tang En was also very wronged. The child in Elsa's belly was his leave, but her belly was enlarged by Nora. The child in the belly had already been sealed, other souls. Can't get in at all, it's the body prepared for Taser Hackero and Murphy Hackshasa ...

Even Tang En was lazy to think about this messy mess.

"Speaking of which, have you been here too often lately?"

Tang En hinted Lola: "Don't you need to go back and take care of Lolin?"

Lola said casually: "Is the Lord Angeline distressed by Rolin? If you like it, I can call her too."

Tang En's face turned white!

Tang En is very fortunate now that it seems that both Sally and Lola have some kind of tacit understanding. If you come, I will not come. If I come, you will not come.

If the two of them sum up on this day, they feel that the efficiency is too slow, and the instant hit, the dark elves and the forest elves go together, and then learn from each other's strengths, and Tang En's life may be even more tragic.

Although it sounds exciting, don't think it's full of sexual blessings.

Isali is still in love with Wu and Wu, and she has such a good impression of Tang En, but she can't rise to love. Lola is even less emotional about Tang En.

In other words, in their eyes, Tang En can almost be regarded as a humanoid mussel, and there is no emotional communication in it.

Even though Tang En was very excited at the beginning, he could pay the public grain for a long time.

Originally, Isari and Lola came for three or two times a month. Tang En still had time to take a break, but recently Lola came too often, almost once every four or five days, once. One. Night ... If it were not for "Angus' local toughness. Hard surgery", Rao is Tang En's body and he can't stand it!

He didn't know until now that Lola had settled in Ellington.

Soon, a sumptuous dinner was served, and Lola was so happy that she didn't consider herself an outsider at all, and let Fiona next to her watch her eyes flicker.

Of course, she already knew about Tang En and Lola's business, but as mentioned earlier, because she knew that Lola had no emotional relationship with him, she didn't take it to heart. It was right when Tang En found something. (Actually more the other way around), after all, this kind of thing is not uncommon in Prendall.

But now, Lola is gradually getting noisy, and she is not happy.

It ’s a woman ’s friendship to give you a little bit of imported rations, but what does it mean that you ca n’t finish eating and take away?

After eating and drinking, Laura chuckled at Tang while taking advantage of everyone else's departure. "Today I encountered a very interesting thing. One of my customers failed to use sweet incense for his sweetheart."

Tang En shook his head decisively: "It's impossible! I can't take it anymore!"

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